Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 342 Exile 3 Clans Not Enough?Then exile your 9 tribes!

Chapter 342 Exile Three Clans Not Enough?Then exile your Nine Clans!

Zheng Sanjun didn't expect Tianqi to catch the loophole in his impatience, and directly said that he was deceiving the emperor.

Zheng Sanjun could only tremble for a while, not knowing how to argue.

At this time, the imperial guards had come over and dragged Zheng Sanjun down.

"Your Majesty! Da Si Kou dares to deceive the emperor, but he is just confused. Now that your majesty wants to value the fellowship of the Han family, why doesn't he value the friendship between the monarch and his ministers? Your majesty, please spare him the death penalty!"

Seeing this, Wailang Maoqizong, a member of the criminal department, boldly came out to intercede for Zheng Sanjun.

Because he was introduced to Beijing by Zheng Sanjun, and like Zheng Sanjun, he was close to the thoughts of Donglin Party in thought.

Seeing that Zheng Sanjun was going to be executed now, Mao Qizong couldn't bear it, so he stood up and pleaded for Zheng Sanjun.

Zheng Sanjun glanced gratefully at Mao Qizong, then at Yang Sichang, and couldn't help showing a wry smile for a moment.

Zheng Sanjun had to admit that Yang Sichang was really a talent.

And Zheng Sanjun thought for a moment that perhaps it would take a cunning person like Yang Sichang to deal with a relative like Zhang Gui, so he refrained from yelling at Yang Sichang for betraying him at this time.

Tian Qi looked at Mao Qizong and said, "It seems that Zheng Sanjun still has accomplices?"

After Mao Qizong heard this, he suddenly looked at Tianqi: "Your Majesty! The Master said: 'If you don't keep secrets, you will lose your ministers'. Today, I speak for the chief minister, only for your majesty's holiness! How dare you be selfish?"

Tian Qi said: "I'm too lazy to ask more questions. Don't think I don't know what you people are hiding. But I'm still dissatisfied because I don't want the Han people in the world to be your slaves. I don't bother to expect you to correct it. "

After speaking, Tianqi ordered: "Zheng Sanjun has already deceived the emperor first, so he must be beheaded in order to uphold the laws of the country. As for you pretending to be the emperor, you will be exiled in Xianzhou and will never return to the pass!"

After hearing this, Mao Qizong said: "Your Majesty!"

"Stubborn, all three clans are exiled!"

Tianqi didn't wait for Mao Qizong to finish speaking, and directly increased the punishment for Mao Qizong.

Mao Qizong said angrily: "Your Majesty, even if you exile the nine clans of the ministers, the ministers will also say that there is no conclusive evidence to prove that the Da Sikou deceived the emperor. Your Majesty is just speculation, and speculation cannot be regarded as fact!"

"Then according to what you said, exile the Nine Clans!"

Tian Qi replied, and then said: "In addition, as for your claim that Zheng Sanjun deceived me without conclusive evidence. I can answer you. I have!"

Tian Qi said and looked at Yang Sichang: "Yang Sichang, Prime Minister of Dali Temple!"

"Chen is here!"

Yang Sichang stood up at this time.

Tian Qi looked at Yang Sichang: "Tell them what you know, and let them know whether I have wronged Zheng Sanjun, the giant of Donglin they admire!"

Mao Qizong and the others all raised their heads and glanced at Yang Sichang in astonishment, their eyes were filled with surprise, incomprehension, and admiration.

"Yang Sichang, you bastard! You despicable villain! You will end badly."

At this time, Zheng Sanjun suddenly scolded Yang Sichang pretending to be astonished, because Tianqi had already exposed that Yang Sichang reported him first, and if he didn't express his opinion, how could Tianqi believe Yang Sichang?
Not long after, after Anu was escorted to Beijing by Li Tianlin, the county magistrate, the Anu case was retried by the Three Law Departments.

Naturally, the Sanju did not dare to violate the holy will, so he released Anu without guilt, and Li Tianlin was also sentenced to be dismissed and exiled to Xianzhou because of his wrong judgment and bad intentions.

"What a Yang Sichang!"

Zhang Gui learned about this from Han Gui shortly thereafter, and because of this, he couldn't help mentioning Yang Sichang in particular.

Zhang Gui remembers very clearly that Yang Sichang was a trusted minister of Chongzhen in the past, and he was as good as Wen Tingren in terms of means. In the Chongzhen Dynasty, few people could match him. At least Lu Xiangsheng was far worse than Yang Sichang in this respect. So far that he was framed by Yang Sichang in history.

