Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 356 Issuing an imperial edict for strict interrogation!

Chapter 356 Issuing an imperial edict for strict interrogation!

Liu Hongxun felt as if someone had stabbed him severely in the back, and he felt as if a cold wind was blowing hard through the hole, making his whole body feel like he was placed in a world of ice and snow.

"Answer me!"

At this time, Tian Qi asked again in a serious tone.

Only then did Liu Hongxun come back to his senses, and said, "Your Majesty, I have been wronged! I have really been wronged!"

Liu Hongxun said and looked at Tian Jingyuan with an angry face: "Tian Yushi, why did you frame the old man? Why?! The old man has been helping you, and he also took the lead in asking for an imperial envoy because he believed that you were not a traitor. But you would Saying that the old man is the chief envoy, how could the old man be your chief envoy!"

Then, Liu Hongxun asked Tian Jingyuan again: "Did you see that you are in prison and you cannot escape the guilt? In order to please his Uncle Zhang Guo and let him give you a way out, you deliberately helped Uncle Zhang frame the old man, deliberately said The old man is the mastermind behind the scenes, and then you think that Uncle Zhang Guo is willing to believe that the old man is the mastermind, and you will reduce the punishment because of this?"

"is not it?!"

Liu Hongxun asked Tian Jingyuan aloud as he spoke, and scolded Liu Hongxun, "Why are you so despicable! So shameless!"

Immediately, Liu Hongxun argued to Tianqi again: "Your Majesty, you have learned a lesson! I am definitely not an envoy, and I never let Tian Yushi intentionally frame Uncle Guo!"


Tian Qi yelled angrily, and then ordered: "Dismiss Liu Hongxun, send him to prison, and interrogate him strictly!"

"According to the order!"

After listening to Tianqi's instructions, Liu Hongxun also knew that he could no longer argue, so he simply stopped arguing for himself, but continued to show consideration for Tianqi, saying:
"Your Majesty, I was murdered by a villain today, and it is inevitable that I will be wronged!"

"However, I would like to ask Your Majesty, even Tian Yushi, in order to please Zhang Guoshu, will frame people like me who are against Uncle Zhang Guo, is it true that Your Majesty is not worried that Uncle Zhang Guo will cover the sky with one hand in the future, and the situation will be too difficult to control?" ?"

"Your Majesty, the sage king, knows that you can't let the court only know about Uncle Zhang and not about the Son of Heaven!"

"Does Your Majesty really think that there will be no one in the court who is dissatisfied with Uncle Zhang and only loyal to His Majesty?"

"The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. If your majesty wants to kill the minister, the minister dare not complain. But I beg your majesty not to kill Yang Sichang, and please give him another chance, so that all the ministers who know the soldiers are Zhang Guo Uncle's people!"

Liu Hongxun looked at Zhang Gui again after speaking: "Uncle Guo, if you are really loyal to His Majesty, you should also protect Yang Butang!"

Zhang Gui was speechless.

Another moral kidnapping!

It seems that if Yang Sichang is killed, he will really wear a yellow robe in the future.

"Those who should be killed, I will kill, and those who should not be killed, I don't need you to teach."

Tian Qi said something in a cold voice at this time, and then said: "Liu Hongxun will be tried by Zhang Gui, the uncle of the country, and the things he has done and the party he has formed will be judged!"

Liu Hongxun was shocked when he heard this: "Your Majesty!"

At this time, the imperial guards had already dragged Liu Hongxun down.

But Liu Hongxun still couldn't figure it out, why did Tianqi do this?

Because he made his words so obvious, why did Tianqi still let Zhang Gui interrogate himself and give Zhang Gui a chance to attack dissidents.

At the same time, Liu Hongxun couldn't figure out why Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang, who were also scholar-bureaucrats, didn't care about whether to guard against the great difficulty of the country's uncle Zhang Gui.

"Liu Zibo, you are now in the hands of your own country, but you still have to be stubborn?"

