Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 359 Force civil servants to rush forward and kill 4 parties!

Chapter 359 Force civil servants to rush forward and kill the Quartet! (fourth more)
Yang Sichang was taken aback when he heard this, and realized that Uncle Zhang Guo was planning to hand over his life to the rebels and God.

But he didn't dare to refuse, he just thought that now he had to remember the "kindness" of this country's uncle even more!

On this day, it was the spring of the 11th year of Tianqi, and the sun was shining brightly.

The Gao Chongjian Department of the rebel army, known as one hundred thousand soldiers and horses, has come towards Nanyang Fucheng in mighty force.

Zhang Gui had already obtained the pen of the apocalypse, and he directly drafted an order to order Henan governor Xu Fuyuan to lead the [-] Henan township soldiers and thousands of remnants of Yang Sichang's troops, Yu Yong, to line up outside the city to face the rebels!

Xu Fuyuan's Henan township soldiers were the militia organized and trained by Xia Yunyi when he was in charge of Henan, and participated in the war to liquidate Henan Haoqiang and put down the rebellion of King Lu, so he still has a lot of experience in civil wars, especially for landlords. The village warriors hired by Hao Qiang are very familiar.

Because of this, Zhang Gui believed that the rebellion could be quelled by relying on Henan soldiers.

But Yang Sichang didn't believe it. He was quite skeptical about whether the township soldiers composed of common landlords and self-cultivating farmers could put down the rebellion.

It's like he didn't think how difficult it is to suppress the rogues in history, so he said things like not mourning and starving, but acting like a mantis' arm.

In his view, ordinary people are simply overwhelmed by the armed forces of the government and landlords.

Therefore, Yang Sichang is very nervous now.

He didn't think the imperial court could defeat the rebels with just these town soldiers.

He even wanted to give a memorial to Tianqi, and urged Tianqi to call the frontier army or guards.

But Yang Sichang knew that he was no longer qualified to talk about military matters, because he was just an ordinary battalion commander and a low-ranking military officer.

It's just that he is the vanguard of this battle, and he is really worried that he will die because of this.

In his opinion, it would be better if he was captured. After all, he also made a bet on the opposite side, so he might be able to return to civil service.

Speaking of being demoted as a military official, Yang Sichang still felt that it was a great shame and humiliation for him to be a military general and ride on a horse. He secretly hated Uncle Zhang Guo for his narrow-mindedness, and deliberately humiliated him, degrading himself as a civil servant to a lowly military officer. This was clearly intended to let the world know that Yang Sichang did not dare to commit suicide in shame and indignation because he was demoted as a military official.

At this time, the rebel army was approaching, and they had already set up the green dragon white tiger formation and the Yin Yang gate formation. The Chinese army still had an old Taoist priest spewing black smoke with a mahogany sword, and there was even a group of people with green faces and red hair grimacing in front of them. The Great God danced in the army camp, and danced very rhythmically, accompanied by the sound of drums, and spit out fire from time to time.

Because of this, Yang Sichang was already sweating nervously, and could not help but squeeze the pistol in his hand tightly, and ordered to his own soldiers: "Put on armor! Change horses!"

Yang Sichang has horses dedicated to combat, and he only rides them when fighting.

Because the battle was imminent, Tian Qi also temporarily put aside the things he cared about the most, and came to the city wall with Zhang Gui to watch the formation, and after seeing this scene, he asked Zhang Gui: "You demoted Yang Sichang to a general? Letting lead the remnants to be the vanguard, are you sure they can win? Look at these rebels, one by one, they either spit fire or conjured up various talismans like magic tricks, as if they really invited gods to help them."

"Your Majesty, if there are gods, the gods will not meddle in human affairs. I believe that Yang Sichang is a serious scholar and will not be frightened by these things."

Zhang Gui said.

After the sound of a cannon, outside the city gate, the two sides had already started to fight.

Yang Sichang also had to grit his teeth and rush over at this time. In fact, he was still quite scared. Although he said nothing, people were still full of fear of all kinds of weird events in this era.

Yang Sichang was no exception, he didn't think the other party did it because he was full and had nothing to do.

But he also knew that if he dared to run away now, he would only die worse.

Therefore, Yang Sichang could only grit his teeth and raise the pistol first, and shouted loudly: "Kill! Your Majesty is watching us! Boys, it's time to kill the enemy and serve the country!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Sichang rode his horse and rushed out suicidally.

