Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 328 Exile Confucian scholars to go outside the customs, shouting no!

Chapter 328 Exile Confucian scholars to go outside the customs, shouting no!

Li Yu stabbed his white-skinned Xiyi dog in the neck with a knife, and said with a sneer, "I have already killed my dog. If you want to punish him seriously, just let the Jinyiwei people drag him away."

The Confucian scholars present were taken aback, none of them expected that Li Yu would directly kill the white-skinned Xiyi man in front of him.

"Since it's a dog, let's treat it like a mad dog and kill it, and report it first before dealing with it."

Seeing this, Jin Yiwei who was present did not continue to pursue the matter.

But because of this, Zhang Pu, a Confucian scholar who followed after seeing this scene, was even more unacceptable.

He didn't expect that there are Han people who treat foreigners as dogs, and he doesn't expect that such Han people have manipulated foreigners to kill people who don't share his ideas. The key is that when killing foreigners, they are actually dogs Just as frivolous and without psychological pressure.

"Student Zhang Pushu asks Your Majesty to abide by the ancestral system and treat foreigners with courtesy, so as to demonstrate the benevolence of the saints, and issue an edict to strictly prohibit keeping foreigners as slaves, which will cause resentment among foreigners; and don't arbitrarily change the old rules of the imperial examination, which will destroy The system of selecting scholars from all over the world. And the people who make up the number of Yuyu will overflow the temples, which will greatly damage the government!"

Zhang Pu beat the Dengwen drum next, and after beating the Dengwen drum, he played it like this, intending to dissuade the emperor from doing so.

Zhang Pu is well-known in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are many Confucian scholars who worship him.

At this time, there were quite a few Confucian scholars who came to express their feelings with him.

These Confucian scholars all made a statement together with Zhang Pu, asking Tianqi to restore the ancestral system and stop respecting the Han and degrading the barbarians.

After Tianqi knew about it, Lei Ting was furious: "Who does he think he is, and he is still here asking me to treat foreign barbarians with respect? Foreign barbarians are not my subjects, and I am not his slaves of foreign barbarians. treat?!"

"I need to restore the old rules of the imperial examination. These candidates are all people who can only write a few comprehensible essays according to Zhu Zi's meaning, just like the utensils of the same mold that I made, and there is no difference in use."

"It's the same thing if you admit all of them and only half of them."

"What a crazy life!"

Zhang Gui suggested from the side: "Just now, in the northeast area outside the Guan, not many Han people are willing to move there because the climate continues to get colder, and the land is vast and sparsely populated, so there is a need for enough people to mine mines, build roads and build cities. Waiting for use, naturally it is necessary to educate the local barbarians into Han people, and at the same time, this is also a way to disintegrate and establish slaves. But now, since these people still insist on treating foreigners and benevolence, it is better to exile them to these places. By interbreeding with the local barbarians, by the way, the Sinicization of these places will be accelerated. Because according to the investigation of the Ministry of Household Affairs, among the primitive tribes in the northeast area outside the Guan, many strong men of the barbarians were persecuted by the Jianzhou Jurchens and their numbers were greatly reduced. At least there are more barbarians in that area now. For women and children, it is now necessary to exile some Han men to breed and assimilate into Han people by the way."

Then, Zhang Gui said: "By the way, let's prosper the culture of Ming Dynasty. As far as I know, the more literati and officials are exiled, the more excellent poems and articles they create. If Su Shi hadn't been on the road of exile, he would have written There are not so many famous articles."

"Your Majesty, if my Ming Dynasty wants to be truly rejuvenated, it must compete culturally. After all, some excellent works are also very helpful to strengthen the internal national consciousness, even much more useful than the court's well-intentioned bureaucratic articles."

Tianqi quite agreed: "This is a truth. Then pass the decree, and those who disturb the government will be relegated to the Liaodong and Xianzhou areas! They are not allowed to bring their family members, and the local Yousi will make their subordinate Yi daughters official wives."

"According to the order!"


"What, you want to exile me and go outside the customs?! You want to marry a barbarian girl and educate the barbarian people?"

