Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 393 Destroying Buddha!Rectify Buddhist temples and Taoist temples!

Chapter 393 Destroying Buddha!Rectify Buddhist temples and Taoist temples!
Looking at the group of bureaucrats and eunuchs in front of him, Zhang Gui couldn't help pursing his lips into a smile.

He didn't sneer, but applauded his guess, thinking that after he made it clear, these fine-looking bureaucratic eunuchs would soon be willing to continue working hard for the people.

If Zhang Gui wants to complete his own transformation, and then let Daming follow suit, he still needs the cooperation of the entire bureaucracy.

That's why he carefully negotiated with people like Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang in the Planning Department, instead of relying on the emperor's favor, he directly drove civil servants like dogs like Wei Zhongxian, who was in power in the original history.

After all, even the rectification of Buddhist temples and Taoist temples needs to be carried out by the entire bureaucracy.

Don't say that Zhang Gui is just a favorite minister, even the emperor himself, it is impossible to put aside the entire bureaucratic class to realize the rectification of Buddhist temples and Taoist temples.

From the governors of the provinces to the servants and servants below the prefectures and counties, as well as to build momentum in public opinion, bureaucrats like Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang must implement it.

Unless Zhang Gui just wants to make money and doesn't want to do business, in that case, any bureaucrat can do it.

Because as long as it is an individual, once he has power, he will naturally be motivated to make money, and he will even learn without a teacher.

And bureaucrats willing to get down to business are not so easy to find.

It just so happens that people like Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang are bureaucrats who are willing to reform and do things.

Therefore, it is impossible for Zhang Gui to replace them, and they need their cooperation to let them use their people to achieve Zhang Gui's purpose.

Yuan Keli, Chen Zizhuang, Wei Zhongxian and others are also on Zhang Gui's boat now, and since they decided to preside over the reform, they must continue with Zhang Gui.

Therefore, after Zhang Gui explained the truth, these people all agreed to Zhang Gui's proposal.

So, not long after, the edict to rectify the world's Buddhist temples and Taoist temples was officially issued. Chen Zizhuang, a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion and Minister of Rites, was also specially ordered to supervise the affairs of the world's obscene temples and evil ways, and to inspect Buddhist temples and Taoist temples all over the world.

At the same time, all governors and inspectors in the world have also received orders to rectify Buddhist temples and Taoist temples in the world.

It has been 11 years since the apocalypse, and it has been nearly ten years since the reform of the Ming Dynasty.

Now the entire bureaucratic system, from the central court to the localities, has long been replaced by people who support the reform and those who do not oppose the reform.

In addition, the examination method has been implemented for nearly ten years, mediocre officials and lazy officials have also been greatly reduced, and the delay in government affairs has been severely reduced. Therefore, after Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang, the ministers at the ruling level of the central court, reached an agreement, the following will be implemented. China's policies will not be violated by obedience.

Moreover, the reform of the administration of officials over the years has not only failed to eliminate officials, but has also increased many officials. Therefore, it can be said that the Ming court has further strengthened its control over the grassroots, breaking the situation that imperial power does not go to the countryside.

In addition, the recent restructuring has given officials the opportunity to become officials after passing the examination.

Therefore, the low-level subordinates have a lot more motivation to implement policies.

Therefore, after the edict to rectify Buddhist temples is issued, there will be no ineffective implementation of the policy at all, and there will only be over-execution and increased levels.

However, this rectification is to rectify Buddhist temples, not for the common people, so even if the implementation is excessive, it will not cause too serious damage to the internal public sentiment.

Soon after Yan Yingyuan, the magistrate of Qingping County, received the edict and instructions from his superiors, he gathered his county government and all the officials and servants, and began to rectify Buddhist temples throughout the county.

Yan Yingyuan also personally came to Chongyu Temple, the largest temple in his county, and passed on the abbot of the temple, Master Zhiqing, and immediately issued an imperial edict to him, asking him to return the land to the people.

