Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 412 Big Bang!Is this a remonstrance? !

Chapter 412 Big Bang!Is this a remonstrance? !
Zhang Gui glanced at Chen Zizhuang and said, "Whether the Mandate of Heaven exists or not, no one in the world will really dare to overthrow Your Majesty because of this."

"It's never these who can saw off His Majesty's dragon chair, but whether the person who stands on His Majesty's side is the strongest among the people in the world!"

Chen Zizhuang pondered for a moment after hearing this, and said, "Understood!"

Then, Chen Zizhuang bid farewell to Zhang Gui and left.

However, after being inspired by Zhang Gui, Chen Zizhuang changed the other party's view that the Mandate of Heaven does not exist, and he made a 360-degree turn, because he thought that if the Mandate of Heaven continued to exist, he would continue to serve the Confucian scholars of the world in the future. Based on the ideological foundation of the leader, he agreed with Fang Yizhi's point of view, believing that the destiny does not exist, and even put forward the theory of choice under the world according to Zhang Gui's reminder, believing that the current power structure is the result of the choice of the Han people in the world.

Chen Zizhuang is not so much a scholar, but a politician.

Naturally, the argument he puts forward is not because he believes that the political theory he holds is the truth, but because he uses a certain political theory because it is useful to his political interests.

Therefore, Chen Zizhuang is the same now. He can't fully prove whether the Mandate of Heaven exists, but he must now deny the existence of the Mandate of Heaven for the sake of the nationalism advocated by himself and Zhang Gui.

But Chen Zizhuang is not Fang Yizhi, he is a scholar of the cabinet of the current dynasty and a minister of the Ministry of Rites, and has a great influence.

Therefore, his article naturally caused a bigger sensation in Daming soon.

Many scholar-bureaucrats who still hoped that the theory of destiny would continue to exist even kept attacking Chen Zizhuang.

For a moment, Chen Zizhuang seemed to be on the cusp.

Chen Zizhuang did not show weakness, and would often refute his critics in the newspapers.

This night.

Mrs. Sui Guogong's wife, Shang Jinghui, was sitting by a cradle, embroidering, raising her gaze from time to time, looking at the baby in the cradle, and at the same time looking at her husband Zhang Gui who was sitting behind the desk.

Zhang Gui looked at Chen Zizhuang's article seriously, and said with a smile: "Chen Zizhuang has realized! In the future, the theory of destiny may no longer be able to justify the invasion of foreign bandits. Even the monarch can exercise power in the name of the people."

Shang Jinghui smiled, and then asked: "It doesn't matter whether it's fate or people's hearts, my husband knows that many people are starting to praise you in the boudoir of the market, but I'm worried that your majesty will become more suspicious because of this." you?"

Zhang Gui became thoughtful after hearing this, and said: "I don't know! But I have talked with Your Majesty about my husband's heart, no matter what, Your Majesty has agreed to me to carry out education for all."

Speaking of this, since it was a night conversation between husband and wife, Zhang Gui also said frankly: "I actually have selfish intentions in asking Your Majesty to do this."

Shang Jinghui was taken aback after hearing this, then listened carefully, and asked, "Selfishness?"

Zhang Gui nodded: "Because the political struggles in this era are too cruel, the common people are also responsible. What the world becomes depends on everyone. The common people are not spectators, but participants. It cannot be because meat eaters always It’s about ignoring them, not thinking of them as participants, really treating them like horses.”

"So, if I want the power struggles in my country to be less cruel, so that all the Han people in the world are not ruthless and benevolent outside, we must first let the common people change accordingly, from people with only weak cultures to people with strong cultures. People who have become benevolent on the inside and strong on the outside.”

After hearing this, Shang Jinghui smiled: "In this way, it can indeed show that it is a good thing that His Majesty is willing to promote education for all!"

Shang Jinghui then asked: "But what about Your Majesty, it's impossible for him not to understand this! Doesn't he have selfishness? If Your Majesty does, what is His Majesty's selfishness?"