Although he is a civil servant, Yang Sichang is different from most civil servants in that he can ride and shoot, otherwise he would not want to develop in the direction of a civil servant leading troops.

At the same time that Yang Sichang rushed out, several confidant government schools who had been favored by him in the past and those who were willing to carry out orders were also killed together with him.

At this time, soldiers from the Qinglong Battalion and Baihu Battalion of the rebel army also rushed over.

These soldiers even shouted words such as "steel and iron bones, invulnerable to swords and guns".

And when Yang Sichang charged close to the rebel camp, and was about to face to face with these rebel soldiers from Qinglong Battalion and Baihu Battalion, he reacted quickly and fired a gun.

A lead bullet directly penetrated the white chest of a rebel soldier embroidered with a green dragon tattoo on the spot, and brought a stream of blood.

The shot soldier fell to the ground on the spot.

The rest of the rebel soldiers were taken aback when they saw this, and suddenly realized that the talisman water they drank seemed useless, and they would still die after being shot.

Yang Sichang also reacted immediately, secretly overjoyed, thinking that these rebels would still be shot and bloody, there is no such thing as steel and iron, invulnerable.

As a result, Yang Sichang's courage increased greatly. Relying on the fact that the pistol in his hand was an advanced firing pistol made by Xishan Industrial Division that could be fired in bursts, he continued to urge his horse to shoot and kill these rebels who were carrying turtledove pistols and were bare-chested. The soldiers of the army felt as if they had entered no one's land for a while, and the rebels retreated one after another before they were shot and killed.

Of course, this is also related to the beating of the rebel soldiers in front of them, because they haven't recovered from the shock that although they drank the talisman water and painted the green dragon or white tiger tattoos, they were not invulnerable.


But when he came back to his senses, these were just Xiangyong hired by the landlords of the puppet dynasty, and they immediately fled.

Because when they realize that they will still die and the spells of the immortals and Taoists don't work, it is impossible for them to have the courage to go all out, and it is impossible for them to go all out for the landlords of the puppet dynasty.

Seeing this, Yang Sichang became more confident. He inserted the pistol that had been fired back into his waist, and then directly drew out the long knife, just like Zhao Zilong in Changbanpo, clamped the horse's belly directly, and continued towards the rebel camp. When he started to slash and kill, his eyes were blood red and his thighs were wet!

The subordinates who came with him were also very surprised. They didn't expect that these weird rebels would be so vulnerable to the guns and long knives, and they didn't know how to do it. They were directly killed by Yang Butang on their side, no , it should be Mr. Yang who made a big hole on his own!
As a result, Yang Sichang's subordinates, the officers and school soldiers who belonged to the regular army in the past, also had their morale boosted, and they came to kill them like a meat grinder, fighting these rebels in a very methodical manner.

Qi Panzong's supervisor team didn't even have the need to supervise the battle.

Seeing this, Tianqi simply ordered the whole army to attack, and directly ordered [-] Henan soldiers to rush forward with bayonets and flintlocks.

"Kill! Kill these rebels and bandits so that the new land will not be taken away!"

All of a sudden, a large number of soldiers from the imperial court rushed forward bravely, shouting loudly.

On the side of the rebel army, without knowing the situation, they were still wearing grimace masks and dancing the soldiers of the great god in the front army formation. Soon, a rushing village soldier pierced his chest with a bayonet.

The rebel soldier grimaced in astonishment on the spot, then saw his chest bleeding again, and then fell to the ground with an incredulous expression.

On the court's side, another officer stabbed a bayonet into the chest of a rebel soldier who was singing his suona.

The suona sound stopped abruptly.

The rebel soldier also said without knowing it: "Didn't you say that there are gods who make us invulnerable? Why is it so painful!"

The entire front camp of the rebel army was rushed to pieces on the spot. A large number of rebel soldiers who danced and played and sang fell to the ground, and many monks and nuns who set up the yin and yang formation also fell to the ground, covered in blood.

Yang Sichang even took the lead, killing several monks wearing crotch pants in a row, and shouted to the monks who were still running in front: "Baldhead, where are you running! Don't dare to be immoral. If I don't give you a few holes in your body, you won't go!" Know your grandpa Yang's interests!"

The bald monk spread his legs, flung the foreskin object underneath, and ran with all his strength, crying and shouting: "Feng Shenxian, the Yin Yang Sect is useless, it can't quench the evil spirit of these people!"

(End of this chapter)

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