When Zhang Gui was in charge of interrogating Liu Hongxun in the prison, he directly smiled smugly.

Liu Hongxun was indeed still stubborn: "Uncle Guo's will! The iron tiger stool is as long as you say hello. At this age, I have enough life. Being beaten to death in this cell is a good life and death. It can be regarded as allowing the uncle of the country to complete the old man's reputation! As for wanting the old man to confess? No way!"

"Do you think you're smart and everyone else is dumb?"

Zhang Gui asked a question at this time.

Liu Hongxun sneered: "How dare you! This old man is just a fool, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen to where he is today."

"It seems that you are quite self-aware!"

Zhang Gui replied unceremoniously.

Liu Hongxun: "..."

He turned his back to the sky and didn't want to talk to Zhang Gui.

"I don't blame you for targeting my country so much, because a person like you has such a small vision, and his mind is full of infighting thoughts, thinking that everyone only wants to be the one with the most power and trample everyone under their feet. .no way."

"And you are preventing the Duke of the country from becoming such a person, and you feel that doing so is very righteous. It is not only helping the king, but also helping the Duke of the country, and it is also conducive to the stability of the country. It is also a very normal thing."

Zhang Gui started talking at this moment, and said again: "But you can think like this, but you can't say it out. Once you say it, you will become a slave to this kind of thinking, and you will have to fight against your own country, and then become someone else's slave." Chess piece. Just like this time, he was bitten by that guy Tian Jingyuan, right?"

After hearing this, Liu Hongxun seemed to have been slapped several times, his face was hot.

Zhang Gui said again: "People like you are like flies, harmless, but buzzing around your ears, it's very annoying, but you can't finish it."

"So, Uncle Guo believed that the old man was wronged?"

Liu Hongxun asked.

Zhang Gui nodded: "Your Majesty probably knows it too. Only you yourself are only thinking about fighting for power with your own country, using some reason to prevent your foreign relatives from becoming bigger, and wanting to fight against your country, so you forget that others are also I'm not an idiot, I know if you, Liu Hongxun, can do such a thing that will destroy the whole family if you are not careful."

"Tian Jingyuan suddenly said that you are the chief envoy, but it's not because he was in a hurry, but someone arranged for him to say so."

Zhang Gui suddenly said another sentence, and said: "That is to say, the real mastermind is someone else!"


Liu Hongxun was taken aback, and looked at Zhang Gui: "Uncle Guo, why do you say that?"

"Old man, you don't have a brain, do you think others have no brains?! If you don't take the opportunity to put you Liu Zibo in prison, how can you anger the scholars in the world, and further think that your country is attacking dissidents?!"

Zhang Gui said: "This person should have been settled early. If Tian Jingyuan is exposed, you, the loudest cabinet minister who clamors for His Majesty to guard against the Duke of the country, will be pulled into the water every day. In this way, the attention of the courtiers of the Ming Dynasty will be further diverted to internal strife. When it comes to the matter, it is best to kill you and destroy your clan, so that the internal strife will be even more serious!"

Liu Hongxun was silent for a long time, then suddenly asked: "Is that really the case?"

Zhang Gui nodded.

"What is their purpose in doing this?"

Liu Hongxun asked.

Zhang Guidao: "Naturally, it is to restore the old system and continue to make the Han people as worthless. You, Liu Hongxun, do not want the public power of your country to fall into the government, and others do not want your country's government to prevent them from having power in the countryside. Maybe you, Liu Hongxun, also have the same purpose."

Zhang Gui left the imperial prison not long ago, and when he left the imperial prison, he suddenly stood in front of Yi Jinyiwei, stopped and asked: "I tell you Zhou Qianhu, Ziyun Temple was notified in a timely manner. He hurriedly tried to find out the people behind Tian Jingyuan."


At this time, an eunuch rushed over: "Uncle Guo!"

"What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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