Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 455 Magnificent Han Family Mountains and Rivers, Great Ming Industrialization!

Chapter 455 Magnificent Han Family Mountains and Rivers, Great Ming Industrialization!

Zhu Yujian also smiled mischievously: "Except for Uncle Zhang Guo, how many people in the world can think of it."

"Uncle Zhang Guo?"

Nuya asked in surprise.

Zhu Yujian nodded: "Only he was in favor of His Majesty's doing this from the very beginning, and for this reason he proposed the concept of industrialization in Ming Dynasty."

After hearing this, Nuya didn't say anything, she just murmured the word "industrialization".

At that time, Nuyin was already so intoxicated by the dynamic picture of the train passing through the mountains and rivers that she didn't listen carefully to the conversation between Nuya and Zhu Yujian.

Nuya also looked out of the window at this time.

Because of the addition of technology, when the magnificent Han family rivers and mountains appeared in their blind eyes again, they did not dare to covet them any more. They only had pure appreciation and a sense of wanting to blend in, not possession.

In the next few days, the two sisters, Nuya and Nuyin, arrived in the capital with Zhu Yujian and his party.

The capital is naturally more prosperous.

It is a cosmopolitan city in this era.

Especially after Shuntian Mansion has built a complete sewer system and a series of public toilets according to Zhang Gui's request, and has also strengthened sanitation management, so even in this season of non-stop autumn rain, the whole capital still only hears Sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant, but it is hard to see the smell of dung.

"Ahead is Zhu Qian's business?!"

Just as Zhu Yujian took the two sisters Nuya and Nuyin, they were walking on Qipan Street, the busiest Qipan Street outside Daming Gate, where there were endless shouts, when a four-wheeled carriage with canopy and silver ornaments stopped behind Zhu Yujian. , Yiqi also dismounted at this time and came forward, shouting and asking.

Zhu Yujian heard the familiar voice, so he stopped and looked back.

Seeing that it was Dongping Wang Zhanggui who was surrounded by commander Liu Zongmin, he bowed down and said, "So it's Commander Liu."

Liu Zongmin pointed to Zhang Gui who was sailing over in the carriage and said, "Your Highness, please come to the carriage to have a talk."

Zhu Yujian nodded, then turned around and told Nuya and Nuyin: "Uncle Guo calls me, I will come as soon as I go!"

Nuyin nodded.

But Nu Ya was stunned in place, only staring at Zhang Gui on the carriage.

It seemed that in an instant, her soul had flown to Zhang Gui's side, and she just said in a daze: "So he is Uncle Zhang Guo!"

"I didn't expect to be so handsome."

Nuyin said this from the side.

Nuya just laughed.

Zhang Gui and Queen Zhang Yan have the same father and mother, and Zhang Yan has always been known as the beauty of the queen, and she is much similar to Zhang Yan in the portrait, but Zhang Gui, who is almost the female disguised as a man's version of Zhang Yan, is naturally in appearance It's not bad either.

That's why Nuyin blurted out such a sentence.

"Are they the daughters of Jinong from Chechnya?"

After Zhu Yujian got into Zhang Gui's carriage, Zhang Gui wanted to ask him about the Hanhai Coal Mine and the Mongolian tribes, but he first asked about the two Mongolian women that Zhu Yujian had brought with him.

Zhu Yujian nodded and replied, "Exactly, he sneaked into Beijing with a humble official."

Zhang Gui didn't say anything more after hearing this, but only asked Zhu Yujian about the Hanhai Coal Mine and the Mongolian ministries.

"The biggest problem at present in Hanhai Coal Mine is the serious shortage of workers, which limits the output. The local Mongolians can only do some clumsy work, and those who require a little skill have to be Han people, but there are few Han people who are willing to go to Hanhai, especially for technical skills. There are even fewer skilled Han craftsmen. And the cultivation of Mongols is not something that can be cultivated overnight. The key point is that the number of Mongols is not enough. Not over ten thousand."

