Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 349 The civil servants who hate him have nothing to say, so they volunteered!

Chapter 349 The angry civil servant has nothing to say, so he volunteers!
Tian Qi nodded when he heard what Liu Hongxun said.

But Liu Hongxun, after seeing Tianqi nodded, said again: "The old minister thinks that the reform of the imperial examination system can be postponed, and first we can calm down this group of rebels and thieves who took this opportunity to establish a new court! Otherwise, I am afraid that many scholars in the world will really be punished." Forced to the puppet court! Your Majesty!"

Zhang Gui glanced at Liu Hongxun, and said, "Mr. Ge's words are wrong!"

Then, Zhang Gui played to Tianqi: "Your Majesty, I believe that most of the scholars in the world will not go to some false dynasty. After all, the scholars in the world have always read the books of sages and sages, and they know what loyalty and shame are. Even if Now that the imperial court is reformed, they are dissatisfied and unwilling to become an official. Presumably they will not betray their monarch and father, and go to the puppet dynasty to become an official, which will make the world even more chaotic. Therefore, I think that there are probably no scholars who go to the puppet dynasty. Even if there are very few, and those who have gone are probably not good people, they are nothing more than stupid and helpless scholars without a king or father, and why should such scholars care about their whereabouts?"

Zhang Gui said: "Unless Mr. Ge thinks that most of the scholars in the world are stupid and helpless snobs without kings or fathers!"

Zhang Gui then deliberately asked Liu Hongxun: "Master Ge really thinks so?"

"No way?"

"Ge Lao, why don't you answer, you don't really want to acquiesce?"

Liu Hongxun's face suddenly turned pale. He couldn't really admit that most of the scholars in the world are hypocrites who would not act according to the principles of sages even after reading the books of sages.

For a while, Liu Hongxun had no choice but to reply with humiliation: "Your Majesty, I don't think so. Uncle Guo is indeed right, it's because I didn't think carefully just now. Now that I think about it, there is no need to suspend the reform of the imperial examination system. It is better to send troops directly to suppress these Traitors and thieves are good."

At this time, Yang Sichang suddenly stood up: "Your Majesty, I would like to ask myself to be a strategist, and suppress these traitors and thieves!"

Tian Qi looked at Yang Sichang in surprise.

He didn't expect that Yang Sichang would suddenly take the initiative to ask Ying to be in command to put down the puppet imperial court in the south.

Zhang Gui was also surprised, but he had to admit that Yang Sichang's reaction was really fast, as if he had been prepared long ago.

At this time, Liu Hongxun also realized something, and hurriedly stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think it is feasible for Yang Shilang to take the initiative to ask Ying to suppress the bandits. Yang Shilang has been familiar with military affairs and leads the troops to defeat the bandits. He will surely win the battle." !"

Tian Qi said at this time: "Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting may be more suitable."

But Liu Hongxun was obviously willing to speak for Yang Sichang, so he stood up and said at this time: "Your Majesty, although Da Sima and Sun Butang also know about soldiers, I dare to say that these two people have a lot to do with Uncle Guo. Whether it is Your Majesty For the consideration of the ancestral temple and the country or the future of the uncle, we should give the ministers recommended by the uncle of the country a chance! Yang Shilang knows the soldiers, and even the old man Sun Ge (Sun Chengzong) has praised him. The minister thinks that Yang Shilang can take on this important task !"

Tian Qi asked: "Sir, did you really say that?"

Liu Hongxun said: "How dare a minister deceive the king!"

At this time, Liu Hongxun looked at Zhang Gui again: "I guess Uncle Guo doesn't want all the soldiers in the world to come from your family?"

Zhang Guidao: "Your Majesty, since Elder Liu Ge has said so, I naturally have nothing to say."

Tian Qi nodded: "That's right, you Liu Aiqing said so, and I won't do it if I don't agree! If so, I will allow you Yang Aiqing to be the strategist and send troops to conquer the traitors!"

"The minister leads the decree to thank you!"

Yang Sichang replied.

In fact, before this, Yang Sichang did talk to Liu Hongxun about his idea that not all the people in charge of the Ming Dynasty came from the family of the uncle.

