Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 352 Apocalypse is furious!Suicide apology is useless!

Chapter 352 Apocalypse is furious!Suicide apology is useless!
Yang Sichang finally let these scholars go, because he decided to make a good impression on the puppet people in the south.

Although he is now the commander-in-chief who is about to go south to suppress the rebellion, it is still necessary to bet on both sides.

"Have the firearms and gunpowder that the hall asked you to buy from the Industrial Division arrived?"

But when he got to the front line of Huguang and the battle was imminent, Yang Sichang suddenly heard about Li Fuming again and asked about it.

Li Fuming couldn't help lowering his head, a little afraid to answer.

Yang Sichang was sullen, and said sharply, "Tell me back!"

Li Fuming hurriedly bowed down: "The Ministry hall calm down!"

"what happened?"

Yang Sichang asked.

Then, Yang Sichang thought that Li Fuming was afraid of his uncle Zhang Gui's power and did not dare to tell the truth, so he backed him up and said, "You just report the truth, when the time comes, I will write a book myself to impeach Zhang Guojiu, and I won't let you sign it! You don’t have to be afraid! Uncle Zhang Guo just took his anger on me. Besides, His Majesty personally agreed to ask the Industrial Division to give you gunpowder. What are you afraid of?!”

Li Fuming was indeed afraid of Zhang Gui's power, so he had to speak for Zhang Gui, and lied: "Ministry Rong Rong, the Industry Department really has no plan not to sell firearms and gunpowder to low-ranking officials, but just said that the goods cannot be delivered in time. Indeed, it has been said that it will be built in time.”

"Then hurry up! Now that the rebels and the rebels have set up camp across the bank, they are preparing for a big battle, but the firearms and gunpowder have not been replaced! What is this like, are you going to use the heavenly soldiers and generals to destroy the enemy?!"

Yang Sichang scolded angrily.

He now has the heart to kill Li Fuming, and the matter of supplying firearms is so procrastinated that it is now difficult for him to make military contributions with peace of mind.


Li Fuming agreed, and persuaded him: "Calm down your anger. In fact, you don't have to be too nervous about this matter. These rebels are nothing more than a few thieves. They are no match for our officers and soldiers. Even if they don't use firearms, they use knives and guns." Swords and halberds, my officers and soldiers can drive them all over the mountain."

Yang Sichang snorted: "Don't underestimate the enemy!"

"Enemy attack! Report! There is an enemy attack!"

But at this moment, there was an urgent call from soldiers outside.

After hearing this, Yang Sichang hurried out of the tent.

Li Fuming also followed.

Sure enough, Yang Sichang discovered through the binoculars that a large number of rebels armed with turtledove blunderbuss were rushing towards his official army camp with their upper bodies bare and tattooed with green dragons or white tigers.

At the same time, there were crackling sounds of firecrackers, as well as the sound of suona and gongs.

Moreover, at the position of the middle army of these rebels, there is actually a group of monks knocking on the wooden fish, and a group of female Taoist priests who are not wearing pants, meditating on something.

Then in the very center, in front of a sedan chair carried by a civil servant, there is an old man carried by several people on a wooden plank, wearing Taoist robes, standing on a wooden plank, wielding a wooden sword, like a magician of this era, who often throws his hand out, Can throw a puff of black smoke.

Many officers and soldiers under Li Fuming's command were stunned by this.

"The Azure Dragon and White Tiger Army charge forward! Set up the Yin-Yang Gate Formation!"

The old Taoist still shouted at this moment.

At this time, rebels with blue dragons and white tigers embroidered on their bodies had rushed into the official army camp.

And those monks and women also stood in a row, coming naked.

Some rebel military officers even yelled: "Now we are all drinking talismans, and the bullets can't penetrate our bodies. We are all made of steel and iron, and the yin and yang formation summons the gods to help! Charge me, kill us!" Kill these traitors who don't respect saints!"

"Kill the traitor!"

"Kill the traitor!"

"Kill the traitor!"

Many rebels are shouting.

