Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 357 Confronting the Apocalypse, laying out the future of Ming Dynasty!

Chapter 357 Dialogue with Apocalypse, lay out the future of Ming Dynasty!
"The emperor wants Uncle Guo to enter the palace immediately to discuss matters!"

The eunuch said.

Zhang Gui immediately entered the palace after hearing this.

As soon as Zhang Gui saw Tianqi, Tianqi said to him: "Yang Sichang's urgent delivery has arrived. He said that this big defeat was all caused by Li Fuming's misappropriation of military funds, and now Li Fuming has defected to the south alone." In the puppet dynasty, he alone will clean up the remnants of the army and defend Nanyang to the death. In this way, it is not good for me to take him to Beijing immediately, otherwise the remaining officers and soldiers who are already frightened will be leaderless."

Zhang Gui nodded upon hearing what Tianqi said: "Your Majesty, did Yang Sichang say anything about how the rebels successfully attacked the camp?"

"It is said that there is a formation of green dragon and white tiger, and a formation of yin and yang."

After Tianqi said it, he explained the details of the so-called formation according to the content of the urgent delivery.

Zhang Gui was quite surprised after hearing this.

He did not expect that the rebels would defeat the official army in such a superstitious way.

Of course, Zhang Gui can also understand this.

He knew that people in this era were generally in awe of ghosts and gods, and believed in a lot of sorcery, and believed that drinking talisman water would make them invulnerable.

After all, in this era, most people's wisdom is not yet developed.

At this time, Tianqi said again: "Now our Ming Dynasty soldiers and horses are mainly expanding overseas borders, or stationed in border towns. Naturally, it will take a lot of time to mobilize troops and horses to go south again. But now, the rebel army won the first battle, presumably The morale is high, if we don't send troops to suppress their morale as soon as possible, I'm afraid that more powerful locals will take the opportunity to join the puppet government, prolonging the time to quell the civil strife in the future."

"In my opinion, Your Majesty doesn't need to transfer the officers and troops. You only need to send me to supervise Henan, and you can defeat the rebels!"

Zhang Gui said.

Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui and asked, "Really, aren't you afraid of the Azure Dragon White Tiger Formation and the Yin-Yang Gate Formation?"

Zhang Guidao: "It's just for bluffing. If this kind of formation can really defeat the enemy, why are the people who set up the formation making trouble at this time?"

After hearing this, Tian Qi suddenly realized: "It makes sense!"

"Your Majesty, the courtiers are worried that because the people recommended by the ministers can make meritorious service every time, they are worried that the ministers will spread all over the army and court because of this. In this case, the ministers don't have to recommend anyone, so they simply go to Henan alone, and only issue orders for the governor of Henan to organize The local soldiers and the people fought against the rebels. They lost the minister and took the responsibility. Although the victorious minister made meritorious service, he was not promoted or recommended after returning the military power. In this way, the minister will not recommend another official who can recruit and fight well for His Majesty Will come out, and cause people to suspect!"

Zhang Gui replied.

"My relatives have a good understanding of people, but they are not tolerated by civil servants. I feel annoyed when I think about it. These civil servants are not up to date, but they don't want others to be too upbeat!"

Tian Qi said, "Then why don't I go with you, I will fight alone, I will bear the burden if I lose, and you will be credited for winning."

Zhang Gui smiled: "Alright!"

"I have never doubted you, and I have always believed in you, because I know that people like Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang, let alone Liu Hongxun, will not really follow you wholeheartedly. The scholars and bureaucrats in the world, like your uncle You can be rich and noble, but when you really need to share adversity, they don't necessarily want to fight for you as an uncle."

Apocalypse said.

Zhang Gui nodded: "It is precisely because Your Majesty understands that I dare to be a relative who works for the country. In fact, even if Yu Shaobao and Zhang Jiangling belong to the scholar-bureaucrats, when they lose power, there are not many scholar-bureaucrats who want to make mistakes for them. Pleading. Since the Song Dynasty, if the dynasty wants to change its surname and change its name, it can only be an external invasion and internal people's rebellion. There is no soil for gaining enough power internally and then seizing the throne. Han Yuzhou used to have great power , but did not dare to think of taking the power of the king for himself, because his power comes from the power of the king, and people are only responsible for the source of his power."

