Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 262 Seeking to Establish a New Emperor? !Ye Chengxue exposes the mastermind!

Chapter 262 Seeking to Establish a New Emperor? !Ye Chengxue exposes the mastermind!
"Kong Zhen, the governor of Shandong Province, did not do enough to suppress the bandits, which led to the rampage of the bandits. He was suspected of colluding with the bandits! Immediately dismissed, arrested and sent to Beijing, strictly investigated and dealt with!"

"In addition, governor Xia Yunyi was transferred to the military administration of Shandong, and Xu Fuyuan was transferred to governor of Shandong. We must do a good job in suppressing bandits and implementing the New Deal!"

Apocalypse ordered.

Because when Tianqi received this decree, he was participating in the court discussion, and Li Guopu, a scholar at the court meeting, stood up and said at this time: "Your Majesty, I think it is inappropriate. Kong Zhenshi was not effective in suppressing the bandits, so he should be dismissed and investigated. But Xia Yunyi He is a cool official! This person is promoting the New Deal in Henan, organizing peasants, soldiers and farmers’ cooperatives, agitating for the democracy movement, and frequently falsely accusing big households of rebellion instead of taking pleasure in liquidating their homes. Once he is allowed to go to Shandong, the implementation of the New Deal may turn into a scene of destruction. The bloody tragedy of the family! This is obviously contrary to the original intention of His Majesty's reform! After all, His Majesty's implementation of the New Deal is to enrich the country and benefit the people, not disturb the people and kill people!"

As he spoke, Li Guopu said: "Your Majesty, please withdraw this decree!"

At this time, Zhang Gui said from the sidelines: "Who made him Kong Zhenshi's ineffective governance!"

After speaking, Zhang Gui turned to Tianqi and said: "Your Majesty, from the perspective of my ministers, it is clear that Kong Zhenshi deliberately hindered the implementation of the New Deal, deliberately failed to suppress the bandits first, neglected his duties, and harbored traitors in his heart! In addition, it also shows that Shandong's officials and gentry are big I don’t know the fun, and I don’t want the New Deal to be carried out smoothly. Therefore, a capable official like Xia Yunyi must go! This is what they themselves insisted on forcing the court to do this.”

Tianqi nodded: "That's what I mean too. That's why I decided."

At this time, Li Guopu said again: "Your Majesty! Of course, Shandong officials and gentry may not know good and bad, but this may be because Kong Zhenshi really failed to govern, and he didn't know how to mobilize the people to cooperate with the new policy of the court and the suppression of bandits. Therefore, I ask Your Majesty to agree. I'm going to Shandong to supervise the New Deal and suppress bandits!"

After hearing this, Tianqi glanced at Li Guopu and asked, "Can you do it?"

"Your Majesty, I will do my best to carry out the New Deal, and never disappoint Your Majesty!"

Li Guopu responded and smiled secretly.

Zhang Gui glanced at Li Guopu, also smiled, and said: "Your Majesty, I think that Mr. Li Ge will live up to the holy will if he goes here! He has no experience in local governance, and he doesn't know anything about local governance. Going there will only harm the country and the country. Min! I think it's more appropriate for Xia Yunyi to go."

At this time, Tian Qi nodded and said: "Then Xia Yunyi should go!"

Then, Tian Qi said again: "But Tang Aiqing can't die in vain, Dongchang Town Fusi must solve the case within a time limit, and bring the murderer Hou Liu and other possible masterminds behind it to justice!"


Wei Zhongxian responded at this moment.

But at this time, Tian Ergeng, who was in charge of Jinyiwei, appeared outside the hall quickly: "My lord, I have something urgent to do!"

Seeing this, Tian Qi hurriedly said: "Speak!"

Tian Ergeng hurriedly said: "According to reports from people in Wang's residence, King Xin has not returned to the mansion for three days! Ever since His Majesty said that King Xin had never been called into the palace. In addition, I have sent thousands of Tiqi I have searched the entire Gyeonggi for a long time, but I have not seen King Xin."


Tian Qi stood up in astonishment after hearing this.

Chen Zizhuang said at this time: "His Royal Highness Xinwang is coming, how can he disappear."

At this time, Yuan Keli, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who had been silent all this time, was also very worried and said: "His Royal Highness Xin Wang is the younger brother of His Majesty. If he just went out of Beijing to play without authorization and did not return, it is fine. I am afraid that he will be hijacked by someone with ulterior motives. Standing as the emperor, I am afraid that when the time comes, His Majesty will inevitably have to commit suicide."

"You mean Liaodong?"

Apocalypse asked suddenly.

Yuan Keli replied: "Your Majesty is wise!"

