Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 353 Do you want me to abdicate? !Wenchen was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot!

Chapter 353 Do you want me to abdicate? !Wenchen was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot!

"What else do you want to say? Do you want to say that it is because you want to check and balance Zhang Qing and prevent him from becoming too powerful. I have to hold my nose to forgive Yang Sichang and continue to give him another chance?"

Tianqi asked Liu Hongxun angrily.

Liu Hongxun didn't hide it, and regardless of Tianqi's anger at Yang Sichang at this time, he said: "This is indeed what I mean. Your Majesty, you can forgive Uncle Guo for repeatedly cutting first and then playing. Why, Yang Butang is just because the generals under him are incompetent." And the matter of defeat, can't you forgive me?"

As he said that, Liu Hongxun said again: "According to the emergency report, it is Li Fuming's lack of preparation, which even caused Yang Butang to suffer, rather than Yang Butang's improper command. In addition, Yang Butang also sent urgent memorabilia to the cabinet frequently. It must have been the root cause of the defeat that the Department of Industry and Industry did not send firearms and powder. Instead of accusing Yang Butang here, His Majesty should ask Uncle Guo why the Department of Industry did not send firearms and powder too late!"

Zhang Gui stood up at this time and said: "Your Majesty, the Industrial Department has not received Li Fuming's order form. I am willing to ask His Majesty to order an imperial envoy to investigate. In addition, I also sent a letter to ask the admiral Li Fuming if there is no need to order the industrial The Ministry of War did not allow him to order the firearms and gunpowder of the company, but Li Fuming did not reply to the minister."

Tian Qi didn't speak after hearing this.

At this time, Liu Hongxun took the opportunity to continue casually: "Your Majesty, I believe that although Li Fuming's lack of preparation caused delays in the war, the root cause of this defeat is that the imperial court reformed too much, especially the reform of the imperial examination system. , and lost the hearts of the world. The reason why the rebels were able to win is that they conducted scientific examinations with the sole respect for Confucianism and won the hearts of the world!"

As he said that, Liu Hongxun bowed directly to the ground and knocked the elephant wat on the ground: "Your Majesty, please restore the original system of imperial examinations! To solve the grievances of the people of the world!"

"Your Majesty! I still think that this has nothing to do with people's hearts. The people of the world are composed of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and scholars. To the common people, what they take in the imperial examination is not important to them, but to the scholars, loyalty to the emperor is very important to them. , so this defeat has nothing to do with people's hearts."

Zhang Gui said: "If Ge Lao really thinks that people's hearts are on the side of the false dynasty, then Ge Lao should follow the hearts of the world and go to the false dynasty to be an official!"


Liu Hongxun's veins popped out from Zhang Gui's anger, so he could only say: "Okay! Leaving aside these things, does Uncle Guo feel that he has no responsibility at all for the current situation?!"

"Your Majesty, I believe that Uncle Guo has no responsibility at all!"

"Yang Butang was not recommended by the uncle of the country, but when he was appointed, the Minister of the Ministry of officials did not recognize and dissuade him in time. Wang Wenkui, Wang Aoyong and other rebellious ministers were able to serve in the border, and it was not arranged by the uncle of the country, but by the minister. It was recommended by the court when it was recommended. If you want to say that you are responsible, in fact, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials has a lot of responsibility!"

Yuan Keli stood up resolutely at this time, and then directly prostrated himself on the ground and took off his black hat: "I have improper employment, I would like to resign to plead guilty! Your Majesty's permission!"

"Your Majesty, if it is said that people's hearts are lost and they all go to the false court, and even some scholars go to the false court, then the minister of the Ministry of Rites has a great responsibility. He has nothing to do with it, so he has to be held accountable, the crime of the minister is very serious!"

Chen Zizhuang also pleaded guilty, saying: "I also want to resign and plead guilty!"

Han Yu also said at this time: "If it is calculated, the minister, the chief assistant, can hardly escape the blame!"

The reformist ministers Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang did this at this time, intending to tell Tianqi that if you really want to believe Liu Hongxun, you should focus on preventing Uncle Zhang from intensifying such internal struggles instead of focusing on When focusing on external expansion and reform, take this opportunity to allow people like yourself to resign.

Because people like myself belong to Zhang Guojiu's lineage, resigning from office is just conducive to weakening Zhang Guojiu's power.

