Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 431 Experience the life of a lord after power is thrown into power!

Chapter 431 Experience the life of a lord after power is thrown into power!

Zhang Gui now occasionally travels in a sedan chair.

Because he also wanted to experience the life of being a master.

Although the ethnic education received by later generations made it impossible for him to let Han people of the same language and race serve as bearers for him, carry him out and let him experience the life of a master.

But now, with eighteen Baiyi slaves carrying him, he no longer feels guilty.

In addition, he has been in this world for too long, and he is very willing to enjoy the feeling of being lifted up as a master after being influenced by his ears and eyes.

What's more, the wind and snow outside the pass is indeed heavy.

Therefore, to sum up, Zhang Gui returned to Beijing in the form of a sedan chair at this time.

And when Zhang Gui returned to the court in the way of a master, the local officials along the way would naturally come to greet him.

After all, Zhang Gui's current power can be said to be overwhelming.

No one among civil servants and military generals dared to oppose Zhang Gui.

Even Chen Zizhuang, who had a good relationship with the emperor and became the new chief assistant, was impeached and resigned because of disagreements.

Zhang Gui was not surprised by this either.

But now he has also developed the willfulness that a high-ranking person should have. He doesn't even bother to meet people who he doesn't have to see, so he only asks through the car curtain: "Who is this person?"

"The governor of Liaodong, Liu Tingyuan, led the civil and military forces of Liaodong, waiting here. I would like to pay my respects to the grand master and congratulate the grand master on the victory of the flag. It will sweep away the great troubles that have plagued our Liaodong scholars and people for decades. It can be said to save the people of the country."

Liu Tingyuan flattered him.

Zhang Gui didn't answer, he was immune to this kind of flattery now, after all since he was in power, this kind of flattery never stopped.

Unexpectedly, Liu Tingyuan said again at this time: "For this reason, I, the Liaodong scholars, are grateful for the peace that the grand master brought to this place, and donated money to build the grand master's student temple, so that the grand master can bless us forever."


Zhang Gui was very surprised when he heard this, and thought: "This is still here."

Zhang Gui remembered that when Wei Zhongxian reached the peak of power in history, when the bureaucrats flattered Wei Zhongxian to the craziest, they built temples for Wei Zhongxian everywhere to deify Wei Zhongxian.

Zhang Gui did not expect that now it was the turn of these bureaucrats to start building shrines for themselves.

Although Zhang Gui now enjoys the pleasure brought by power to himself, and it is a pleasure that he never enjoyed as an ordinary person in his previous life, but he remembers Wei Zhongxian who was praised as a god by the civil servants. It didn't end well.

Therefore, Zhang Gui had to suspect that these people might be flattering and killing him.

"Understood, the Liaodong scholars and people have a heart. But it should be remembered that this is not my kindness, but the result of the joint efforts of all Han people in the world."

After Zhang Gui said, he ordered: "Let's go."

So, the sedan chair continued to move forward, and Zhang Gui ignored Liu Tingyuan.

It wasn't until they entered Guangning City and rested that Zhang Gui passed Ma Shiying to him, talked about Liu Tingyuan's construction of the shrine, and asked, "What do you think of this?"

Zhang Gui didn't directly say to Ma Shiying that he thought it was inappropriate to build a shrine, he obviously meant to flatter him, because he knew that Ma Shiying should know what he wanted to ask, and if Ma Shiying couldn't even guess this, then there was no need If you stay by your side, it is impossible to leave your own deeds in history.

Ma Shiying did know what Zhang Gui wanted to ask, but he didn't expect Zhang Gui to be so vigilant. He had already realized that it was not a good thing from the fact that someone else built a shrine for him.

This made Ma Shiying look at Zhang Guigao involuntarily, and said: "Of course this is what a villain did for power."

Zhang Gui nodded.

Ma Shiying continued: "But in my humble opinion, the grand master should encourage him to do this!"

Zhang Gui was taken aback after hearing this: "What do you mean by that?"

