Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 430 Eight Banners captives live in mining, beaten with a whip!

Chapter 430 Eight Banners Captives Digging Life, Whipped by a Whip!

After listening to Zhu Yujian relay the request of the Chechen Khan, Xia Yunyi realized that it involved how to treat the Mongols, and said: "It is inconvenient for this church to make a decision on this matter, so I have to ask Uncle Guo to make a decision."

Therefore, Xia Yunyi ordered someone to send an urgent delivery to Zhang Gui.

And the Mongolian Chechen Khan is in a state of neither surrender nor war with the Ming officers and soldiers stationed here.

However, it is not without changes.

Jinong Shuolei, the leader of the Chechen Khan, is obviously very good at maximizing his own interests.

He knew that there was no benefit in being tough with Daming, so he ordered the herdsmen of his tribe to go to Daming’s coal mining area to work after leaving their children. After that, many Chechen Khan’s herdsmen were released by Shuo Lei to come to Daming Work in the Hanhai Coal Mine.

The coal mines in Daming already needed to increase the labor force.

After all, the Hanhai Coal Mine is a large mining area, and the domestic order volume is also very large.

In the prosperous Ming Empire, especially after the start of the steam industry, the demand for coal was not inferior to the demand for grain.

Therefore, basically as many Mongolian herdsmen come, the coal mines will charge as much.

For the Mongolian herdsmen, the risk of going south to harvest grain is too great, and the animal husbandry industry is greatly affected by the climate impact of the small glacier outside the customs. It is a problem to have enough food and clothing, so it is for them to be able to work in the Daming mining area. It is a very cost-effective thing.

Even if the wages earned have to be handed over to the nobles of their tribe, it is much better than before. After all, working in the mining area is full of food and housing.

Much of what you earn half of your wages can be saved for increased wealth.

The nobles of the Chechen Khan tribe also increased their income by collecting half of the wages of the herdsmen, which also increased their own wealth, and even their own population no longer decreased due to escape and starvation.

Therefore, unconsciously, the relationship between Mongolian herdsmen and Han people has quietly changed.

Because of the development of the mining industry, from the previous natural conflict between agricultural civilization and nomadic civilization, it has begun to transform into a harmonious coexistence between a highly developed industrial civilization that provides capital and industrial technology in the industrial age and a backward nomadic civilization that can provide cheap labor.

This can also be regarded as the change brought about by the increase in Ming Dynasty's external expansion.

Although this kind of external expansion is also backed by strong military strength, the bigger reason is that it is backed by strong productivity, technological advantages, and capital advantages.

Another change is that in the desert outside the pass, the prototype of a real town finally began to appear.

First of all, the Han people who moved here because of work would live together in this area, carry out commercial and industrial activities, and even carry out daily life.

Secondly, the Mongolian herdsmen who originally wanted to move around because of nomadism also stopped migrating because they became miners, and they became fixed in this area and became residents. They also settled down and stopped migrating, so they can more easily participate in commercial activities , Attract more merchants.

Therefore, towns in the true sense began to appear, rather than the traditional towns that would be abandoned once the army retreated and the military strategy changed due to the existence of the military.

At this time, the prisoners of Jiannu were also sent here one after another.

Here they will atone for their sins through mining labor.

When Nuyin was walking on the street with row upon row of shops and saw many money rat tails appearing, she excitedly ran over with a sugar figurine and stood on tiptoe to watch.

"My father is quite smart, he didn't rashly fight with my army, otherwise he will be like this, and he will lose his current united front value."

At this time, a tall figure appeared beside Nuyin. This person was Zhu Yujian, and Zhu Yujian spoke to Nuyin.

Nu Yin didn't want to pay attention to him, but suddenly asked: "What is the value of the united front?"

"This is what Uncle Guo said, that is, the value of Sinicization can be realized without weapons."

Zhu Yujian said to Nu Yin: "You should learn my Ming Dynasty Mandarin and master Chinese characters. It is best to be more Han Chinese than us Han people, so you will be more valuable!"

Nuyin looked at the Han man who suddenly taught her to do this, and wanted to ignore it, but she still asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Because this is the general trend of the world!"

"If you are not a member of the Ming Dynasty, it will be difficult for someone to be decent! Look at these herdsmen, they can actually consume now. They no longer go to the customs to plunder, but rely on their own labor to obtain tea, salt, and medicine. They are all influenced by the subtle influence of our Han civilization, and they have begun to look decent."

Zhu Yujian asked: Don't you also want to become more decent, instead of a person who can live freely and richly by killing and plundering? "

Nuyin fell silent, and said after a long time, "I haven't made up my mind yet!"

Zhu Yujian smiled slightly and said nothing more.

"hurry up!"

Jierhalang and the Eight Banners were escorted here. Most of the Liao soldiers who escorted them were local people who had a natural hatred for them, so they were not polite to these bannermen. Once these bannermen in shackles left Slow down, and you will be pumped to death.

Among them, even if Jierharang was in his prime, he couldn't stand such torture, and could only cry against the wind for a while.

Nuyin moved her eyes to look over, and then saw these Eight Banners captives being driven to a pile of coal and carts in the mining area, where they were scolded.

"First move the coal into the bucket cart, and then each person pushes the bucket cart to the warehouse. There is no rest in the middle. If you want to go to the toilet, you should raise your hand and report! If you dare to be lazy, you will be punished." whip!"

At this moment, Nuyin heard the officials of the Ming Dynasty who were in charge of the area saying these words to the coal workers. Although she didn't understand very well, because Zhu Yujian was translating at the side, she quickly understood, and Said: "It really deserves it! These Donghu who often bully us will end up today!"

Zhu Yujian still just smiled and didn't say anything.

At that time, Jierhalang had already started to push a cart of coal into the warehouse with all his strength. He felt the weight of the first cart, and he couldn't help but clenched his teeth, trying to bite the anger into his stomach. Digest it.

While pushing, Jierhalang caught a glimpse of Yu Ganglin who was beaten to pieces because he stopped halfway through the push.

For a moment, he felt sympathy for Gang Lin, but at the same time, tears welled up in his eyes again.

He didn't expect that outside the Guanwai, where the forces of the three kingdoms coexisted, the nobles of the Qing Dynasty were the worst. Outside the barbed wire, drinking through the pleasure of watching them, the Bannermen, enslaved.

While the captured Jiannu was undergoing labor reform by the Ming Empire in the mining area, Zhang Gui, who was on his way back to the imperial court, also received an urgent message from Xia Yunyi, and told Ma Shiying:
"Reply to Xia Butang, and agree to the request of the Chechen Khan. The various parts of Mongolia are scattered. It is not a unified regime. It is necessary to use this method to defeat each of them. We must let the first tribe that is willing to cooperate with my Ming Dynasty to taste the sweetness. Only then can it be beneficial to conquer the Mongolian tribes behind, and the reason is also very easy to find, that is, it is the Chahar tribe who invaded my Daming, so the Mongolian tribes of the Khalkha tribe can cooperate. Let him Xiabutang use this as an excuse. To the imperial court, please allow him to accept the request of the Chechen Khan Ministry."


Just after Zhang Gui gave the order, he heard the crunching of snow coming from outside the sedan chair, and suddenly he heard many people shouting outside: "Welcome to the Grand Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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