Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 404 Why do I care about the feelings of scholars when I do things!

Chapter 404 Why do I care about the feelings of scholars when I do things!

"What, is there someone from Dongchang?"

Zhejiang governor's yamen, Li Jinan was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly dropped the hand holding the little maid's feet, her legs became weak.

Not long after, Dongchang came to get his official school and came to him with an imperial edict.

Liang Zhidong, the leader of the hundred households, said: "Li Jin'an, you have been dismissed, and we are here to bring you to Beijing by order."

"What crime have I committed?"

Li Jinan asked.

Liang Zhidong replied: "The crime of resisting the order!"

Li Jinan collapsed on the ground after hearing this, and suddenly turned over and knelt on the ground again: "Master Imperial Envoy Mingjian! The lower officials did not resist the decree. Now, if there is any resistance to the decree in the local area, it is all done by the parents and officials of their prefectures and counties. The lower officials do not know what!"

"You maidservant still has the bandages on her feet, so how can she not be considered a rebel? Isn't she a Han girl?"

After Liang Zhidong said it, he asked a question.

Then, Liang Zhidong asked the maid: "What's your name?"

The servant girl replied: "Slave Yulian."

"It's a Han woman. According to the imperial law for judging Han people, those who can speak Chinese are Han women."

After Liang Zhidong said that, he looked at Li Jinan: "How do you say?"

Li Jinan said with trembling lips: "She did it voluntarily, she entangled it herself, and she resisted the decree!"

After hearing this, Liang Zhidong said: "Well, I will escort you, a woman named Yulian, to Beijing and kill you! Who told you to resist the order!"

The servant girl named Yulian was also clever, and knelt down quickly: "My lord, please forgive me! The servant girl is not voluntary. The servant girl wished to be the maidservant of the county lord Yu's family. She was released by order a long time ago. It was because Master Li refused to do so. He wrapped it up again, and asked his servants to come here, and asked them to be his housemaids."

After hearing this, Liang Zhidong looked at Li Jin'an: "Li Jin'an, you kept Han women as slaves, and you violated the edict and entangled the Han women's feet, and you said it was not against the edict?"

"That's not to blame!"

Li Jinan hurriedly shouted.

He also felt aggrieved for a moment, because he just disobeyed the edict prohibiting footbinding.

After all, the content of the edict prohibiting foot-binding clearly stated that if the foot-binding still violated the order, half of the family property would be confiscated, and Dongchang should not be arrested and brought to Beijing for strict punishment.

"Then what about killing the women of the Han family with the stick?"

Liang Zhidong asked.

Li Jinan was taken aback when he heard this. He didn't expect Dongchang to know about it: "The officials who patrol the places on behalf of the Son of Heaven have the right to behead first and then report. What's more, if officials kill people, is it necessary for Dongchang to mobilize the crowd like this?"

Liang Zhidong directly kicked Li Jinan over: "How many times has the emperor talked about 'compatriots', and you are still emphasizing that officials respect the people here, why are you so unprogressive!"

"I just want to talk about the difference between officials and the people, but not about the feelings of fellow nationals. In your eyes, you are just an ordinary Han family girl, but you are killing the lives of Han people in vain, do you know that?"

"The governor has the right to kill first and then play, but it doesn't mean that he won't settle accounts after the fact!"

After finishing speaking, Liang Zhidong ordered: "Take it away!"

Li Jinan was also dragged away.

When Li Jinan was dragged away, he only shouted at the maid named Yulian: "Bitch! Thanks to the old man who favors you so much, you actually betrayed the old man! You have no sense of propriety, justice and shame!"

Although Li Jin'an was the governor of Zhejiang in official circles, he was very high in the Confucianism. He was a famous Confucianist in Confucianism, and he was honored as Mr. Merlin.

Therefore, shortly after Li Jin'an was dismissed and taken to Beijing for the crime of resisting the decree, the matter caused an uproar among scholars.