But this time, Zhang Gui also vaguely felt through this incident that Yang Sichang must have guessed what he was going to do to suddenly backstab Zheng Sanjun, instead of really approving the idea of ​​​​governing the country that the Han people are supremacy in his heart.

You know, it is Yang Sichang who said in history, "If you don't live in peace and starve to death, you can follow the mantis with arms".

Therefore, Zhang Gui knew what Yang Sichang, a scholar-bureaucrat who was born as a son of a bureaucrat, thought of the Han people in the world.

If it is true that there are scholar-bureaucrats who, influenced by Mencius' thought, have the concept of "loving the people" and are influenced by Guan Luo's studies, and uphold the ideal of making a living for the people, then Yang Sichang is definitely not such a scholar-bureaucrat.

After all, Yang Sichang didn't even have the slightest sympathy for the common people, let alone uphold justice for the common people.

Those like Hai Rui who dared to criticize Longlin for the common people of the country belonged to the heterogeneous among scholar-bureaucrats.

But this Yang Sichang is indeed a powerful person. He is obviously more cautious than Zheng Sanjun, and he is also better at guessing other people's thoughts than Zheng Sanjun. He is even more ruthless and decisive. He did not hesitate to sell a Donglin giant like Zheng Sanjun.

That's why Zhang Gui specifically mentioned Yang Sichang.

Although, as Zhang Gui expected, Yang Sichang did not support it in his heart, and even disliked it. The current ruling strategy that emphasizes the supremacy of national interests and puts Han people above foreign barbarians, after selling Zheng Sanjun, he Or once again decisively hid his true thoughts, and kept his true thoughts from being known, especially the emperor, hoping to gain the trust of the emperor.

For this reason, Yang Sichang also actively presented a set of strategies on how to further expand abroad.

"My minister Yang Sichang, thinking about the current national policy recently, thinks that if he really wants to get all the rich land in the world, in order to support the disaster-stricken and poor people in this dynasty, he should take the lead in marching troops. So I thought about it for a long time, and thought of one four positive six The strategy of setting up a net on ten sides in order to make the imperial court more abundant. Now let your Majesty hear about it."

"The so-called four positives and six corners are to focus on several important coastal areas for attack and defense, and then rely on a number of island chains to open up territories, that is, to spread the net on all sides..."

Zhang Gui muttered after seeing Yang Sichang's memorabilia from Tianqi.

And Tianqi asked at this time: "What do you think of the strategy proposed by Yang Sichang?"

Zhang Guidao: "Some things, it's hard to say whether they are just on paper or not. I'm not a handsome man. Your Majesty might as well let Yuan Keli and Lu Xiangsheng discuss it."

"Naturally let them discuss it. Now I just want you to talk about it. What do you think of this person?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zhang Guidao: "Since Your Majesty asked the minister, it means that he already has the answer in his heart, so there is no need for the minister to say it."

Tian Qi smiled slightly: "That's right, then you don't need to talk about it. Although the constitution has been enacted now, it can be seen from the Anu case that although the imperial court has enacted the constitution, it does not mean that officials all over the world will really implement it."

Zhang Guidao: "What Your Majesty said is true! From my point of view, if you want officials all over the world to follow the rules and not engage in one thing on the surface, one is to select officials who conform to the will of the court, and the other is to hold them accountable, so that those who have ulterior motives People dare not mess around."

"Tell me in detail."

"it is good!"

"I believe that the content of the imperial examination must be changed."

"Only in this way can officials who are in line with the will of the court be selected from the root!"

"In addition, in order to prevent some officials from really subjugating Han and barbarians behind their backs, it is better to simply issue an edict that all cases involving Han and barbarians, the prefectural and county parents' officials, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, the Dali Temple, and the officials of the Sanfa Division will all be held accountable."

"Among them, if the official who is directly responsible for the conclusion of the trial makes a wrong judgment, and in a case involving disputes between Han and Barbarians, resulting in the unjust death or injustice of the Han, the official's home will be confiscated, and the seized property will be used as state compensation to the Wronged Han people!"

"In this way, the judges will naturally prefer Qu Yi to Qu Han. At the same time, it can be considered that the court once again expressed its determination to pay huge sums of money rather than sit back and watch the Han people be wronged by the dispute between Han and Barbarians!"

"Very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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