After hearing this, Tian Qi said: "Wei Zhongxian! I limit you to find His Royal Highness Xin Wang within ten days. If you want to see people alive, you need to see the dead body! If you can't find my royal brother, you and Tian Ergeng, return to him." Without Xu Xianchun, no one would want to live!"


Wei Zhongxian hurriedly agreed, and panicked in his heart, he had to ask cautiously for a while: "My lord, do you still need to investigate the murder of Tang Ningbin, the magistrate of Shandong Xincheng County?"

Tian Qi said: "Find King Xin first!"


"Your Majesty, I think that if you say that King Xin is missing now, you should blame Uncle Guo!"

At this time, Grand Scholar Li Guopu suddenly said.

"Blame me?"

Zhang Gui also glanced at Li Guopu.

Tian Qi also asked, "How?"

Li Guopu said: "Your Majesty, you can tell a lot of things when you think about it. The most unstable ones are the Liao generals. Whether they rebelled, established themselves as a country, or even surrendered to the enemy is very likely! But Xin Wang disappeared at this time. Obviously, it is very likely that it is related to the generals of the Liao region, as Otsuka said, and it is very likely that they want to support King Xin as the emperor, so as to fight against the imperial court!"

"However, now the imperial court is going to implement a new policy internally. As the saying goes, you can't do two things with one mind. That's why, at the beginning, the officials of the Sanfa Division advised His Majesty not to kill Li Ruzhen, but to endure a moment of anger. After the new policy is fully implemented, it will be rectified. Bian Bei. But at that time, it was Uncle Guo’s remarks, insisting that His Majesty punish Li Ruzhen, which led to the instability of Liao today, and the disappearance of King Xin today, so how can we not blame Uncle Guo for this matter?”

"But killing Li Ruzhen is my official order. If you want to blame, you can only blame me first. If you really think that what I did is wrong, you can say it bluntly, don't blame Sang and Huai like this!"

Tian Qi said in a cold voice.

Li Guopu said: "Your Majesty, calm down! I have no such intention. I just think that since this matter is inseparable from Uncle Guo, Uncle Guo should also be responsible for this matter and go to find His Royal Highness Xin Wang instead of Wei Wei. Father-in-law undertakes this matter! And at the risk of beheading."

Zhang Gui understood that Li Guopu's sudden targeting of himself was to win over Wei Zhongxian.

Zhang Gui also made up his mind and said: "Your Majesty, since Mr. Li Ge said so, I am willing to use Ye Chengxue's guarantee of the head of Commander Ye within ten days. Forget it, find His Highness Xinwang within one day?"

"Why is it Ye Chengxue's guarantee for his head?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zhang Guidao: "Because Ye Chengxue knows where His Royal Highness Xin Wang is, but he is outside the palace and cannot come in to participate in court discussions, and he has not yet reported the matter to His Majesty."

"Xuan Ye Chengxue enters the palace!"

After hearing this, Tian Qi hurriedly ordered.

Ye Chengxue walked in hurriedly.

Li Guopu's heart skipped a beat here, he looked at Zhang Gui in surprise, and thought, "How does he know that the disappearance of King Xin is related to Ye Chengxue?"

Tian Qi had already started to ask Ye Chengxue: "Do you really know where His Royal Highness Xin Wang is?"

Ye Chengxue said: "Go back to Your Majesty, I don't know."

Li Guopu smiled knowingly at this moment, thinking: "Ye Chengxue really didn't let himself down."

Then, Li Guopu took the initiative to report first: "Your Majesty, Uncle Guo is deceiving the emperor. Ye Chengxue didn't know about it, but he said that Ye Chengxue knew. Isn't this deceiving the emperor?!"

However, at this time, Ye Chengxue said again: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Xin Wang has been at the minister's house three days ago, but today, the minister has sent him out of the mansion, so I don't know where he is now."

At this time, Zhang Guidao: "Your Majesty, I found out that Prince Xin had gone to the Ye Mansion through Xichang's eyeliner, so I said that Commander Ye knew where His Royal Highness Xin was, and it was not considered deceitful. I just didn't expect that he It’s just left Ye Mansion.”

Tian Qi nodded: "I understand!"

Then, Tianqi asked Ye Chengxue: "What is King Xin doing at your house?"

Ye Chengxue took out a letter: "Because His Royal Highness King Xin entrusted his ministers to hand over a letter to His Majesty, this letter was written by Mr. Li Ge, a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, to Zu Dashou, and the content of the letter is to make King Xin the emperor. "

Tian Qi looked directly at Li Guopu after hearing this.

Li Guopu kept looking at Ye Chengxue.

(End of this chapter)

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