Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 363 Major reform of the official system, crack down on smuggling!

Chapter 363 Major reform of the official system, crack down on smuggling! (eighth more)

"At present, the number of subordinate officials has indeed increased several times, all because of the large increase in the number of subordinate officials at all levels of government offices in order to implement the New Deal."

"As a result, the number of these people has increased a lot. If they don't give them their backgrounds, it is indeed easy for the new law to be implemented to gradually change from good governance to bad governance."

"When they are promoted to officials due to the implementation of the new law, they may still be able to actively implement it because they have just taken office to keep their positions and not mess around; but after a long time, people's hearts will become lazy. Like water that does not flow, it is perishable. It needs to flow. Only then can there be vitality."

After Yuan Keli thought about it carefully, he still made an analysis from the perspective of the court's interests.

But he didn't want to let Jinshi-born people study hard for ten years in vain. Compared with subordinate officials, he has no advantage in official career, so he said:
"However, the degree of incorruptibility and intellectual integrity of subordinate officials is indeed inferior to that of Jinshi. What's more, now that the imperial examination system has been reformed, the Jinshi selected are all excellent talents selected from thousands of people. However, when civil service is required, fame should be used as the first method of civil service besides integrity and ability; that is, those who are from subordinate officials and Jinshi who have also passed the examination level, and those who have been promoted to Jinshi."

"As Uncle Guo said, the strength of subordinate officials lies in knowing what is wrong with the people. Therefore, I think that subordinate officials can be promoted to foreign officials to serve the people. But they don't have to be selected as Beijing officials. Beijing officials need Jinshi background After all, Beijing officials are trained to be in power in the future, and the subordinate officials have too much vision and intelligence."

Chen Zizhuang said at this time.

Han Yu nodded: "What Uncle Da Zong said is right, foreign officials can choose subordinate officials, and this is already a rain of grace to subordinate officials. Due to their lack of talent and knowledge, they cannot govern the world. Should be satisfied."

Wei Zhongxian also laughed and said: "That's right, if you can become a Beijing official if you don't win a Jinshi, and you will be a cabinet minister in the future, what's the point of cutting off children and grandchildren for many people in the inner court who eunuched themselves for the emperor?"

Zhang Gui smiled, he knew that it was a big concession for the foreign court and the inner court to allow subordinate officials to be foreign officials.

Therefore, he did not expect these people to fully agree that people of subordinate origin can be the same as them. After all, it is unrealistic to want everyone to be equal in political status. What he can only do now is to let the Han people be in the same position as the Han people. What can be done is that everyone is equal in personality, that is to say, let the Han people recognize that everyone is a compatriot in terms of nationality, and they are all brothers and sisters in terms of personality.

Therefore, Zhang Gui nodded his head and said: "But we have to give a chance to some outstanding people who are blessed by God. Let the subordinate officials who have passed the examination be excellent after being appointed as foreign officials, and those who have made great achievements or People whose parents died heroically for the country, should they have the opportunity to enter Beijing to be elected as officials?"

Without waiting for these people to answer, Zhang Gui said: "That's it! Just like the inner court gave you Wei Zhongxian, a commoner who is not good at reading, a chance to participate in the center, you have to give them a chance, even if this hope is very slim. Well, it won’t make them think about breaking the soil and standing on their own.”

"Okay, as Uncle Yi Guo said, there are not many such people anyway."

Yuan Keli nodded first.

The other policy ministers also nodded.

They are all sensible people, knowing that giving a piece of meat to hang the people below is indeed more conducive to the stability of the system.

So, shortly thereafter, Yuan Keli, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, officially published the inscription, requesting the reform of the official system, and giving the subordinates all over the world the opportunity to participate in the imperial examination or serve as foreign officials, that is, local officials.

According to the official system of the Ming Dynasty, local inspectors, censors, governors, and governors actually belonged to Beijing officials, because their real official titles were Liububutang or Fengxianguan of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Therefore, these subordinate officials can only be chief ministers and inspectors at best.

