Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 394 Confiscated Buddhist temples, blamed the anti-government monks and nuns!

Chapter 394 Confiscated Buddhist temples, blamed the anti-government monks and nuns!
These monks and nuns saw that Master Zhiqing died on the spot, and knew that the county magistrate was a ruthless character, so they didn't dare to move, and obediently let the people in the government control them.

Here, Yan Yingyuan first ordered to check the certificates of these monks and nuns.

It turned out that [-]% of the monks and nuns out of [-] did not have a degree certificate, and they were all black households hiding in this Buddhist temple!

"If you don't have a certificate, ask all about the situation at home. Those who can be sent back home will be sent back home, and travel expenses will be paid! Those who can't be sent back home will be re-registered, resettlement allowances will be given, and they will be ordered to go down the mountain!"

Yan Yingyuan also arranged according to the decree.

"We don't go down the mountain, we don't go down the mountain, we are born here, and we are here's ghosts when we die!"

But not long ago, there were some monks and nuns who refused to return to the secular life.

Seeing this, Yan Yingyuan ordered directly: "Anyone who does not want to go down the mountain will be regarded as resisting the decree. First, they will be beaten thirty times, and then they will be locked in a cart and escorted to Beijing, waiting for the place of exile to be determined!"


"Press to the ground, hit!"

The servants of the official yamen responded and started beating these monks and nuns.

But many of these monks and nuns are much more honest.

But there are also people who still can't bear this kind of life when they can no longer live in a Buddhist temple, especially when they have to be bullied like this, and they can't feel the pleasure of being a master like being worshiped by pilgrims and tenants in front of pilgrims and tenants. He shouted and said: "You cruel officials, I will fight for you!"

The monk who threatened to go all out was beaten to death on the spot by the county government soldiers armed with guns.

Seeing this, the other monks had to be more honest.

Therefore, the monks and nuns who refused to go down the mountain began to accept the beating with sticks consciously, crying out in pain.

The other monks and nuns didn't dare to shout again that they didn't want to go down the mountain, so they honestly received travel expenses or settling allowances and went down the mountain.

The few monks and nuns who didn't have to go down the mountain because they had the certificate of proof, didn't dare to talk too much when they saw this, and they just joined hands and recited the Buddha.

"Continue copying!"

"Buddhist temple money and food must be sourced and traceable to prevent the source of huge wealth from being unknown;"

"Buddhist temple boarding guests must also be traceable to prevent thieves and thieves from hiding in it."

At this moment, Yan Yingyuan continued to give orders, and strictly followed the requirements from above.

As a person who was promoted from the subordinate staff class to the county magistrate because of the restructuring, he naturally would not contradict the New Deal.

"Report! Xianzun, we found that there are a large number of unshaven children in the south room of the monastery, a total of 37 men and women!"

"Report! County Lord, we found that there are a large number of loan deeds in the rent-collecting house of the monastery, as well as a large number of land deeds, as well as countless gold and silver, and there are accounts stored, but the sources recorded in the accounts are mostly rent collection and interest collection. , a small amount of incense money donated by pilgrims."

At this time, the servants and servants under Yan Yingyuan copied it one after another, and then ran to Yan Yingyuan to copy it.

After hearing this, Yan Yingyuan ordered with a sullen face: "Catch a monk in charge and ask, where do these children come from?"

"They are all children bought by our master from kidnappers."

A monk in charge who was arrested replied.

After hearing this, Yan Yingyuan immediately ordered: "Send these children to the nursing home to be raised first, so that parents who have lost children in this county can come to the nursing home to claim them. In addition, the monastery privately kept children as slaves, which is a heinous crime. All the monks and nuns with certificates are also imprisoned and ready to be exiled!"

The monk in charge was shocked when he heard this, and he knelt down and cried, "The county lord, please forgive me! Please forgive me! These children were bought as slaves at the master's will, and the young monks are just following orders!"

Yan Yingyuan said: "If you do not report what you know, you are also guilty. How can you only let a dead person bear all the responsibilities?"

The monk in charge still begged for mercy after hearing this.

But Yan Yingyuan didn't respond, and only asked people to drag the monk in charge.

