Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 403: Stick Death!Take this great Confucian into Beijing!

Chapter 403: Stick Death!Take this great Confucian into Beijing!
Yu Jingyu could only agree "yes" over and over again, the official rank crushed people to death, so he naturally didn't dare to refute Li Jinan, saying that it's okay for the common people to listen to the opera.

You know, because of the good performance of the social theater, the county government can collect a lot of business taxes in the area around the temple every year, which improves the county's finances.

But how dare Yu Jingyu mention this.

"So, you order people to destroy this temple!"

"Nowadays, the imperial court is even rectifying Buddhist temples. How can such obscene temples be allowed to exist? They must also be destroyed!"

"Even if the imperial court no longer respects Confucianism as an official school, the folks still can't mess up the atmosphere, and they still have to continue to rule the people with virtue. The common people need to know the principles of heaven and abide by morality, and they can't enjoy themselves!"

Li Jin'an then gave orders to Yu Jingyu.

Naturally, Yu Jingyu could only follow suit.

So, shortly thereafter, a large pair of yamen servants appeared and surrounded the temple, surrounding many common people around the temple.

The common people were very surprised because of this, and they didn't know what crime they had committed, so they could only kneel down quickly.

Li Jin'an saw that the common people were still kneeling in front of him honestly, he smiled very proudly, and said in his heart: "It's okay, it seems that these untouchables have not become troublesome, and they still know that they will kneel when they meet officials. It seems that it is time for me to destroy this obscene temple, at least these untouchables have not had time to be ruined by these dramas that smear themselves as scholar-bureaucrats!"

But at this moment, Li Jinan discovered that among the people kneeling down, there were women disguised as men coming out to watch plays and listen to books!

Because when these common people hurriedly knelt down, some women disguised as men slipped off their headscarves, which caused their bottoms to be exposed.

"It's unreasonable! How can a woman show her face in public? This is simply shameless and contrary to Zhu Zi's teachings!"

Li Jinan was furious because of this, and immediately pointed to the woman disguised as a man who dropped her turban, and said: "Drag that whore out and kill him immediately!"


Yu Jingyu had no choice but to obey.

So, some government servants dragged the woman disguised as a man over.

The woman couldn't help but struggled and shouted: "Why did you arrest me? Why did you arrest me?!"

Li Jin'an directly shouted at this time: "Fight!"

So, the board kept hitting down.

The woman screamed in pain, and was killed in front of Li Jin'an not long after.

Li Jin'an was satisfied with this and said: "Tell all the common people in Chun'an, no matter how dare to condone adulterous women to show up in the city, and those who are immoral, this is the case!"


Yu Jingyu hastily agreed.

Naturally, Li Jin'an didn't take the death of an ordinary woman seriously, so he returned to Chun'an County after seeing the temple and its surrounding buildings burnt down.

Li Jin'an's political ideal is still the one advocated by the Confucian Confucianism bureaucrats under the old system, that is, to imprison the people's thoughts and let the people only live according to the Confucianism. They cannot have a rich entertainment life and have no leisure time. Even when it is time, you can't leave without authorization, you must eliminate human desires and preserve the principles of nature.

But for his scholar-officials, Li Jinan naturally would not treat them like this, after all, the scholar-bureaucrats are of the same class as him.

In addition, Li Jinan will not limit his human desires. After all, if he limits himself, he will not be able to show the difference between him and the common people.

"A gentleman is like a lotus, which emerges from mud but is not stained. He should be different from ordinary people. He can hear and read. After all, a gentleman can distinguish right from wrong. How can foolish people be able to do it? People can only live according to the principles of saints. And we, the scholar-bureaucrats, should only screen out what is not in accordance with etiquette for the people of the world, so that the people cannot touch it, this is loving the people!"

Therefore, when Li Jinan was at Yu Jingyu's mansion, when he invited the local oiran to accompany him, and when he listened to the famous local opera troupe, he specially told the reasons why he could watch operas and listen to operas but the common people could not. .

Naturally, Yu Jingyu and other officials and gentry quickly agreed.

Li Jin'an came on a whim, took the oiran into his arms, and was about to let him feed him a leather incense cup, but because he felt that the oiran's feet were not wrapped, he lost his interest for a while, and overthrew the oiran On the ground, he asked: "You goblin, why did you let your feet go?! Don't you want the three-inch golden lotus?!"

The Huakui was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, and replied: "The master calmed down, because he responded to the emperor's edict, he let go."

Li Jinan directly threw a glass of wine in front of him on the oiran, and said even more angrily: "How dare you block me with words!"

"Master Fuyuan, please forgive me!"

The oiran hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

Li Jin'an was indeed disturbed by the oiran's words, because the oiran actually said that he was responding to the emperor's edict, so he, the governor, could not refute it for a while.

After a while, Li Jin'an finally thought up his words, pointed at the oiran and said: "The emperor's edict is for a girl from a good family. You, a prodigal who lost his virginity in the field of love and moon, is as cheap as a pig and dog. What qualifications do you have to be an emperor?" The imperial edict, and let yourself have no money to eat! Today, seeing your unbound feet is a disappointment, and you leave here immediately!"

The oiran left here immediately as if she had received an amnesty.

Then, Li Jin'an found that the ten-year-old maids of Yu Jingyu's family didn't have their feet bound, so he felt even more boring, and asked Yu Jingyu, "Why don't the servants in your family have their feet bound? What's the point of sending them out to serve guests like this?" Decent?"

"Calm down the fury of the Fuyuan, the next official will send someone to take them down to entangle them!"

Yu Jingyu said hurriedly.


Not long after, there was a cry of bound feet from behind, and Li Jinan felt satisfied: "That's right, the youngest one among them, after binding it, remember to send it to the carriage of the hospital. The hospital will take her away and call her Learn calligraphy and painting."




"Does Li Jin'an, the governor of Zhejiang, also want to set up another imperial court?! He actually went against the imperial edict!"

Zhang Gui learned from Shang Jinghui that some women in Chun'an were brutally killed by Li Jin'an for watching social dramas, and after Li Jin'an forced many Han women to bind their feet in Chun'an, he immediately felt that his power was being challenged.

He couldn't bear the fact that among the governors of the world today, there are still such violators of the imperial edict.

Therefore, Zhang Gui asked Shang Jinghui in a deep voice, "How do you know?"

"It's a letter from my third sister. She also went to Chun'an to watch social dramas, because Chun'an's social dramas are very famous."

Shang Jinghui replied.

Zhang Gui nodded after hearing this, and not long after, he informed Yuan Keli and the others of the matter, and said, "It seems necessary for Chen Zizhuang to continue his inspections to see if the governors in various places have strictly enforced the foot-binding ban! Are they still adhering to it on purpose? Fooling the common people!"

Yuan Keli nodded after hearing this, and asked, "Then, do you want to arrest this Li Jinan and bring him to Beijing?"

"Of course we have to arrest him! Although the prohibition of footbinding is not a big policy, it also represents the prestige of the imperial court. This Li Jin'an thinks that he can disobey the imperial court in such a trivial matter, which is simply wishful thinking!"

Zhang Gui replied at this time.

So, it didn't take long for Tiqi to come from the capital directly to Zhejiang.

(End of this chapter)

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