Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 358 The emperor is engaged in technology full-time, and the uncle of the country approves it

Chapter 358 The emperor is engaged in technology full-time, and the uncle of the country approves it!
"My minister, Yang Sichang, apologize to His Majesty! The minister was incompetent, employed improperly, and was negligent in doing things, which led to the loss of the first battle. He is willing to accept the crime! Even if he is punished, he dare not hold a grudge!"

After Tianqi and Zhang Gui arrived in Nanyang, Henan Province, Yang Sichang was summoned to meet Tianqi. Therefore, at this time, he was kneeling in front of Tianqi tremblingly, pressing his forehead on the ground,

Tianqi didn't even look at Yang Sichang here, just frowned, wearing Xishan-made glass glasses that were about to fall off the bridge of his nose, staring at the blueprint in his hand, holding the new pencil made by the Industry Department in his hand, leaning against it with an iron ruler, Draw and draw on paper.

"Tell Song Yingxing with the [-]-mile express delivery that his design is wrong here. It should be narrowed by three inches, otherwise it will affect the power!"


"Also, I added a connecting rod, let him see if this will help the steam pump to pump water?"

"Also use [-] miles for express delivery! In the future, Song Yingxing and Bi Maokang, the industrial officials, will use [-] miles for express delivery, so that the Ministry of War and post stations in various prefectures and counties will prepare special soldiers to deliver the report. I will go there , the urgent delivery from the Industry Department must be sent there as soon as possible!"


Wei Zhongxian agreed tremblingly.

Because after serving Tianqi for so many years, he understood that when he was doing research on woodworking equipment, he didn't like others to disturb or even delay his affairs, and he was the most irritable and violent at this time.

Therefore, Wei Zhongxian is often very careful at this time, but he doesn't understand why his emperor pays more attention to the development of this steam engine recently, and sometimes stays up late at night to reply to Song Yingxing's urgent delivery with a red pen, arguing with him, Even if he fell asleep, as long as he received an urgent message from Song Yingxing, he had to wake him up by himself, or he would be scolded if he didn't wake up.

And he didn't dare to ask, and he didn't dare to speak ill of Song Yingxing, he just acted honestly as a messenger.

"Go! Why are you standing there!"

No, just as Wei Zhongxian was out of his mind for a while, Tianqi greeted him with the ink pen in his bag, and threw it on Wei Zhongxian's three-mountain hat.

"Slave, go here!"

"The emperor calm down!"

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly turned around, took the memorial, and didn't dare to look at the memorial, as if he had practiced Lingbo Weibu, with a little red, he quickly sent out the urgent delivery that Tianqi himself had already approved with a red pen .

Here, Tianqi is still writing and drawing, and continues to read Song Yingxing's memorial, word by word.

"Steam engine?"

"Can this matter be more important than asking me about my defeat? I've been kneeling for almost half an hour!"

Yang Sichang was also quite surprised when he heard this thing at this time, and muttered in his heart.

But Yang Sichang didn't dare to ask openly at this time, after all, he was already a guilty body now, so he could only complain in his heart.

But his legs are really sore now, so he can only shout again: "My minister Yang Sichang apologizes."

"Shut up! I didn't let you talk, so don't disturb me. Believe it or not, someone will drag you out and chop you up now!"

Tian Qi suddenly said something impatiently.

Yang Sichang was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak anymore, no matter how sore his leg was, he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

After an unknown amount of time, Tianqi suddenly called out to Zhang Guilai who was sitting quietly at the side: "Zhang Qing, come here and see if this design of mine can further purify pyrolusite?"

After hearing this, Zhang Gui came over, looked at it and said: "You can try this, but it's hard for your majesty to think of it. Does your majesty want to further improve the performance of manganese steel?"

"Improve the airtightness without first making the steel better."

Tian Qi said with a smile.

"Your Majesty said yes."

Zhang Gui replied, and reminded: "Your Majesty, Yang Butang has been kneeling for more than two hours."

Tian Qi took a look at Zhang Gui, then pointed to the ink pen on the ground and said, "You pick up that pen and just approve it for me in his apology note. What you mean is what I mean!"


Zhang Gui hesitated.

Zhu Bi's approval of red is not a simple approval of red, which means that a lot of power is granted, which means that Tianqi will let Zhang Gui act as the representative of the supervisor of ceremonies.

"What is this, I am busy!"

