Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 423 In order to stop the infighting, hammer and kill the censor!

Chapter 423 In order to stop the infighting, hammer and kill the censor!

The next day, it was the 12th year of Tianqi's light snow solar term, and both inside and outside the capital were covered with plains.

However, because the emperor suddenly issued a decree last night saying that the court would be held early today, many clans and courtiers in Beijing had to brave the cold wind and wait outside the Fengtian Gate early in the morning.

Ma Guangyu also rushed over early.

As soon as Ma Guangyu came, many courtiers who were also jealous of Zhang Gui's deep trust by the emperor came to greet him, bowed their hands to him, asked him about calling his uncle a thief yesterday, and praised him for coming.

As a result, Ma Guangyu was like a political star for a while, very popular, even bigger than the cabinet ministers.

Because not only many courtiers took the initiative to talk to him, but even many clans who hated Zhang Gui, who was favored by Zhang Gui and was almost abdicated by the emperor, also came to talk to Ma Guangyu.

Ma Guangyu is naturally very proud.

This is also the reason why he took the initiative to provoke Zhang Gui, he just wanted to be like Wen Tiren, to build up his reputation, let His Majesty see it, and let the world see it.

Of course, more courtiers and clans looked sideways at Ma Guangyu.

Some have seen through Ma Guangyu's real motives.

Some are disgusted with Ma Guangyu's targeting of Uncle Zhang Guo who has contributed to stabilizing the country.

And when Ma Guangyu was chatting with some courtiers who hated Zhang Gui with a smile on his face, Zhu Yujian also squeezed over, and at some point he pulled out a pumpkin from his bosom.

Holding the pumpkin, Zhu Yujian walked behind Ma Guangyu and watched Ma Guangyu pretending to be aggressive in the crowd.

"If Uncle Zhang Guo is not a thief, how could he steal the power!"

Ma Guangyu was saying such a sentence at this time, suddenly, a gourd appeared on the top of his head, and he slammed it down, so that he felt stares in his eyes on the spot, and his whole body fell to the ground.

When Ma Guangyu opened his eyes again, he found that his head was already bleeding, and his head seemed to burst from the pain.

"You bastard! You don't want to be an official, you keep your eyes on the suffering of the people, you insist on inciting internal strife, and you want to cause chaos in the society, you are simply as bad as a snake and a scorpion!"

"Obviously, everyone in the world does not want to cause trouble after His Majesty suddenly wants to give way to the walking meditation, and is glad that although the uncle of the country is a holy family, he is not a treacherous person, so that he has made great contributions to the country, and they all hope that there will be peace from now on. .It is you who want to cause chaos in the world, but open your mouth and keep your mouth shut to kill Guojiu."

"If you are not a stupid person, you are a spy who was bribed by Jiannu and turned to the extreme! Today, I will beat you to death for the people of the world!"

At this moment, Zhu Yujian pointed at Ma Guangyu and cursed.

Zhu Yujian cursed and waved down the golden melon in his hand, and shouted: "Let's eat another melon!"

Ma Guangyu was hit on the head again.

His head was cut again, and blood flowed horizontally.

"Forgive me! I was wrong!"

Ma Guangyu hurriedly shouted.

But Zhu Yujian still swung the hammer down, causing Ma Guangyu's head to burst directly on the spot, the brains flowed out, and his body limply lay on the snow.

And Zhu Yujian was also at this moment, looking at the courtiers and clans around who had taken the initiative to retreat again and again, he exhaled whitely and said:
"Gu killed Yushi Ma Guangyu today because he didn't want the court to have trouble again! You should understand!"

"After all, although Gu also opposed His Majesty's Zen throne to Uncle Zhang before this, he was the first to oppose it, and he was jealous of Uncle Zhang who is now highly regarded by His Majesty, but Uncle Zhang Gu already knew about following the prince's remonstrance, and had to admit that Uncle Zhang Guo is indeed a loyal minister, and most of the so-called party members are loyal to the country!"

