Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 331 Humiliation of Confucian scholars, you just want to be slaves?

Chapter 331 Humiliation of Confucian scholars, you just want to be slaves?

Zhang Gui frowned after hearing this: "Three thousand Han people?"

Liu Zongmin nodded and replied: "The problem is that Tianjin is very close to the capital city. What these red-haired fans are doing is obviously a serious provocation to our Ming Dynasty's national prestige!"

"It's also quite hypocritical. They have done less immoral things themselves? They even said that they want to uphold justice for the natives of Nanyang."

As Zhang Gui said, he slapped the table: "It's just hateful, Daming's coastline is too long, so it's easy for them, the Xiyi who are cruising on the sea, to take advantage of it!"

"What the Lord said is that the sea area is too long. It is really hard to guarantee that these Western Yi pirates will not seize the opportunity to loot my sea area."

Liu Zongmin replied.

"I will go to the palace to inform His Majesty about this. You tell the various departments of the West Factory to investigate who gave Hong Maofan the convenience to smuggle into Tianjin!"

Zhang Gui followed up with an order.


Soon after, Emperor Tianqi also learned about Hong Maofan's behavior of provoking his Daming from Zhang Gui.

"Your Majesty, Hongmaofan is the most arrogant Xiyi pirate right now. The Frangji people are being bullied by them. Now that they dare to provoke Ming Dynasty, it is natural that they have seriously threatened him to plunder our neighboring countries. interests of the cause."

Zhang Gui also explained the situation of Hongmao Fan to Tianqi.

Today, Daming has accepted the concept of the earth, and at the same time, the concept of "global".

Therefore, Zhang Gui can directly mention the word "global" in front of Tianqi, and Tianqi can also understand his meaning directly.

Even Tianqi has already known the location and size of Hongmaofan's country through the "Kunyu Wanguo Quantu" in the Wanli period.

After all, Tianqi would not listen to the words of Confucian ministers, but only read Confucian classics and historiography, instead of understanding the latest geographical achievements.

"It's a small country, but it dares to provoke this dynasty! I really wish I could wipe him out!"

At this time, Tian Qi said something straightforward after Zhang Gui said so.

"Your Majesty is right. If it wasn't too far away, this country should be destroyed directly, so as not to be disgusting again! But in fact, his home country is far away from Daming. If he wants to destroy this country, he can only do it slowly. Right now , first of all, we can only teach him a lesson once.”

Zhang Gui followed suit at this time.

"The problem is that there are three thousand Han people in their hands now, and they want to teach them a lesson, but they are quite afraid of it."

After speaking, Tian Qi got up and said: "I decided to meet these people in person. If they can give me face and let my people go, I can consider not destroying this country in the future. But if I come in person, I still have to Kill my people, then we can only be enemies!"

So, a few days later, Tianqi drove to Tianjin.

Zhang Gui and other ministers also came here together.

Tian Qi didn't order to mobilize the nearby navy to approach and intercept these red-haired fan boats. Naturally, the purpose was to prevent these red-haired fan dogs from jumping over the wall in a hurry and directly massacred the three thousand Han people captured by them.

As for why these red-haired fans captured so many Han people.

The West Factory also investigated the reason later.

As far as Zhang Gui knows, they are all Han people who have just migrated to various places in Nanyang. Hongmao Fan captured many Han people.

After Tianqi and Zhang Gui arrived in Tianjin, they saw Han people kneeling on the newly built platform near the sea, and these Han people were all with their hands tied behind their backs. Many red-haired soldiers were pointing at these Han people with firecrackers. At the same time, several leaders of the Hongmao Fan stood in the middle of the platform wall, looking down at the Han people in front of them proudly.

In addition, Zhang Gui discovered at this time that there were actually a few Eastern Confucian scholars wearing Confucian scarves standing beside these red-haired fan leaders!
Not long after, following Ye Chengxue's order to go to talk, these red-haired fan bosses came to Tianqi together with those oriental Confucian scholars.

Tianqi obviously also noticed these Confucian scholars, so he first asked these Confucian scholars: "Are you Han Chinese or Korean?"

At this time, a Confucian scholar with a long face replied: "So that you, the Emperor of Ming, know that we are all Han Chinese, but because your court has no morals, now we have voted as ministers under the governor of Batavia, Batavia. Governor Davia is a wise monarch, and sooner or later this world will be his."

It is worth explaining here that Batavia is only a colony built by the Netherlands in Southeast Asia, and it is the headquarters of the Dutch East India Company. The so-called Governor of Batavia is just the leader of the Dutch East India Company.

But because these Han Confucian scholars who surrendered to the past were influenced by Confucian culture, they still possessed the knowledge of literature and martial arts, and they belonged to the emperor's family. They tried their best to make their masters become the largest landlords in the world, and they followed the idea of ​​prosperity, so they surrendered to the Dutch. Finally, I still hope that the Dutch governor of Batavia can seize the Central Plains and become the emperor of the Han people in the world, and then they will become the ministers of the dragon, and together with the Dutch governor, they will enslave the Han people in the world for generations.

This is the ideal of Confucian scholars.

As the saying goes, self-cultivation, family governance, country governance and world peace.

It doesn't matter whether the monarch is Han, Manchu, Mongol, or even Xiyi.

Today's Confucian scholars care more about who gets the destiny and becomes their master, and then they enslave the Han people all over the world. As for the race of the person who gets the destiny, it doesn't matter.

Even if this person is black, I am afraid that some Confucian scholars are still willing to kneel down and shout "Long live the emperor", and then write a book for him, and praise him, how can he win the hearts of the people.

You know, in the history of the Northern Song Dynasty, Confucian scholars of the Northern Song Dynasty went to Jiaozhi Kingdom to encourage monkeys to destroy the Song Dynasty and seize the Central Plains.

As for those who voted for Xixia, let alone.

Today, these Confucian scholars who have taken refuge in the Dutch are the same, and naturally regard the governor of Batavia as the new monarch.

After all, the servility of Confucianism is the natural attribute of Confucianism. Once you believe in Confucianism, it is very difficult not to find a master for yourself.

After Tian Qi heard what the Confucian scholar said, he laughed instead of anger: "It turned out to be Han people. Since they are my Han people, even if they are dissatisfied with me and want to escape from the sea, why don't they proclaim themselves king? Why do you have to do it again?" Find yourself a master, and even find Hongmaofan as your master, whose face are you embarrassing?"

After Zhang Gui heard this, he couldn't help but sneered. He had to admit that Tianqi was a different emperor from Wanli, and he had a strong cultural mindset in his bones. He actually asked why the Confucian scholar who had taken refuge in the Dutch didn't make himself king.

To be honest, Zhang Gui has also had this question. There are many Han people who went to sea in history, but why many Han people don’t want to become kings themselves, or directly suppress the local aborigines and become new masters. Why are they overwhelmed by the aborigines? Come, either be slaughtered or expelled.

Now, when Tian Qi asked this question, Zhang Gui also echoed: "Your Majesty said, these people are really cheap! They are all out to sea, and they still need to recognize a master!"

Hearing what Tian Qi and Zhang Gui said, the Confucian scholar in front of him was so angry that his face turned purple, and he couldn't help cursing: "You are a tyrant and treacherous minister, don't be so arrogant, we are just obeying the destiny, not like you are going against the sky!"

Zhang Guidao: "Your Majesty, I found out that they are not only cheap, but also thick-skinned. They actually said that they are obeying the destiny! If the destiny is on their side, wouldn't it mean that my Ming Dynasty should perish?"

(End of this chapter)

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