"There is a saying in "The Analects of Confucius": Only women and villains are difficult to raise. If they are close, they will not be inferior, and if they are far away, they will complain."

"For villains like Liu Tingyuan, the grand master can treat them indifferently, and even directly humiliate them when they meet, treating them like dogs! But don't offend them, you should give them what they want. Let them know that flattering you is indeed If it is beneficial, they will give up their principles for you, even if they kill their wives and children!"

Ma Shiying replied.

After hearing this, Zhang Gui said: "If I don't do this, what will happen?"

"Teacher, do you think there are more gentlemen or villains in this world?"

"If you don't do this, the little people will be completely pushed to the opposite by you, and then continue to oppose you in the name of restoring the ancestral system and dominating Confucianism. Although they dare not oppose you openly, they secretly use Tripper, using the name of the New Deal to search for the interests of the people, deliberately create your immorality, and make people in the world gradually think that the grand master is really extravagant and licentious. There must be means."

Ma Shiying replied.

After Zhang Gui heard this, he smiled slightly: "So, because Liu Tingyuan built this Grand Master's living shrine, my grand master should give priority to asking for meritorious service and promotion?"


Ma Shiying replied without hesitation, and said: "You are wise, grand master. After all, you are someone the emperor regards as your arm. It is better to draw villains to your side than to offend them."

Zhang Gui nodded: "So, in the future, temples will be built everywhere, people who flatter me will be everywhere, and even people around me will be unable to distinguish between hypocrites and villains for a while. Is it unavoidable?"

Ma Shiying cupped his hands and bowed: "The grand master is wise! As long as the grand master is always beneficial to the villains, the villains will still be willing to respect you, the grand master."

Zhang Gui laughed sneeringly: "Who wants their respect! Ascending a height must fall heavily, and when they reach the unreachable peak of power, they will definitely tear this Grand Master down without hesitation!"

"However, having said that, in a world where there is still dignity and inferiority, it is not clear who is who's slave. Why should this grand master spend his whole life for the wealth and achievements of these villains?"

Ma Shiying smiled slightly: "So His Majesty is the most wise."

"You're right!"

Zhang Gui nodded with a smile, then glanced out the window, and said to Ma Shiying: "Add Liu Tingyuan to the list of the first batch of meritorious official schools that have reported victory this time! The Ministry of Chen Ge proposed to send him a letter to let him come to Beijing, if a villain wants to use it, a gentleman can't abandon it!"


Ma Shiying agreed.

Zhang Gui waved his hand: "Go out."


After Ma Shiying left, the Huawu where Zhang Gui lived suddenly became quiet, and he himself began to fall into deep thought.

Zhang Gui didn't know what was the point of continuing to hold such a great power. After he really eliminated the Jiannu, eliminated the hidden danger of stealing the Han family in the future, and made the Great Ming Phoenix Nirvana, and became stronger again, he suddenly had The idea of ​​wanting to go back and be an idle relative.

Because Zhang Gui originally wanted to save Daming and took the initiative to participate in the political struggle just because he wanted to ensure that he could live a rich and idle life after traveling to Daming.

It's just that in the process of participating in political struggles, based on the three views of a modern person, he will consciously do something that is conducive to the progress of the entire nation.

Therefore, Zhang Gui was not very excited about being in such a powerful position.

What's more, he is not the emperor yet, he just exercises power on behalf of the emperor.

It is equivalent to him being the most powerful person in the Ming Empire now, but the power did not come justifiably.

This made him a little uneasy too.

Although Zhang Gui is very popular now, he already feels the chill in the heights.

Zhang Gui didn't know if he wanted to get rid of the trap of power, whether he should further become an emperor, or whether he should withdraw in time and go to a far away place, so as not to play power struggle games in this ancient farming society.

"Your Majesty has a decree! Write to Zhang Gui, the Grand Master of Wuyingdian, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Minister of the Ministry of Households, Grand Master, Tai Bao, Zuo Dudu and Admiral of the Chinese Army Commander's Mansion and Xichang Xichang."

(End of this chapter)

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