Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 303 Doing things in a high-profile way, throwing 5!

Chapter 303 Doing things in a high-profile way, throwing 500 million taels!
Lu Xiangsheng stood up and said: "Your Majesty's meaning of doing this, I understand! But I think that before the traitor is caught, it is not suitable for His Majesty to conscript himself now! I beg Your Majesty to take back this intention!"

"I've made up my mind!"

After Tianqi answered without doubt, he glanced at Zhang Gui and said, "You and I have spent a lot of effort and money on the development of real learning over the years. Now, let these people secretly want to stop me People from Daming ZTE take a look at what we have developed over the years. By the way, let those who would rather watch the Ming Dynasty fall, and rather see that most of the Han people in the world have been slaughtered, even if they would rather let the barbarians enter China as the main force, and play the former Yuan Dynasty again. Shi, I don’t want the common people to live like human beings, and I don’t want people who continue to grow stronger in Ming Dynasty to know that no matter how hard they try, they can’t stop the way of Ming Dynasty’s rise to prosperity!”

Zhang Gui understood who Tianqi was talking about, and also knew what Tianqi said inside and outside the meaning.

Zhang Gui knows that Tianqi is more eager than his relatives to rejuvenate Daming and keep Daming Guozuo; he also knows that all the current obstacles are still because many people are refusing to transform, refusing to change, and still stubbornly want to maintain the status quo. Some Confucian ethical and religious orders want to continue to live the life of a landlord who can freely enslave and exploit the people.

After all, the idea of ​​landlords who only want to fool the people and herdsmen is a tradition of thousands of years, and many people feel that this tradition should continue to exist, and they should not overthrow him or change him.

Even if barbarians destroy China, they must obey this tradition.

Zhang Gui then stood up solemnly and said: "I support Your Majesty's personal conquest. I am willing to spend 500 million taels of silver to repurchase the shares of Maoshan Iron Mine for Daming, so as to stabilize the stock price of Maoshan Iron Mine and stabilize the hearts of the people." It can also be regarded as a statement from the minister, the minister is willing to believe that His Majesty will succeed in his own conquest, the siege of Maoshan can be resolved, and the Ming Dynasty will be rejuvenated!"

Chen Zizhuang looked at Zhang Gui, for Zhang Gui's behavior of throwing 500 million taels of silver in order to express his belief in Daming Zhongxing, he was secretly admiring and ashamed at the same time.

He had to admit that in terms of betting on the fortunes of the country, many of his civil servants and bureaucrats were really inferior to this uncle of the country. Look at those people in the court who deliberately wore patched clothes and said that they were too poor to eat hard cakes Just know.

Chen Zizhuang asked himself that he was not a person who valued profits over righteousness, so he followed suit: "I would also like to spend 300 million taels to buy back stocks. Anyway, these are earned from His Majesty's grace, and now I will give them back to the court to stabilize the hearts of the people." , It’s nothing. By the way, I also want to prevent someone from taking this opportunity to stir up the public, slander the New Deal, and say that there is a loophole in our reform and there is no way to deal with it!”

Yuan Keli glanced at Zhang Gui with a complicated expression. He always felt that Zhang Gui was so generous not only because he wanted to show his loyalty. In his opinion, Uncle Zhang Guo was probably holding back some big moves.

But in any case, Yuan Keli has to admit that stabilizing the stock price right now is indeed very important to stabilizing the hearts of the people, and it is indeed conducive to making the people more willing to trust the imperial court and helping the imperial court to maintain its prestige.

Therefore, Yuan Keli followed closely behind Chen Zizhuang, saying: "I am also willing to use the 200 million taels earned to buy back stocks, so as not to shake the foundation of the society."

Han Yu and Wei Zhongxian also followed suit, willing to use the money they earned to buy back stocks, so that Tianqi could understand that they were also loyal and willing to tie their own interests to the fate of the country.

Tian Qi was very moved by this, and said: "Da Ming will definitely live up to Qing and others!"

"Uncle Guo, I have something to ask for advice."

Yuan Keli, on the other hand, walked up to Zhang Gui after leaving Xiyuan, and took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Zhang Gui knew what he was going to say, so he didn't refuse, and said with a smile: "Master Otsuka, just ask."

"I also agree with Dasinong's point of view. At this time, we can't exhaust our resources, but why bother you and me to buy it back with money? To stabilize the stock price, you can directly use the national money!"

Yuan Keli said.

Zhang Gui smiled, looked ahead and said, "Don't Mr. Otsuka think that only in this way will it be easier to stabilize the hearts of the people, and it will also help to defeat those people with ulterior motives in public opinion! In addition, only by doing this will we be able to make those people feel better in the future." It is even more difficult for a selfish person who has no king and no country!"

