Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 310 Capture the rebels!Please be a supervisor!

Chapter 310 Capture the rebels!Please be a supervisor!
Yuan Keli said with a serious expression: "Mr. Yangming said 'to conscience', I don't ask other things, I only ask my own heart, and it's not why the Zhu family and the Zhao family are only for the heart. You can't ruin the world for your own self-interest. Taoism!"

Then, Yuan Keli said to Ye Chengxue: "Da Jinwu, Jin Yiwei has the right to arrest traitors and do things cheaply. This servant has already known his rebellion. Please send him to prison! At this time, don't ask about the difference between civil servants and military officials. You are a close minister of the emperor, you should resolutely lock up the rebellious minister!"

Ye Chengxue saw that He Kegang and Yuan Keli insisted on principles so naturally, he could only stick to the principles. He thought that he was indeed a person who was picked up by Uncle Guo, and he couldn't do anything wrong with Uncle Guo at this time, otherwise it would not be enough. What's more, if he really betrayed the prince and was not loyal at this time, he agreed: "Zai Otsuka said so!"

So Ye Chengxue went up, drew his knife, pointed at Zhang Ruocheng, and shouted, "Let's go!"

Zhang Ruocheng had no choice but to get up and leave.

Ye Chengxue followed and said, "Zhang Shilang, the slap you just gave was really hard!"

Zhang Ruocheng turned around and knelt down, kowtowed like garlic: "Great King Wu calm down! Just now the villain just thought that this would scare you, so he did such an outrageous thing."

Ye Chengxue couldn't help laughing: "You're so quick! If Otsuka Zai didn't show up, would you have ordered He Zongbing to kill me?"

Zhang Ruocheng said: "Don't dare!"

"stand up!"

Ye Chengxue roared.

Zhang Ruocheng had no choice but to get up.

Ye Chengxue said: "After going to the imperial prison, I will confess to myself, don't force me to execute the sentence!"

Here, after Yuan Keli watched Ye Chengxue escort Zhang Ruocheng away, he looked at He Kegang with a smile, and said to He Kegang, "Mr. The rebels can't break through. And when the courtiers invite the prince and the empress to come, I guess Ma Ke will be too embarrassed to attack again. Even if he wants to, his subordinates may not all want to. The soldiers of the brave guard camp are not his after all. Private soldiers! Even the soldiers and horses in the entire capital are not anyone’s private soldiers, they are all men who are determined to make contributions to the court. So, you don’t have to worry, he Ma Ke will wait for some reinforcements!”

He Kegang said: "The humble job understands!"

Yuan Keli suddenly leaned on the battlements and sat down: "I haven't slept all night, I will lean here and sleep for a while, and when the other side fires cannons and starts attacking the city, I will defend with you!"

He Kegang said: "This..."

He Kegang was about to persuade Yuan Keli to go back when he heard snoring, so he had no choice but to keep silent.

It turned out that Yuan Keli was worried that there would be a change, so he hid secretly here in Daming Gate with his sword in advance, and he also asked Tian Qi for a decree, in order to preserve the hard work of these reformist ministers over the years.

He didn't dare to close his eyes and rest for a while until he confirmed that He Kegang was credible.

After all, he was not Zhang Gui, and he didn't have the original history as a reference, so it would take more effort to confirm who was credible.

Let's talk about Prince Xin's Mansion at this time, a large number of armed scholars who suddenly appeared surrounded the Prince Xin's Mansion after bloodbathing the Jin Yiwei who had guarded Prince Xin's Mansion in advance.

At the same time, a leading scholar named Fu Yijian went to the gate of the palace first, cupped his hands and shouted: "The treacherous officials are in power, and the etiquette is bad. Now your majesty is hunting north, and the country is in danger. The East Palace is young!" , how can we turn the tide? Please trust His Royal Highness to supervise the state affairs to save the ancestral temple!"

As mentioned above, these opponents who are unwilling to destroy even the Confucian ritual system in the Ming Dynasty still like to find someone who has nothing to do with the descendants to be the king. After all, this is conducive to the thorough cleansing of the Zhang family. It's revenge.

