Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 341 Wenchen betrayed Wenchen, and the emperor became a big winner!

Chapter 341 Wenchen betrayed Wenchen, and the emperor became a big winner!
Tian Qi was quite surprised and asked: "What urgent business does he have to play?"

"The servant asked him, but he didn't say anything. He insisted that he would report this matter only after meeting His Majesty."

Wei Zhongxian replied at this time.

After a moment of silence, Tian Qi ordered decisively: "Show him an audience!"


Not long after, Yang Sichang came to Tianqi: "Chen Dali Temple Chancellor Yang Sichang has something important to report to His Majesty!"

"Ai Qing, please play!"

Apocalypse said.

Yang Sichang then reported: "When I went to the Ministry of Punishment to inquire about the case of the chief minister, I happened to meet Feng Langzhong of the chief minister Kou Tingzhang's punishment department."

At this time, Han Yu reminded Tian Qi from the side: "Your Majesty, he refers to Feng Yuanbiao, who is currently the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment."

Tian Qi nodded after hearing this, and then asked Yang Sichang: "How could this happen? What power does he, Zheng Sanjun, have to order the court officials without asking for a decree? Is this punishment department his Zheng Sanjun's punishment department, or my Daming's punishment department?"

Yang Sichang replied: "I have made inquiries and found out that it is because of this case that Feng Langzhong had a dispute. Feng Langzhong insisted on not following the big Si Kou's wishes, so he angered the big Si Kou."

"What case?"

Apocalypse asked at this time.

Yang Sichang replied: "A story about a Han girl who was forcibly sold to Baiyi and mistakenly killed the Baiyi man who bought her."

After hearing this, Tian Qi ordered: "Speak carefully!"


Yang Sichang wrote: "Anu, a daughter of the Han family, was forcibly sold by her parents to Baiyi Millison, who often abused and beat Anu, and when Anu was beaten by him, he wanted to commit suicide because he could not bear the humiliation. But Millison wanted to stop him, but he was pushed and killed by Anu with a piece of broken porcelain."

Yang Sichang suddenly took the initiative to describe this murder case as manslaughter, obviously deliberately catering to the emperor.

At this moment, Tianqi indeed raised his eyebrows unconsciously when he heard Yang Sichang say that it was a manslaughter.

"In Feng Langzhong's opinion, this case should forgive Anu's innocence. Because Anu is first of all Han, according to the oracle regulations and the constitutional outline, the Han is more valuable than the barbarians, so it is not appropriate for the Han to kill the barbarians. Death. Parents forcibly sold, rather than the so-called parents' orders, so Millisan could not be regarded as Anu's husband. In addition, this was Anu's manslaughter, not deliberate killing, so the crime should be treated lightly. In summary, Feng Langzhong deliberately dismissed the magistrate Li Tianlin decided to release Anu without charge."

Yang Sichang continued to report.

After hearing this, Tian Qi asked: "Then what does Zheng Sanjun think about this case?"

Yang Sichang then went on to reply: "The Great Sikou believes that the law should follow the etiquette. Since Anu is already Mi Lisheng's wife, the killing of the husband by a wife, whether intentional or not, is a crime of treason and immorality, and should be Ling Chi. Don't be greater than the gift of a saint!"


Tian Qi immediately scolded, and said: "Don't say that Anu is not the wife of Millicent, even if she is, killing him will not be considered a crime!"

"Da Ming is my final decision, not the so-called etiquette! The constitutional outline I set is the criminal law that should be followed first, not some etiquette. This Zheng Sanjun clearly despises me, ignores me, and is disloyal!"

"Your Majesty said yes."

"Da Sikou also persuaded the minister, the Dali Temple official, to agree to such a judgment, and to close the case as soon as possible, but he wanted the cabinet and His Majesty to ignore the case, and after His Majesty made a decision, they ordered the newspapers to report the matter widely, so that people in the world mistakenly think that the whole world Still, etiquette is greater than law! The so-called Han people are more expensive than barbarian people is just a piece of paper!"

"Although I am afraid of his power, I have no choice but to do so, but I dare not lie to Your Majesty, so after I agree and do what I want, I will immediately report this matter to Your Majesty!"

"It's really ulterior motives!"