But this is already a positive signal for the subordinate officials in the world.

What's more, for those who are foreign officials or those who are subordinate officials who have made great contributions to the country, they will choose the best ones to be trained as Beijing officials.

Although it may be that very few people will get this opportunity, how can it be considered a good thing.

Just like the chance of winning 500 million in lottery tickets is small, but as long as there is one, even in name, there will be people willing to work hard for it.

There are small meetings for big things, big meetings for small things, things agreed by several people in the Planning Department, even if Emperor Tianqi didn't participate because he was obsessed with technological creation, it would basically be finalized.

And then, when the emperor was asked to announce to the court officials at the court meeting, it was just a formality, and the officials had already learned how to behave, so they would not raise any objections, and only added details.

Therefore, the edict to reform the official system was officially promulgated to the whole country soon.

And all of a sudden, among the subordinate officials in the world, all the enterprising ones rushed to tell each other, thinking that they had the opportunity to glorify their ancestors.

As a result, many subordinate officials began to have a progressive mind, and continued to actively implement the New Deal, and actively ensured that the New Deal would not deteriorate during implementation. Even when implementing the New Deal flexibly, they began to implement it in a direction that benefited the society and the people's livelihood, rather than thinking about ways Use the New Deal to make money for yourself.

After seeing the content of this edict, Yan Yingyuan, a Jurong official, saved his mind to strive for future progress by relying on his outstanding performance in the examination, and thus even more selflessly participated in the work of the county government. A profiteer who planned to transport a batch of steel materials to the south at night.

Yan Yingyuan also made a surprise interrogation overnight to find out the origins of these people and the origins of the smuggled iron materials.

"Did you steal it from the Department of Industry? Is this steel made of manganese steel or other alloy steel from the Department of Industry?"

Yan Yingyuan was sitting on the ground at this moment and asked these profiteers who were tied to the tree.

Among them, a profiteer replied: "Yes, Yuanfu personally arranged all of this, and even Mr. Zhu in the capital didn't know about it."

"I'm afraid you didn't expect to capsize in the small sewer of this inspection, did you? How dare you dress up as a fisherman and want to smuggle such an important thing to the southern rebels? Do you really think that the fishermen here are blind and can't recognize it? Who is the new face and who is the familiar face?"

After Yan Yingyuan sneered, he asked again.

The profiteer replied: "I know, but how could I have imagined that you would get along with these fishermen and let them report to you if they have any situation. Most of the masters are too lazy to go to the countryside to ask about these things."

After hearing this, Yan Yingyuan said: "There is no way, you are out of luck, you have met your Lord Yan."

As he said that, Yan Yingyuan ordered people to escort these profiteers back, and also escorted the steel materials back, and went to inform the local county magistrate overnight, and the local county magistrate informed the magistrate of the matter, and the magistrate reported it to the inspector , According to the inspection department, it was reported to the Fuyuan, and the Fuyuan reported it to the Governor's Yamen of Zhejiang Province.

After Zhao Yan, the governor of Zhejiang Province, knew that there might be corruption in the Department of Industry, he also felt that something was wrong. After interrogating these people overnight, he sent someone to Beijing to inform the court with a [-]-mile express delivery.

"There are traitors in the Department of Industry?"

Therefore, after receiving Zhao Yan's urgent delivery, Tianqi asked Han Yu.

Han Yu nodded: "There should be such a possibility, otherwise this kind of alloy steel that can only be produced by the Industrial Division will not flow out."

After Tianqi heard this, he immediately issued an order to declare Zhang Gui.

Not long after, Zhang Gui came over, and also learned about it from Tianqi.

Tian Qi also said: "I will immediately ask the cabinet to draw up an order that the Qianfeng Battalion and the Warrior Battalion will be under your control. You will take the people from these two battalions and the Xichang to Xishan immediately, and arrest them for strict interrogation according to the list provided by Zhao Yan! Wei Zhongxian Let's work together!"


(End of this chapter)

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