Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 348: Huang Zongxi's Law and Scholar-bureaucrats Backstabbing the Puppet Dynasty!

Chapter 348: Huang Zongxi's Law and Scholar-bureaucrats Backstabbing the Puppet Dynasty!
After Chen Zizhuang heard this, he solemnly told his younger brother: "Tell him, since everyone is a scholar-bureaucrat, don't be too extreme. Save some sympathy now, which can be regarded as a way out for yourself. They just want to use the Han people in the world as cattle and horses. And we want to make the barbarians of the world like cattle and horses, and neither of us has the intention of treating each other as cattle and horses, and the differences are just differences among the meat eaters, so why should we not talk about benevolence and righteousness?"

Chen Zisheng nodded. He found that his elder brother had been in contact with Uncle Guo for a long time, and he was deeply influenced by him. He began to speak directly, and he didn't pay attention to subtlety at all. He directly explained the reason for the establishment of a separate imperial court in the south. come out.

Chen Zisheng then asked seriously: "Brother, do you think Wang Wenkui and Zhao Shichun in the south can succeed? Will Uncle Guo end up like Chao Cuo or Jia Sidao? After all, they are trying to maintain the status of Neo Confucianism, and there must be many people in the world who believe in Neo Confucianism." The scholar-bureaucrats all supported them."

Chen Zizhuang sneered: "What kind of Confucianists are they! Gentlemen who truly believe in Confucianism should not have the intention of betraying the king and setting up another court. Even if they really want to set up another court, they shouldn't have to set up a fake prince. His Majesty's false edict."

"This kind of rebellion has to be sneaky. They are all people who cherish life and value profit over righteousness. They are no different from local hooligans. It is nothing more than seeing that they have missed the opportunity to make a fortune with the uncle of the country, and they are unwilling to lose their original interests. I can't keep it, but I just want to steal it under the banner of defending the ancestral system."

"Unless they are really willing to distribute their land, money and food to the people, and marry their daughters to the people, otherwise, they will not be able to accomplish anything. But if they are willing, why should they oppose it?"

"Of course, even if they want to now, they can't, because the imperial court can use more land, money and food to win over the people."

"I understand!"

Chen Zisheng nodded.


"Yuangong! Wang and Zhao Ergong are doing this now because Daming is not a righteous country, so they have to order another country to restore the old system of the ancestors!"

"Yuan Gong really wants to see that Confucianism is no longer an official school, and Tian She's poor family can seal their wives and sons without speaking for the saints?!"

"If that's the case, won't our gentry really have the same status as some craftsmen and medical households in the future? Gongzhen doesn't plan to restore the old system of the ancestors in the future, imitate Sima Wenzheng, and abolish the new law?"

Zhu Zhiyu personally came to Yuan Keli, who was more friendly with him and belonged to the same discipline, and personally persuaded Yuan Keli to secretly help them who set up another court, such as providing some information.

Yuan Keli shook his head and said: "I'm not Sima Wenzheng, I can't do such a thing! Qiu Sheng, you should understand that any dynasty in history, any restructuring, will increase the burden on the people. Now the restructuring of Daming, although aggravated It is not the burden of the Han people, but the burden of the barbarians all over the world, and even in Nanyang, the method of directly destroying the country is adopted, and the life of these foreign barbarians is definitely not as easy as before."

"So you don't want us to go back to the old system?"

Zhu Zhiyu asked.

Yuan Keli nodded and asked: "If you can achieve success, you must make up for what you lost in the name of restoring the ancestral system, but you not only need to make up for what you lost, but also help you achieve success." The benefits of working people, and if you want to abide by the ancestral system, you can't take it from foreigners. You can only plunder from the Han people twice. In this case, the people will only be worse before they are restructured. The defeat is faster, so, do you think I will watch you make the society worse?!"

The view expressed by Yuan Keli is called Huang Zongxi's law in later generations, that is, if the dynasty does not undergo a restructuring, the burden on the people will increase. Of course, the premise is that the reform is only within the framework of the Ming Dynasty.