Master Zhiqing was angry and aggrieved. Before Yan Yingyuan could wake him up, he got up and asked Yan Yingyuan, "Yuan Liqing and the others, what are they going to do before they give up?! After clearing the farmland and spreading the small tax to the farmland, another one came. Officials and gentry pay food and work as errands. This is not over. In the south of the Yangtze River, the land is directly divided, and then the imperial examination system is changed, and the ritual system is changed! We Confucianism children are no longer willing to be officials, gentry, and people. In this ancient temple deep in the mountains, why don’t they let us go! In the name of rectifying Buddhist temples, we have no place to stand! Why didn’t they just send troops to slaughter us disciples of Neo Confucianism?!”

This master Zhiqing was actually an official before he became a monk. The local gentry was dissatisfied with the New Deal and also wanted to evade taxes and continue to live a life of enslaving the Han people, so he donated his land to this temple and became a The new abbot of this temple, and in fact, this temple is his family temple. His family is a wealthy and prominent family in the local area, so it is not difficult to raise a temple.

For example, in the Dream of Red Mansions, Jia’s family has a family temple, Tiekan Temple, and various nunneries.

Therefore, this master Zhiqing can change from a gentry advocating Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism to the abbot of a Buddhist temple in an instant, just changing his identity, but he is still a landlord in essence.

It was also because of this that Master Zhiqing scolded Yuan Keli directly. Obviously, he must have been an old acquaintance with Yuan Keli, who was also a son of the noble family, but the two took different paths.

"The master must have misunderstood. This has nothing to do with Neo-Confucianism, maybe it has something to do with Buddhism. As Chen Ge said, the Buddha crosses the common people, not exploits the common people, so how can there be tenants in Buddhist temples? I am here today just to rectify The Buddhist temple is just a Taoist temple, as long as you cooperate, the Buddhist temple will naturally stay, and those who have a degree certificate can still live here to chant scriptures and Buddha."

Yan Yingyuan said.

Master Zhiqing snorted coldly: "Unless I die! Otherwise, you don't want to destroy my Buddhist purity?!"

Master Zhiqing was naturally unwilling.

Because although the property of Terada Temple in this area belongs to Chongyu Temple, it is actually his own family’s field property, but he donated it to the temple and became Terada Temple, even the novice monks in the Buddhist temple and even the affiliated nunnery The nuns in the house were all the original servants and maids of his family, and now they just changed their identities, allowing him to continue to live the life of a master before.

That's why Master Zhiqing said such a sentence.

"That's good! Since you disobeyed the will, as the parents of this county, I naturally have to make decisions for the people and exercise power for the emperor!"

After Yan Yingyuan finished speaking, he drew his sword and directly plunged a snow-white sharp knife into Master Zhiqing's abdomen.


Master Zhiqing glanced at Yan Yingyuan in astonishment, and spat out blood: "You are so willing to work for them!"

"Huanghuang Heavenly Grace, how can you not give up your life for the country?!"

Yan Yingyuan asked a question, then pulled out the knife, pointed at the monks who had been sluggishly in place, and shouted: "Immediately confiscate the Buddhist temple! Everyone should be imprisoned first! Start to rectify!"


The officials and servants under Yan Yingyuan's command, as well as the police trainees from the county police school who were temporarily transferred along, also responded.

It turned out that after the Ming Dynasty established the Ministry of Civil Affairs, it planned to use hundreds of millions of taels of silver as a special fund for benefiting the people. Considering that what the people of the world need most now is to have a job to earn a living, they simply ordered all states and counties in the world to set up the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The Police School specializes in training villagers to become police officers, responsible for local law and order.

Therefore, there are now a group of civilians in Qingping County who have become police trainees and plan to officially become paid police officers after the training is completed.

Turning back, after Yan Yingyuan gave the order, these subordinate officials and police trainees rushed into the temple like a swarm, and tied up all the monks.

(End of this chapter)

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