Tian Qi gritted his teeth and said something, then, he looked at Yang Sichang and said, "I have already been aware of this case, Zheng Sanjun wants to take this opportunity to make me suffer, no doubt it's a whimsical idea!"

Yang Sichang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking: "I really made the right choice! At this time, one must not underestimate the emperor and the ministers around him who support the reform and the new deal. These people are indeed holding back when the constitutional outline of 'respecting the Han and demoting the barbarians' is promulgated. I'm looking for a bad example, and I'm looking for a model. If I really want to dig a hole for the emperor according to Zheng Sanjun's intention, I'm afraid that my official career will really be cut off. Why don't I use the opportunity of reporting on Zheng Sanjun to turn myself into a disadvantageous situation? The situation is favorable, and I will take the opportunity to gain His Majesty's trust."

At this time, Zheng Sanjun, officials from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple all arrived.

When Zheng Sanjun learned that the emperor wanted to announce them officials of the Ministry of Punishment, he had a premonition that something was wrong, and realized that his thoughts might still be controlled by this cunning emperor.

When Zheng Sanjun saw that Yang Sichang was already here at Tianqi's place, he became even more aware that something was wrong, and said in his heart: "This Yang Wenwei! Now that he appeared here first, he obviously betrayed the old man! How shameless!"

Tian Qi also looked at Zheng Sanjun at this time, and asked: "Zheng Aiqing, I heard that Feng Yuanbiao, the doctor of your court staff and punishment department?"

"Yes! The court beat him."

Zheng Sanjun replied.

"Who gave you the power?! When did my two Jinshi become the ones you, Zheng Sanjun, can beat whenever you want?!"

Tian Qi asked loudly.

Zheng Sanjun bowed down and said: "This is indeed out of style! Your Majesty, please punish me."

"I heard it was because of the Anu case?"

Tianqi didn't say how to deal with Zheng Sanjun, but continued to ask.


After Zheng Sanjun returned, he hurriedly tried to explain: "Your Majesty! Anu deliberately killed her husband, which is a crime of treason and immorality. The so-called Han woman cannot be tested! At least, there is no evidence to prove that she is a Han woman. Therefore, However, the imperial edict issued by His Majesty to treat Han people preferentially has no application in this case. Instead, it can only be judged by the old law! And by the old etiquette, Anu should be punished!"

"You, Zheng Sanjun, are so eloquent that you want to prove that she is a daughter of the Han family. You are clearly deceiving her as a black family who has not been registered by her parents, and you are forcing her to be killed. Where is your benevolence, Zheng Sanjun?"

Tian Qi asked angrily.

Zheng Sanjun said: "Your Majesty, I'm just doing my best to be king, how dare I talk about bullying a small people!"

Tian Qi said: "Decree Li Tianlin, order him to personally escort Anu to Beijing, and the case will be heard by the three justices! If Anu makes any mistakes, I will punish him for dereliction of duty!"

"According to the order!"

Then, Tian Qi said again: "Zheng Sanjun is an innocent courtier, ignoring the emperor's guidelines and laws of the country, and sentenced to death!"

After hearing this, Zheng Sanjun suddenly raised his head, then knelt down, and shouted: "Your Majesty! Although the subject is out of style, I don't mean to despise the emperor. The servants of the court are just acting on the spur of the moment. , Why did you die?! Since your Majesty wants to treat the Han people preferentially, why doesn’t he show his favor to the Han people?”

"Now you want to say that you are Han again? What do you use to prove to me that you are Han?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zheng Sanjun replied: "The minister is here!"

Tian Qi said: "That may not be true. I have to ask Yousi to investigate first."

Zheng Sanjun: "..."

Then, Zheng Sanjun had no choice but to compromise and said: "Your Majesty, I suddenly thought of it. Now that Anu's case is due to my negligence, since Li Tianlin, the county magistrate, has stated that Anu is the daughter of Li Laowu, a Han nationality, she is naturally a Han nationality. With the testimony of his parents, he should be found not guilty. The minister is indeed old-fashioned. The minister has no face to occupy the position of chief commander again, and I would like to ask you to become an official, please allow your Majesty!"

"So you are clear! Since you are clear, you still judge like this? It shows that you really didn't pay attention to me!"

Apocalypse said at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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