"His Majesty's selfishness?"

Zhang Gui was thinking about it, but he heard a loud noise outside, like the sound of gunpowder exploding.

Shang Jinghui's face turned pale from being shocked on the spot, but he hurriedly picked up the baby in the cradle.

Zhang Gui stood in front of Shang Jinghui and his children. He didn't push the door out until there was no explosion. He came to the front yard and asked Liu Zongmin who was already waiting here: "What's going on?"

"It's the mansion of the Chen Ge Department. There was a big explosion, and the entire courtyard is now a sea of ​​flames!"

Liu Zongmin replied.

After hearing this, Zhang Gui couldn't help stepping back a few steps, then sat back on the chair and said, "It still happened."

Liu Zongmin looked at Zhang Gui at this moment and said, "Master, what should we do now?"

Zhang Guidao: "Of course it is a strict investigation! But I just hope that nothing else will happen at this time. Daming has come to this point, and no one knows what will happen next."

"Get out of the way! I have an imperial decree!"

"Uncle Guo! Your Majesty has an order to call you into the palace to have an audience!"

At this time, an eunuch's voice suddenly came from outside.

Zhang Gui hurried out after hearing this, and asked the eunuch who followed: "What happened?"

The eunuch gasped and replied: "East Palace, the East Palace is gone!"

"Why didn't you see Donggong? Where's Wang Chengen who followed him?"

After Zhang Gui asked, he said, "Let's talk on the way."

"it is good!"

Zhang Fengyi returned home because of visiting relatives, so Wang Chengen, who is often accompanying the prince now, was also recommended by Zhang Gui.

"Wang Gonggong was knocked out when he was sending the East Palace to Wenhua Hall to study. When he woke up, he found that the East Palace and the Confucian officials who taught the East Palace were gone!"

Here, the eunuch hugged the horse's neck while lashing the horse with a whip while replying to Zhang Gui in front.

Zhang Gui was taken aback after hearing this: "Those Confucian officials in the Eastern Palace who taught the prince to read did something wrong?"

Not long after, Zhang Gui saw Tianqi.

When Tian Qi saw Zhang Gui coming, he hurriedly said: "The prince is gone!"

Zhang Gui then continued to ask: "I heard that the officials of the Eastern Palace are gone?"

Apocalypse nodded.

After hearing this, Zhang Gui said: "From this point of view, Your Majesty should not worry too much, the least likely to harm His Highness are the officials of the East Palace! So, if these officials of the East Palace really hijacked His Highness, then they will return His Highness. Otherwise, there would be no point in doing all this."

"Then you shouldn't hide my crown prince privately!"

Tian Qi suddenly roared, and said: "What do they want to do, do they want to force the palace, or do they want to hold the prince hostage to death!"

Zhang Gui said at this time: "Your Majesty, do you know that something happened just tonight."

"what's up?"

Tian Qi asked absently.

Zhang Gui replied: "There was a big explosion in the mansion of Chen Gebu, and the whole mansion has been turned into a sea of ​​flames!"

Tian Qi was taken aback after hearing this: "Who did it?"


Zhang Gui replied.

Tian Qi didn't say anything else, just pondered, and then asked Zhang Gui: "What did Chen Zizhuang do recently?"

Zhang Gui told the story of Chen Zizhuang and Fang Yizhi denying the theory of destiny recently.

After hearing this, Tian Qi asked, "So, is Chen Zizhuang gone?"

And just after Tianqi asked such a question, Wei Zhongxian walked in at this time: "Qizou Emperor, our people in Dongchang found the trace of the young master in the city!"

The young master is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Most eunuchs and maids in the palace refer to the prince as Xiaoye.

And after Wei Zhongxian said that, Tian Qi ordered excitedly after hearing this: "Hurry up and send someone to rescue!"

(End of this chapter)

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