After Zhang Pu heard the content of the decree, he retreated a few steps as if he had been punched hard by someone.

"It's not marriage, it's breeding by the government!"

The eunuch who came to proclaim the decree emphasized a sentence, and said: "You scholars, you can't lift it, you can't pick it up. Apart from poking a few barbarian girls with that thing on your body, and turning a few barbarian-han mixed blood into Han people, what else can you do? ? Is it possible that you still want to get rid of that thing and enter the palace to grab our jobs?"

Zhang Pu shook his lips and teeth and said: "If you really want to say this, it is better to be humiliated by imperial punishment like Tai Shigong than to be forced to marry a barbarian girl as a husband! According to the words of the matchmaker ordered by our parents, the court treats us like this, it is humiliating! "

"Stop talking nonsense! Look at your respective bodies, can you do the heavy work in the palace?"

The eunuch left here after speaking.

Zhang Pu really didn't expect that the imperial court would deal with them in this way, asking them to start a family with a barbarian girl and educate the newborns into Han people instead of killing them.

In fact, Zhang Guijian said that Tianqi did this, and Tianqi did not refuse, which is also related to the current status of the Ming Empire.

Although in Nanyang, the Ming Dynasty adopted the external expansion method of massacring the aborigines and relocating the Han people in the past, it is different in the Northeast. The Sauron tribe here includes some raw Jurchens, who are often plundered by Jiannu to enrich their strength. Now the Ming Dynasty also These minority tribes are needed to enrich their strength outside the customs, instead of implementing the detainment policy as before.

It's just that the Ming Dynasty developed outside the customs relatively late, and the minority tribes that can be used are mostly women, so they can only migrate more Han men to interbreed with them.

Under normal circumstances, Han men are unwilling to migrate to that bitter cold place, so they can only adopt the method of exile.

Therefore, the Ming court now began to mainly exile these scholars and officials who opposed the New Deal, and it can be regarded as reusing their waste according to the actual situation.

Of course, this is also in line with Daming's current proposition that the Han people should not kill at will.

The winter in the tenth year of Tianqi was naturally very cold, and it was especially cold outside the customs. Zhang Pu, who was curled up in the prison car, had to hug himself tighter. The scenery of the northern country, for some reason, suddenly he was full of thoughts, and he really wanted to write a poem.

You must know that he has always attached importance to moral articles, and despised poetry, a literary form that pays too much attention to expressing personal emotions and desires.

But now he really needs this way to comfort his soul.

Regardless of what other people think, Zhang Pu himself feels that the poems he is thinking of now are quite standard.

Not long after that, Zhang Pu arrived at a military station.

The name of this military station is Kaizhou Yizhan. Due to the mining of Maoshan Iron Mine, there are already [-] guards and more than [-] civilian husbands stationed here.

It's just that more than half of the civilians are barbarians recruited from the surrounding areas, and many of them are local birth girls.

The reason is still mentioned before, there are very few Han Chinese who are willing to settle here, even though the imperial court has paid a lot of money to settle down.

And this is where Zhang Pu was exiled.

He was arranged to be a pawn here to take care of the fodder.

However, just when Zhang Pu was settled here to take care of the fodder, Liu Shanghui, the postman of the Kaizhou post station, brought a group of Jurchen and Sauron girls over.

These women all have broad faces and thick waists, like the bears that often haunt this area, but they still shyly dropped their heads when they saw Zhang Pu, a white-faced scholar.

At this time, Liu Shanghui said to Zhang Pu: "Choose according to your own body! Choose at least three! These are all sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls with yellow flowers. They can warm your bed, give you cubs, and even hunt. Yes. According to the regulations on birth incentives formulated by the Department of Policy and Policy, one child who is born with Sinicization and cultivated to the age of ten can receive 20 taels of silver, two can get [-] taels of silver, three can go to settle in a big city outside the customs; four can restore fame; five You can apply to return to the customs."

Zhang Pu shook his head tremblingly after seeing these barbarian girls who were several times bigger than himself: "No! I don't want any of them!"

(End of this chapter)

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