Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 339 An edict was issued to clarify the special status of the Han people, so that future empe

Chapter 339 An edict was issued to clarify the special status of the Han people, so that future emperors must not violate it!
Zhang Gui replied: "That's right, it is constitutional! Your Majesty can imperially formulate the outline of constitutional government, and make it clear that only the Han people and those who have transformed from the Han are the most noble in the world, and the barbarians or those who follow the barbarians are all under it, and the kings of future generations must not violate this outline. Otherwise, the subjects of the world can punish him together!"

The constitution Zhang Gui mentioned is not the so-called constitutional monarchy in later generations, because he is not essentially restricting the current monarchy, but preventing future monarchs from tampering with today's will, which is equivalent to having a constitution for future monarchs to follow.

Tian Qi glanced at Zhang Gui solemnly after hearing this.

Suddenly, Tianqi ordered: "Preach the decree! Let the prince come to see me!"

Then, Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui, and said with a smile: "I understand what you mean, this is the same as the Taizu's ancestral system, so that the kings of later generations will not offend, but this actually means nothing to the kings of later generations." Big."

"What your majesty said is naturally correct, but it doesn't mean that it's useless. At least it can control some future monarchs who don't want to innovate and just want to stick to the rules. In addition, for the monarchs who really want to restore the rituals of the week, It can’t be said that there is no resistance to him at all. At least Jianwen’s series of acts of advocating Confucianism and despising martial arts were really stopped by Chengmiao.”

Zhang Gui said: "In my humble opinion, Your Majesty's official constitutional outline will be more or less helpful to the continued implementation of His Majesty's will for generations to come. Even if the king of later generations really abandons This, but at least, can also let future kings know through this method that their ancestors, His Majesty, the King of Zhongxing, really made Daming great in this way! Your Majesty, there is this constitutional outline, and there is no , there is still a difference, at least he can serve as a reference for future generations."

After Tianqi heard this, he remained silent for a while.

"Father, uncle!"

"Your Highness!"

The prince was called to come over at this time.

When Tian Qi saw him, he stood up and asked, "Prince, let me ask you, if you become emperor a hundred years from now, will you be the same as me? How can you be the emperor as I am?"

The prince didn't expect Tian Qi to ask him this, and he was still young, so he didn't think too much, so he replied: "Of course not!"

After Zhang Gui heard this, he glanced at Tianqi, only to see Tianqi tremble suddenly, and he couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or joy in his expression. In short, the whole scene became very calm, and Zhang Gui could hear the wind outside.


Tian Qi asked a question.

The prince replied: "Isn't the emperor in charge of the world? Naturally, the sons and ministers can be whatever they want!"

Tian Qi nodded after hearing this: "Let's go find your mother."


After the prince left, the palace calmed down again.

Zhang Gui glanced at Tian Qi.

Suddenly, Tian Qi walked to Zhang Gui's side, looking at the wind and rain outside: "You are right, there must be a constitution, he may not be willing to listen to me, but I have to let him know what I want them to do!"

Zhang Gui couldn't help laughing, and then said: "Your Majesty is wise! Then I will go to the Policy Division to convey your majesty's decree to Yuan Keli, Chen Zizhuang and the others."

Tianqi nodded: "Go!"

So, a few days later, Tianqi suddenly issued an edict to promulgate the "Constitutional Outline Decided by the Emperor Ming", and the most important content of the outline is that the Han people and those who have successfully sinicized have privileges all over the world, and their political status is higher than other people in the world , and the emperor of later generations violates the constitutional government of the Ming Dynasty, all the subjects of the world can rebel against it.

Once released, the world was in an uproar.

Many powerful scholars and bureaucrats who did not want all Han people to be treated specially did not expect that the emperor would issue an edict to promulgate a constitutional outline to ensure the special status of the Han people.

Although this kind of constitutionalism is not the so-called constitutional monarchy in later generations, it has no constraints on the current monarch, nor does it have substantial constraints on the future monarchs, but it has nominal constraints on the future monarchs.