Seeing this, Yang Sichang's face darkened, and he hurriedly ordered to Li Fuming: "Hurry up and repel the attackers!"


Li Fuming agreed, and immediately gave the order.

Li Fuming's official army also belonged to the first part of the Beijing camp, and they had also received serious training. They were well-trained, but they quickly organized a formation and began to block the rebels attacking the camp in an orderly manner.

Yang Sichang didn't panic at this time, because he also believed that Li Fuming would not be able to repel even a rebel army who attacked the camp.

But who knows, soon after Li Fuming's officers and soldiers organized a retreat from the enemy, they discovered that their flintlocks were damaged after only a few shots, and they couldn't replace them in time if they wanted to, because there were no new firearms.

There was not even enough gunpowder, and many artillery pieces were rendered useless.

"Report, we really need to change guns!"

"Report, we really need to change guns!
"Report, we need gunpowder!"

The camp owners will start yelling, why is shouting really needed?
Because they had already mentioned to Li Fuming before they stood up that they needed to prepare new guns for replacement. After all, the old guns had been severely damaged after being used in training for a long time.

In the beginning, the battalions just shouted, but later they were directly defeated because the higher-ups did not respond in time.

Battalion after battalion was routed.

Seeing this scene, Yang Sichang was stunned: "Is there any hope for me to stand up to Uncle Zhang Guo by making military exploits?"

Yang Sichang slapped Li Fuming on the spot, and shouted: "Tell me the truth, what happened to the fact that the Ministry of War gave you 200 million taels of gunpowder for gunpowder?! Answer me!"

Li Fuming didn't expect this to happen. In a moment of panic, he didn't have time to lie, so he knelt down and explained: "Don't be angry! I have already invested my money in the Wang's Coal Mine and bought the shares of the Wang's Coal Mine. 200 million taels for a few 10 taels, and then another 200 million taels to buy arms! But who knows that the Wang family has been procrastinating and not allowing the transaction, and the humble job has been urging, until now. But the humble job did not expect to betray The army will suddenly attack the camp!"

Yang Sichang slapped Li Fuming again, and said sharply, "You bastard! How dare you embezzle military funds!"

As he said that, Yang Sichang tightened Li Fuming's lapel again: "You have ruined the imperial government's affairs!"

After Yang Sichang finished speaking, he shouted: "Withdraw!"

Then, Yang Sichang immediately rode his horse and left here.

Not long after, Zhu Youxiao also learned the news of Yang Sichang's defeat, and couldn't help being furious: "This Yang Sichang, I shouldn't let him lead the army at all. A guy who talks about armies on paper, what's more, he has four corners, six corners, and ten sides. Fanglue, in the end he couldn’t even suppress a rebel army! Fortunately, I thought that he would have the ability to lead troops apart from talking on paper!”

As he said that, Zhu Youxiao ordered: "Immediately ask him urgently what is going on and how to explain it!" "

Chen Zizhuang, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, took the opportunity to go out and play: "Your Majesty, I think Yang Sichang is not as good as Da Sima (Lu Xiangsheng) and Sun Jinglue (Sun Chuanting) in the end. It’s best, just like the minister, just talk about military strategy in the newspaper, it’s appropriate to boost the hearts of the people, it’s really inappropriate to command a big war!”

University scholar Liu Hongxun heard that Chen Zizhuang, who was on the same team with his uncle Zhang Gui, was so sarcastic about Yang Sichang, he couldn't help but get angry, and wanted to refute, but he couldn't refute now.

After all, Yang Sichang was indeed defeated this time. Compared with Sun Chuanting and Lu Xiangsheng, who had won many victories in southern Liaoning and Gyeonggi, he was indeed much worse.

Then, Chen Zizhuang ridiculed Liu Hongxun again: "Also, I think that some cabinet ministers themselves don't understand military affairs, so it's better not to put their beaks on the appointment of senior officials like governors, otherwise, the military affairs of the court will be ruined. Suicide and apology are useless!"

Liu Hongxun blushed after hearing this, and stood up angrily: "Your Majesty! I have something to say."

(End of this chapter)

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