Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 343 Imperial Examination Reform, After the Exile of the Gentlemen

Chapter 343 Imperial Examination Reform, After the Exile of the Gentlemen
"A sub-examination?"

When Zhang Gui and Tianqi reached an agreement, the Department of Policy Planning came to Chen Zizhuang and other reformist ministers to talk about the reform of the imperial examination system. Chen Zizhuang and others also asked in unison.

Zhang Guiyan said: "That's right, the professionalization of officials is the direction of our next restructuring. The basis of specialization is the division of imperial examinations."

"Of course, as for the officials who need to coordinate the military administration, they still need to be familiar with all kinds of government affairs, and there is no need to worry about this. After entering the middle school, they can conduct comprehensive training in the Zizheng School. What's more, the sub-subject examinations can also be learned from the very beginning. Identify the generalist and the partial.”

Yuan Keli then nodded first, and asked: "Uncle Guo's sub-discipline is to be able to select officials who are good at water management, financial management, and case judgment in the future from the beginning of the imperial examination, so that they can specialize in art?"

"That's exactly the reason!"

"The current career is just to speak for the sages. This kind of examination can't see the thoughts of Juzi and what Juzi is good at. It is necessary to continue our reform and truly let the whole world accept the concept of Han nobles and barbarians. Thought, we have to identify the thoughts of those who have not entered the officialdom from the root."

"After all, to achieve the goal of enriching the country and benefiting the people, it is impossible to rely on the persistence of a few of us."

Zhang Gui further elaborated.

At this time, Chen Zizhuang nodded first and said: "That's the reason! The imperial government should not choose officials just to make scholars tired of seeking fame and fame, but not to make them become useful and contribute to the community!"

"In my humble opinion, our current career is essentially to fool the people of the world! It is an extension of the people of the world. As a result, the scholars only know how to talk about their minds, but only to be stupid. The people only know how to plow and weave. Cai, I don’t know how to think. Ask yourself, do we need such Han people now?”

"Of course not! We now need the Han people to repeat the style of the Han and Tang Dynasties, but one Han can be the five Hus, so that it will be more conducive to gaining the benefits of the world and feeding the Han people of the Ming Dynasty!"

Zhang Gui continued, saying that the fundamental reason why he no longer fools the Han people in the world is to use the national complex to instigate all the Han people in the world to jointly seize the interests of the world!
"The question is how to classify subjects?"

Yuan Keli asked.

Zhang Gui looked at him and said, "Of course history is a test. If you don't know the history of your own nation, how can you love your own people?"


Everyone nodded.

Zhang Gui continued: "Articles are naturally required! But it's not just to explain the words of the sages, but to let them explain their own ideas, and then to be able to recognize their talents through the articles. But only the articles are not enough, reading and understanding other people's articles and poems It is also necessary to have the ability, so some ancient sages' articles and poems should be tested; in this way, in general, it is better to call it a subject of Chinese literature, to test the ability to express and read other people's articles and poems in articles. "

"It's equivalent to making the world's scholars not only become disciples of a sage, but it can also make my Han scholars less idiots."

Chen Zizhuang said with a smile.

Others also nodded: "That makes sense."

Zhang Gui went on to say: "In addition to history and Chinese, one must also add arithmetic, so as to know who is good at sorting out the affairs of the world, and also enable the people of the world to learn to seek truth from facts."

"It is!"

No one objected.

Because like Xu Guangqi's initiative to translate "Elements of Geometry", the enlightened scholar-bureaucrats who are willing to reform in this era actually do not reject mathematics, and even admire it very much.

"These three are the main subjects, and all practitioners need to refer to them. In addition, there are criminal law, astronomy, geography, physics, chemical engineering, water conservancy, military and other subjects. The practitioners can choose two of them as elective subjects. Therefore, the Practitioners need to take five subjects, and the examiners will rank them based on the total scores of the five subjects.”

Zhang Gui replied.

"In this case, wouldn't the civil and military tests be combined into one?"

Lu Xiangsheng asked.

