Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 417 Father Emperor!The child is unfilial, and you are here against me!

Chapter 417 Father Emperor!The child is unfilial, and you are here against me!
After Zhang Gui said this, the prince understood the general idea, knowing that as long as the empire becomes stronger and stronger, its interior will become more and more stable.

All of a sudden, Zhang Gui and the prince came outside Tianqi's laboratory with the prince.

Wei Zhongxian, who was guarding here, was shocked when he saw Zhang Gui and the prince appearing.

Without thinking for a long time, Wei Zhongxian fainted on the spot.


The prince looked at Zhang Gui and asked.

Zhang Gui smiled slightly and said: "Your Highness will wait outside first, and wait for the minister to go in and have a look."

"Okay, uncle."

The prince was still a little afraid of seeing his father, so he readily agreed.

Zhang Gui walked in because of this, and saw Tian Qi was wearing the white coat that Zhang Gui promoted in the Industrial Division, sitting in a "Leyden bottle" and a pile of copper wire and iron among the dazzling array of glass bottles, glasses, and glass jars. He was fiddling with something beside the stick, so that he didn't even know that someone had come in.

"Your Majesty wants to find out why the electricity is big and small?"

Zhang Gui watched for a long time, and couldn't help asking.

"Yes! Why is the power of lightning so powerful that it can kill people, but some electricity, such as the electricity obtained from this frog's leg, is not so powerful. Don't you think it's strange?"

"Is this electricity the same as force, which is very effective?"

Apocalypse asked.

Zhang Gui said: "You can't say that! Has Your Majesty ever thought that electricity is the same as water, the more water there is, the more powerful it is? And maybe there is a measure for this electricity?"

"That's right! I should divide the electricity in this bottle and see what effects different amounts have."

Apocalypse suddenly realized.

Zhang Gui continued: "We still have to see if there is any difference when iron rods of different thicknesses are charged with the same power."

Tian Qi slapped the table and raised his head: "Very well said!"

As a result, Tian Qi noticed that it was Zhang Gui who appeared in front of him at this time, and he was wearing a military uniform with a pistol in his waist: "Why are you here? Who let you in?"

"Wei Zhongxian fainted, and the minister just broke in."

Zhang Gui replied.

Tian Qi understood after hearing this, and asked again: "You are not at home waiting to be enthroned, what are you doing here? Why, don't you want to be emperor?"

Zhang Guidao: "Now here are the ministers and His Majesty. Your Majesty should explain to the ministers why you did this? Is it to test the ministers, His Highness the Crown Prince, or the courtiers?"

Tian Qi said: "You know, I'm actually not interested in the position of the Son of Heaven, I prefer to study these wonderful laws."

"For example, with the electricity now, I want to find out why some of it can kill people, but others can't! Besides, is there any other use for it?"

"A person's life is limited. I really don't want to be distracted by those messy things in the court and waste my efforts. Although everyone says long live the emperor, I know that I will never live forever."

Zhang Gui glanced at Tianqi, and continued: "Your Majesty, please tell the truth! His Royal Highness is waiting outside with his troops. You can't really let His Royal Highness take Yuan Keli and the others to turn you into the Supreme Emperor, right?"

Tian Qi was taken aback after hearing this.

Suddenly, Tian Qi laughed: "I only believe in experiments. If I don't try it, how can I prove that my inference is correct? That's why I deliberately want to give you the Zen seat to test the world!"

Immediately, Tian Qi looked at Zhang Gui, and said with a smile: "From now on, my deduction is correct!"

Zhang Gui smiled lightly and asked: "Then is your majesty going to deal with those who did not come with the crown prince?"

Tian Qi said without even thinking about it: "No! Those who come may not all be loyal, and those who do not come may not all be traitors. It is difficult to distinguish between true and false. For example, the first Fuque's Wen Tiren, this person Is it really because he doesn't want me to take the Zen position, not because he has seen through me long ago?"

Tian Qi asked, "Is the prince really here?"

Zhang Gui nodded.

"Let him in!"

Apocalypse ordered suddenly.

"According to the order!"

Not long after, the crown prince came in and came to Tianqi: "Father! The emperor is unfilial and has come to defy your life."

Tian Qi pushed the glasses frame and said, "It hasn't been done yet, so it's not disobedience!"

With that said, Tianqi took out the edict and handed it to the prince: "There are two decrees on it, one is to take back the Zen throne from Sui Guogong Zhang Gui's remonstrance, and in the future only the prince will take the throne; Let Chen Zizhuang go, with his integrity, add a young teacher! Go out and proclaim the edict."


After the prince heard this, he didn't expect that his father had already prepared another edict, and he would be so indifferent about following his uncle Zhang Gui's suggestion to bring troops to remonstrate, so he quickly and relaxedly responded, and then went out to respond. With a sound.

The prince then took out the edict and announced to Yuan Keli, Lu Xiangsheng, and Sun Chuanting the edict of the emperor's intention to take back the Zen throne.

Yuan Keli and the participants who came to remonstrate were relieved after hearing this.

But because of this, Yuan Keli couldn't help sighing: "Your Majesty is His Majesty after all! It seems absurd, but it is actually a deliberate test."

"But what if the result of the test is another result?"

Lu Xiangsheng asked.

Yuan Keli asked: "If it were another result, would we still be here today?"


Lu Xiangsheng smiled slightly.

And at this moment, Ye Chengxue shouted outside: "Your Majesty! I have something urgent to play, Yuan Fu is gone!"

Tian Qi was taken aback after hearing this, and couldn't help saying to Zhang Gui, "It's really interesting!"

Then, Tianqi said: "Preach the decree! Yuanfu passed away, and I was not so sad that I couldn't get up. I decided to stop court for three days, no, stop court for ten days!"

After saying that, Tian Qi let Zhang Gui out of his laboratory, then closed the door, continued to conduct his own electrical experiments, and said with a smile: "Now I can finally study these electrical devices with more confidence."

Zhang Gui left here with the crown prince, Yuan Keli and others.


"Tang Zongbing, Jiao Zongbing, how many soldiers and horses did you each bring?"

Gui Wang Zhu Changyan was asking Tang Tong and Jiao Lian who had been invited to the capital by him.

Tang Tong replied: "All the [-] soldiers and horses I stationed in Tianjin have been dispatched!"

Jiao Lian replied: "All the eight thousand soldiers and horses I stationed in Baoding have also been transferred!"

"Enough! Enough remonstrance!"

Zhu Changhuang got up and gritted his teeth, and said: "As long as you are a loyal minister and general of my Ming Dynasty, you should not sit back and watch your majesty do such absurd actions!"

Tang Tong nodded, and asked: "Your Highness said yes, but I would like to know, if the remonstrance succeeds, whether to get rid of Uncle Guo?"

Jiao Lian said: "The humble official thinks that Uncle Guo should not be eliminated! Uncle Guo has a lot of people himself, and this time it was not Uncle Guo's fault. In addition, we still need Uncle Guo to continue to stabilize His Royal Highness. Foundation, so, we should talk to Uncle Guo when the army is besieging Xiyuan!"

Zhu Changhuang nodded: "Jiao Zongbing's words are very true!"

Then, Zhu Changhuang said: "Whether you can stop His Majesty's move depends on the two generals!"

"We must do our best!"

Tang Tong and Jiao Lian replied.

But at this moment, Zhu Yujian walked in: "Our clan doesn't need to unite with some general soldiers to remonstrate! Because the uncle of the country has already united with the prince to remonstrate!"

(End of this chapter)

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