Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 311 For the rebels, you can kill them first and then play them!

Chapter 311 For the rebels, you can kill them first and then play them!
Zhu Youjian looked at Gao Qi and whispered: "You go and see first, and then we'll talk about what's going on at Daming Gate!"

Gao Qiqian was taken aback.

After a while, Gao Qiqian asked Zhu Youjian: "My lord wants to find out first, whether the rebellion by King Tang has succeeded?"

Zhu Youjian nodded: "If it's done, it's not impossible to recognize him as a supervisor. After all, the overall situation will be the most important thing at that time!"

"My servant understands! This servant is going!"

Gao Qiqian responded.

And Zhu Youjian rubbed his hands and took deep breaths.

At that time, more and more civil officials and scholars came to the palace to invite Wang Jianguo.

They have begun to hope that they will firstly invite Xin Wang to supervise the country, and then have the opportunity to win Xin Wang's favor first.

Of course, the main reason is that they really want to restore the Confucian rule of law in which Da Ming no longer expands and seeks foreign profits and values ​​peace.

Measuring the material power of China is the favor of the country.

It's not just Cixi who has this idea.

Many landlords in Ming Dynasty also had this idea.

This fertile land and the hard-working Han people on the land make them just want to live peacefully by sucking the fat and fat of the Han people, and even use the power of foreign barbarians to further suck up more fat and fat. In this way, the world's resources, which he could have embezzled together with the barbarians, become owned by the imperial court and the people of the world.

Therefore, the landlords really want Daming to continue to regard peace as the most important thing and practice the Confucian kingly way.

I really want to.

I really want to.

Kong Zhenyun, a scholar of Dongge University, couldn't hold back at this time, and hurried to Xinwang's mansion, and shouted loudly: "I want to serve Shaobao and guard the country for the Ming Dynasty, and the king of Xin may let the prison country guard the country for the Ming Dynasty." Huh?!"

Kong Zhenyun even said that he wanted to learn from Yu Qian.

But in fact, at this time, Kong Zhenyun also wanted to make up some profits because he lost too much money speculating in the Maoshan Iron Mine stock some time ago, so he wanted to take this opportunity to support King Xin to further his power. Da, what benefits can't be recouped in Daming?

For example, this time the Maoshan Iron Mine, even if it is really a gold mine, does not necessarily have to be turned into Daming’s iron mines in order to earn its mining profits. It is possible to obtain huge profits by colluding with foreign barbarians to smuggle iron ore.

Of course, Kong Zhenyun dared to do this now because he heard the sound of cannons outside and saw that more and more civil servants began to support the king of Xin, and he himself really liked to restore the kingly thought advocated by Confucianism. At this time, he stood up decisively and became the first cabinet scholar to openly support Xinwang Renjian.

Then, Wu Zongda also stood up for the same reason.

And because even the cabinet ministers began to stand up to support King Xin as the supervisor of the country, it aroused a larger-scale call for King Xin to be the supervisor of the country.

Zhu Youjian himself also learned that two cabinet ministers also supported him, and further aroused his already frozen desire for imperial power.

Originally, since he became the crown prince, he knew thoroughly that he could not become the emperor, and he didn't dare to have the emperor's thoughts.

But because of dissatisfaction with real politics, there are always people who repeatedly express their desire for him to be the emperor, so that he often begins to fantasize about what it would be like if he were the emperor.

But now, after mistakenly thinking that Tianqi was really captured by Jiannu, and even the cabinet ministers came out to support him, he naturally felt even more that he might really need to stand up at this time and take a step towards the throne!
In particular, Gao Qiqian, a person with ulterior motives, also told him that the king of Tang has now colluded with Wei Zhongxian and others to seize the crown prince's throne.

But reason told him, the more he couldn't be impatient at this time.

Therefore, Zhu Youjian was still waiting for Gao Qiqian to come back and tell him whether King Tang succeeded. If King Tang did not succeed, he would definitely fight for his sister-in-law and nephew, so that the throne would not belong to his clan!

But if Tang Wang succeeds, he feels that he has no need to fight for his sister-in-law and nephew, nor does he need to fight for his throne.

This is the cautious attitude one should have.

