Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 354 Confiscation of the house!Take the strict trial!

Chapter 354 Confiscation of the house!Take the strict trial!
"Tian Jingyuan?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zhu Zhiyu replied: "Your Majesty is wise! The Tian Yushi that I refer to is this person!"

"Tell me in detail!"

Apocalypse ordered.

"According to the order!"

"I came to Beijing to develop eyeliner under the order of the puppet court, and the No. 1 eyeliner developed is Tian Yushi. Because I have made good friends with my minister, I naturally want to get in touch with him first..."

Zhu Zhiyu reported in detail.

At this time, Tian Jingyuan was already stunned in place.

How could this be?
Didn't we make an appointment together at this time to give Uncle Zhang Guo a fatal blow? Why did you suddenly say that you are a member of the puppet dynasty?He also confessed to the emperor on his own initiative!

Tian Jingyuan now has many question marks popping up in his heart.

Why did you, Zhu Zhiyu, confess your true identity to the emperor?

Or does the emperor already know your identity?
Or is it that everyone here knows it, but I don't know, and I'm just a fool?
Tian Qi also asked Tian Jingyuan pretending to be annoyed at this time: "Tian Aiqing, did you hear what Zhu Zhiyu said just now?"

"Minister, minister."

Tian Jingyuan stammered, and then suddenly said: "Your Majesty! He Zhu Zhiyu is spreading rumors and framing! I don't even know that he is an eyeliner for the puppet dynasty, and he didn't develop my ministers. I only know that he brought industry. A note from the secretary to Admiral Li's cash register!"

Tian Jingyuan said loudly: "Your Majesty, please learn from me!"

Then, Tian Jingyuan said: "Uncle Guo must have bribed Zhu Zhiyu first, and deliberately let him frame the minister like this! Your Majesty! Besides, since Zhu Zhiyu admitted that the minister is his friend, and he even betrayed his own friend, it is clearly a snobbery Little man! You can't believe a single word of such a little man! Your Majesty!"

Tian Qi deliberately pretended to believe Tian Jingyuan's words, looked at Zhu Zhiyu, and asked, "Zhu Zhiyu, as he said, are you trying to frame Tian Yushi?"


"I have evidence, because I gave Tian Yushi a generous gift, which is ten pieces of antique jade. Without this generous gift, Tian Yushi would not agree to be the eyeliner of the false court, nor would he Later, I asked my ministers to frame Uncle Guo."

Zhu Zhiyu replied at this time.

"You bullshit!"

"Zhu Zhiyu, you despicable villain, you framed a friend, why are you so shameless!"

Tian Jingyuan scolded Zhu Zhiyu loudly excitedly.

Then, Tian Jingyuan yelled at Tianqi: "Your Majesty, I have been wronged, and I have never accepted any generous gift from him. I really have not accepted it! I have always been loyal to Your Majesty, and I have always been very clean." How dare you accept bribes from the rebels! This must be a slander framed by the uncle of the country! Please learn from your majesty!"

Tian Jingyuan really yelled at Zhang Gui as he said: "Uncle Guo, why did you frame me, why, I have no grievances or enmities with you!"

Zhang Gui has been quietly watching Tian Jingyuan's performance.

Before that, he arranged for Zhu Zhiyu to do a secret thing, originally to let him confess all his contacts in the capital, and then test out the attitudes of everyone in the capital, and at the same time find out Yang Sichang's background.

But Zhang Gui didn't know which officials Zhu Zhiyu had secretly contacted.

Because Zhu Zhiyu hasn't reported to him yet.

And it was only now that he knew the truth that Zhu Zhiyu had already been in contact with this censor Tian Jingyuan, and that Tian Jingyuan colluded with Zhu Zhiyu to frame him, but he didn't know that Zhu Zhiyu was his own.

Of course, when Zhang Gui heard Tian Jingyuan say Zhu Zhiyu's name, he had already guessed what was going on here.

At that time, after Tian Jingyuan yelled at Zhang Gui, Zhang Gui only pretended to be innocent and said: "Why is Tian Yushi so nonsense? It is obvious that you have been framing the Duke of the country, and the Duke of the country has not mentioned you before this. How can you say that?" Can I frame you?"

As Zhang Gui said, he played to Tianqi: "Your Majesty, please follow Zhu Zhiyu's play and copy Tian Yushi's home. Only by copying can you know whether Tian Yushi is innocent or not."

At this time, Tian Jingyuan also turned his head to look at Tianqi angrily and said, "Your Majesty, I am willing to be copied to prove my innocence! But everyone knows that Xichang belongs to the uncle of the country, and Eunuch Wei of the East factory is also close to the uncle of the country. , Your Majesty, please send other ministers as imperial envoys to copy your home!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to be an imperial envoy and seconded Jin Yiwei to search Tian Yushi's home."