After Yuan Keli thought about it, he shook his head and said with a smile, "Uncle Guo!"

Then, Yuan Keli asked Zhang Gui: "So, Uncle Guo is about to find out who is passing the message to Jian Nu behind the scenes?"

Zhang Gui nodded: "Of course!"


"Has the news spread out?"

A civil official in a python robe was sitting on a grand teacher's chair at this time, and asked with a cold gaze a young man named Dong Tingxian who came to report to him.

Dong Tingxian replied: "It has already been disseminated. The newspapers and periodicals we bribed will try their best to report and analyze that the Maoshan Iron Mine's stock offering is actually a conspiracy of treacherous ministers Zhang Gui, Chen Zizhuang, Yuan Keli and others to collect money."

The man in the boa robe sneered coldly after hearing this: "That's good! In addition, let Eunuch Cui inquire carefully whether His Majesty wants to conscript himself."


This Dong Tingxian agreed, and then said: "Wansheng has the courage to ask, this is also the meaning of Eunuch Cui in the palace. Are we really going to give up the Maoshan Iron Mine to Jianu?"

After a long while, the python-robed official nodded: "That's right! I'd rather give you a barbarian than destroy my Confucian ethics!"

Dong Tingxian was quite puzzled after hearing this: "Wan Sheng naturally understands, but how can you explain that this is right?"

The man in the boa robe said with a smile: "Although Maoshan Iron Mine is owned by Jiannu, Jiannu will not dare to monopolize it alone. At that time, as long as Eunuch Cui is willing to do things for Jiannu sincerely, it will naturally benefit him!"

Dong Tingxian nodded after listening: "Understood!"

Then, Dong Tingxian asked again: "So, according to the meaning of Ge Lao, we really want to serve Jiannu as the master, and help Jiannu to be the master of China in the future?"

"I haven't reached this point yet! But in my opinion, I would rather let the barbarians be my Chinese lords than sit back and watch the tyrant and his favorites turn the world into a world where the king and the Han people share the world! Such a situation Is there still dignity in the Han world?"

The man in the python robe said.

Dong Tingxian echoed: "What Ge Lao said is true. To put it bluntly, Wan Sheng said that the emperor of his Zhu family wanted to keep his own country, which is understandable, but we meat eaters actually only want to enslave the most docile and hardworking Han people. Living a life of peace and wealth, how can I really make myself become unseemly and become a bandit for the continuation of his Zhu family's country!"




At this time, in the capital, there have been many newspapers and periodicals reporting the news that Jiannu besieged the Maoshan Iron Mine.

The people had indeed panicked.

In addition, as Dong Tingxian said, the people he arranged are already taking advantage of this opportunity to spread speeches that slander reformist ministers and the New Deal.

"This time Maoshan Iron Mine issued shares, it was the treacherous ministers like Uncle Zhang Guo of the court who deliberately took this opportunity to cheat everyone's money! The dividends of the money before were just done on purpose."

"If you don't believe me, you can see if the Trading Department of the Ministry of Accounts will still trade stocks."

"They are just taking this opportunity to make money, and they are all thieves who steal people's wealth!"

After Dong Tingxian heard these remarks that had begun to slander Zhang Gui and other reformist ministers, he was very pleased.

"The so-called Reform and New Deal is just an excuse to make money!"

"Those who support the reform are rich enough to rival the country, why? It is said that stealing the country's money and people's wealth is huge!"

"There is no such thing as the Maoshan Iron Mine, it is just a fabrication, and now it is fabricating the news that a Jian slave is besieging Maoshan, deliberately taking this opportunity to swallow the wealth of the people of the world!"

"Return the wealth of the people of the world!"

"The traitor pays back the money!"


Dong Tingxian also found that after the Tianqi Dynasty promoted the newspaper industry in many Ming Dynasty, there were many anonymous postings on the bulletin boards set up in various workshops, and the postings were also quite blatantly slandering the New Deal.

Dong Tingxian was even more satisfied.

But at this moment, a newspaper boy suddenly ran over and shouted: "Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! Deng Wen, the Trading Department of the Ministry of Accounts, said that stock trading would not be closed! In addition, Sui Guogong decided to invest 500 million taels to buy back stocks! Big Zong Bo decided to invest 300 million taels to buy back stocks..."

Then, there was another gong.

Dong Tingxian looked back, only to see that there was indeed a servant of the Duke of Sui, carrying boxes of silver, coming towards him, and holding a banner, which read, "The Duke of Sui bought back the Maoshan Iron Mine for the country." The word "stock".

Very loud!

Then, Dong Tingxian saw a huge team appearing on the street in front of him, carrying boxes of silver, and some people held banners saying "Minister of Rites Chen Zizhuang bought back Maoshan Iron Mine shares for the country".

Dong Tingxian immediately turned cold because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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