Because of this, Liu Hongxun seemed to really intend to support Yang Sichang to check and balance Zhang Gui's control over military power, so he specifically said: "Your Majesty, I am worried that the uncle of the country will order the Chinese army because Yang Shilang did not vote for him. The Industrial Department of the Dudu Mansion deliberately does not sell high-quality firearms and gunpowder to Yang Shilang's soldiers and horses, so I suggest that Your Majesty should personally instruct Uncle Zhang Guo, who is in charge of the Army Dudu Mansion."

Zhang Gui glanced at Liu Hongxun and said angrily: "Your Majesty, although the Industrial Division has the shares of the Minister, and the Minister is the Zuo Dudu who is in charge of the Industrial Division, the Industrial Division is not the Industrial Division of the Minister, but the Industrial Division of Daming. It may prevent the Department of Industry from selling arms to the conscripts. Besides, why is the Department of Industry not making any money? Is it because they want to pay the firearms and gunpowder they make?"

"Uncle Guo, don't blame me for treating him like a villain. The main reason is that it involves suppressing thieves, so I have to worry about it."

Liu Hongxun replied.

"I believe that Zhang Qing will not do this. Of course, I will not allow him to abolish the public for personal reasons. Yang Qing, don't worry."

Tian Qi said something at this time.


Yang Sichang responded at this moment.

"Let's all go back."


Yang Sichang was very satisfied, because he finally got such a chance to enhance his power, so he made a special effort to bow to Liu Hongxun after leaving Xiyuan: "Just now, I would like to thank Mr. Ge for his words. This is the opportunity for the subordinates to make contributions. "

Liu Hongxun said: "You don't have to thank the servant. The servant helping you is not out of self-interest, but for the sake of Ming Dynasty. The civil and military skills of the soldiers are not all from other countries. Some things have to be guarded against. Even if Your Majesty doesn't guard against it, we have to guard against it. No one knows whether someone will really have the desire to usurp the throne after the general trend of human rights becomes stronger."

"Your husband is loyal to the country, and the lower officials know about it. But what the lower officials are worried about is that you will offend Uncle Guo because of this."

Yang Sichang said.

Liu Hongxun sneered: "A servant will not dare to do what he wants to do or say what he wants to say because he is afraid of the power of his uncle in other countries!"

"Elder Ge is not afraid of the rich and powerful, which is really admirable to the lower officials!"

Yang Sichang flattered again.

But Liu Hongxun waved his hand and said: "Let's not talk about these things. Let me ask you, who do you plan to recommend as generals? Many of the generals who can fight in the whole dynasty are also from his uncle Zhang Guo. You don't want to choose these people. "

"Your official understands. I intend to recommend Li Fuming as the admiral to lead all the soldiers to the south. This person comes from the general family and is familiar with strategic strategies. He will not lose to Zhou Yuji and Man Gui!"

Yang Sichang replied.

Yang Sichang immediately reported to Li Fuming after returning home.

As soon as Li Fuming saw Yang Sichang, he cupped his hands and said, "The Ministry!"

Yang Sichang came straight to the point and took out a note: "This is a note for 200 million taels of military pay. I temporarily transferred it from the Ministry, saving the need to go to the Ministry of Households to collect it. Soldiers are expensive and fast, and soldiers and horses have not yet been paid." Use food and grass first, and take this military salary to the Industry Department to purchase the corresponding firearms and gunpowder that need to be added. Don’t save money for the Ministry of War. Whether you can make meritorious service in this counter-insurgency is very important to you and me! Don’t be negligent! Purchase enough After the firearms and gunpowder, strive to be able to be a teacher within a month!"

"Yes! Don't worry about it!"

Li Fuming took the note with a happy face.

And half a month later, Zhang Gui suddenly asked Bi Maokang of the Industrial Division in his spare time: "Recently, Li Fuming, Admiral Li, has someone sent to the Industrial Division to order firearms and gunpowder?"

Bi Maokang replied: "Not at all!"

Zhang Gui was shocked when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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