I don't know how long it took, Gao Qiqian finally came back, and when he saw Zhu Youjian, he said: "My lord! Tang Wang's rebels are still blocked outside the Daming Gate, and Zongbing He is desperately defending the city! Miyagi is now There has been no movement yet, but what is certain is that sooner or later His Highness the Crown Prince and the Empress will be controlled by Wei Zhongxian and the others, we must hurry to save His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Empress while He Zongbing is still willing to guard the Daming Gate!"

"He Zongbing is really a loyal minister!"

Zhu Youjian sighed, and then made up his mind: "Open the door of the mansion, and I will take the guards of the palace to save His Royal Highness and the Empress!"


Gao Qiqian was obviously lying, forcibly saying that Ma Ke, who was attacking the Daming Gate outside, was in the same party as Wei Zhongxian, and that the person who conspired was Wei Zhongxian.

But Zhu Youjian is not a god, so naturally he can't guess that Gao Qi potential around him is deliberately lying to deceive him, just like in history, he often can't guess that some courtiers are lying to him.

What's more, Zhu Youjian is more willing to believe this now.

As soon as the door of the mansion was opened, all the civil servants and scholars outside the mansion of Prince Xin were excited, because His Highness King Xin, whom they had been calling for so long, was finally willing to come out and defend the sages and sages of Confucianism together with them!
Zhu Youjian first said: "Everyone is sincere for the country, so how can you stay out of it alone? At this time of turmoil, you should throw your head and blood for the ancestral temple and society!"

"Believe in Wang Yingming!"

Everyone hurriedly bowed and flattered.

Zhu Youjian then asked loudly: "Now, please go to Xiyuan together with Gu, to punish the rebels and eliminate the traitors, and save the East Palace and the Queen!"

"Follow the king's order!"

Everyone replied immediately.

Some people even shouted: "Take the traitor and eliminate the traitor!"

Therefore, Zhu Youjian then strode forward, surrounded by civil officials and scholars, and he came to Xiyuan together.

Da da!

Da da!

Da da!

At this time, a large number of Jin Yiwei had rushed over and set up roadblocks on the road from Prince Xin's Mansion to Xiyuan.

After all, Wei Zhongxian was not a vegetarian. He immediately mobilized other Jinyi guards to come to the rescue after he learned that armed scholars had raided the Jin Yiwei outside Xinwang's mansion.

At the same time, Wei Zhongxian had already set up roadblocks in various streets and prepared Jinyiwei forces.

Not long after Zhu Youjian and his party set off, they saw a large group of Jinyi guards in front of them, standing behind a wooden barricade to prevent cavalry from charging, and all of them were holding continuous bows and crossbows.

Because Jin Yiwei's duty is to move in the forbidden palace, and it is convenient for rescue and interrogation after the thief is captured, he also uses a crossbow that is more automatic and convenient to operate.

Wei Zhongxian, who came here in person, came out at this time and shouted: "His Royal Highness Xin Wang! Your Majesty tells you that Jin Yiwei can kill those who are armed and want to rebel! So please go back, Your Highness, lest we hurt you!"

The empress is the lord of the harem, so she can issue orders to the inner court, and Wei Zhongxian, as a member of the inner court, is regarded as a royal slave, so he is naturally obliged to carry out the empress' orders.

Therefore, Wei Zhongxian directly said that it was the mother's oral order at this time.

Now Zhu Youjian only believed that Wei Zhongxian had colluded with the Tang king to rebel, so he didn't believe it, so he said, "Wei Zhongxian! You hijacked the emperor's wife and the crown prince to collude with the Tang king to rebel and seize the throne. I know all about it! So you don't want to stay here." To lie to the orphan, to pass on false orders from the empress!"

Zhu Youjian took a step back as he spoke, and shouted to the armed soldiers holding hand guns: "Now let's see you!"

Fu Yijian said: "Please rest assured, Your Highness, we will swear to the death to defend the orthodoxy of the famous religion! Willing to serve Your Highness!"


Wei Zhongxian yelled at this time, and then shouted at Zhu Youjian: "His Royal Highness, please don't listen to the instigation of traitors. There is no such thing as rebellion by the king of Tang. Only traitors are instigating the imperial family to fight among themselves! Otherwise, Xin Wang You can wait for our family to invite His Royal Highness Tang to come out, and let him explain to His Highness!"

"No rebellion?"

Zhu Youjian was taken aback, and looked at Gao Qiqian.

(End of this chapter)

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