Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 332 I have a constitution in my mouth, why should I obey God's will? !

Chapter 332 I have a constitution in my mouth, why should I obey God's will? !
Tian Qi snorted: "False talk about the destiny, you should be punished!"

At this time, Frank, the leader of the Hongmao Fan, said: "Your Majesty, Emperor Ming, there is no need for us to waste our time talking about this. Now we just want to talk to you."

After hearing this, Tian Qi asked, "What are you talking about?"

Frank said: "Your actions in the East and South Seas have seriously violated the philosophy of our East India Company. If we want us to respect your actions and recognize your actions, you need to allow us to participate in the Maoshan Iron Mine in your country. investment, opening investment institutions, and securities institutions, as well as banks."

Tian Qi glanced at Zhang Gui after hearing this.

Zhang Gui whispered: "Your Majesty, they are taking money from my Ming Dynasty. But the core concept of Daming's current national policy has become that the Han family civilization of the Ming Dynasty should be above all civilizations, that is, the interests of the Han people should be protected first. And Naturally, these foreign barbarians are not qualified to deprive us of the interests of the Han people! Especially to participate in the investment in government-run industries! We issue stocks in government-run industries to share dividends for the Han people all over the world, not to share dividends with the barbarians."

Tian Qi understood after hearing this, and said, "You guys are really wishful thinking. What qualifications do you have to share the benefits of the world with me, Da Ming?"

"Our qualifications are the three thousand civilians of your country who are captured by us, and the people of your country who can be captured by us at any time on the border of Nuohai."

"Your Majesty, Emperor Ming, I hope you can respect the reality. Don't go against God's will, and blindly want to put the people of your country above the people of the world! God didn't agree with you to do this."

Frank said at this time.

"Who is God? I am the world, and I have a constitution in my mouth. Why do I need his consent?"

Tian Qi asked a question, and then said: "I can't agree to your conditions. But I can promise you personally that as long as you release the three thousand people who were captured by you, I will pardon your death crime. This is what I can do." The biggest concession you can make is for the barbarians to understand their situation."

Frank's face was full of anger after hearing this: "Your Majesty, Emperor Ming, you are so arrogant! Then please wait, wait for the minister who guards the sea for you, and keep reporting to you that the villagers have been plundered!"

After speaking, Frank stepped back, waved his hand, and said, "Kill!"

For a while, many Han people who were tied up and knelt behind Frank were shot dead by these red-haired soldiers on the spot.

"Don't kill me, please, don't kill me!"

"We were sent here by the emperor, we didn't know that we would be punished if we came here!"

"I beg you, I really beg you!"

At this time, there were still people of the Han family who kept begging because they wanted to live.

Some children and women even whimpered and cried because of this.

Seeing this, Tian Qi gritted his teeth.

Zhang Gui also clenched his fists.

Zhang Gui had to admit that these red-haired fans were really vicious and vicious, and they actually threatened three thousand civilians in order to obtain greater benefits.

Of course, Zhang Gui also knew that he couldn't expect the people of this era to be like the later generations, because of the changes in the current situation, they had to be more civilized.

And in this era, when there are no so-called international rules and world public laws, except for the Ming Dynasty, which has always used the tributary system as the order between countries, other countries are often still in a barbaric state. era.

At the same time, Zhang Gui couldn't help sighing, it wasn't just the domestic landlords who wanted to prevent Daming from transferring the crisis to the outside world, but also these overseas barbarians!

Zhang Gui naturally sympathized with the murdered Han people in front of him, and was also full of anger.

But he knew that he couldn't count on and persuade Tianqi to compromise now.

Because once it compromises, it means that Ming has betrayed his own principles, and it means that he has betrayed the entire Han regime.

The world order that Ming is promoting is that the Han people are the only ones, and no country can share benefits with Ming, unless this country accepts Sinicization.

At this time, Frank and the other red-haired fans also raised the corners of their mouths slightly, revealing a stern smile.