And this nominal restraint is enough to cause opponents who oppose the special treatment of the Han people to jump.

Because this is the same as the series of ancestral rules that Zhu Yuanzhang established in the past that the Ming Dynasty cannot have a prime minister. Although the emperors of later generations will still violate it, or violate it in a disguised form, it will still form an obstacle for the emperor of later generations.

Zheng Sanjun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, couldn't help sighing because of this, and said to the scholar Yang Sichang: "Even if the emperor is like a slave, and sets up a bannerman system, so that the Manchu, Mongolian and Hu people are as valuable as our scholar-bureaucrats, I can accept it. People are not as good at farming and weaving as the Han people, and they can't collect much usable wealth from them, and they can even maintain the stability of the country by preferential treatment of the Hu people, without any worries inside and outside."

"What Da Sikou said is true!"

Yang Sichang replied, "But the emperor won't listen! He only believes in the words of his uncle Zhang Gui."

After speaking, Yang Sichang said again: "Originally, the Han people in the world should support the world, which is the foundation of a peaceful and prosperous age. This is also the effect that has been achieved after generations of Ming monarchs and herdsmen have been able to minister and herdsmen for thousands of years since the sole respect of Confucianism!"

"As for the Han people in the world, we should not make them lazy or have desires. Instead, we should make them know the etiquette and obey the teachings, be filial to their parents, and work hard. In this way, the world will naturally be ruled! This is the age of Yao and Shun."

"But now, the world is full of unscrupulous people, and the world's morals are bad. They are happy to run social dramas, listen to storytelling and pornographic songs, and even insult monks and criticize Taoism. , frugality, and make the people's customs simple again, but today's son is helping them to be promiscuous and chaotic, talking about fellow nationals, this is not the way of a saint at all!"

After hearing this, Zheng Sanjun nodded repeatedly: "That's what I mean! If the Han people can be more valuable than the barbarians without reading books, and they are treated specially by the court, then what are we who read the sages' books? ?”

"Song Zhenzong can be said to be a wise king. What he said is that only people who read books are more valuable than ordinary people. It is really a word that benefits the world."

Zheng Sanjun and Yang Sichang were talking when Feng Yuanbiao, a doctor of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, came in: "Big Sikou, a new case from Lingbi County has been sent to the Ministry. He was sold by his greedy parents to a French man, Mi Lisheng, as his fiancee. Because of his cruelty, Mi Lisheng often tied the Han female Anu to a tree and flogged her. Kill this Millison with a shard of china."

"However, Li Tianlin, the magistrate of Lingbi County, sentenced this Han woman Anu for murdering her husband. She should be Ling Chi. However, according to His Majesty's formulation of the Han people's killing of barbarians regardless of death and the latest outline, Li Tianlin obviously shouldn't sentence this Han woman. Anu is too late."

"Why shouldn't you be late?"

Zheng Sanjun asked Feng Yuanbiao sternly on the spot, saying: "Wife kills husband, it is a big offense. You should be Ling Chi, how can you talk about Han and barbarians?"

Yang Sichang also said: "It's true that this is inconsistent with the etiquette. The judgment should be based on the etiquette and law, not the constitution of the regulations. Li Tianlin's judgment is quite fair!"

Feng Yuanbiao shook his head and said: "That's not right! There is no clear stipulation on whether to judge a person's crimes first by judging rituals or Han barbarians, but at least the regulations and constitution clearly stipulate that Han kills barbarians, no matter the crime! The officials still feel that Li Tianlin's rebellion is wrong. .This Hannv Anu should not be sentenced to death."

Zheng Sanjun slapped Feng Yuanbiao's face with a slap, and said angrily: "Feng Ertao! I think you are also suffering from some evil words that the difference between ethnic groups is greater than the difference in ethics, and you keep saying that this whore named Anu is a Han woman. Status. Don’t forget, you are a disciple of a sage! You don’t follow etiquette, you only know how to flatter the king’s life, what’s the difference between this and a villain? You really make this old man think you wrong!”

(End of this chapter)

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