At this time, after Fu Yijian yelled, the other scholars also clapped their hands and yelled.

"Your Highness, please take the ancestral temple and society as the most important thing, and take on the important task of supervising the country!"

"Your Highness, please obey the destiny, follow the public opinion, and secure the world!"

"Your Highness, please don't forget your majesty's kindness and kindness, don't forget your empress' virtue of respect and courtesy, take over the country and save your majesty!"


These scholars shouted loudly.

At this time, Xin Wang Zhu Youjian had been sitting in the middle hall of the palace, listening to these voices, his face sank like water, and suddenly shouted: "Go up and dive!"

Gao Qiqian, a servant in Prince Xin's Mansion, immediately came over: "My lord!"

Zhu Youjian continued to ask: "Brother Huang was really captured alive by Jiannu?"

Gao Qiqian replied: "Your Majesty! The servant girl asked Cui Eunuch personally, and Cui Eunuch said that it was true, and Wei Eunuch even went to Yuanfu and the others to discuss the solution overnight! In addition, Zhang Shilang of the Ministry of War also said that he received a letter from An urgent message from General Cao of Liaoyang, saying that General Cao saw Jian Nu outside Liaoyang City and was holding His Majesty under arrest."

After Zhu Youjian listened, he stood up, paced up and down the room, and looked outside from time to time.

Seeing this, Gao Qiqian asked: "My lord, do you want to open the door of the mansion and let those scholars in?"

Zhu Youjian suddenly said: "No! I can't see them alone!"

"My lord, it's already this time, why are you still hesitating?"

Gao Qiqian saw that although Zhu Youjian was a little excited, he still restrained his desire for power and was not fooled by him successfully, so he spoke anxiously.

Zhu Youjian glared at him and said nothing.

At this time, not only scholars appeared outside, but also some civil servants from various government offices in Qianbulang rushed over, and shouted to ask Zhu Youjian to come out of the mansion to meet them.

Some civil officials really hope to change the emperor, and then restore the ritual system, restore the ancestral system, stop external expansion, and move the people out of the policy.

But at this moment, the sound of cannons suddenly came from outside, and it exploded like thunder in the evening.

"It's in the direction of Daming Gate! My lord, traitors like Wei Zhongxian, Han Yu, and Yuan Keli are indeed rebelling! They're trying to force the Empress and His Royal Highness to admit that His Royal Highness Tang will take the throne!"

Gao Qiqian hurriedly used the words he had prepared long ago.

Zhu Youjian was taken aback after hearing this: "His Royal Highness Tang?"

Gao Qiqian said: "Your Highness, you don't know that His Highness Tang Wang is quite good at using strange tricks to flatter His Majesty, but it is different from reading scriptures and scriptures, His Highness. Because of this, he has always been close to people like Uncle Zhang. Now Well, people like Wei Zhongxian have been bought by him long ago, with the intention of continuing to destroy the orthodoxy of Confucianism in the future, and thoroughly promote their practical learning, which is what they call scientific learning!"

After hearing this, Zhu Youjian suddenly said: "If the crown prince accepts the throne, it's nothing. But if Zhu Qiqi really took the throne, it's absolutely impossible! No wonder Wei Zhongxian and the others didn't come to see Gu!"

Gao Qiqian saw that Zhu Youjian was moving, so he hit the rails while it was hot: "My lord, it is not too late, we must gather the guards of the palace as soon as possible, and join the scholars outside who sacrificed their lives to save the country, and go to the king to put down the rebellion!"

At this time, there was another thundering cannon, which brought Zhu Youjian back to his senses, and said: "But those people outside want to force Gu to be a prisoner!"

Gao Qiqian said: "My lord, this is better than letting the throne fall into the hands of a side clan, right?"

Zhu Youjian nodded: "You're right! Let them open the door of the mansion and go out alone to meet these scholars."


Seeing that he had successfully fooled Zhu Youjian, Gao Qiqian was overjoyed and hurried to open the door.

But at this time, Zhu Youjian stopped him again: "Wait!"

Gao Qiqian looked back at Zhu Youjian and asked, "My lord, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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