Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 305 People's hearts have changed drastically, all please order to punish Confucian offi

Chapter 305 People's hearts have changed drastically, all please order to punish Confucian officials!
Dong Tingxian knew that at this moment, the stock price of Maoshan Iron Mine might really stabilize.

In other words, people like myself want to use Jiannu to surround the Maoshan Iron Mine, make the shares of Maoshan Iron Mine worthless, and force the emperor and reformist ministers to ignore public grievances for their own benefit. Fuck!
Dong Tingxian had to admit that he still misjudged the courage of people like Emperor Tianqi and Guojiu Zhanggui.

He found that these people really wanted to save the country, they really wanted to rejuvenate Daming.

It’s just that the revival of Ming Dynasty means that Confucian ethics must be completely abandoned.

This is unacceptable to him.

As Liu Zongzhou said, if the rejuvenation of the Ming Dynasty was achieved at the expense of Confucian ethics and sages, then such a rejuvenation would not matter.

Dong Tingxian also had the same idea at this time.

"Hmph! The stock price of Maoshan Iron Mine cannot be stabilized! If it is stable, there will be no chaos, and if there is no chaos, nothing will happen!"

After Dong Tingxian met the spy Eunuch Cui, he came to this mangpao man again, and talked about the apocalypse and reformist ministers who suddenly repurchased stocks when the stock plummeted, which stabilized the stock price of Maoshan Iron Mine. Regarding the matter of living, the man in the python robe said a few words angrily.

"Ge Lao! Since this is the case, what should we do?"

"In addition, Eunuch Cui said that the emperor has decided to conscript himself, and he will issue an imperial edict in the near future. This edict will undoubtedly inspire the confidence of the scholars and people to invest money for the imperial court."

Dong Tingxian frowned and asked.

The man in the boa robe thought for a while and said, "Since that's the case, we can only let Jiannu issue a call to help His Royal Highness King Zheng in order to calm the disaster!"

Dong Tingxian immediately raised his eyebrows and said: "Mr. Ge's plan is brilliant! Otherwise, it's really not enough for him to let Zhu Youxiao know that he has already reached the point of anger and resentment by acting so perversely!"


Half a month later, when all the food, grass and supplies used by Yiying's personal expedition were being transported out of the pass one after another and Maoshan reinforcements had been sent out in advance, Tianqi received a call from Jiannu to accept Zheng Wang Zhu Yizhong's request to help him face the difficulties of Tianjing.

"The proclamation said that treacherous ministers and ministers, etc., deceived His Majesty to turn against the leader, used military force, betrayed the famous religion, and tampered with the ancestral system, so they have aroused the wrath of heaven and the people! They have to follow the way of heaven and people's hearts, and help King Zheng crusade against His Majesty. , to correct the immorality of my nephew and grandson."

On this day, at the court meeting, Lu Xiangsheng, Minister of the Ministry of War, reported the content of the call to Tianqi.

After hearing this, Tian Qi said in a deep voice: "It seems that King Zheng, my emperor's great-uncle, went to build slaves quietly? Not only did he go to build slaves, but he also wanted to use the power of build slaves to crusade against me!"

Speaking of this, Tian Qi laughed back angrily: "This is really a strange thing that has never been heard in ancient times! A dignified vassal king actually wants to flee to the Tartars to rebel against me! Is it so unbearable to be ruled by me?"

"It just doesn't make sense!"

Tian Qi suddenly yelled, and said: "You say, in the Ming Dynasty, did the etiquette system have the final say, or the ancestral system has the final say?!"

"Answer me!"

Tian Qi said another sentence angrily.

This is indeed a big blow to him.

After all, even a suzerain vassal would turn to Jianshou because he opposed his government orders, and even negate all his efforts.

Which emperor can bear this.

At this time, the man in the python robe who was also in the court hall secretly laughed when he saw this, he just wanted to see Tian Qi's distraught look.

As Zhang Gui said before, if the Ming Dynasty wants to seize external resources to solve the domestic crisis, reverse the national destiny, and achieve ZTE, the biggest challenge is the people's concept of ritual and ancestral system, that is, whether they can accept the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. Government, no longer abide by Confucianism, no longer implement the policy of oppressively domestically, and preferentially treat prisons externally.

Now, King Zheng, who absconded to become a slave, and secretly fueling the flames, intending to prevent the imperial court from adhering to the external expansion strategy, and internally helping the peasants and workers to get rich, such as this python-robed official, are all because they cannot accept the change in the ruling strategy of the Ming court. , and made corresponding acts of treason and injustice.