Tian Qi said impatiently that when he was working on technology, he was most likely to get angry, and only at this time, even Zhang Gui would be yelled at by him, because he really didn't like being yelled at by him when he was focusing on what he liked. people bother.

This situation is like a writer who is inspired and is easily disturbed when his creative desire is high.

For Tianqi, he likes to engage in technology.

Because he thinks it is more interesting to engage in technology than in people's hearts.

Zhang Gui didn't want to say any more, after picking up the vermilion pen on the ground, he said to Yang Sichang: "Yang Butang, please give me your apology."

Yang Sichang was a little hesitant, he naturally didn't want the emperor to give the right to approve the award to Uncle Zhang Guo: "Your Majesty, minister."

Now he really wants to raise his voice and shout: "Your Majesty, you are harming the country with technology!"

"The pillar is there, if you want to die, hit it! If you don't die, go to the outer room and express your feelings to the uncle!"

But Tian Qi said something first.

"Yes, I will go out with Uncle Guo to listen to the announcement."

Yang Sichang didn't dare to remonstrate to death, and he didn't dare to shout out his thoughts, so he hurriedly got up and followed Zhang Gui to go outside.

But when Yang Sichang got up, he still looked back at Tianqi, seeing that Tianqi was still staring intently at the blueprint he had drawn, he couldn't help but spit in his heart for a moment.

"Bah! What a fool! I would rather be obsessed with strange skills and ingenious tricks, and I don't care if the power is left behind. I am a dignified minister of economics and strategy, and I have given the power to dispose of myself to others!"

Although Yang Sichang scolded him like this in his heart, he still didn't dare to face it, and when he came to the outside room, he respectfully handed over his apology to Zhang Gui, and knelt down obediently.

You can't kneel.

After all, now that Zhang Gui holds the vermilion pen, just like the pen in the judge's hand, it can determine his life and death, and even the lives of his nine clans.

Yang Sichang regrets it even now, thinking that if he knew that the emperor was really obsessed with strange skills and ingenuity, he would never want to be a chess piece for His Majesty to check and balance the uncle of the country. better.

"As for your punishment, His Majesty has already mentioned it to the Duke of the country."

Zhang Gui said something at this time.

"I ask Uncle Guo to forgive me for everything!"

Yang Sichang kowtowed and replied.

Zhang Gui continued: "Your Majesty, officials who do things, such as leading troops to relieve disasters, will not be killed unless they really run away, are greedy for bad things, or even join the enemy, and such things as improper command and unknown people. This is a rare thing, so how can you treat it harshly? Otherwise, who else would dare to take responsibility? Since you are not well-informed this time, it is also related to factors such as lack of careful command, negligence and lack of planning. .”

Yang Sichang breathed a sigh of relief, and said flatteringly: "It is said that the uncle of the country is loyal to the country, upholds integrity for officials, and has a benevolent heart. Seeing him now, the lower officials are convinced! It is a blessing for the Ming Dynasty to have an uncle of the country. The luck of the world!"

"Since you yourself have said that you want to take the blame and make meritorious service, then I will give you a chance to make meritorious deeds and demote you to general manager, and you will be responsible for commanding the remnants you gathered."

Zhang Gui said at this time.

Yang Sichang was quite surprised: "The lower officials are civil servants, why did Uncle Guo demote the lower officials to military officials?"

"Why, no!"

"When a general enters the prime minister, if a military official can transfer texts, then a civil official can also become a military official. Don't you want to be a minister who can lead an army and lead an army? Then you must first understand the generals, and it is best to do it yourself. Be a military general first, and know how they use the power and resources in their hands to make a fortune, for example, this time, if you knew that the generals in the army had embezzled military funds, there would be no defeat."

Zhang Gui said.

Yang Sichang also knew that he was not qualified to bargain now, so he could only say: "What Uncle Guo said is true! Uncle Guo is wise! The fact that I can avoid the death penalty is a great kindness of Uncle Guo, and I will never forget it!"

Then Zhang Gui nodded and smiled and said: "You are quite reasonable. When the time comes, you will lead your troops to attack the rebels together with Henan Governor Xu Fuyuan's town soldiers. Your troops will be the vanguard when the time comes. This officer will order you to ban me." Qi Panzong of the Weiying Camp is the war supervisor, who will supervise the battle behind you, so that you can effectively organize your troops to attack the rebels."

(End of this chapter)

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