Tian Qi naturally understood what they meant, and said: "No! If you say that you are responsible, it is my fault. It is Yang Sichang who gave me the favor. Does it mean that I have to abdicate too?!"

Yuan Keli waited to hear what Tianqi said, so he had to get up, not to apologize again.

At this time, Zhang Gui looked at Liu Hongxun: "Excuse me, Mr. Ge, who is the master of Ming Dynasty? Could it be that Mr. Ge also feels like those rebels that I, Zhang Gui, are controlling the court, and that Your Majesty is a senseless and foolish monarch who allows his relatives to become bigger?" ?!"

Some words can only be thought in the heart, and naturally cannot be said.

Liu Hongxun naturally did not dare to admit it.

Therefore, Tian Qi glared at Liu Hongxun angrily: "Much ado about nothing! Do you think you can understand, but I don't understand, and I need you, a self-righteous person, to remind me?"

Hearing what Tianqi said, Liu Hongxun was even more stimulated, so he couldn't breathe out, and a mouthful of blood spewed out and splashed on the main hall. After this, he felt a lot, but he didn't speak anymore.

At this time, the censor Tian Jingyuan suddenly stood up boldly and said inappropriately: "Your Majesty! The uncle Zhang Gui tampered with the firearms and gunpowder that Admiral Li gave! Deliberately pretending to be good quality firearms and gunpowder, and He also colluded with Admiral Li and deliberately concealed it from Yang Butang, so that Yang Butang always thought that the firearms and gunpowder from the Industrial Division had not arrived. In fact, the Industrial Division had already given them, but they just took inferior products and pretended to be good ones. It’s just taking the opportunity to embezzle military silver with Li Fuming.”

"Your Majesty, Uncle Zhang Guo took private revenge and delayed the military aircraft. I ask Your Majesty to deal with it strictly!"

Zhang Gui hurriedly said after hearing this: "Your Majesty, I dare not lie, Li Fuming did not come to the Industrial Division to order! It is not as Tian Yushi said!"

Tian Jingyuan sneered at this moment, and asked, "Does Uncle Guo have evidence? Prove that Li Fuming didn't come to order?"

Tian Jingyuan said aggressively, "Uncle Guo, please show me the evidence!"

"Your Majesty, I have evidence that Uncle Guo framed Yang Butang for personal gain!"

Tian Jingyuan said something loudly to Tianqi at this moment.

At this time, Liu Hongxun also felt better, and thought to himself that Tian Yushi is a brave and resourceful official!

At this moment, Liu Hongxun also satirized Zhang Gui: "If this is true, Uncle Guo's move is too disregarding the overall situation! It's too much to report!"

Tian Qi ignored Liu Hongxun's sarcasm, and only lowered his face after hearing this, and asked Tian Jingyuan, "What evidence do you have?"

Tian Jingyuan said: "Your Majesty, I would like to invite you to announce your appointment to Zhu Zhiyu, the former Nanjing Guozijian sacrificial wine!"

"Zhu Zhiyu?"

Tian Qi glanced at Zhang Gui suspiciously after hearing this.

Yuan Keli, Chen Zizhuang and others all breathed a sigh of relief, and they all looked at Tian Jingyuan like a monkey.

Even Liu Hongxun was rather disappointed, and looked at Tian Jingyuan in disbelief.

That's it?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

And Tian Jingyuan, who was extremely proud, felt strange at this moment.

Zhang Gui nodded tacitly.

Tian Qi also said at this time: "Yes! Xuan Zhu Zhiyu has an audience!"


Not long after, Zhu Zhiyu walked in and first saluted Tianqi.

At this time, Tian Jing still played according to his original plan: "Your Majesty, Mr. Zhu has the note that his friend Li Fuming got from the Industrial Division after purchasing firearms and gunpowder! You can prove this!"

Therefore, Tianqi asked Zhu Zhiyu cooperatively: "Zhu Zhiyu, do you have such a note?"

"What note?"

Zhu Zhiyu asked a question pretending not to understand.

Then, Zhu Zhiyu said again: "Your Majesty, I really don't have any notes, and I don't have a friend named Li Fuming! If I have a friend, then there is only one friend, and this person is Tian Yushi!"

(End of this chapter)

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