Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 411 Daming is too rich!All the slaves think Daming is good!

Chapter 411 Daming is too rich!All the slaves think Daming is good!
"Master, don't take my sheep away! Don't take it away! I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you! I'll let my child go to social school!"

Not long after the law of implementing compulsory education for all in Daming was promulgated, a family named Li in Wendeng County was arrested because the county officer said that the local sociology school and Lizheng had found out that he had not sent his school-age children to school. He was fined for taking his sheep away, and begged bitterly, and immediately agreed to let his children go to school.

If the warehouse is real, he knows the etiquette, and if he has enough food and clothing, he knows the honor and disgrace.

Now that the Ming Dynasty has prospered, all social strata have been enriched materially, and system reforms have increased the salaries of many officials.

Therefore, the guards from the county government did not attach too much importance to the value of the sheep, so they did not choose to intensify the conflict at the price of forcibly pulling away a sheep, so they loosened the rope of pulling the sheep. After the people surnamed promised to send their children to school, they said:

"Looking at your age, I won't be hard on you, but you have to remember, if you still don't send your child to study, I won't be so polite next time I come!"

"After all, you are the one who doesn't cooperate with me, so don't blame the poor man for my lack of friendship. You know, our county magistrate is not an easy-going official!"

"Understand! Understood! Don't worry!"

The people surnamed Li hurriedly agreed.

And because of this, the guard swaggered away with confidence.

It wasn't until after the officer left that the commoner surnamed Li put away his smile, sat on the wheat stack, beat his legs and cried, "These sons of a bitch policemen, why don't they even care about this? Not being allowed to study has nothing to do with you!"


"Father! I'm not going! I'm not going! I want to herd cattle! I want to herd cattle!"


And because of the promulgation of this law, Xie Laosan, a farmer in Wuqing County, Shuntian Prefecture, had to force his son who didn't want to go to a communal school to study in a communal school because he was afraid of being fined. Speaking of my own son:

"If you don't go, you have to go!"

"If you don't go, you will be fined, and the fine is much more than the salary you received for herding cattle for Rich Man Liu's house, do you know that!"

The son of Xie Lao San could only cry and shout: "Why do you want to study! I don't want to be an official!"

"Then you ask those officials!"

"Why do they force you to study when they are full and have nothing to do?"

"Your uncle was awarded an Oriental Japanese slave because he sent all five of your cousins ​​to study. Although he is not short, he is good at work."

The third brother Xie continued to speak angrily.

As the third Xie said, the second Xie in Wuqing County, because he was honest and unwilling to disobey the government, really sent all the children in the family to social schools, and even sent his daughter to girls' schools, so he also So he was awarded a Japanese slave.

This Xie Er's Japanese slave name is Matsui Masada, and now Xie Er has given him the Chinese name of "dog son".

This Japanese slave named "Dog" was originally a son of a samurai from the Japanese country, but because the Japanese country has too many tyrannical policies and a large number of people have gone bankrupt, his family has also gone bankrupt, and even he himself was sold to the Dutch. He was sold to Daming and became an official slave of Daming, and now he is rewarded by the Ming court to understand the second child.

It's just that what this dog Wonu didn't expect was that after he was sold to Daming and became a slave to Xie Laoer's family of ordinary people in Daming, he discovered that ordinary people in Daming would live so well!
You must know that because of the growing gap between the rich and the poor in the country of Japan, many ordinary people in the country of Japan are living very hard. Even if this dog slave is a child of a samurai, he often has nothing to eat in the country of Japan, suffers from hunger and cold, There is a meal without a meal.

But he didn't expect that after Daming became a slave of an ordinary family, he would still be able to eat enough every day.

When he first came to Xie Laoer’s house in Wuqing County as a slave, the dog Wonu saw that Xie Laoer gave him three steamed buns every meal for three consecutive days, and continued to ask for it even if it was not enough, even at noon. When there was a talk about fat meat guaranteeing strength, he cried directly, and said in tears: "I didn't expect that being a minion of Ming Dynasty would be better than us! Woohoo!"

This bitch Wo Nu really broke down, crying while biting the steamed bun.

The quality of life of civilians in Ming Dynasty has indeed been greatly improved. First of all, there is a great abundance of food. The silver earned from foreign trade is basically exchanged for foreign food and shipped back to the country. As a result, there is now a lot of food surplus that is mainly used for feeding. Livestock and poultry.

And because of this, the supply of meat for the people of Ming Dynasty is much more sufficient than before. Wuqing County, a wealthy county located in Shuntian Prefecture, can even guarantee that the people in the area have meat every day, so that they can provide slaves with a lot of meat. Meat.

Naturally, the dog Wonu became a slave in Daming with peace of mind, and he even began to rejoice that he could be sold to Daming to be a slave to these Han people.

What Gou Zi Wo Nu didn't expect was that being a slave in Daming could not only eat well, but also dress warmly.

Because on this day, his master Xie Lao Er actually bought him a new winter coat.

The dog Wonu was moved and cried on the spot.

Although Xie Er gave him new winter clothes because he was afraid that he, the only slave, would freeze to death in winter.

After all, Daming is still in the Little Ice Age, and the winter is not so easy.

But the dog Wonu naturally didn't know this, he just felt that Xie Er Er was benevolent, and at the same time lamented that Daming was really rich, so rich that even a slave like himself could feel the grace of the prosperous age.

"Why do you cry, but you cry because you are sad, sad that you left your home and came here as a slave?"

Just when the dog Wonu was crying with emotion, a scholar who believed in Confucianism and benevolence and believed that Han people should not be enslaved happened to see this scene, and asked about the dog Wonu.

And the dog Wonu replied: "I'm telling you, the little one is crying because of happiness, and the little one loves Daming, because Daming is the country that is truly worthy of support!"

The scholar was very surprised when he heard this, and then shook his head.

He didn't expect that these enslaved foreigners would be so stupid so quickly, and they would fall in love with Daming because they were slaves in Daming.

The Ming Empire became rich enough, which also intensified the reform of education, which led to the emergence of the compulsory education system for all. At the same time, it also promoted ideological changes after it began to develop cultural achievements because of its wealth.

After Fang Yizhi asked Zhang Gui about the existence of Mandate of Heaven, he still conducted an in-depth analysis on the existence of Mandate of Heaven, and thus directly came to the view that Mandate of Heaven does not exist based on history and the experience of the last thunder and lightning.

As a result, Fang Yizhi's views also caused a great stir in the entire Ming Dynasty thought circle.

Because of this, Chen Zizhuang had no choice but to pay a visit to Zhang Gui overnight, and said: "Fang Yizhi can't continue to question the destiny like this! This is tantamount to sawing off the leg of the dragon chair His Majesty is sitting on!"

"It's better to keep it quiet than to block it. Since someone is questioning the destiny, you can't stop it by trying to seal their mouths."

Zhang Gui said.

"Then what should we do? If the monarchy does not exist because of the destiny, then what is it? You and I can't just watch the emperor's power be questioned. This will damage the foundation of our reform!"

Chen Zizhuang said.

Zhang Gui glanced at him: "If the old chair His Majesty sits on will be at risk of being sawed off, then we will replace him with a new chair. If the monarchy is not because of the destiny, it can be because of the people of the world! "

"what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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