Daming: My brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 456 Railways, want to take advantage of the steam industry!

Chapter 456 Railways, want to take advantage of the steam industry!
In golden autumn and October, when the red leaves cover the imperial capital, the mottled leaf shadows form hollow skylights, allowing sunlight to penetrate into the eaves of thousands of households. Zhu Yujian, who is standing under the hanging flower gate of Ruiwang Mansion, also came to see him in Ruiwang Mansion When he was there, he glanced at the colorful flowers all over the wall, and for a moment he couldn't help but think that the scenery in the customs is better, and even in this densely populated capital, it can still make people feel leisurely.

If Zhu Yujian hadn't thought that the coal mines in Hanhai were still short of people, he would have wanted to stay in the capital and persuade Nuyin to stay with him.

"Uncle! Please excuse my nephew's impoliteness. I wanted to come to the mansion to say hello, but I have been feeling cold recently and it is really difficult to get up and leave the mansion. Therefore, I can only take the liberty of posting a post to invite you to come to the Han mansion for a small gathering."

Zhu Changhao came over at this moment and bowed to Zhu Yujian.

Zhu Changhao is the tenth grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Yujian is the ninth grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, so Zhu Yujian is a generation older than Zhu Changhao, and Zhu Changhao also calls Zhu Yujian his uncle.

Zhu Yujian didn't want to talk about Zhu Changhao as uncle and nephew, he knew that the relationship between his clan and Zhu Changhao's clan was far from that of Zhu Changhao's, and he was no longer a prince, and he was expelled for killing the censor Clan affiliation is just a courtier's courtesy, and said: "Don't dare! The next official wants to greet His Highness instead."

"Hey! Why should the clan uncle see outsiders?"

Zhu Changhao made a gesture of invitation and asked Zhu Yujian to go first.

Zhu Yujian still lifted his foot and left. He promised Zhu Changhao to invite him to Prince Rui's Mansion this time because he wanted to know what Zhu Changhao wanted to do.

Since the reform of the suzerain vassal system, allowing vassal kings to go to Beijing on the grounds of going to school or studying various knowledge, many vassal kings have chosen to come to Beijing.

But there are not many vassal kings and clans who are really willing to devote themselves to studying or researching various kinds of knowledge. Most of the clans and vassal kings come to Beijing to make money in the name of studying and researching in Beijing to satisfy their insatiable appetite.

Zhu Changhao didn't invite Zhu Yujian to come to discuss some knowledge with Zhu Yujian.

When Zhu Changhao invited Zhu Yujian to come to the mansion for a talk, Liu Shiyuan and Fan Wencheng were still called by Zhu Changhao to accompany them.

Now that Fan Wencheng sneaked into the customs and visited the gate of a powerful and powerful man like Zhu Changhao, he would naturally not give him his real name and identity, but only entrusted him with a fake name and identity.

Therefore, when Zhu Changhao introduced Fan Wencheng, he said to Zhu Yujian: "This is Han Chonggui, Shenyang Xiaolian."

Zhu Changhao introduced Liu Tingyuan after introducing Fan Wencheng.

Naturally, Zhu Yujian only knew that Liu Shiyuan was the son of Liu Tingyuan who built the shrine for Uncle Zhang Guo, and he definitely had no way of knowing the origin of Fan Wencheng, who was named Han Chonggui, so he just nodded lightly and didn't say anything more.

"We all know that Uncle Clan and Uncle Clan are quite proficient in practical knowledge, and because of this, they were taught by His Majesty for a while, and now they have spent a period of time in the Hanhai Coal Mine, responsible for technical guidance and project management. I am very familiar with mining coal mines, and I know many skilled mining craftsmen."

But Zhu Changhao specifically mentioned the matter of coal mining to Zhu Yujian after drinking for three rounds.

Zhu Yujian glanced at Zhu Changhao, and seemed to have guessed Zhu Changhao's intention to invite him here, so he just smiled and said: "It is to manage the food and drink of the miners in the mining area! It is not a technical guidance or project management, as for the craftsmen. I don’t know much, after all, I was exiled to Hanhai by Uncle Zhang Guo, so no one would be willing to make friends with me.”

"There is no need to be self-effacing in Qian Shi, who doesn't know that Qian Shi is very proficient in coal mining, and even Xia Butang, the governor of Hanhai, praised you full of praise in his memorial."

Liu Shiyuan replied at this time.

