Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 364 Spontaneously eradicate traitors and assassinate the new top scholar!

Chapter 364 Spontaneously eradicate traitors and assassinate the new top scholar! (Ninth update)
"Because the Xishan Industrial Division is very important, in addition to your West Factory, Uncle Guo, our East Factory has also been keeping a close eye on Xishan!"

"In Xishan, from the old man sweeping the streets to the technical officials, we have found out the relationship between the eighteen generations of their ancestors and the relatives and friends of the nine tribes!"

"But I didn't expect that the important alloy manganese steel would be smuggled and sold. No matter how tight the net is, it can't stop the wind!"

Wei Zhongxian talked to Zhang Gui on the road.

Zhang Gui said with a serious face: "At present, we only know that it is a person in charge of the warehouse who secretly sold it out of greed for huge wealth. It has not been confirmed that there are technical personnel involved in this matter, but anyway, take this opportunity to call names and check the internal situation. It is also necessary."

So, shortly after Zhang Gui came to the Xishan Industry Department, Song Yingxing, Bi Maokang from the Industry Department, and Cao Wenzhao from the Xishan Camp stationed in Xishan all welcomed him.

But Zhang Gui first ordered the guards to surround the place, and then explained the situation to Song Yingxing, Bi Maokang, and Cao Wenzhao, and asked these three people to roll their names overnight to confirm whether any grassroots personnel usually take leave to recuperate. The case by defecting to the Industrial Division.

At the same time, Zhang Gui asked Wei Zhongxian to take someone to arrest the manager of the warehouse who had been confirmed to have secretly sold the steel materials of the Industrial Division.

Not long after, Wei Zhongxian came back and said, "Wei Boxiang from the steel pipe warehouse is gone! Only the family is still there."

After Zhang Gui heard this, he couldn't help saying: "How greedy for money, you don't even care about your own family!"

After Song Yingxing, Bi Maokang, and Cao Wenzhao arrived, Zhang Gui asked them about the situation of Wei Boxiang, the chief officer of the Guangang warehouse.

Song Yingxing therefore replied: "Wei Boxiang said that he was sick a few days ago and asked me for sick leave. After asking for three days, I thought it was just a common cold. There have always been cases of internal staff asking for sick leave before returning to work, but I didn't expect it. , he even sneaked away."

"It should be a sentry officer from our Xishan camp who cooperated with him to escape, because our sentry officer has also disappeared, and the reason is to go back to the city to get married."

Cao Wenzhao replied.

After Zhang Gui heard this, he asked, "Has anyone else disappeared?"

"We don't have any in the Ordnance Bureau. People from all workshops are there. Those who are recuperating at home or on vacation, I have personally gone to their homes or the homes of their relatives and friends to find them. They are all there."

Bi Maokang replied.

Song Yingxing also said: "In addition to the head of the steel pipe warehouse, the people from our smelting bureau are also there."

Cao Wenzhao said: "Except for the sentry officer who pretended to go home and get married, everyone in the Xishan camp is also there."

After hearing this, Zhang Gui said: "It seems that there are no defections, as long as the technicians don't run away! It's just that I'm not sure if there are any secret collaborators, and you officers should keep an eye on them!"

"Especially for each technical process, we must be careful not to allow anyone to know the whole process. Some of the top-secret management must be top-secret. Even if you can't read it casually, you have to file it first if you want to refer to it. Understand?"

"Understood, don't worry, Uncle Guo."

Zhang Gui then said with a smile: "Go back, everyone stayed up all night, get some rest earlier, the Duke of this country has gone back to his orders!"

As Zhang Gui said, he withdrew from the army and returned to the capital.

As soon as he returned to Beijing, Zhang Gui reported the investigation to Tian Qi and said, "Next, we will have to secretly investigate whether any insiders have leaked the secrets. But anyway, this time, the pawn named Yan Yingyuan has stood up. Great work, preventing a batch of precious steel materials from leaking into the hands of traitors."

"It seems that the reform of the official system that you and Yuan Keli implemented is indeed effective. Otherwise, he might not be able to find out such a hidden matter with his inspection department."

Apocalypse said.

