Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 365 Arrest the traitor, Xichang is on the move!

Chapter 365 Arrest the traitor, Xichang is on the move! (Tenth update)
Although Yang Sichang supported the southern puppet dynasty in his heart, he still followed the general trend honestly in his actions.

Wu Weiye is the same as him.

It's just that after Wu Weiye learned that such a thing happened in the puppet court, he still cried secretly for a while sadly.

At this time, the puppet regime in the south was indeed crumbling.

The common people were dissatisfied with the regime of the puppet government and turned into rogues in large numbers; the subordinate staff and soldiers underpaid were also dissatisfied and turned into rogues one after another.

As for Li Fuming, who was recommended by Yang Sichang and commanded the army to go south to suppress the rebellion, he also became dissatisfied with the puppet court after he was defeated and defected to the southern puppet dynasty.

He thought that after becoming a general in the puppet dynasty, he could live a more comfortable life, no longer worry about military discipline, slaughter and enslave the people wantonly, and then deduct the military salary, even eat empty salary, and even kill the good and pretend to be meritorious. Go around and enclose the land, and do all the things that have been strictly investigated by the court and could not be done.

But in the end, Li Fuming discovered that the people here had nothing to squeeze!They were almost squeezed dry by the puppet government.

And the puppet court often cut off his military salary for military generals who defected like him, so that he could not deduct military salary and eat empty salary.

As for killing good people and taking meritorious service, it is useless, because the puppet court is short of money and cannot afford rewards.

What made Li Fuming even more unbearable was that being a military officer in the puppet dynasty had a very low status, which was not at all like the Ming court today, because the uncle of the country belonged to the military system and was deeply favored, and many generals were already armed Scholars who have graduated from the school are in charge, so the status gap between civil and military officials is no longer large, and military officials no longer have to kneel to see civil officials.

But it was different in the Puppet Dynasty. As the admiral he had voted for, he still had to kneel when he saw a seventh-rank civil servant.

At this time, Wang Wenkui of the puppet dynasty slapped Li Fuming on the face, and shouted to Li Fuming, who had been made an earl by the puppet dynasty:
"Go away! I want money from my servant, and this servant still wants money from you! Don't think that the court still takes you seriously. Before you vote in, you still have some value. You can let the world know how popular we are. But you Now that you have voted, you are just a military official! Don’t take yourself too seriously, there is already a censor who has impeached you. If I hadn’t suppressed you, your head would have been cut off several times! Understand? ?!"

Li Fuming endured the burning pain on his face, did not dare to say a word, only dared to kowtow on the ground and begged for mercy: "Yuanfu calm down! Yuanfu calm down! I know I was wrong! I will get out!"

Li Fuming also obediently withdrew.

At this time, Zhao Shichun, who was on duty in the cabinet of the puppet court with Wang Wenkui, and who also saw Li Fuming being slapped in the face for asking for money, also sneered at this time:
"After all, the military minister who came here from the traitor Zhang Gui has forgotten the etiquette, and dares to come to the cabinet to ask for salary. He doesn't even think about whether he is worthy or not! If it was in the Song Dynasty, he would only be a thief and an army ear!"

When Li Fuming heard this when he left, he naturally felt even more uncomfortable.

Once a person has stood up, it is difficult to kneel down again.

If it was the past, before Zhang Gui and Tianqi were restructured, Li Fuming might think that it was nothing for the civil official to humiliate the military official, but now he is also a high-ranking military official of the court who was promoted from the basic military academy of the frontier army to the military training school, and then all the way. At this time, he only felt that this was a great shame and humiliation to him.

It made him very unbearable.

It happened that at this time, Xichang's secret work in Guangdong, after learning that Li Fuming was humiliated, found Li Fuming, and planned to develop Li Fuming as his eyeliner.

Li Fuming, thinking that the puppet dynasty is already in crisis, and he can't get any benefits, even after being insulted because of his status as a military official, he agreed to be Xichang's eyeliner, and he will be Xichang's most wanted to know at present. He informed Xichang's eyeliner about whether the Industrial Division had any technology leaks, and said:
"Because I saw them forging rifled guns with my own eyes, because they specifically asked me to see their rifled guns, and I wanted to let me, who knows the actual combat effects of rifled guns, see the effect of their rifled guns."

