Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 410 Use legalist methods and establish a reward mechanism!

Chapter 410 Use legalist methods and establish a reward mechanism!

The reform of a country has never been successfully implemented and achieved results after the unanimous approval of the above.

In particular, this kind of education system involves the participation of all people.

Although the dignitaries and bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty did not oppose the implementation of universal education because they needed money to plunder and restore their family businesses through the implementation of universal education, but for the self-cultivating farmers who still accounted for the majority of the people in Daming, they did not. I feel how necessary it is for my children to receive education.

Even the imperial court has reduced the cost of sending their children to receive education to an extremely low level.

Even if the rulers are really for the benefit of the nation and the country, they no longer pay attention to the differences between men and women, set up girls' schools for the first time to allow Han women to study, and stop advocating that "a woman who has no talent is a virtue."

The common people may not necessarily buy it.

Therefore, after the Ming Dynasty officially started to promote education for all, the effect was not significant.

Except for some wealthy families above the middle class in the city who would choose to send their children to study in social schools in the workshop, most common people ignored the new policy of the imperial court.

Especially the people in the countryside, they cherish the value of a child's labor force even more. Even if their own child herds a cow for the rich man's family, in their opinion, it is more cost-effective than sending him to study.

After all, the common people also know very well that the probability of being the first in school is not high. Unless the family has sufficient savings, it is not worth investing in.

In addition, many children themselves are unwilling to read and write.

Especially civilian children who have not had an atmosphere of reading since they were young. It is easy for them to think that reading and literacy is a hard job, and it is easy to hurt their self-esteem.

Because the teachers in this era are very strict.

After all, Confucian ethics pay attention to the heaven, earth, monarch, relatives and teachers, and the Confucian ethics of this era have existed in the hearts of Han people for thousands of years, and they have long been deeply rooted.

Therefore, it is impossible for the teacher to have much respect for the personality of the students, and only care about whether their students can become useful. Therefore, when corporal punishment and humiliation of students, naturally they don't care much about the students' psychological feelings.

Because of this, it is even more difficult for children from commoner families to like reading and literacy.

In short, it means that the rulers have invested a lot of money and made a big step in opening up the wisdom of the people, but the people don't really buy it.

Thousands of years of ignorant education have made them not understand that this is good governance, and they even think that local officials' behavior of forcing their children to go to school for the sake of good grades is tyranny!
After Zhang Gui saw the memorials from the governors from all over the country reflecting this situation in the cabinet, he also sighed and thought to himself that it would not be easy to reform the civilization of the Han family.

"Now it seems that it is impossible to expect the common people to cooperate. We still have to use the power of the court to enforce it!"

"Our people are still only used to being farmers and farming on their own land. They are unwilling to make changes unless they have to. Now they can only continue to use power to force them to change and make them smart and take the initiative. Going from a person with only a weak culture to a person with a strong culture is no longer safe.”

Therefore, Zhang Gui said this to Han Yu, Yuan Keli, and Chen Zizhuang in the Planning Department.

"How to enforce it?"

Yuan Keli asked.


Zhang Gui replied: "Write compulsory education into a law and promulgate it. According to the actual financial resources of Ming Dynasty, first stipulate the number of years of education that a Han must receive, and then those who violate it will be relegated or dismissed if they are officials. Those who do not send their children to school will be fined or imprisoned."

"Using the method of the Legalists, although it can have immediate results, can it be lenient and strict, so that the people are not too disgusted, and the conflict between the government and the people will only increase?"

Yuan Keli put forward his own opinion at this time. He has been a local official close to the people for many years, and he knows better than Zhang Gui that the rule of law alone is not enough to govern the people, so he asked this question at this time.

Chen Zizhuang followed his analysis based on the historical records he had read in the Imperial Academy for many years: "Yes, in the past, all dynasties ruled the world with filial piety. Children are not only children to their parents, but also their private property."

"The imperial court forcibly requires them to let their children read and write and become smart. It is not necessarily their wish. Although there are hopeful children, there are also conservatives who think that their children should be what they are, and the son of a doctor should also be a doctor. , the son of a craftsman should also be a craftsman, otherwise he will betray his ancestral business and disrupt the foundation of his family's livelihood."

"Therefore, the imperial court forcibly requires their children to read and write. For many people, it is equivalent to seizing their private property and disturbing their family affairs. In short, it will be considered a serious disturbance to the people!"

At this time, Han Yu said: "The cabinet has already made speeches and officials, and some local officials participated in the impeachment. In order to succeed in the examination, they forced the education of the whole people and disturbed the people very much. What Chen Ge said has been fulfilled."

Zhang Gui nodded after hearing this: "Everyone is right, but it can't be because of this, the court spent money to prepare a table of meals, no one will eat it?"

"The common people should regard their children as private property, while the imperial court should regard the children of the Han family as the foundation of the future. This involves whether personal self-interest should be transferred to the country's interests, and whether filial piety should be subordinated to loyalty."

"I don't think it needs to be considered!"

"Since the country needs the power of the imperial court to maintain peace and prosperity, the people should be disturbed where they should be disturbed! However, Zai Otsuka was right. The legalist means alone are not enough, and they must be lenient and strict. Not only inherited the Qin law, but also practiced some benevolence."

Zhang Gui said again: "Chen Gebu said that in today's Han society, children treat their parents like their private property. If it is more straightforward, Chen Gebu means that children treat their parents like their slaves, right?"

Chen Zizhuang laughed when he heard it. He had to admit that Uncle Guo's words were too serious, and he said: "It can be compared like this, but it's not entirely correct. After all, parents also want their children to give up everything."

"Whether he is right or not, in short, the common people are not willing to support their children to study because they don't want to waste their children's work. If this is the case, it is better to reward those who send their children to study more. For slaves or animals, for every person who has three or more children or five or more people who go to school, one slave or one head of animals will be rewarded, and the number will increase by one."

"In this way, for parents with a large number of children, they don't have to worry too much about the problem that all their children will go to school, and the number of laborers will be reduced too much. Anyway, slaves or animals can be used hard, and a slave or an animal can be used. worth several children."

Zhang Gui said.

"What if there aren't enough slaves or cattle?"

Wei Zhongxian interrupted at this moment and asked.

"Then give the money, replace it with money, or owe it directly!"

Zhang Gui said.


Wei Zhongxian asked a question.

People like Yuan Keli and Chen Zizhuang couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, I owe it! The imperial court shouldn't be afraid of debts. Anyway, the debts are too heavy. The more the imperial court owes, the easier it is for the Han people in the world to think about it. Otherwise, there are not many Han people in the world. I will miss the imperial court in my heart, and only know that I have gone to my own little life."

Zhang Gui said.

"That's all I can do. It's better than legalist methods. At present, there are still many Western slaves to buy, and it's not a problem. As for whether to owe debts, it's a matter of the future, and the atmosphere may change in the future."

Yuan Keli said something at this time, and said: "Let's jointly sign the inscription and ask Your Majesty to promulgate this edict?"

Zhang Gui nodded and looked at Wen Zhenmeng: "Mr. Zhuangyuan drafts an edict."

Wen Zhenmeng stood up and cupped his hands: "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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