Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 416: The Crown Prince Remonstrates!Uncle Guo forced the palace!

Chapter 416: The Crown Prince Remonstrates!Uncle Guo forced the palace!


Yuan Keli and others were quite surprised, and Yuan Keli himself asked a question first.

Zhang Gui nodded and said with a smile: "Why does Mr. Otsuka pretend to be so surprised? You don't understand things that he can understand with warmth and benevolence? You came to see me with them, don't you just want to persuade me to remonstrate with you?!"

"Uncle Guo really understands!"

Sun Chuanting couldn't help standing up and cupping his hands with a smile, and said, "That's what we mean!"

Zhou Yuji also nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, because this matter was caused by His Majesty in the final analysis, it has nothing to do with Uncle Guo, so how can we hide it from Uncle Guo! Otherwise, it would be too outrageous. After all, we I also don’t want Daming to lose his uncle Guo!”

"You guys can come to see me first and discuss with me, it's indeed your loyalty!"

Zhang Gui said with a smile.

Of course, Zhang Gui didn't expose these people. It must be because only he can continue to bring benefits to them. For example, where there are coal mines and iron mines, he dare not give up on him. He only said that these people are out of loyalty.

In fact, the last thing a politician can talk about is loyalty.

Everyone laughed and didn't say anything, and then they began to discuss with each other to do this, this, and this.

And just when Zhang Gui was discussing military advice with a group of civil and military officials who hold a lot of power, and did not give Tianqi a chance to set up the original republic model for meditation, the prince in the queen's bedroom still didn't understand Tianqi. Intention, also asked Zhang Yan:

"Queen mother, why did the emperor give the throne to uncle? Does he think I can't be a good emperor in the future?"

Zhang Yan smiled, flipped through the book, and said while reading: "Don't guess what your father is thinking!"

"The emperor doesn't need to guess, but what should the emperor do now? Tell me, if the emperor really wants to give the throne to uncle, will uncle kill me in the future?"

the prince asked.

Zhang Yan patted the prince's head and said with a smile, "My son is much smarter! However, from the perspective of the queen mother, at this time, it is better to be still than to move."

"Is it better to be still than to move?"


The prince asked puzzledly.

Zhang Yan looked at him lovingly and asked, "Aside from being a prince, what else do you have? The servants of the Eastern Palace who were assigned to you have just been executed. Now you can say that apart from your uncle, the people who are in power outside the court Among the people, there is no one who has a direct relationship with you. So, even if you want to move, why do you want to move? Could it be that you have to personally persuade your uncle to resist the order?"


The prince also realized that this seemed inappropriate, so he nodded: "The queen mother is right, the emperor really can't do anything now."

Then, the prince said again: "But mother, you haven't answered my second question yet."

Zhang Yan thought for a while and said, "Let's see, this move is still undecided, who knows what the next step will be?"

The prince nodded.

At this time, Wang Chengen walked over quickly: "Madam, young master, uncle Guo please see me!"

After hearing this, the prince couldn't help feeling tense, and asked, "Why did uncle come here?"

"Why did my younger brother enter the palace wearing armor and carrying a firearm?"

At this time, Zhang Gui had already appeared outside the hall, so Zhang Yan asked a question calmly.

"Wearing armor and holding firearms to enter the palace?"

The prince was terrified after hearing this, and turned his head suddenly to see that Zhang Gui was indeed in military uniform, and he froze in place for a moment, then suddenly walked in front of Zhang Yan, and opened his arms resolutely.

Zhang Gui didn't expect the crown prince to do such a thing, so he just replied: "Because a military remonstrance must have the appearance of a military remonstrance."

"Do you want to remonstrate?"

Zhang Yan asked with a smile.

Zhang Guidao: "It's not my younger brother who wants to remonstrate, it's Your Highness who wants to remonstrate!"

The prince was shocked when he heard this: "Your Highness, what uncle said, are you talking about me?"