"As for the Mongolian tribes, the Chechen Khan tribe is currently relying on the exploitation of the Mongolian people's income from mining, and has bought many Mongolian tribes. It also intends to strengthen the acquisitions by means of kinship, and intends to unite the Mongolian tribes and reproduce the power of Lindan Batur in the past. "

Zhu Yujian answered truthfully after Zhang Gui asked.

Zhang Gui thought for a moment after hearing this, and then looked up at Zhu Yujian: "So, we opened a mine in Hanhai, which gave the Chechen Khan an opportunity to grow! This is not a good thing. However, regarding the serious shortage of workers in the Hanhai Coal Mine you mentioned It is true that the problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible, and now it seems that it is better to attract more Han people to go there."

When Zhang Gui said this, he looked out the car window and saw the continuous crowd. He knew that it would indeed be a difficult problem for Han people to go to the bitter cold places outside the customs. , no one would be willing to leave their hometowns. What's more, the development of coal mines outside the customs now requires skilled Han Chinese, and such Han people will not have a time when they cannot survive in the customs.

Sometimes, Han people, no matter they are rich and powerful bureaucrats or ordinary people, are unwilling to go out to make profits, which is also related to the richness and fertility of their own Han family. It is really not an easy task to let it spontaneously go out to moisten from top to bottom.

"We can only increase the number of Han Chinese and improve the treatment of overseas Han officials and craftsmen outside the customs! At the same time, we must continue to allow more Han people to study and study! As the population increases, more Han people will not be able to stay in the customs, especially those who have already Han people who have read some books and want to seek a prosperous future and realize their ambitions can only go overseas outside the Guanwai; and the treatment of Han officials and craftsmen outside the Guanwai has been improved, which can naturally make up for the bitterness of drinking cold wind and eating pickles outside the Guanwai. "

Later, when Zhang Gui invited Wen Tiren, Cheng Jiming, and Bi Ziyan, the cabinet ministers Jiuqing, to the inner house to discuss solving the problem of insufficient overseas Han Chinese outside the customs, Bi Ziyan first proposed his own solution.

After hearing this, Cheng Jiming said: "Why do we have to spare no effort to develop overseas areas outside the customs? My Ming Dynasty has a large amount of minerals, and now the output of the Hanhai Coal Mine is enough for Daming's needs. To increase the production of coal without hesitating to increase the national expenditure? From the humble point of view, the biggest problem of the Ming Dynasty now is the huge expenditure. Redundant soldiers, redundant staff, and redundant expenses have become the three major problems of the Ming Dynasty. If they are not resolved in time , for fear of exhausting future generations.”

"If we don't open up the borders and overseas, is it necessary to seize the interests of the people internally, destroy our own rivers and mountains, destroy our own national destiny, and maintain expenditure?"

Bi Ziyan asked back.

After hearing this, Cheng Jiming retorted: "What I mean is that the top priority is to cut expenses! Abolish the construction projects of several railways that are going to be run by the government, so that the overseas governors will raise their own military expenses and salaries. In the west of Hexi, Liaodong and Xianzhou, abandoning Sakhalin and Beishan."

Speaking of this, Cheng Jiming said excitedly: "It is not appropriate for Ming Dynasty to expand any longer! Continuing to expand will be of no benefit except to increase the national expenditure. It is better to accumulate national power so that future generations will not suffer from financial difficulties!"

"Let's stop discussing here today. Should we cut expenses or continue to open up new sources of income? You guys will think about it when you go back. We will discuss and come to a conclusion at that time, and then give it to His Majesty as a reference."

Because Zhang Gui hadn't thought it through yet, he issued an order to evict the guests at this time.

Thus, Wen Tiren, Cheng Jiming, and Bi Ziyan left here.

These days, Zhang Guihui often directly invites these high-ranking officials to discuss government affairs in his mansion. Although he does not have the name of regent, he seems to have the status of regent.

But for Zhang Gui, it is still difficult to make a decision at the present stage of Daming in terms of governance. After all, the ship of Daming is too big, so he dare not turn around easily, but sometimes he has to turn around.

(End of this chapter)

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