Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 329 Destroying the Confucian scholars, the Confucian scholars shouted for mercy!

Chapter 329 Destroying the Confucian scholars, the Confucian scholars shouted for mercy!
Seeing that Zhang Pu was so shy, Liu Shanghui had no choice but to point out three barbarian girls to him.

These three barbarians walked towards Zhang Pu shyly, their eyes were watery and never left Zhang Pu.

Just a moment.

Zhang Pu was lifted up by these three Yi girls.

Then, the three Yi girls carried Zhang Pu into the grove.

Zhang Pu shouted loudly at this time: "I was wrong! Your Majesty, the student is wrong! Please don't treat the student like this! The student cannot bear such torture, Your Majesty!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Pu also yelled at Liu Shanghui: "Liu Yicheng saves the students, saves the students!"

Liu Shanghui smiled and shouted: "Zhang Xiaolian, these are barbarian people who have attached themselves to Ming Dynasty and are willing to accept Sinicization. You have to treat them with courtesy and teach them the etiquette of the Han people!"

Liu Shanghui smiled and left after speaking.

Zhang Pu has been stripped naked here.

"It would be better to exile more civil servants and scholars who are full of benevolence and morality to go outside the customs!"

"Right now, there are still too few Han people outside the pass, especially too few Han people who can read and write. There are too few such Han people, which is not conducive to eliminating the troubles in these places."

Tianqi, after looking at the statistics of the Xichang Statistics Department to find the proportion of Han people in the population inside and outside the pass and the literacy rate of Chinese characters, came up with the feeling that he wanted to exile more people to go outside the pass.

After hearing this, Zhang Gui also said: "What your majesty said is, let the policy department amend the regulations. In the future, Han people who break the law will be exiled. Maybe in the future, after the Ming Dynasty opened up the territory, it will be possible to formulate an exile policy." Thousands of miles of punishment will come."

"What a exile for thousands of miles! Perhaps the larger the territory, the less necessary to directly kill those who oppose me."

Tian Qi said with a smile.

Zhang Gui said: "The larger the territory, the more people of our own nationality are needed to enrich the newly opened territory. Naturally, there is less need to reduce the population of our nation by killing. However, the larger the territory, the more people we need to control it. It will also become more difficult, especially transportation and communication."

Tianqi sighed: "Yes! The territory is too wide, and many messages cannot be delivered in time. I don't know how many military planes will be delayed."

Zhang Gui comforted and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry too much. When Your Majesty can really use a steam engine to drive a cart, at least to transport food and troops to the border, it doesn't need to consume too much manpower, and it can save a lot of time. And if, as Your Majesty And His Royal Highness the King of Tang can really make the radio waves mentioned by the minister, so it may not be possible to quickly know the military and political information thousands of miles away. Even now, after there are special horse-drawn trains for railway tracks and wooden tracks, a lot of problems have been solved. The problem of transporting food and troops is too difficult when the frontier is too far away.”

Tianqi nodded after hearing this: "Everything still depends on the improvement of skills! I have to continue to study more. Besides, lay more tracks. If there are not enough tracks, I will lay wooden tracks first to make more use of the horse-drawn trains I built. It is not only convenient for transporting iron ore into the customs, but also convenient for transporting troops out of the customs.”

Daming has indeed begun to use horse-drawn trains on a large scale to transport grain, mines, and even troops in transportation.

Because this method can indeed save a lot of material and manpower, and it is also faster.

After all, the Ming court is not short of money now, especially after the development of the Maoshan Iron Mine, it has raised a lot of funds, which has increased the court's income a lot, and a track was laid between Liaodong and the capital for iron ore transportation and grain transportation.

Of course, with such a large population in Ming Dynasty, especially in the case of frequent natural disasters, many people have no food, so this kind of large-scale infrastructure is needed to solve the food problem.

Therefore, Daming is now not only laying tracks between Liaodong and the capital, but also laying tracks from the capital to other places.

Of course, this requires Ming to continue to grab iron ore resources and timber resources from outside in order to complete the laying of many tracks.

The mining of Maoshan Iron Mine has greatly solved the lack of iron ore resources of the Ming court, and the timber resources in Xianzhou are also very rich, which has also provided Daming with a lot of timber resources.