However, the reform Zhang Gui asked Daming to do now is out of the framework of Daming, so the situation is different.

However, Yuan Keli only explained the superficial reasons, and did not tell the deeper reasons like Chen Zizhuang did to his own brother.

"Yuan Liqing!"

Zhu Zhiyu got up angrily because of this, shouted at Yuan Keli, and said with a snort, "Are you really determined to betray the world's scholars?!"

Yuan Keli replied: "The king is the most important, the people are the most important, and the society is second. I do things for the people, impeachment and betrayal?"

Zhu Zhiyu had no choice but to turn around and leave Yuan Keli's place.

After Zhu Zhiyu left Yuan Keli's place, he soon learned about Chen Zizhuang's attitude brought by Chen Zisheng.

After Zhu Zhiyu learned of Chen Zizhuang's attitude, he couldn't help feeling disappointed again.

Zhu Zhiyu really didn't expect that these ministers in power in the court would support the country's uncle Zhang Gui so wholeheartedly and support the reform and reform, and they didn't even have the intention to bet on both sides.

"Since people like Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang are so determined to stand on the side of Tianqi and Guojiu Zhang Gui, why do I have to sacrifice all my wealth and life for the so-called Neo-Confucianism and the so-called ancestral system? They are not stupid. There must be other reasons for the choice, and it cannot really be because of the common people of the country."

Zhu Zhiyu thought about it after that.

Therefore, Zhu Zhiyu came to Sui State's mansion decisively and asked to see Zhang Gui.

"Do you really want to be my Xichang's eyeliner next to the puppet imperial court in the south?"

Therefore, after Zhang Gui met Zhu Zhiyu and learned of his intentions, he took the initiative to inquire.

Zhu Zhiyu, who was kneeling in front of Zhang Gui, said: "Students also know the word 'loyalty', how dare they lie to Uncle Guo! Even if the students end up ruining their families because of this, they have no regrets!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Gui slapped the table, pretending to be happy and said: "It is my great fortune to have a loyal man like you."

"Get up quickly!"

Because of this, Zhang Gui immediately supported Zhu Zhiyu.

Zhu Zhiyu then told Zhang Gui carefully what he knew about the puppet imperial court in the south.

After Zhang Gui heard this, he said: "Very good, follow the Duke of this country into the palace to meet His Majesty! Then you tell His Majesty what you know."


Zhu Zhiyu was very excited after hearing this. Since he has decided to place a bet on both sides, he wants to help the puppet imperial court in the south to restore the old system of the ancestors, and also serve as an undercover agent for Xichang in the puppet imperial court in the south. While meeting the emperor, and then get the opportunity to be valued.

When Zhang Gui brought Zhu Zhiyu to see Tianqi, Tianqi was talking about defecting Minister Zhao Shichun with Liu Hongxun, a senior scholar, and Yang Sichang, who was newly promoted to the right servant of the Ministry of War.

As soon as he learned that Zhang Gui brought an important person from the puppet imperial court in the south, Tianqi also met with Zhu Zhiyu and asked, "What are they doing now after setting up a fake prince as the new imperial court?"

Zhu Zhiyu then replied: "Your Majesty, they are preparing for the big competition now, and the big competition will be conducted according to the imperial examination two years before Tianqi, only discussing the current literature."

Tian Qi then asked: "Are there many people applying for the exam?"

Zhu Zhiyu replied: "Many! But most of them are local and nearby scholars. However, out of the two capitals and thirteen provinces, five Jieyuan went to Guangzhou, and gave up going to Beijing to do business, saying that they would not participate You can’t speak for a saint.”

"The imperial examination?"

"Five solutions!"

At this time, Liu Hongxun suddenly muttered, and then played to Tianqi: "Your Majesty! These things the puppet court has done are competing with the court for the hearts of the court, and should not be underestimated!"

(End of this chapter)

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