Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 304 The public opinion reversed, the surnames praised Zhang Gui and others!

Chapter 304 The public opinion reversed, and the people praised Zhang Gui and others one after another!
Dong Tingxian did not expect that these reformist ministers would spend millions of taels to buy back stocks.

"Uncle Zhang Guo and these people are really so selfless? Millions of taels of silver, if you want to give it out, you will take it out! People don't do it for themselves, and heaven and earth will destroy them. Why didn't the heavens punish these people!"

Dong Tingxian gritted his teeth because of this, and slandered in his heart.

From the moment the official newspapers such as "Da Ming Daily" reported that the Trading Department would continue to trade Maoshan Iron Mine stocks, and when reformist ministers such as Zhang Gui took the initiative to put up the banner that they would spend money to buy back stocks, Dong Tingxian knew what they were doing. All the efforts and all the remarks made to slander Zhang Gui and other reformist ministers and slander the New Deal will become pale and powerless!

So, how could this not make Dong Tingxian angry!
"It turns out it's true, the Department of Accounts and Transactions is open!"

"Uncle Zhang Guo and Uncle Da Zong's repurchase of stocks is also true! I just sold the stocks in my hand in the Trading Department of the Ministry of Households, but when I changed hands, I saw with my own eyes that they were bought by Uncle Guo's people with money."

When Dong Tingxian passed by the yamen set up by the Department of Household Transactions outside the Daming Gate alone, he could already hear some scholars and people coming out excitedly with silver.

"Although the stock price has indeed fallen, the imperial court is still willing to let us sell the stock. This shows that the imperial court is not trying to swallow our money. The rumors spread by some people before are false!"

"Now that I think about it, some people are really hateful! They actually slandered the imperial court, slandered good officials like Uncle Guo and Uncle Dazong, saying that they wanted to swallow our money, that they implemented the New Deal and issued stocks for the sake of making money. , Where is this, people are willing to let go of stocks when the stock price rises sharply, and are willing to buy back when the stock price plummets, which shows that they are really wholeheartedly serving the country, rather than competing for profits with the people."

"That's right! Now that I think about it, the ministers who preside over the New Deal in the Policy Department, Uncle Guo and Uncle Da Zong, are more responsible than those hypocrites who pretend to be poor and say that they only eat pancakes every morning, but actually eat venison all the time." Much stronger."

"That is, what use are those hypocrites to the country and the people besides pretending to be clean and honest? When it really comes time to save the people from fire and water, they can do nothing! Only when they take advantage of the people, they rush to strike first. Under the banner of fighting for the interests of the people, forcing the court to give them benefits! It's disgusting!"

"Suddenly I don't want to sell the stocks in my hand at a low price!"

"Because I speculate with my humble heart, if Uncle Guo and the others are really doing this for their own benefit, it means that they know very well that the Maoshan Iron Mine is indeed worth investing money and sharing profits. Maybe they have already Know in advance that the siege of slavery has been broken."

"Even if this is not the case, it shows that the ministers in charge of the New Deal like Uncle Guo are really concerned about the country and the people! They actually don't pay for their own money, admonishing His Majesty to order the Ministry of Households to buy back with national funds is considered to be for the sake of the people of the world. , and now they buy it back with their own money, without using state funds, which shows that they not only understand the people of the world, but also understand the court!"


Dong Tingxian felt even more uncomfortable after listening to the discussions of these Daming stockholders from outside the Trading Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda, the civil servants who used to pretend to be clean in the court, felt very sad after hearing these words.

Especially when the scholars say that they are useless, and they don't know how to stand up and take responsibility at this time.

Kong Zhenyun was so angry that he put a bowl of porridge on the table heavily, and angrily got up and said, "These unreasonable people! It's really unreasonable! My poor family can only eat porridge now. How can there be any food?" Take out the money to control their lives!"