Many scholar-bureaucrats who still respect Neo-Confucianism also pleaded for Li Jinan one after another.

Sun Qifeng and Lu Shanji, famous Confucianists, even came to Zhang Gui's Sui State Mansion in person to intercede for Li Jin'an.

"Li Jin'an violated the national law, resisted the imperial decree, and violated the holy will. What's the use of you looking for this grand master?"

However, after Zhang Gui saw these two people, he did not agree to intercede for Li Jinan, but only asked this question.

"That's what I said, but the grand master is the most sacred family, and His Majesty will always obey the grand master's words. Now, as long as the grand master speaks, it might not be impossible to save Mr. Merlin's life."

Sun Qifeng replied after hearing what Zhang Gui said.

Lu Shanji followed suit and said, "That's right, how can the common people be more important than the great Confucianism, the great Confucianism has been difficult for ten years, Grand Master! Can Li Jin'an be dismissed from his post, but not exiled or executed?"

After Zhang Gui heard this, he said, "Talk more about the feelings of fellow countrymen, and less about the differences between scholars and people, officials and people! How many times have I said that!"

Sun Qifeng and Lu Shanji's expressions turned ugly after hearing this.

At this time, Lu Shanji couldn't help but continued to speak for Li Jin'an, and changed his address to Zhang Gui: "Uncle Guo, although you are a noble family and have made great achievements, you have not been popular all over the world. Scholars respect you very much." The reviews have always been poor, but now if Uncle Guo is lenient to Mr. Merlin, it may not be possible to win the favor of scholars all over the world, and thus gain a good reputation."

Sun Qifeng followed suit and said, "As Duke Lu said. Uncle Guo, scholars all over the world are watching. If you take this opportunity to spare Li Jin'an, you might be able to make friends with scholars all over the world."

Zhang Gui put the teacup heavily on the table and said: "Are you trying to kill Grand Master Ben, or are you really stupid?! Let Grand Master take advantage of this to make good friends with scholars in the world. What are scholars in the world? The teacher must go to make friends? Why do I have to please some scholars when I have been doing things all my life?!"

After Zhang Gui finished speaking, he said: "Fuck off! It's too much to talk speculatively. Is it not enough to keep you busy with the "Apocalypse Canon"? You have to come here to find yourself uncomfortable!"

Lu Shanji's face turned red all of a sudden, he didn't expect Zhang Gui to see through his little thoughts all of a sudden, so he had no choice but to leave here with fear.

Naturally, Sun Qifeng was also the same, he left here with no embarrassment, and could only secretly sigh that Li Jinan might not escape death.

Not long after Lu Shanji and Sun Qifeng left Zhang Gui's place, Zhang Gui was called into the palace by Tianqi.

It turned out that Tianqi summoned Zhang Gui to Beijing for no other reason than to ask Zhang Gui to read a book he had recently written.

After Zhang Gui read it, he found that it was all related to Tianqi's own analysis of what he knew.

Tian Qi also said at this time: "The books of the sages like to reason. Naturally, I can't be like the sages and reason, and I may not be as good as them. I don't like books that only know reason. So I just wrote what I know, many of which you told me, such as what is electricity, what is an element, what is wind, what is force, and what is steam."

As he said that, Tian Qi said again: "It's just that I haven't decided what to name this book, and I want to hear your suggestion."

After hearing this, Zhang Gui thought for a while and said, "Since that's the case, why not call your Majesty's book the Great Encyclopedia? The so-called encyclopedia is the true definition of all things, and the science that Konechen said is practical learning, which is the definition of seeking truth from facts. "

Tian Qi thought for a while and said, "That's the name!" Then he smiled and said, "It's you after all, who can think of such an easy-to-understand name."

Zhang Gui just smiled slightly.

At this time, Wei Zhongxian rushed in: "Your Majesty! Many Confucian students from the Imperial College and various colleges kneeled outside the Daming Gate, saying that they wanted to intercede for Li Jin'an!"

"Li Jin'an?"

(End of this chapter)

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