Zhang Gui nodded.

The prince said: "I didn't want to remonstrate with soldiers, and I don't have soldiers either!"

Zhang Gui turned around and pointed outside the hall: "There are your soldiers outside."

The crown prince glanced at the opportunity, and sure enough, he saw that there was a forest of armor and rows of firearms outside, and there was an awe-inspiring murderous aura!
At first glance, they are all elites!

The prince couldn't help but looked up at Zhang Gui, and asked, "Uncle, what's going on? Why are you helping me? Are we really going to fight against the emperor's life?"

"Your Highness, do you remember what His Majesty said?"

Zhang Gui asked.


the prince asked.

"Son of Heaven, those who have strong soldiers and strong horses will do it."

Zhang Gui replied.

The prince nodded: "Yes, but does it have anything to do with what happened today?"


Zhang Gui said again: "You have to prove to Your Majesty that your soldiers are the strongest and your horses are the strongest, so your Majesty must take it back?"

The prince was puzzled, so he glanced at Zhang Yan and said, "But am I not just a prince?"

Zhang Guidao: "But if the current situation of Daming is to be stable, you, the prince, are indispensable. Now those who are willing to fight for you are all people who have the common people of the Ming Dynasty in their hearts, and they are all willing to be your soldiers at this time, including ministers! Now is the time for you to prove to Your Majesty that you can be the future emperor!"

After a while, the prince nodded: "Uncle, I understand!"

Then, the prince walked out and suddenly shouted: "Follow me!"

Therefore, Qi Panzong and others who were fully armed did not make a sound, they all turned silently, and then followed the prince to the place where Zhu Youxiao was secretly conducting scientific research.

The prince clenched his fists tightly, he was very nervous now, but he knew that he had to do this now, otherwise, he could only die.

But it was also because of his nervousness that the prince continued to say to Zhang Gui on the road: "Uncle, I took a look just now. Although Yuan Keli, Lu Xiangsheng, Zhou Yuji's relative Panzong, and Sun Chuanting all came, many people did not come. not coming!"

"I don't know what he is hesitating about! Or is he just such a gentle person?!"

"In addition, Sun Yingyuan, Li Zicheng and Ye Chengxue who were just transferred to Beijing, and Zhou Neng and Liu Zongmin who came out of your house didn't come. About half of them came, and almost half of them didn't."

"In it, it's not clear who is sincere and who is fake. Anyway, if I don't do this now, Daming will have internal strife, right, uncle?"

Zhang Gui glanced at the little nephew in surprise: "Your Highness is right!"

Then, the prince hurriedly walked towards Tianqi's laboratory with short legs, and asked again: "But what I don't understand is, why are those who are willing to come today? Didn't uncle promise to give them more?" Is it good, if they are willing to accept the imperial father's order, for example, if they are already a marquis, they can be named dukes, and if they are already uncles, they can be named marquises."

"Your Highness, you have to understand that when the gains from external plundering of an empire are far greater than the benefits from internal power struggles, the rulers of this empire are unwilling to experience internal turmoil, because this will not be worth the loss and affect the benefits of external plundering." Only when the gains from internal power struggles are greater than the benefits from external plunder, will you be willing to change the emperor or even change the entire dynasty!"

"The reason why Song Gaozong killed Yue Fei unjustly was because the income from continuing to cut gold externally is not as good as the income from his own power internally after Gou An."

"The Ming Dynasty is now frantically expanding abroad, and it is about to conquer Tatar. In order to seize the coal mines in Tatar, there are still slaves who have not been destroyed, and the expedition to Xiyi to expand trade. These are opportunities to make immortal military exploits. Any one of them can be regarded as the merit of sealing the wolf, Juxule and Shi Yanran!"

"So, there is no need to change the emperor to have the opportunity to become a prince! Since there are already opportunities to make contributions, who wants to cause internal chaos?"

Zhang Gui said.

(End of this chapter)

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