Then, Yan Yingyuan instructed in accordance with the decree: "All income from rent collection and lending will not be admitted to the government!"

"Whether the loan contract is confiscated or not, it will be burned!"

"As for the title deed, temporarily store it up and prepare to divide the land for use in the future. Immediately call all the tenants of the temple!"

Not long after, all the tenant farmers in Chongyu Temple were called.

Yan Yingyuan, on the other hand, re-cleared the properties of these Buddhist temples according to the land deeds, and then redistributed these lands to tenant farmers.

The extra land that has not been rented out was distributed to the monks and nuns of the monastery who were willing to turn into self-cultivating farmers, and these monks and nuns and the tenant farmers who had been allocated fields became self-cultivating farmers again.

The number of self-cultivating farmers in Ming Dynasty undoubtedly increased as a result.

In an empire dominated by farming civilization, the number of self-cultivating farmers determines a country's financial status and social stability.

Therefore, the increase in the number of self-cultivating farmers is a good thing for the country.

In this way, a Chongyu Temple in Nuoda was rectified, leaving only an empty temple, and all the temple properties were transferred to the government and leased to scholars and people for operation.

The temple fields belonged entirely to the common people, and the monks and nuns were either forced to go down the mountain to become free citizens, or they were exiled.

However, in order to meet the needs of some good men and women who worship the Buddha among the general public, and considering that this is also a local scene, Yan Yingyuan did not intend to burn down the temple. As the host, manage the Buddhist scriptures of the temple and the vegetable plots in the courtyard that do not need to be allocated.

In any case, Yan Yingyuan's actions can be described as vigorous and resolute, and it can be regarded as a very good completion of an order issued by the central court to rectify Buddhist temples.

It was just when Yan Yingyuan led the officials of the county government and escorted a group of monks and nuns who were about to be exiled back to the city, suddenly there was a rush of horseshoes.


Immediately afterwards, there was an angry shout, and a sturdy military officer appeared outside the mountain gate under the escort of a group of personal guard cavalry.

At the same time, the military officer also ordered: "Surround the temple! No one is allowed to be released!"


As a result, the official school under the military officer's command took action, and soon the entire Chongyu Temple was surrounded by water.

Seeing this, Yan Yingyuan walked out of the mountain gate and asked, "Who is the general, and why did he interfere in the affairs of this county?"

The military officer said: "I am Linqing Counselor Liu Liangzuo! This temple also has the property of the general, how can you seize the property of the general!"

After Liu Liangzuo finished speaking, Yan Yingyuan said in a deep voice: "It turned out to be Liu Canshuai. This county is ordered by the imperial court to rectify Buddhist temples and Taoist temples. As for whose property this temple is, it has nothing to do with this county. If the general decides that this county should not rectify This temple can be explained to the imperial court!"

"Master uncle! Save my nephew, my father was killed by this dog official! This dog official took the imperial decree and copied everything in the temple. Everyone was arrested, and even the dozens of children that were bought for you, uncle, were confiscated!"

At this time, a young monk who was originally the concubine son of Master Zhiqing ran out, knelt down in front of Liu Liangzuo and began to cry.

Liu Liangzuo became even angrier after hearing this, and looked at Yan Yingyuan.

Yan Yingyuan didn't have stage fright, he just asked in a cold voice: "Liu Canshuai, do you want to disobey the imperial edict too?! Please don't forget your identity."

"I didn't dare, but I still have the guts to blame Luo Jiao for this!"

Liu Liangzuo started talking with a sneer, pointing at Yan Yingyuan and the others: "Kill all these people! Don't leave anyone alive!"


Therefore, Liu Liangzuo's servants approached Yan Yingyuan and the others step by step with guns in their hands.

All the officials and servants under Yan Yingyuan panicked.

Yan Yingyuan himself became nervous, and asked loudly: "Liu Canshuai! The sky net is restored. If you do this, you won't be afraid of leaking things in the future?!"

Liu Liangzuo sneered and said, "Here are high mountains and dense forests, and there is no human habitation within ten miles. As long as you all die here, who knows?"

"I know!"

At this time, on the small road on the hill behind the mountain temple, a senior official in a python robe suddenly appeared and shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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