"Then how effective are they?"

Fu Guanwei, the eyeliner of Xichang, therefore asked Li Fuming.

Li Fuming said: "The difference is far. Their barrels are not good, and the rifling is also very rough. In many cases, they are not as good as smoothbores."

"Do you know who leaked the Industrial Division's rifled gun technology?"

Fu Guanwei asked again.

Li Fuming said: "I know, this person's name is Ge Yingdou! It was mentioned by Mao Yuanyi, the director of Zanhua, the industrial department in charge of forging rifled guns."


"Arrest this person immediately! Catch him first! Take him there yourself!"

Soon after Zhang Gui learned through the internal intelligence channels of Xichang that officials from the Industry Department had indeed leaked important technologies to the puppet court who rebelled in the name of restoring the ancestral system and the exclusive Confucianism, he immediately issued an order.


Liu Zongmin, who was accompanying him, immediately responded and walked in quickly.

West Hills.





Not long after, a large number of Xichang official schools came to Xishan with torches like several fire dragons.

For a while, Liu Zongmin, who came to fetch the man in person, came directly to Ge Yingdou's mansion in Xishan after learning that Ge Yingdou, the director of the artillery factory of the Ordnance Bureau of the Industry Department, was at home.

Liu Zongmin personally broke open the door with a group of Xichang official schools, and then ordered: "Take him! Dig three feet into the ground, and arrest this man!"

But as soon as Liu Zongmin finished yelling, he found that the main room of the Ge family was already open, and a man in a sixth-rank official uniform was hanging from the beam.

This person was Ge Yingdou, who took the chief officer of the Ministry of Industry as the main technical officer of the gun factory.

Liu Zongmin also learned from Bi Maokang that this person was Ge Yingdou shortly thereafter, and ordered: "Seal this place immediately and call Wuzuo!"

The next morning.

Zhang Gui received Liu Zongmin's report on the arrest of Ge Yingdou at Xiyuan Tianqi.

But Zhang Gui was shocked after hearing this, and asked, "You mean, Ge Yingdou has been silenced?"

Liu Zongmin replied: "Yes, Wu Zuo's autopsy found that although this person was hung on the beam, he was actually force-fed with poison before that. In addition, it also shows that what this person left behind was out of dissatisfaction." The suicide note that the imperial court reformed and disrespected Neo-Confucianism to cooperate with the enemy may not be true, and now it can only explain that there are other people behind the manipulation of this matter!"

"Who is this person?"

Tian Qi also asked a question at this time.

Zhang Gui looked at Tianqi and said, "Your Majesty, since Ge Yingdou has been silenced, now it seems that we can only see if Zhou Qianhu, the governor of Zhenfu, can pry Tian Jingyuan's mouth open. I just heard that Tian Jingyuan is very stubborn, so I don't know." Can you pry it open?"

"Xuan Zhouneng!"

After Tian Qi ordered, he gritted his teeth and said: "I must know who is behind this scene, if I dare to use such unscrupulous means to capitalize on the enemy, if I let him get away with it, what face will I have?"

But at this time, Wei Zhongxian came over suddenly and said: "Your Majesty, Zhou Neng, a thousand households of the Fusi of Beizhen, hastened to play. A sudden fire broke out in Yanzhao Prison. Tian Jingyuan's cell was burned first, and now it has been reduced to ashes!"


Tian Qi was shocked when he heard this, and felt very disappointed at the same time. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Gui and said, "So, the clues are all broken, and the person behind it can't be found out?"

Zhang Gui said at this time: "Your Majesty, there is another clue! After all, my factory guard is not just for nothing! How can these traitors be allowed to be reckless?!"

"What clue?"

Zhang Gui said again: "Before I tell Your Majesty, I ask Your Majesty to issue an order to hold a court meeting immediately!"


 The tenth update is over!In any case, at least he accomplished his goal.

(End of this chapter)

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