"A good man is only responsible for his source of power!"

Tian Qi only felt that Zhang Gui seemed to speak from his heart, nodded frequently, and said: "The source of my power is that people in the world still recognize this emperor. Therefore, I am not afraid that you will not recognize me, but I am afraid that the people in the world will not recognize me. "

Then, Tian Qi said: "Therefore, I am not worried about my relatives becoming bigger, but more worried about your future."

"Thousands of generations after me, and even your nephew, if you are still here, what should I do? Have you ever thought about it? I've always wanted to ask you this."

"Actually, other relatives, why don't you dare to provoke civil servants?"

"They're actually not stupid! Most of them didn't dare to do things for the country because they knew this, because they were afraid of offending the powerful and bureaucrats in the world, and they would end up in doom."

"Your Majesty! In fact, I also want to be a relative who enjoys honor in peace, but the reality is that when Daming first ascended the throne, it was already impossible for a relative who had guessed the future to enjoy peace of mind."

"As for the future of the minister, I have already thought about it. In this world, Kyushu is not the only one that is suitable for survival and has beautiful scenery. At that time, the minister will ask himself to seal the border thousands of miles away. Let other people handle the internal strife Dry."

"Now it's just that Ming has just stepped into ZTE, and it's not enough to establish a global order. It's not suitable for me to go out. After all, if I go out at this time, I'm afraid that I will not only be bullied by foreigners, but also by my own people. !"

Zhang Gui replied.

"I can promise you first."

After a while, Tian Qi said with a smile.

Then, Tian Qi said with a solemn expression: "The struggle between the courts is really cruel. Even the emperor will fall into the water, or be killed by other methods! Not to mention other people. It is good to be far away from the temple. Actually, I don't even want to be the emperor. , do carpentry with peace of mind, and develop some useful equipment, which is more interesting than guessing people's hearts and minds!"

Then, Tianqi asked Zhang Gui: "However, is there any way to avoid such cruelty? It's not like now, everyone is talking about benevolence and righteousness, but everyone is pretending to be benevolent and righteous. Instead, everyone can really talk about benevolence and righteousness." According to the rules, I am not afraid of death and don't care about my reputation; but I don't want the prince to be killed because he wants to make a difference in the future, and he will even be infamous forever."

"Your Majesty, do you mean that the internal struggles of our Han family can be made less intense, and the Han people don't need to get along with the cruel model of those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me die, and even the change of dynasty does not need to happen first The great famine directly starved to death tens of thousands of people and even slaughtered cities and countries to restore peace?"

Zhang Gui asked.

Tian Qi nodded: "That's what I mean! In fact, why do I really want to be a tyrant and only care about my own pleasure? What I want is nothing more than to let everyone really abide by the rules."

Zhang Guidao: "Actually, we are working hard in this direction now!"

"Your Majesty, if you want the Han people not to fight each other, and not treat everyone for yourself, you can only let the Han people not regard the Han people as cattle and horses."

"Because, if a person wants to be a rich person, someone must live like a cow and a horse!"

"If you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace. If the Ming Dynasty really established an order, and the Han people in the world can live a rich life by herding the barbarians in the world, then the Han people will no longer fight each other. I will talk about fellowship. Because this is equivalent to the Han people in the world, everyone is a scholar-bureaucrat, and everyone is a scholar-bureaucrat, so naturally everyone will pay attention to benevolence and courtesy.”


Apocalypse nodded.

What Zhang Gui actually meant was that as long as the cake within the Han people keeps getting bigger, they won't be so cumbersome, and they won't engage in brutal struggles.

Tian Qi naturally understood, and asked, "But, do you think we can succeed?"

Zhang Guiyan said: "In my opinion, whether it can be successful depends on whether the steam engine can be built! This is very likely to use the power of machines to replace human and animal power, and the efficiency is higher. If this machine is built by me, Daming, It is natural that the Han people will rule the world in the future, and everyone will judge right and wrong according to the right and wrong of the Han people. "


Tian Qi is a smart person, he quickly understood, and immediately got up and said: "I have gone to my workshop, so I won't keep you for dinner!"


 It was recommended on the Internet, and I will strive to explode ten chapters today, everyone, please cheer for me, the stupid author who posted the wrong chapter last night.


(End of this chapter)

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