Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 338 A more sophisticated method forced Confucian ministers to commit suicide!

Chapter 338 A more sophisticated method forced Confucian ministers to commit suicide!

When Zhang Guiyu said this to Tu Zhijun in Zhang Guiyu's prison, Lu Shike was standing in Jiang Shangtai's backyard, next to a small pavilion on a high rockery, looking at the smoke in the distance through a curtain of spring rain. Miyagi smiled triumphantly at Jiang Shangtai and said, "Mr. Jiang, now, this dynasty has to re-elect and establish the country!"

Jiang Shangtai stroked his beard under his chin: "Your Excellency's move is enough to make scholars all over the world respect you!"

Lu Shike continued: "It's not in vain for my sons and grandsons to hide in the inner court for so many years, and I have lived up to my ambition!"

"It's just that it could have been more exciting."

"If Qian Shisheng hadn't been a double-faced man, he would have already done Zhang Gui's scourge carefully, and pretended to follow our intentions to imprison that tyrant. Instead, we really let this tyrant be controlled by us, and then Through this tyrant to get rid of Zhang Gui, and then to correct the national policy, it is unknown to change the current domineering and domineering Han people!"

Jiang Shangtai said with a sigh.

"Anyway, the middle palace and the east palace are gone, it's enough for that stupid king to be sad for a while!" Lu Shike smiled triumphantly.

At this time, Tian Qi suddenly walked over accompanied by Qian Shisheng and others: "Really?!"

At that time, Tian Qi's face had already turned cold, and he stood coldly in the continuous spring rain.

It was not long ago that he learned that Qian Shisheng was actually an undercover agent who secretly contacted Zhang Gui, and he deliberately showed hostility towards Zhang Gui, thus attracting some people who opposed the New Deal to come to him.

And because of this, Tianqi understood that it is no wonder that when people like Kong Zhenyun and Wu Zongda pretended to be poor in front of him and were found guilty of deceiving the emperor, only Qian Shi, who also pretended to be poor in front of the emperor, was the most ruthless Sheng was not found guilty of deceiving the emperor.

Dare to feel that Qian Shisheng is Zhang Gui's undercover agent, deliberately showing that he is against the New Deal.

In addition, Tian Qi just wanted to understand why he was ambushed in Xishan, and with Zhang Gui's secret help, could he not be ambushed in Xishan?

Tianqi has already met Zhang Gui, and Zhang Gui has asked him for not telling him these things in advance.

Tianqi also forgave Zhang Gui, but it would be impossible not to forgive, because Zhang Gui saved his queen and prince, and also helped him dig out two big spies hiding in the inner court through this method.

And because of this, through Zhang Gui, Tianqi knew Jiang Shangtai, the Secretary of the Imperial College, a treacherous minister with ulterior motives.

Tianqi even came to Jiang's house in person on the way, broke in here, and heard the conversation between Lu Shike and Jiang Shangtai directly.

Lu Shike and Jiang Shangtai couldn't help being surprised when they heard Tianqi's voice.

Lu Shike suddenly shivered, felt a chill rushing into his spinal cord, and said: "My lord, you, why are you here?"

Jiang Shangtai also gasped. He thought that Lu Shike had escaped from danger after burning down the Queen's bedroom and the East Palace, and he could take the opportunity to escape with him when the inner city was in chaos due to the flooding of the Queen's bedroom and the East Palace, but He didn't expect that the emperor would appear here.

Tian Qi looked at Lu Shike at this moment and said, "I've let you down. My queen and prince are fine."


Lu Shike was even more horrified after hearing this, and then suddenly looked at the eight eunuchs he had brought: "You, why do you betray me and let them know in advance that we are going to burn the Central Palace and the Eastern Palace?"

At this time, a young eunuch knelt down: "Master, I am sorry for you! But I am indeed different from you. You entered the palace as an eunuch voluntarily for the sake of power, so you are willing to be a slave willingly." But the young one is forced into the palace, the young one wants to be a human being, and the young one also wants to be a young father and mother. You take the young one out and let the young family members be your domestic slaves, although you promise that the young family Generations of wealth and honor, but this is not what the little one wants. Who wants to kneel down when they can eat standing up?"

After hearing this, Lu Shike asked in astonishment: "Hongda, you mean you want to be a human?"

The eunuch named Hong Da nodded.

"But if you follow me, even though you are a slave, you are more noble than tenants and common people. You can oppress them however you want!"

Lu Shike replied.

"Master, why don't you ask the little one if you want to bully them?"

Hong Da asked a question at this time.

Lu Shike was stopped by Hong Da's question, and then asked: "Don't you want to bully them, step on them, or be a master? No way?!"

"Master! Uncle Guo is right. If you want to be a master, the price is to be someone else's slave, and if you don't allow yourself to be a human being first, it will only make people live every day." Living uneasy is like being a robber, you have to worry about whether someone will kill you one day!"

"But Uncle Guo said that we Han people can unite and share the benefits of the world! So Uncle Guo is different from you. He didn't just give me wealth, he also gave me freedom. He promised to give me three hundred in Bangladesh. hectares of fertile land, small ones can go there and live freely and richly!"

Hongda said.

After hearing this, Lu Shike laughed angrily: "What a uncle Zhang Guo, he has already bewitched your hearts too! Our family thought he just spread too much money, but he gave you back the land."

Then, Lu Shike looked at Tianqi: "My lord, you have won, and the slaves have nothing to say!"

As he said that, Lu Shike sighed: "The sky has no eyes! My brother and I are both from the palace, but we still haven't been able to realize our ambitions with tricks, and all this is because we lost in ignoring an ordinary eunuch. Originally, the sage wanted to make everyone the same, but Uncle Zhang Guo made everyone different, and he really took advantage of everyone's differences."

"My brother-in-law said that for thousands of years, you people only know how to play some cheap tricks, you only know how to share more of the inherent cakes with yourself; on the contrary, you are not as good as people like me who have always wanted to make more cakes. And If I want to seize the benefits of the world now, it is just a way of being forced, and it can also be said that the heavens want me to do this, and the Han people in the world want me to do this, so, whoever loses if you don’t lose?"

Tian Qi said with a sneer.

"Don't be too happy!"

Jiang Shangtai roared suddenly at this moment, and then shed tears: "A saint will not lose! A saint will not lose!"

Just as he was talking, Jiang Shangtai suddenly jumped off the rockery.

And this rockery is not low.

Therefore, after Jiang Shangtai jumped, he fell to his death on the spot, and blood spread from under his body.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, Jiang Shangtai committed suicide because he himself could not accept the failure of Neo-Confucianism, could not accept that the current expansion of Ming Dynasty could not be stopped, and could not accept that the importance of national attributes was gradually greater than that of ethical attributes. In short , he can't accept the change in the current situation, but can only choose to escape by committing suicide."

After Tianqi came back and mentioned Jiang Shangtai's suicide to him, Zhang Gui raised his own opinion.

Tian Qi said with a smile: "The craftsmanship that they denounced as strange and obscene skills has become the foundation of Ming Dynasty's revival, and the kingly ethics and ethics that they have praised as the standard have been completely destroyed by me. They really cannot accept such a change. If It’s all right for them to commit suicide, I’m afraid they still want to restore the old system, want to continue to obliterate the concept of national compatriots, and just want me to continue to allow them to be the masters of ordinary Han people!”

"Since that's the case, Your Majesty might as well make a constitution! Directly make the constitution clear that the civilization of the Han family is supreme!"

Zhang Gui suggested at this time.


(End of this chapter)

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