Wu Zongda, who was also drinking porridge at Kong Zhenyun's place, echoed, "What do ordinary people know? What's really abominable is Uncle Zhang Guo and other reformist ministers. They buy back stocks if they want to buy back stocks. Why are they so high-profile and non-provocative?" The city was full of wind and rain, and he carried boxes of silver all over the street, fearing that others would not know that he was sacrificing his own interests for the country and the people!"

Kong Zhenyun said sourly: "There is no way, who doesn't want the good deeds he has done to be known by everyone in the world? If I sell all the stocks when the stock price is soaring, and earn several million, I will also get a few 10 taels of gongs and drums will make His Majesty happy, and the people will also be happy."

As he spoke, Kong Zhenyun held Wu Zongda's hand: "What are you doing! You've already eaten my bowl of porridge!"

"Why are you so petty, let me take another bowl? You don't know that I am really poor now. I can only buy enough rice by waiting for my slave to go to the Department of Household Trading to exchange stocks for silver. It's time to cook."

Wu Zongda struggled to get his hands out of Kong Zhenyun's grasp as he spoke, and picked up a bowl of porridge on the table and drank it in big gulps.

Seeing this, Kong Zhenyun was furious: "My surname is Wu, don't go too far! You are a cabinet scholar!"

Kong Zhenyun was about to scold Wu Zongda, but suddenly he heard a scent coming from outside.

"It smells so good!"

Kong Zhenyun couldn't help but followed the incense, and saw outside the door, the Chen Mansion on the opposite side was already crowded with cars and horses.

Wu Zongda also followed, and said sourly: "This Chen family is hosting a banquet again, and it seems that it is hosting a banquet for people from major newspapers. No wonder the public opinion has changed so quickly. However, this Chen Jisheng only spent 300 million taels. Repurchasing shares and continuing to entertain guests and friends shows how rich he is now! It is truly enviable!"

Kong Zhenyun pursed his lips and licked his tongue and said, "This is the cook from Zhaixinglou, otherwise there would be no such fragrance. This fragrance is really memorable!"

Kong Zhenyun touched his stomach as he spoke.

Seeing this, Wu Zongda said: "Hungry? Let's drink porridge!"

Kong Zhenyun: "..."

"Hurry up! Don't dawdle! Brother Changwei, that's him. He's spreading rumors, saying that the imperial court issued the shares of Maoshan Iron Mine to swallow up the wealth of the people!"

"Let's go, follow us to the factory guard! You took the opportunity to slander the New Deal at this time, obviously sent by the treacherous ministers pretending to be poor in Kongchizhou, right?!"

At this time, it happened that many people outside spontaneously tied up some people and walked forward, and even cursed and said that they would send these tied up people to the factory guard.

It turned out that after Tianqi decided not to stop the stock trading of Maoshan Iron Mine, and Zhang Gui and others invested in repurchasing the stock, and after the public opinion reversed, the people with higher awareness began to take the initiative to sue some people who tried to discredit the New Deal to the East. Changzhen Fusi even personally escorted and sent it.

But when Kong Zhenyun heard it at this time, he was quite angry for a while, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth: "It's too much! These troublemakers are really too much, how can you scold me like this! You actually say that I am a traitor!"

Kong Zhenyun was out of breath for a while, he had to admit that since the emergence of Xichang and began to use the "Daming Daily" to instigate some people to maliciously speculate about courtiers and scholar-bureaucrats, he wanted to write some honest stories worthy of being left as a good story for future generations It's getting harder!

At this time, Dong Tingxian also saw that the people he sent out to spread slanderous words about the New Deal were actually arrested by some people.

This made him very annoyed, and he slandered: "The troublemakers are hateful!"

"Your Majesty has a decree! The inner court allocates 1000 million taels of internal funds to buy back stocks to stabilize the hearts of the people!"

And not long after Dong Tingxian's slander, Wei Zhongxian brought a team of eunuchs to the yamen of the household department with beating gongs and drums, and brought many boxes of silver.

For a while, the people who came to the Trading Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs were even more moved, and many people began to shout long live the emperor.

Dong Tingxian's complexion became even uglier.

(End of this chapter)

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