Zhang Gui nodded: "Of course it is possible."

"Uncle Guo's so-called division of examinations at this time is indeed a change from the old way of conducting business only according to Zhu Zi's words and discussing the words and deeds of saints."

"However, this restructuring is enough to shake the world and overturn the morale of the world that only emphasizes moral articles!"

"I'm afraid that the world only wants to be full of sage's words, and Confucian scholars who are all saints are very dissatisfied with this!"

"After all, this means that the days when they want to become masters, make the common people willingly drive them, and hold the power of herdsmen in the borderlands will be gone They will never return, and not only will they be oppressed to pass the examination after becoming an official, but they will also have to suffer from various intellectual tests before becoming an official."

Chief Assistant Han Yu spoke at this moment.

"It can't be helped. What Ming needs now is external expansion, not inward restraint like before. What is needed is not just step-by-step follow-up officials and empty-talking clear streams, but to govern the army when mounted and govern the people when dismounted. To be able to stand alone on the battlefield thousands of miles away, and to have a capable minister with clear judgment and insight in the complicated court."

"It's more important to pretend that the world is going up and down in your mind, instead of just pursuing people who are alone."

Zhang Gui said.

Among the others, Chen Zizhuang also followed suit and said, "This statement is correct. It is indeed time for Da Ming to change the imperial examination system, otherwise, we can only continue to watch Da Ming enter the doldrums again after ZTE."

Yuan Keli and others also nodded in agreement.

Therefore, Chen Zizhuang, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, then proceeded to preside over the reform of the imperial examination system according to Zhang Gui's instructions.

This reform of the imperial examination system was indeed a pioneering experiment for Daming, or rather for the entire Huaxia.

Because according to the original history, the historical trend of China is to tend to be conservative, and the thinking is becoming more and more rigid. The performance is that the imperial examinations are more focused on restraining the minds of scholars, and then achieve the goal of more ignorant and conservative Han people. In the end, they are not only ruled Or, the ruling class is too conservative and ignorant to innovate.

Until the end, even the emperor took pride in following the rules.

For example, on the eve of the Opium War in history, Emperor Jiaqing clearly lived in a society where autocracy had reached its peak, but he only knew how to repeat a series of actions of previous emperors, even obliterating his own personality.

For example, he didn't like hunting at first, but because Qianlong often hunted, he organized hunting activities regularly, and said that he did not dare to forget his ancestral duty. Such an emperor would even obliterate his own personality, let alone intensify the world. human personality.

Now Zhang Gui and other reformist ministers are reforming the imperial examination system based on the needs of political and economic interests, which can be regarded as reversing this trend.

This can be regarded as a change of track when Huaxia was still under the rule of a Han Dynasty.

Only in the Han Dynasty, where the ethnic composition of the ruler was still the main ethnic group, did such a more lifeless effort to correct the civilization of the Han Dynasty occur without considering other interests.

For example, during the Long Wan period, some rulers who had a sense of social responsibility and whose interest needs were consistent with those of the main nation began to switch boldly.

Today, people like Zhang Gui and Tianqi are continuing to work so hard to correct the development track of the Han civilization, so as not to make it slump and be overtaken by the West.

When reformist ministers like Zhang Gui started to reform the imperial examination system, Mao Qizong and his nine clans were also on the way to exile.

Looking at the vast white land outside the pass, and thinking about the warmth and prosperity of his hometown, Mao Qizong and his nine clans were naturally not in a good mood.

But what they don't know is that their exile at this time is a very meaningful thing for the country and the nation. In the future, even if Ming Dynasty perishes, no one will dare to admit that this is not the land of the Han family.

"Brother Pijiang!"

And just after Mao Qizong and his nine clans arrived in exile, Zhang Pu's voice suddenly appeared here.

That's right, Mao Qizong and his nine clans were all exiled to the same place as Zhang Pu.

Therefore, Zhang Pu came excitedly, wanting to talk to his good friend, the son of Mao Qizong, and Mao Pijiang, while behind him were several strong local women with big bellies.

(End of this chapter)

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