Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 333 Cut it all, cast a kneeling statue!

Chapter 333 Cut it all, cast a kneeling statue!
Soon after, the Ming army dragged Frank out of the sea like a dead dog.

Immediately afterwards, Frank was thrown in front of Tian Qi, Zhang Gui and others.

And those who were dragged out of the sea with Frank were a few Confucian scholars who came here with Frank and recognized the governor of the Dutch East India Company as the main one.

Frank knelt down obediently, not daring to show any more arrogance: "His Majesty the Ming Emperor, please forgive me! I repent for my wrong behavior before this!"

Tian Qi ordered in a cold voice: "Cut him up! Cut him as many knives as the bones of the Han people in front of you. In addition, cast a kneeling statue of his urinal and promote it in the Tianjin area, and then cast a relief image on the post road, and accept it from my Ming dynasty." It was trampled by all the people, so it was ordered to be repaired so as not to rust or be polished! All the bones of the Han people in front of us were buried here, and their kneeling statues were recast in front of these Han people's tombs, and a stele was carved to record their events. The same is true for those who slaughtered Han people in the future example!"

"According to the order!"

After Frank heard this, his eyes widened, and he shook his head: "No, no, this is too cruel! You are really too cruel to do this! God will not allow it! You can't do this!"

The Ming military academy dragged Frank down and tied him to a tree. The medical staff then took out a pack of utility knives and started working on Frank.


Frank's screams floated over with the cool sea breeze.

Tian Qi didn't respond, he just looked at the few Confucian scholars who had surrendered to Hongmao Fan.

Moreover, these Confucian scholars were still very stubborn, and did not kneel directly like Frank. One of the Confucian scholars even glared at Tianqi and said:
"You abuse my ministers of Dahe like this, and you will be punished by my king's army! In addition, you don't want to recruit us. As a gentleman, you should pay attention to loyalty, integrity and shame. We are born as Dahe's people and die as Dahe's ghosts." , If you want to kill me, please! But want us to kowtow and beg for mercy? Impossible!"

Tian Qi glanced at Zhang Gui in astonishment: "Still stubborn?"

Zhang Gui said: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, they are deliberately trying to show an appearance of loyalty, so as to make themselves appear more noble. After all, according to Neo Confucianism, chastity is very important, and they would rather die." Betrayed their own monarch. Therefore, they are acting like this now, which is also a statement that they are the loyal slaves of Hong Maofan. They do this to make your Majesty feel that they are very respectable. Even if you kill them, you think it is a kind of sense to the sages Blasphemy. However, if a Han considers a thief as his father, and even wants to be loyal to the thief, it seems a strange thing!"

"Because, if this kind of behavior is to be rewarded, does that mean that in the future when I destroy Jiannu, those Han Confucian scholars who turn to Jiannu and intend to help Jiannu destroy my Ming Dynasty and enslave the people of my Han family, if they want to To be loyal and martyred for the establishment of slaves, I, Ming Dynasty, should also respect them, commend their loyalty, and even set up shrines for them?"

Tianqi nodded after hearing this: "This is what you said about the importance of having national consciousness! You said something in the past, and it was not wrong. Today, people can't just inherit the old knowledge for the past, but also have to reform and supplement the old knowledge. The situation is changing all the time, and some cultural systems have to change accordingly. Today, it’s not just that those who observe the chastity are all loyal, it depends on whether he is keeping the chastity and keeping the chastity for the enemies of the Han family.

"You are full of nonsense! We are the subjects of Dahe, and we are loyal to our monarch, what's wrong?!"

The Confucian scholar named Chu Wenzhao who spoke seemed to be pierced by Zhang Gui, and he shouted at Zhang Gui excitedly.

Then, Chu Wenzhao also said to Tian Qi: "Zhu Zi advocates that people should know loyalty, integrity and shame! Your Majesty the Ming Emperor, even if you don't tolerate us, you can't tolerate the principles of sages!"

"All cut!"

"It was also made into a kneeling statue as a urinal, and the kneeling statue was placed in front of the graves of these Han people who were killed, and kept kneeling!"

"Recast it into a relief surface like the post road here, and it will be trampled by all people!"

Tian Qi suddenly gave orders.

Chu Wenzhao was stunned when he heard this, and immediately shouted: "No! You can't do this! Your Majesty, Emperor Ming, you can kill us, but you can't be humiliated! You can kill us, cut us, but you can't let us go to those ordinary people. The Han people kneel down, we are dying for our lord, it is martyrdom, you should respect us, not humiliate us, let us kneel to others like Qin Hui, no, this makes us even worse than Qin Hui, Qin Hui kneels to Yue Wumu, you actually let us kneel down to some lowly common people, how can you insult the chaste people like this! You are betraying the way of saints, you are betraying the whole world!"

"Your Majesty! It is time for the Han people in the Ming Dynasty to change their ideas. If they only advocate Neo-Confucianism and do not carry forward practical learning, and then seek truth from facts to update their concepts, it will only make the Han people continue to be in a situation where they only know how to rely on the strong and only know how to bully the weak and fear the strong." In a low state, you will never be able to hold your head up. Even if you go out, you only know to find someone to be your master, and then you will be loyal to him. Be his slave and rely on your master for profit. Only by making Han people confident, I believe that I am the best person in the world, and that no one is as wise and noble as him, so that even if a Han comes to a world where there are only Hans, he will feel that he is more noble than these natives, and will not think about going Find a master, and only then will you want to be the master of these people, and then force the natives to submit to him and the Han civilization!"

At this time, Zhang Gui inspired Tianqi while the iron was hot.

Tian Qi stood up, and said in a deep voice: "Since I want to be the king of the prosperous age, then my people must also be the people of the prosperous age. If the country is to be big, how can the people not be proud?! Such a slave mentality is really impossible nowadays. , my people can only be the best in the world!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"I see, you are the country's uncle Zhang Gui! It's you, the scourge, who is bewitched by the emperor of the Ming Kingdom who is becoming more and more cruel!"

At this moment, Chu Wenzhao suddenly realized and shouted at Zhang Gui, and then when he was dragged to death, he shouted at Tianqi:
"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty! You must not listen to his demonic words. The real king of the prosperous age must govern with virtue and follow the way of a sage!"

"To become a Ming emperor, what do you need to divide the Han people into the common people, govern by virtue, and have your own virtuous ministers as your herdsmen, so that you can become a holy king through the ages! Your Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty!"

Not long after Chu Wenzhao yelled, he was kicked up.

"Your Majesty, as you said just now, if the country is to be big, how can the people not be proud?"

"If my Ming Dynasty wants to be strong and prosperous, first of all, the billions of people living in Ming Dynasty must have the arrogance and self-confidence of the people of a strong country, not shrinking or cowardly, not only knowing how to be courteous but not flattering."

"But if you want the people to have pride and self-confidence, the court must first take them seriously."

"It's like in a family, if you want a child to be confident, you must first let him not lack love, and he will be confident if he knows that he has support. If you just blindly suppress his personality and don't let him know that his parents love him, the key Sometimes someone will support him, then he will not be confident and live cautiously."

"So, I believe that since the Ming Dynasty wants to make the people proud and the country strong, it should take this opportunity to strengthen the country's prestige, avenge the Han people who were killed, and let the Han people in the world know that their emperor, their country, will take action for them Yes, and because of the loss of some money, food, and state funds, you will choose to surrender your own people and will not launch an army crusade!"

Zhang Gui continued to talk to Tianqi at this time.

Tian Qi looked at him after hearing this, and asked, "What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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