Affected by this, he actually opposed the imperial court's strategy of expanding externally and internally tying up the common people to reduce the degree of exploitation of the common people. However, Qian Maoxiang, the right servant of the Ministry of Officials who was dissatisfied, resolutely came out of the court at this time, and wrote:
"Your Majesty! Your Majesty has the final say in Ming Dynasty. But the king is the ruler of the world, and he should conform to the will of the people! Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, so he should conform to the will of the people all over the world. The government that His Majesty is doing today is indeed against the displeasure of the world. , which resulted in such consequences.”

As he said that, Qian Maoxiang said again: "I beg your majesty, don't go further and further on the road that violates the principles of sages and the hearts of the people in the world. Today is a vassal king who went to become a slave, and I am worried about the future. Betrayed His Majesty!"

Qian Maoxiang burst into tears while speaking.

He asked himself that he had lost a lot of profits due to the recent sharp drop in stock prices, but because of this, he learned from the painful experience, and began to feel that it is indeed not as safe to squeeze the common people internally as to gain profits from the outside world. Advise Tianqi to continue to be the benevolent and filial king expected by the Confucian officials.

Therefore, Qian Maoxiang continued to boldly say: "Your Majesty! For example, the Maoshan Iron Mine this time was supposed to be the advantage of the distant barbarians. Now, your Majesty is bewitched by some ministers in the court. He insists on taking advantage of it, and even collects The wealth of the subjects of the world, go together to take its benefits, and take all the subjects of the Ming Dynasty to seize the mines of foreign barbarians. This is overbearing! The hearts of the people are uncertain, and they are anxious. Therefore, I ask your Majesty to issue an order to stop the Maoshan Iron Mine, abandon the new land of Xianzhou, reduce the army and simplify the administration, and govern by doing nothing, and leave the holy name forever!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, Ni Yuanlu, asks for an order to kill Qian Maoxiang, who advocates abandoning the ancestral land, which violates the old order of Cheng Temple, and intends to confuse Your Majesty to be an unvirtuous king!"

At this time, Ni Yuanlu, who was in charge of the Imperial Academy, suddenly came out of the shift and directly demanded that Qian Maoxiang be killed.

Ni Yuanlu said again: "What's more, Maoshan Iron Mine has raised shares to the subjects of the world. This is a good deed intended by His Majesty to benefit the people. The subjects of the world are still willing to hold shares of Maoshan Iron Mine because they still believe that the imperial court can Let them share the benefits of the Maoshan Iron Mine! Now Qian Shilang suddenly wants His Majesty to give up Xianzhou and stop the Maoshan Iron Mine. This is undoubtedly to take the benefits of the people and destroy the hearts of the people of the world!"

"I also ask you to kill Qian Maoxiang!"

At this time, Qi Biaojia, the censor of Zuoqian capital, also stood up and reported a sentence, and said: "Because they believe in your majesty and the court, many scholars and people are still willing to hold the shares of Maoshan Iron Mine. Now Qian Maoxiang suddenly wants the court to abandon it. , What’s going on, are you going to abandon public opinion?!”

Chen Zizhuang also stood up at this time and said: "Your Majesty, in order to stabilize the stock price and win the hearts of the people, I have spent millions of dollars to buy back stocks, in order to believe that the imperial court can relieve the siege of Maoshan, so that the iron ore can be mined and returned to the country, so that the iron ore can be mined and returned to the country." Daming Zhongxing. Now what does Qian Shilang mean by saying this? Is His Majesty disregarding the loyalty and patriotism of the subjects and intentionally messing up the world?! It’s really not enough to kill the people!"

For many ministers, they have already seen the sweetness of foreign plunder, so it is impossible to choose to give up.

Even for this reason, they are willing to follow Zhang Gui to repurchase the shares of Maoshan Iron Mine.

Now Qian Maoxiang asked Tianqi to go back and give up the policy of external expansion, which undoubtedly violated their biggest bottom line!

Especially some ministers who presided over the reform, it is impossible for them to spend a lot of money to buy back stocks for the country, and sit back and watch the court no longer work hard for their interests.

So these ministers who were still willing to make a fortune with the court stepped forward one after another and demanded that Qian Maoxiang be killed.

"Your Majesty, I also ask Qian Maoxiang to be punished!"

"Your Majesty! The minister seconded the proposal! If Qian Maoxiang is not punished, it will be difficult to comfort the spirit of the ancestors!"

"Your Majesty! I also believe that Qian Maoxiang should be punished!"

(End of this chapter)

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