Zhu Yujian just chuckled.

At this time, Zhu Changhao said: "Uncle Clan, we also want to open a coal mine, and we will open it in Guannei. Now we just can't find someone to host it. Now I want you to host the mine for us. We will share it with you." How about [-]% dry stock? You don’t need to pay for it!”

"Yeah, I must have known about it. Now both the government and the public intend to build railways, and the so-called steam trains are used. In addition, there are more and more places where steam engines are used in various industries, so that the price of coal has been rising. rise."

When Liu Shiyuan said this, he glanced at Zhu Changhao and Fan Wencheng, and said, "But the money here can't always be earned by the court?! Why can't the court and the people be as rich as this?"

After hearing this, Zhu Yujian just smiled and asked, "Which coal mine do you plan to open, has the imperial court approved it?"

Fan Wencheng smiled at this time: "I'm just joking. The mining of Guannei coal mines does not require the approval of the imperial court. There are too many gentry in the world who open mines. Can the imperial court manage it? Does the imperial court want to send mine supervisors to collect mines all over the world?" Taxes? Even if the imperial court sends them again, they are not afraid to bear the infamy of accumulating money from the people and make the people resentful, but can it really stop us from secretly digging mines?"

Zhu Yujian smiled and said: "It's hard to stop! The problem is, how can the coal be turned into silver when it is mined. Now the coal in the Hanhai Coal Mine can be turned into silver, that's because the Dongping Palace is buying a lot, and you will never be able to persuade The Dongping Palace does not want coal from the Hanhai Coal Mine, but your coal, then you will offend a large number of dignitaries and bureaucrats who depend on the Hanhai Coal Mine for dividends!"

"That's a bad thing to say. Of course we won't grab the sale of the Hanhai Coal Mine. What we want to grab is the sale of the private gentry's self-built railway. Moreover, the Shanxi coal mine we are going to open right now has already decided on a buyer. What the buyer means is that as long as the imperial court can hand over the section of the railway from Tianjin to the capital run by the government to private merchants, that is, they will run it, they will naturally buy our coal, and even share in us.”

Fan Wencheng spoke at this moment.

Zhu Changhao nodded at this time and said: "Yes! Now the first railway to Xuanfu is controlled by the Dongping Palace. I heard that it is already making a lot of money, and many dignitaries who have invested in shares have shared a lot of profits. If Jingshi’s railway is completed, it will undoubtedly become more popular and bring more profits. After all, every day, I don’t know how many people will go from Tianjin to Jingshi, and then from Jingshi to Tianjin. Once this railway is changed to run by the people, then naturally It is in our hands, and the coal it needs can only be supplied by us."

Zhu Yujian's heart sank. He didn't expect that these powerful people had already set their eyes on the railway line between Tianjin and the capital to make money.

Zhu Yujian only asked: "Are you sure you can let the imperial court give up this railway and let the imperial court run it?"

"Don't worry about this, there are our people in the court, and we are already asking the court to give up some railway lines that are going to be run by the government by reducing expenditures and solving the problems of redundant troops, redundant staff, and redundant personnel. It’s time for the imperial court to abandon this government-run railway.”

Zhu Changhao said.

Zhu Yujian shook his head after hearing this: "I'm afraid it's not enough, his Uncle Zhang Guo doesn't necessarily want to do this."

"Whether he wants to or not, he has to try this way! Besides, now that the coal sales problem of Hanhai Coal Mine has been solved, it's actually time for Uncle Zhang Guo to leave."

Fan Wencheng replied at this time.

Liu Shiyuan also smiled: "That's right, doesn't he want to leave too? There will only be more and more rumors about Uncle Zhang Guo's big badness in the future, and he will have to leave, and he will borrow I will leave on my own initiative. At that time, the people in the court will naturally be bribed by us, and they can be easily driven away if they cannot be bribed away!"

After hearing this, Zhu Yujian asked in a deep voice, "You are already making rumors about his uncle Zhang Guo?"

Liu Shiyuan smiled and said, "I don't know about it until I came back to Beijing. Some people are already spreading rumors that Uncle Zhang is fornicating the princess and tarnishing the royal family!"

Zhu Changhao also said: "Uncle Clan, you killed Yu Shi for Uncle Zhang Guo, but Uncle Zhang Guo didn't show mercy to you. Now that he has such a reputation, don't you think it was you who took revenge on him?" chance?"

(End of this chapter)

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