Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 424 Punish the feudal lord!Capture the Minister of Science!

Chapter 424 Punish the feudal lord!Capture the Minister of Science!
It turns out that there are many people who are dissatisfied with Ma Guangyu's active confrontation with Uncle Guo Zhang Gui.

After all, everyone who understands knows that if all classes in the Ming Dynasty want to continue to benefit the world and gain greater wealth, it all depends on Uncle Zhang Guo's influence on the emperor to balance personal interests and the interests of the common people.

Because only Uncle Zhang Guo's power can suppress those ministers who wish to bring Daming back to the past, and then continue to allow Daming to continue to expand.

What's more, the incident of the Zen position last time has proved that Uncle Zhang Guo is not an ambitious man who only thinks about his own power, but a virtuous minister with a clear sense of major issues, otherwise he would not be admonishing the prince.

But in the matter of the last military remonstrance, there was indeed a phenomenon that a group of ministers were really willing to accept the uncle Zhang Gui as the emperor.

This undoubtedly shows that if Uncle Zhang Guo is really pushed into a hurry, Uncle Zhang Guo can still pull a group of people to rebel, which will intensify the internal strife.

But now, people like Ma Guangyu made it clear that they wanted to intensify internal strife by targeting uncle Zhang Gui.

Ling Yiqu was such a sensible person in the criminal department, and he also stood up at this time to support Tang Wang Zhu Yujian's actions.

Zhu Yujian is naturally a sensible person, and he knows that there is no need to tear up his face with his uncle Zhang Gui, and then damage the foundation of the prince, so he agreed to Wen Tiren, and took advantage of Zhang Gui's opportunity to start an early dynasty, at the Huangji Gate. In addition, with the help of Qi Panzong, the general of the imperial guards, he first got a handful of gourds, and then beat Ma Guangyu to death with the gourds, and cooperated with Wen Tiren's performance.

You know, the emperor is planning to give the throne to Uncle Zhang Guo. If he still fights against Uncle Zhang Guo at this time, forcing Uncle Zhang Guo to fall directly to the emperor's side, wouldn't the crown prince have the slightest chance of inheriting the throne?

Of course, Zhu Yujian didn't know Tianqi's true thoughts, so he only thought that Tianqi wanted to give Zhang Gui the seat of Zen, just because he loved Zhang Gui too much, and it has reached the point where people can't understand, just like Song Ningzong's trust in Han Tuozhou in the Southern Song Dynasty .

But in Zhu Yujian's opinion, Uncle Zhang Guo is much more loyal and wise than Han Yuzhou, and he even has the grace to save his father's life.

Turning around, Ling Yiqu yelled, and said: "If you call Uncle Zhang Guo a thief at this time, where will you put your majesty? Now that the Ming Dynasty is brilliant and prosperous, isn't it created by my emperor? Since the temple Suddenly, the Jianzhou Tartars, who have become a serious disaster, are already on the verge of being destroyed. At this time, they still have to provoke right and wrong and set off internal strife. He should be punished!"

"That can't be so disregarding the law of the country!"

Wen Tiren replied loudly.

"Then I don't know what Elder Wen Ge thinks he can do? Tell me, what else can he do?!"

Ling Yiqu asked loudly, and said: "Who doesn't know Ma Guangyu's thoughts, if the imperial court orders to deal with him, he and other people with ulterior motives will say that it is the persecution of the uncle of the country! On the contrary, the internal struggle will be intensified! Do you, Mr. Wen Ge, really want to uphold justice here, or are you heartbroken because you can't let Ma Guangyu be dealt with by the court?!"


Wen Tiren pretended to be angry and pointed at Ling Yiqu.

But just at this moment, the Fengtian Gate opened wide, and it was time to go to court.

The courtiers and clans filed in.

Tianqi also appeared in the door at this time, accepting the courtiers and clans' salutes.

At this time, Zhu Yujian stood up and took the initiative to plead guilty to Tianqi, saying that he had seized the golden melon of the imperial guard and killed Ma Guangyu, the censor without authorization.

After Tian Qi heard this, he got up deliberately in shock: "How can you be so foolish!"