"Therefore, Gu, like everyone else in the world, is unwilling to cause chaos in the world again because of the previous abdication. But this Ma Guangyu insists on provoking right and wrong, trying to force Uncle Zhang Guo to fight against him. Such desires will destroy our emperor. Ming Genji's behavior, how can one sit idly by! Therefore, kill him today!"

As he said that, Zhu Yujian continued to say to the courtiers and clans: "And today I, Zhu Yujian, killed this man just for the sake of justice, not to please his Uncle Zhang Guo. There is no need to please a foreign relative for a lonely clan! Now, Gu is also willing to take responsibility, you can appeal to His Majesty to impeach Gu, Gu is willing to be punished! Even if this person pays for his life, there is no complaint!"

At this time, most of the courtiers present dared not blame Zhu Yujian, if it wasn't because his legs were so frightened that he couldn't move his feet, he would just want to stay away from Zhu Yujian, the murderous god.

After all, Zhu Yujian's behavior at this time is too terrifying!

You must know that most of the courtiers who worshiped Ma Guangyu and dared to fight against Uncle Zhang Guo were Qingliu civil servants and royal ministers who were dissatisfied with Zhang Gui's monopoly and dissatisfied with Zhang Gui's behavior of blindly going to war and disregarding the ancestral system. Because those who have seen swordsmen have never even killed a chicken, so the scene in front of them is indeed a big shock to them.

What's more, Zhu Yujian, the clan least likely to be driven by Uncle Zhang Guo, killed Ma Guangyu.

So much so that they wanted to involve Zhang Gui in this matter.

Therefore, none of the courtiers and clans at this time spoke.

Only Wen Tiren walked over, because he was in charge of all this, so he already had some confidence, and he walked up to Zhu Yujian in a pretentious manner, as if he was not afraid of the bloody gourd in Tang Wang Zhu Yujian's hand, and shouted: " Even if His Royal Highness really wants to not tolerate other horses and censors for the sake of so-called justice, then he should not be punished! If His Highness does this, where does the emperor look at the law of the country?!"

The courtiers and clans who had been talking to Ma Guangyu just now gave Wen Tiren a thumbs up in their hearts, feeling that Wen Tiren had really asked what they wanted to ask.

In fact, Zhu Yujian chose to kill Ma Guangyu with a gold melon outside the Huangji gate today. He was originally instigated by Wen Tiren, but at this time he also deliberately pretended that he did not discuss the matter with Wen Tiren, and only said coldly: "Gu said just now, Gu is willing to suffer any crime, if you don't like it, you can impeach Gu to His Majesty later!"


Wen Tiren also snorted pretending to be resentful.

But Ma Guangyu was actually still alive at this time, and he also heard the conversation between Wen Tiren and Zhu Yujian, so he thought that Wen Tiren was on his side, so he called out in a weak voice: "Old Ge!"

Wen Tiren squatted down because of this, and said in a low voice: "Why are you still alive! You have to know that not everyone can win the bet, so after you go to the underworld, don't blame me!"

Another gourd.

Zhu Yujian beat Ma Guangyu to death this time.

Before Ma Guangyu was hammered to death, his eyes widened. He didn't expect Wen Tiren to harm him.

In fact, Wen Tiren came here to see if Ma Guangyu was dying.

Therefore, Wen Tiren immediately scolded Zhu Yujian, "Your Highness, why are you doing this!" Then he shouted at Ma Guangyu: "Ma Gong! Ma Gong!"

"Those who want to mess up the court and cause party disputes should do so!"

Zhu Yujian saw that Wen Tiren yelled several times, but did not wake Ma Guangyu up again, so he was sure that the man had passed away, so he said something loudly at this moment.

"Your Highness is right!"

At this time, a voice came from a person, and Wen Tiren, Zhu Yujian and the ministers present couldn't help but follow the voice to look over.

(End of this chapter)

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