And the Confucian scholars who took refuge in the Hongmao Fan also laughed triumphantly with their masters. They still lack compatriot feelings and have no so-called national consciousness. I feel like I am betraying my nation and country.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please issue an order to immediately pursue and wipe out these bastards, and directly send the navy to Batavia to wash Batavia with blood!"

Zhang Gui begged for orders at this time.

Tian Qi nodded: "Quite!"

Then, Tian Qi asked again: "But is it too late? Once they return to their sailing boat, they will definitely flee here quickly and will not give us time to react."

"It's too late! Although at the beginning, I was worried that they would jump over the wall and slaughter the three thousand captured civilians directly, and did not let the navy approach them; however, I still let the sailors in this area take small boats, fly crows with magic fire, and lie in ambush around the coast. As long as His Majesty gives an order, these small boats will be drawn out quickly, send the sacred fire flying crows to their boats, and blow them up!"

"In addition, these red-haired people will never know that my big artillery on the shore has been converted into a rifled one. He was able to land smoothly this time, but it was because he had [-] civilians as hostages, which made it difficult for the rifled artillery on the shore to bombard them. , but now that they have massacred these three thousand civilian hostages, they will know how terrible my Ming and Han civilization has become!"

Zhang Gui replied.

After hearing this, Tian Qi said: "Since this is the case, I want them all to feed the fish! There will be no return!"


Zhang Gui then ordered: "Notify Huang Binqing immediately, and immediately annihilate the invading enemy!"

Not long after Frank laughed, he restrained his smile and ordered, "We should evacuate immediately!"

Frank could guess that although his actions made the Ming court realize that they threatened the Ming court at any time, it was enough to anger the rulers of the Ming court.

Therefore, Frank and the red-haired fans did not hesitate, and immediately withdrew to their sailing warship.

But not long after Frank and the others retreated to the sailing warships, a large number of small boats, like giant swimming tadpoles, quickly moved towards these sailing warships at the moment the tide rose.

Frank was quite surprised when he saw this: "Their naval warships didn't come, and they sent these small boats to stop us?"

Frank then ordered: "Break it straight away!"

Therefore, these red-haired sailing warships continued to sail south without hesitation, although many small boats had surrounded them in front and on the sides.

But at this moment, when these red-haired warships sailed south without hesitation.

After a large number of firearms shaped like crows burst out two strings of flames on the small boat, they rushed directly towards the red-haired sailing warships.

This is the divine fire flying crow in Zhang Gui's mouth.

It is a firearm used by Daming during Qi Jiguang's time.

According to historical records, after igniting the rocket under its body, the Shenhuo Crow can use the thrust of the rocket gunpowder to travel a hundred feet. There is also a Shenhuo Crow that can carry out a second launch, which is equivalent to a second-level rocket. It can also be launched farther, and then explode after reaching the destination.

The Ming Dynasty has never lacked a wide variety of firearms, and even many design concepts are very advanced, but they have not been specially developed and promoted.

In short, the professional craftsmen of the Ming Dynasty seemed to be a little free to click on the technology tree, which led to the creation of firearms of all kinds.

Today, Zhang Gui has focused on the development of several of them, one of which is the Shenhuo Flying Crow. After all, this is a water warfare weapon, a bit like a primitive rocket.

And the gunpowder that the current Shenhuo Flying Crow has been equipped with after the improvement is yellow explosives, so when the Shenhuo Flying Crow flew to the red-haired sailing warship, a huge explosion power was directly produced on the sailing warship, and the entire sailing warship The mast of the ship was blown off on the spot, and the soft sails were all on fire.

At the same time, the rifled guns on the shore also started to fire, and the grenades flew down like locusts, blowing up the sail warships on the spot and sending sawdust flying across.

Seeing this scene, Frank sighed in a daze: "My God, I obviously underestimated the strength of this Eastern Empire!"

(End of this chapter)

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