Of course, Ming Emperor Tianqi also benefited a lot from the mining of Maoshan iron ore resources.

After all, Apocalypse accounts for the largest share of Maoshan Iron Mine's stock, and also made the most profit from Daming's external expansion.

This is actually the reason why Apocalypse still supports Daming's external expansion.

Seeing a large amount of real money increasing in his internal funds every day, he is naturally willing to support the reform and reform.

And the other dignitaries and bureaucrats of Maoshan Iron Mine and the people of Ming Dynasty have also made a lot of profits.

And with the further mining of Maoshan Iron Mine, their interests are further increasing.

And many people who have just bought Maoshan Iron Mine stocks at a high price even prefer that Maoshan Iron Mine continue to be mined, so that they can get back their capital as soon as possible.

However, a single Maoshan Iron Mine cannot satisfy the appetites of so many powerful bureaucrats and civilians in Daming.

Next, Daming was still looking for minerals overseas and other places outside the customs, and planned to further develop these external resources to issue stocks, so as to benefit the people of all classes in Daming.

But it is not so easy to grab resources from the outside world, after all, the natives will not willingly let Da Ming take away their interests.

In fact, there are many fierce battles.

Especially in some areas with strong indigenous forces.

"Li Zicheng, who was transferred to Bengal to open up a new territory, reported three months ago that he needed a group of cavalry capable of fighting, so that he could raid the local tribes along the river."

On this day, Lu Xiangsheng, Minister of the Ministry of War, reported the content of Li Zicheng's report to Tianqi because he received Li Zicheng's report.

After hearing this, Tian Qi said, "If cavalry are good at fighting, they are naturally frontier soldiers."

Zhang Gui said: "Not only the frontier troops, but also the Mongolian cavalry are also good, as well as the Sauron soldiers. Your Majesty, now that most of the Sauron tribe has been subordinated to our Daming in name, why not take this opportunity to hire a Sauron soldier to go there, This can be regarded as using the Nanyang natives to consume the number of these barbarians outside the customs. As long as they are not ignorant of their merits, they will be rewarded and reused for the outstanding Saurons. I believe that the Saurons will not complain, because these Saurons are also very Need a chance to get ahead."

In fact, Zhang Gui had hoped for a long time that Daming could hire brave and good fighters from ethnic minorities such as the Sauron tribe to set up a side for him, just like Tsarist Russia hired Cossacks to set up a side for him.

Yuan Keli said: "Since this is the case, for the tribes outside the pass, we should focus on appeasement, and then transfer their young and strong to open up the territory for our Ming Dynasty. This will not only weaken their power, but also give their upper echelons the opportunity to pursue personal achievements. Opportunities can also be regarded as indirectly assimilating other tribes and becoming part of my Han family!"

Tianqi nodded: "What you said is true, then the Ministry of War will immediately appoint a capable minister to take charge of this matter, send Sauron's soldiers into the court, and then try to persuade them to open up the territory for me!"

"According to the order!"

Xi Lancha, the leader of the Saurons, saw Zhang Guowei, the imperial envoy Zuoqin capital censor Zhang Guowei, come to announce the decree for him to lead [-] Sauron soldiers to fight for the Ming Dynasty, and asked Zhang Guowei: "Why should I let my sons To die for your emperor!"

Zhang Guowei said: "This is not to die, but to bring honor to your sons and daughters! His Majesty the Ming Emperor is willing to give you this opportunity."

Zhang Guowei ordered: "Bring it in!"

Soon, Zhang Guowei's official school brought a large amount of gold and silver and placed them in front of Xi Lancha: "This is half of your military salary. As long as you want, you can take the silver now, and then go to pay for your Fight for honor! In this way, you may no longer have to worry about being looked down upon by the Jurchens!"

Xi Lancha and his subordinates were stunned immediately. They had to admit that the money brought by the Ming official really stunned them all of a sudden!
Because they have never seen so much gold and silver!
Whoever made the slaves who used to drive them was not generous. In many cases, they didn't even have money, let alone give so much.

So, they are really excited now.

 Finally made it three
(End of this chapter)

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