Zhang Guidao: "What Your Majesty said is true. In my opinion, why not let Yan Yingyuan break the rules and be promoted to magistrate directly, so as to set an example for the subordinate officials in the world?"

"Quite! Let the Ministry of Officials deal with this matter immediately, and give this person a real shortage of magistrates, and the reasons for this will be stated in the appointment edict."

Apocalypse said.

"According to the order!"

Therefore, Yan Yingyuan was directly promoted to magistrate and became a parent of one party.

The subordinate officials in the world were greatly stimulated when they heard about it.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere at the grassroots level was renewed, and many gangsters who had been at large for many years were all arrested.

But for the subordinates in the puppet regime in the south, their life is very difficult now.

Although they are more convenient than Yan Yingyuan and other subordinates in the Ming Dynasty's ruling area, they are more convenient to take money and blackmail the people.

But they have no chance to advance to become officials. More importantly, the puppet government is now financially strained. Even if the people are taxed, it is still like fighting a fire with salaries. Instead, it increases military expenditures. Therefore, the puppet court has to cut other expenses.

Wang Wenkui and Zhao Shichun, who didn't want to reform at first, had no choice but to reform and cut expenses.

And their main method of reducing expenditure is to abolish the number of officials in various government offices, clear a large number of book offices, and abolish many post stations.

This also caused many basic officials to lose their positions and opportunities to make money, and became social idlers.

Similar to Li Zicheng's ending.

"Damn! Those thieves above who rebel against the imperial court should be hacked to pieces! If they hadn't rebelled, I wouldn't have been dismissed, and I might be able to be an official like this Yan Yingyuan, honoring my ancestors."

Ye Jintang, a subordinate official in Nanhai County, Guangzhou, who was abolished, complained on the spot after seeing the report about the current reform of the subordinate staff system and Yan Yingyuan's deeds reported by the "Daming Daily" that was deliberately disseminated by the factory guard to Guangzhou.

He was already dissatisfied with the status quo, so he wished he could escape here right now.

At this time, Wang Yijie, the new champion of the puppet dynasty, was doing a roll call along the street.

Ye Jintang was so upset that he went home and picked up a blunderbuss that he had hidden when he was in charge of the county government's military room. Then, with this blunderbuss, he sneaked from the back room into a temple next door, facing Wang Yijie, the passing champion of the new division, fired a shot.

Wang Yijie was shot on the spot.

Ye Jintang then went to the temple, found the abbot here and said, "I developed the blunderbuss, please let the imperial court know my achievements."

This abbot is indeed Xichang's eyeliner. In the past, he only bought some information from Ye Jintang, but he didn't expect Ye Jintang to shoot and kill the number one scholar of the puppet court in the street. He was so angry that he slapped the table: "You are crazy! This Wang Yijie is a famous Neo Confucianist, It is also Wang Wenkui's direct relative, once he is beaten to death, it will cause a sensation in the city!"

Ye Jintang said: "I can't help it, I really hate these bastards, what kind of nonsense Neo-Confucianism, harming people in the name of respecting Neo-Confucianism! They even took my job away!"

The eyeliner of Xichang was speechless. He had a premonition that great changes were about to take place within the puppet court, because even low-level subordinates like Ye Jintang were dissatisfied, so he hurriedly informed the court about it.

And the assassination of Wang Yijie did cause quite a stir.

Because of this, Wang Wenkui even ordered a thorough investigation overnight and offered a heavy reward for the first-level clues, so he knew that Ye Jintang did it through the clues provided by witnesses.

It's just that Ye Jintang and his family had already fled to Jiangxi with the help of Xichang, and were protected by the people of Xichang, and Ye Jintang even directly admitted in the newspaper that he had shot and killed Wang Yijie.

For a time, the world was in an uproar.

Yang Sichang couldn't help being furious because of this: "Damn it! This subordinate Ye Jintang dared to kill the great Confucianist Confucianism, he is rebelling!"

But as soon as Yang Sichang finished scolding, he ordered the scribes and staff he had hired: "Prepare your pen and ink, and write an article praising Ye Jintang for this official! It must be analyzed in conjunction with the current reform of subordinate staff!"

(End of this chapter)

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