Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 432 The Apocalypse Collapses?new emperor ascended the throne

Chapter 432 The Apocalypse Collapses?new emperor ascended the throne
At this time, an eunuch suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Gui and said that he was here to proclaim the decree.

Zhang Gui had to accept the order first.

"The imperial edict said: Zhang Gui was arbitrarily good at power, disordered government, formed a party for personal gain, conspired against the law, and secretly wanted to usurp the throne. He took it down immediately and hacked to death!"

After Zhang Gui heard the will in a daze, he was shocked for a moment:
"What does Zhu Youxiao want to do! He wants to hack Lao Tzu to death! It is obvious that he is obsessed with technology, ignores government affairs, and believes in Lao Tzu, so that Lao Tzu's will becomes the will of the entire court to implement national policies! Now I also blamed Lao Tzu for arrogating power, and said that I formed a party for selfishness, what kind of selfishness did I do, I only did it for myself, and it is obvious that the Zhu family took the most!"

"Besides, if you turn your back on me now, do you really think that Lao Tzu is useless? Or do you really think that you can really lose Lao Tzu and maintain this huge empire so that it can continue to be so strong by plundering outside interests?"


"If only burning, killing and looting can keep us strong, then he thinks the art of ruling is too simple!"

"It's really easy to be a bandit leader. You think it's over after a robbery? Do you know how to ensure long-term income? Then you have to learn how to collect protection fees!"

After Zhang Gui yelled hysterically, the crown prince appeared at this moment, still dressed in white, and said:
"Uncle, it's not the decree of the first emperor, it's my decree."


Zhang Gui was stunned for a while.

The prince nodded: "Father is dead!"

Zhang Gui suddenly trembled.

The prince said again: "The ministers helped me to assume the throne. Now that you have returned from a great victory, uncle, you should be rewarded for your merits. But what else can I reward you now? The imperial court has nothing to reward you!"

"What's more, what they said is right. Once I ascended the throne, the biggest obstacle to my exercising the power of the emperor is my uncle! Either I killed you, uncle, or you, like Wang Mang, usurped my throne. And I have to obey their orders Opinion, attack uncle in advance, and cut through the mess quickly. Don't give uncle any time to react."

Zhang Gui asked, "Who are they?"

Prince: "Of course the courtiers! My bureaucrats of Ming Dynasty!"

Zhang Gui looked at the bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty who came with the crown prince. Seeing that there were Wen Tiren, Fan Jingwen, Ni Yuanlu, Qi Biaojia, Jiang Dejing, and Liu Yuliang who had just built a ancestral hall for him, he sneered:
"You guys planned to get rid of me a long time ago! Sure enough, you bureaucrats are unreliable!"

"Especially Liu Tingyuan, who just built a ancestral hall for my grand master, and now he is going to be my enemy? Do you think your behavior will make yourself come to a good end?!"

"Uncle, you don't have to blame them, they did it just for the word loyalty. Do you still expect them to be loyal to you?!"

The prince asked a question at this time, and then said: "Uncle, please accept the reality, Zhou Yuji and Huang Degong will not choose to stop me because of you, even if they may sympathize with you. But they also understand that you are indeed my Those who ascend the throne need to be eliminated resolutely! Therefore, at most they just sympathize with you, and they will not choose to rebel with you."

Zhang Gui smiled wryly: "I should have thought of it a long time ago. Although Daming's practical learning has developed to the present, allowing the world to have four-wheeled carriages and steam engines, it is only a major technological advancement."

"But you bureaucrats, you still want to stay in the Confucian etiquette system in your bones. You have to pay attention to the dignity of the king, relatives and teachers in the world, and you have to find a master for yourself to be comfortable!"

"I feel that if I change to a new emperor, I should be loyal to the new emperor, and then I take the initiative to worry about the check and balance of the new emperor's power. I insist on cutting off those who threaten the emperor. I feel that I can only have one master to make the world peaceful."




Zhang Gui shouted.

Then, he shouted to these civil servants: "Don't tell me, after you get rid of me, all of you will really be able to be loyal to the new emperor, neither greed nor concealment, no flattery, everyone dares to commit crimes." Straightforward advice?"

"You obviously can't play the game of separation of powers and checks and balances. You just think that there is only one master, so that a fool like yourself can live in the temple without worrying, can ride on the heads of others, and even ride on a man who is smarter and more diligent than himself but born. It's just that you can be the master of someone who is not as good as you, and you can feel at ease and be the master of someone who is not as good as you!"