At this time Liu Hongxun stood up and offered to ask Ying.

Tian Qi then asked Tian Jingyuan: "Tian Jingyuan, are you willing to let Mr. Liu Ge be an imperial envoy and take Jin Yiwei to raid your home?"

Tian Jingyuan hurriedly nodded: "I am willing! I believe in Elder Liu Ge!"

Tian Jingyuan naturally believed in Liu Hongxun, because he knew that Liu Hongxun and Uncle Zhang Guo were at odds, and he wanted to weaken Uncle Zhang Guo's power.

Seeing this, Tian Qi said: "Then allow Liu Aiqing to be an imperial envoy, and take Jin Yiwei to copy Tian Yushi's house, and the country's uncle Zhang Gui will co-organize it!"

"According to the order!"

Liu Hongxun was a little disappointed, because he had to admit that the emperor was still partial to Zhang Gui, and he asked his uncle Zhang Gui to co-organize it, obviously because he didn't want to give himself the opportunity to frame Zhang Guojiu, so that Zhang Guojiu could watch from the sidelines. with.

So, not long after, Zhang Gui and Liu Hongxun brought some Jin Yiwei to Tian Jingyuan's house non-stop, Zhu Zhiyu also accompanied them all the way.

Tian Jingyuan's home is not big, it is a small independent courtyard, and it is rented.

Therefore, after Zhang Gui and the others arrived at Tian Jingyuan's home, Liu Hongxun praised Tian Jingyuan: "I never thought, Tian Yushi, you are so poor."

Tian Jingyuan, who was guarded by Jin Yiwei, said at this time: "It's not easy to live in Chang'an. It's not easy for a subordinate official to live in a mansion!"

Liu Hongxun then walked in, and found Tian Jingyuan's house for a moment, indeed, the house was completely bare, except for a coffin in the main room.

Liu Hongxun therefore asked Zhang Gui: "Uncle Guo, do you think such a censor is a corrupt official who accepts bribes from rebels?"

Zhang Gui smiled lightly and ignored Liu Hongxun.

Liu Hongxun asked Jin Yiwei to copy it.

"Nothing at all!"

"Only 50 taels of broken silver."

"Five pieces of silk and satin."

Suddenly, Jin Yiwei came to report.

Therefore, Tian Jingprinciple asked Zhang Gui and Liu Hongxun with a smile: "Uncle Guo, Elder Liu Ge, as a censor, shouldn't you not even have this little money?"

"No, this amount of money is not as much as my family's. We are here to copy the generous gift that Zhu Jijiu gave you."

Liu Hongxun said, "You haven't copied it now. From this point of view, you are wronged."

As Liu Hongxun spoke, he asked Zhang Gui: "What does Uncle Guo think?"

Zhang Gui didn't answer.

At this time, Tian Jingyuan asked at this moment: "Is it possible that Uncle Guo still refuses to give up? Do you want to frame the lower official?"

At this time, Liu Hongxun asked Zhu Zhiyu in a loud voice: "Zhu Zhiyu, whether what you said in front of the emperor is deceiving the emperor or the truth, please tell me clearly!"

Zhu Zhiyu only looked at Zhang Gui for a while.

"It looks like you, Zhu Zhiyu, are lying!"

Liu Hongxun glanced around the courtyard as he spoke, and sighed: "Such a honest and honest minister was almost framed as a corrupt official and treacherous minister!"

After Liu Hongxun sighed, he asked Tian Jingyuan: "Tian Yushi, what is your coffin?"

"Naturally, it was prepared for the lower official himself. The lower official knew that offending Uncle Guo would not end well, so he bought a coffin and prepared it."

Tian Jing said originally.

Liu Hongxun was even more moved after hearing this: "Tian Yushi is really a loyal minister! I respect him very much!"

Then, Liu Hongxun said: "Now it seems that there is no need to say any more, just tell your majesty the truth. As for why Zhu Zhiyu framed Tian Yushi, you have to ask your majesty to have a strict trial! Come, take Zhu Zhiyu down!"


Zhang Gui gave an order at this time.

Liu Hongxun asked, "What else can Uncle Guo say?"

Zhang Guidao: "There is still one place that I haven't copied!"

Tian Jingyuan couldn't help feeling tense after hearing this.

 Sorry, I posted the wrong chapter at noon, and sent it to the evening chapter, which caused the content to be repeated. If you feel that it is wrong, you can go back to the previous chapter and read it again, because the author made a mistake and ruined the well-designed plot!I'm so sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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