Wen Tiren also came out at this time and said: "Your Majesty, although His Royal Highness Tang Wang is a clan, he has repeatedly broken the law. Now he even kills the censor of the dynasty without authorization. Therefore, I believe that he should be punished with death, as an example to others!"

"Your Majesty! I don't think so!"

At this time, Ling Yiqu stood up and replied, saying: "His Royal Highness Tang Wang is a clan after all, and the crime he committed was not treason, and Yu Shi Ma Guangyu himself was too ostentatious, and even insulted the relatives of the country, and even took pleasure in it." , showing off in front of all the officials, thus angering His Royal Highness, not His Highness intentionally. I believe that even if His Highness Tang committed the crime of murdering courtiers, it was unintentional, and it should not be a capital crime!"

After Tianqi heard this, he asked Zhang Gui: "What do Zhang Qing think?"

The ministers didn't expect that Tianqi would still ask Zhang Gui, and they couldn't help but sigh secretly, whether the emperor really only wanted to listen to Uncle Zhang Guo.

In fact, Tianqi did this to give the ministers the illusion that he believed in his relative Zhang Gui, so that the ministers would forget that the biggest problem with him, Emperor Tianqi, was not that he trusted his relatives, but that he liked scientific research and disrespected Confucianism. question.

Zhang Gui said: "At this time, it has something to do with the minister, so how dare I speak too much. But His Royal Highness Tang's move is really too much. He regards the king's law as nothing and has to be severely punished. However, what Ling gave admonishment is also reasonable. His Majesty the King of Tang must have no intentions, I think that capital crimes can be forgiven, but living crimes are unforgivable, you should go to the king and send him to the vast sea to guard the border!"

Zhu Yujian smiled slightly after hearing this.

Tianqi nodded: "Quasi!"

Therefore, Zhu Yujian was assigned to Hanhai next.

This was discussed by Zhang Gui through Wen Tiren and Zhu Yujian long ago, and he exchanged his personal sacrifice for the stability of the Ming Dynasty.

And letting him go to Hanhai is to give him the opportunity to manage a large coal mine in the future, and use this opportunity to make meritorious service, and gradually get back the king he lost.

This was done voluntarily by Zhu Yujian.

As Emperor Longwu with a lot of backbone in history, Zhu Yujian was willing to do what he could for Daming.

Zhu Yujian was good at killing Ma Guangyu, so the courtiers and clan who were jealous of Zhang Gui had to keep a low profile again.

Although they couldn't directly point out that the dignified prince would also be ordered by his uncle Zhang Gui to kill the censor and exile himself to the border, but they also had to admit that knowing that Uncle Zhang Guo was not strong enough to be an emperor, and even really When you are loyal to Daming, you should not fight against Uncle Zhang Guo.

After all, they also understand now that many people actually don't want to fight against Uncle Zhang Guo, but just want to make a fortune with Uncle Zhang Guo. If you fight against Uncle Zhang Guo, you will be beaten to death for no reason, so no one dares to stand up and challenge Zhang Gui's patience.

"Rush in! Catch!"

Not long after Ma Guangyu was killed by Zhu Yujian, Xichang also found out the hideout where Jiannu stayed in the capital, captured these people, and through these people tried to find out which ministers of Neo Confucianism had received their gifts.

Many science ministers were arrested for this.

And when Liu Zongmin reported the situation to Zhang Gui, Zhang Gui couldn't help sighing.

He has to admit that the Jiannu authorities still have shrewd people. Even though the Jiannu authorities have been suppressed by Ming Dynasty to the point where they have to surrender and restore the state before Nurhachi rebelled, the rulers of Jiannu still know what to do make their future more favorable.

For example, the matter of subsidizing some ministers of Neo Confucianism free of charge at present is obviously not dead, so that they can make a comeback in the future and enslave the Han people all over the world.

Zhang Gui can also understand this. After all, according to the original historical context, Jiannu was originally in the rising period of its regime, and its aristocratic class began to blow out all kinds of talents, not only military ones, but also political ones, so Even though Daming had eliminated Nurhachi, Huang Taiji, and Dorgon, the remaining nobles who built slaves still had a good standard.

"The layout is really far-reaching! It won't work unless it is completely wiped out!"

Zhang Gui then said something.

(End of this chapter)

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