"After all, if there is only one master, you just need to please one master. In this way, no matter how stupid or incompetent you are, you don't have to worry about your status being affected."

Zhang Gui gritted his teeth and said:

"So now that I have solved the problem of insufficient treasury for you, and also eliminated Jiannu for you, and eliminated the biggest hidden danger, I took the initiative to come and kill the donkey with the new emperor!"

"Uncle Guo's words are really disgusting. Others dare not say it, but Fan can assure you, Uncle Guo, that he will be unswervingly loyal to His Majesty and Daming! If His Majesty really made a mistake, he would dare to make a mistake. Admonish directly, even if you die because of it!"

Fan Jingwen began to speak, and said: "It is true that it is unreasonable to execute Uncle Guo. In fact, Uncle Guo has no right to exercise his authority. After all, everything was approved by the late emperor. As for forming a party for personal gain, it is not even a matter of fact. If Uncle Guo It is forming a party for private interests, and I will not be admonishing the prince. However, there is always a reason to get rid of your uncle. Now your uncle says to kill whoever you want, so even if you have no power, the world People already think that you are arrogating power, so if you say that you are arrogating power, or even committing crimes, people in the world will be convinced."

"In addition, Uncle Guo, you don't have to feel wronged. Although you have not exercised power, you have violated the etiquette. As a relative of the state, you should not interfere with the government. Even if the emperor authorizes you, you should remonstrate directly. I won’t accept it! And since I accept it, it’s an act of disobedience, and it’s trapping your father in unrighteousness, allowing your father to act in disorder!”

Zhang Gui sneered: "Let me just say, you still have the Confucian etiquette system in your bones! Because of etiquette, you can even disregard laws and regulations, and don't care about justice. It's nothing more than troublesome, afraid of being uncomfortable, and thinking that the new emperor ascends the throne. Without me, the world can continue to be peaceful, and you can cover up your stupidity and incompetence. But do you think this Grand Master will be such a person who will be caught without a fight?"

At this time, Wen Tiren's face changed after hearing this, and he said sharply: "Uncle Zhang! Are you going to resist the order? Are you even ignoring the lives of your entire family, including your own wife and children?!"

"In addition, you should regard the Han people in the world as compatriots, and don't let the Han people in the world mourn and starve to death. It was your Uncle Zhang Guo who proposed the national sentiment. Now, do you really want to kill people who are foolish and loyal to you because of your greed for life? Doing the act of mantising arms together, and implicating your own father, wife and children?! Let the Han people in the world suffer from the disaster of war again?"

The prince also shouted at this time: "Uncle, Yuanfu is right, I only intend to punish you alone, after all, it is not a last resort, and I don't want to cut off the incense of my mother's family! You just need to follow the order and punish me today. The matter really ends today! I will even add a thousand hectares of fertile land to Grandpa so that he can spend his old age peacefully!"

Zhang Gui smiled faintly: "I shouldn't have saved Daming, save your Zhu family! If I had known earlier, instead of bringing you Zhu Ming back to life, I might as well go to a place where there are many refugees to rebel against your Zhu family! At least you don't have to be punished The gang of bureaucrats raised by your Zhu family are involved, and maybe you can bring out a few people like Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, and then make great achievements. Even when Lao Tzu became emperor himself, he also used Confucian etiquette to maintain his throne. More chic."

"It's too late to say anything now! Uncle Guo, plead guilty!"

At this moment, Fan Jingwen called out.

Zhang Gui took out his pistol: "I don't have the word 'fuzhu' in my dictionary!"

As he said that, Zhang Gui took out his pistol, took aim at the prince, and fired at the prince: "I will kill your master first, and then I will slaughter you trash who are full of minds about monarchs and ministers!"

At the same time, Zhang Gui also shouted: "Liu Zongmin! Qi Panzong! Fight out with me, go to Lushun, seize the ship and go to sea, and settle accounts with these bastards in the future! Don't hesitate, one of you is my confidant, and the other has long been regarded as just After being able to seduce the emperor's courtiers with strange skills and tricks, how could they let them go! You can only rebel with Lao Tzu!"



Following two shouts, Zhang Gui woke up suddenly, and saw that it was pitch black outside, and he was sweating profusely.

Only then did Zhang Gui realize that it turned out to be a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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