Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 454 The Reasons for the Great Ming's Prosperity and the Apocalypse Emperor's Achie

Chapter 454 The Reasons for the Great Ming's Prosperity and the Apocalypse Emperor's Achievements!
Nuyin nodded: "Of course I want to go! I don't want to be married to some kind of Tuxietu Khan tribe, but I'm not going alone."

After hearing this, Zhu Yujian looked at Nuyin and asked, "Who else is going?"

Nuyin replied: "And my sister! We will go to Middle Earth with you!"

After thinking for a while, Zhu Yujian nodded in agreement, and said, "It's okay to buy a ticket for one more person, as soon as possible, you will come to my camp tomorrow morning and take my carriage."


Nuyin responded.

And because of this, the next day, before dawn, Nuyin brought her sister Nuya to wait near Zhu Yujian's camp.

"This Mr. Zhu is really willing to take us away?"

While Nuyin's older sister Nuya was waiting, she looked at the barracks of Ming army officers and soldiers through the barbed wire not far away and asked about Nuyin.

Nuyin nodded: "He didn't refuse."

"Could he have any other bad intentions?"

Nuya asked.

Nuyin said: "Sister, don't worry, it's better to go to Middle Earth than to go to the more desolate Zhasak tribe!"

Nuya didn't say anything after hearing this.

But at this time, Zhu Yujian had already rode over with his entourage, and said, "Come with me."

So, Nu Yin and Nu Ya followed Zhu Yujian towards Zhu Yujian's carriage, and got into Zhu Yujian's carriage not long after.

"This is the carriage of your Ming Dynasty? It turned out to have four wheels!"

As soon as Nuyin got into the carriage, she mentioned the four-wheeled carriage to Zhu Yujian in surprise.

Zhu Yujian nodded and said, "This is already common in Daming. A four-wheeled carriage is much more stable than a two-wheeled carriage, and the riding experience will be better."

"It's already very common! The horse-drawn carts in our grasslands still have two wheels, and the key point is that they are not as comfortable and stable as sitting, and the speed is also slower."

Nuyin said something with a smile, then looked at the metal-wrapped silk roof, and then stared blankly at the kerosene lamp in a transparent glass lampshade.

"This is a horse lantern! It is made of kerosene produced by the Industrial Division, and it is weatherproof. Now it is sold well in Japan, North Korea and other places."

Seeing this, Zhu Yujian hastily explained.

After hearing this, Nuyin was stunned: "The lantern? Why is it called the lantern?"

Zhu Yujian replied: "This lamp can be hung on the saddle to travel at night, so it is called a horse lantern."

"It's no wonder that you sentry knights of the Ming Dynasty can easily appear in the depths of my desert now. I think this light may also help."

Nuyin pouted and said.

Zhu Yujian nodded and smiled, but did not deny Nuyin's statement.

For Nuyin, the four-wheeled carriage in front of her, which showed the industrial background of Daming even more, really made her feel uncontrollably amazed.

As small as a nut, as large as a whole window glass, and outer tires made of South American rubber.

Nuyin's eyes never stopped rolling.

And Nu Ya, who had been taciturn along the way, suddenly asked Zhu Yujian: "Young Master Zhu, may I ask, are these four-wheeled carriages and this lantern made by Uncle Zhang Guo from your country?"

Hearing Nuya's question, Nuyin asked, "Why does sister ask such a question?"

Nuya said: "Because Father Khan said that the former Ming Kingdom is very different from the present Ming Kingdom, and all the changes in the current Ming Kingdom began after Uncle Zhang became the favorite of the Emperor of Ming Kingdom. .”

"Of course not!"

"The carriage and the lantern were actually developed by His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty. The entire process including stamping with steel material and then processing and heat treating this small nut was developed by His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty himself."

Zhu Yujian replied.

After hearing this, Nuyin was quite surprised: "So, His Majesty the Emperor of your country is very good at these things, and not the so-called master with great talent, boldness, wisdom and martial arts?"

"If you are good at these things, can't you be a hero, wise and powerful?"

Zhu Yujian asked back.

Nu Yin said: "No! I just think that an emperor who is keen on craftsmen seems to be out of line with the master of Zhongxing. Don't you Han Confucian scholars say that the skills of a hundred craftsmen are miraculous skills?"

"But it happens to be on the side now!"

"Moreover, His Majesty is not just ZTE. His great achievements can be said to be close to those of Taizu and Chengzu in the past, such as opening a border thousands of miles away from Nanyang, recovering Xianzhou, and re-garrisoning troops on Beishan Sakhalin Island. Now your Chechen Khans I have no choice but to return to my Ming Dynasty again. It can be seen that the Great Emperor Tianjiao is not only for those who are good at riding and arching."

Zhu Yujian said.

Nuyin smiled awkwardly: "It's still hard to accept, but what you said is indeed the truth."

"That's why, when you met my sister for the first time, you said that since your country has more advanced craftsmanship, the children of our grasslands should not think about taking food from the Han people by looting. Are you using singing and dancing to curry favor with the Han people?"

Nuya asked a question at this time.

Zhu Yujian nodded: "This is the truth, and this is what Uncle Zhang Guo said. You can only make yourself good at singing and dancing in the future, if you want to avoid angering the Han people."

Nuyin snorted at this moment.

Seeing this, Zhu Yujian clasped his hands together: "Hmph, what are you talking about, isn't what our Uncle Zhang Guo said is wrong?"

"Yes, that's right!"

Nuyin replied angrily.

And after that, Nuyin didn't finish talking to Zhu Yujian, until she entered the Xuan Mansion, when she saw a black-smoky train driving away from the rails, she half-opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue halfway. It seemed that he forgot to shrink back, and asked after a while: "Why is this dragon as hard as iron? Can it eat people?"

"This is the train! Later, we will take this."

Zhu Yujian hurriedly said something.


Nuyin turned her head and glanced at Zhu Yujian.

Zhu Yujian nodded again.

Nuya also forced a smile at this time, and she was also greatly shocked at this time.

And when he got to the platform and saw the train up close, Nuyin became even more dazed and looked around.

Seeing this, Zhu Yujian asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Let me see where you hide the horses or people pulling the carts. Why do you only see so many iron wheels, but no people or horses? Also, these wheels are all iron, how can you pull them? How many horses are needed? "

Nu Yin said.

Zhu Yujian said speechlessly: "This car doesn't need people or horses, he can move it by himself!"


Nuyin looked back at Zhu Yujian, and then she couldn't help but admire sincerely: "You Han people in Central China are really powerful! Not to mention the more refined and comfortable carriages, even this kind of big iron carts that don't need horses can pull , but there are gods to help?"

"You have to ask me, His Majesty the Ming Emperor! He didn't go to court for several years in order to tinker with the craftsmen to create a steam engine with the same principle as this car. As a result, many Confucian officials in the south said that he was negligent in politics and became close to Xingchen. "

Zhu Yujian said.

"It's your country's emperor again!"

Nuyin replied with a sigh.

At this moment, Nuya's expression became serious, and she said, "This car should be able to run around the clock. Therefore, if the Ming Dynasty has this car, it must be really difficult for our grassland to become an independent country again!"

As Nuya spoke, she asked Zhu Yujian: "Is that right, Mr. Zhu?"

Zhu Yujian nodded.

Nuya laughed: "The way the emperor of your country rejuvenated the Ming Dynasty is really unique! No one would have thought that your country's prosperity would be due to the good craftsmanship of your emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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