Wild North America 1846

Chapter 480 Lake Nicaragua

On the shores of Lake Nicaragua, in a Spanish-style manor
His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was stationed here, and the cavalry of the Imperial Guards had sealed off the surrounding area, while the outer area was guarded by the local garrison, keeping a radius of 10 square kilometers airtight.

After going through this trip to Europe, I was worried and afraid all the way, and my hair was worried a lot. Admiral Chen Chuan fell ill after returning to the empire. The deputy commander of the Imperial Guard, Lieutenant General George Rabiot, was temporarily acting as an agent for the guard. .

Lieutenant General George Rabiot is the eldest son of Mike Rabiot, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Empire. He is a white Frenchman. He served as the deputy captain of the pro-guard next to Richard in the early days.

For more than 20 years, he followed His Majesty in the Southern and Northern Wars and established outstanding honors. He served as the deputy commander of the Northern Army and performed outstandingly in all previous colonial expansion wars.

If it weren't for the innate constraints of being a French-born white, at least he would be a high-ranking deputy chief of staff.

in the imperial military

The French-born Rabiot family, the Irish-born Freche family and the German-born Kahn family are all extremely influential white military forces. The leaders each occupy a high position of deputy chief of staff. They are the legendary devil Charlie's men. The third of the famous "Four Great Demon Generals", with extraordinary influence.

Especially Admiral Harry Frech, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Empire, who was originally a cavalry commander in the United States of America.

After he was defeated and captured, he returned to His Majesty, and then showed his ferocious face in the previous wars with the United States of America, and quickly grew into a dazzling important minister of one side, deeply relied on by His Majesty, holding the commanding power of one side.

Admiral Harry Flech is well-known for his brutal and bloody suppression methods. He is feared by the Yankees as the "Bloodthirsty General". He built his family glory with mountains of bones and blood.

Who do the Yankees (Northern) hate the most?

Undoubtedly, nine out of ten people would hate the "Bloodthirsty General" Ali Frech. Most American families had their relatives buried in his hands. He was famous in North America and even in Europe.

These white family forces in the imperial military are more loyal than the Chinese, because their actions are determined by the white world, and there is no turning back.

In the exquisite and quiet large study room

The cool summer breeze blew through the window lattice, making Li Cha feel refreshed from body to heart. He had just taken a shower, and his wet hair was simply tied in a bun behind his head.Standing in front of the large hand-drawn map with hands behind his back, his eyes were full of satisfaction.

From the southernmost border of Panama and Colombia to the north, the empire's territory stretches for nearly [-] kilometers along the Pacific coastline, reaching Alaska on the Bering Strait, forming a complete closed loop.

North America and Central America in the Pacific Rim are in the bag, and the ten-year strategic expansion plan has been successfully completed. What could be more exciting than this great sense of accomplishment?

The rise of the Tang Empire in North America "replaced the civet cat for the prince" and stole the national destiny that originally belonged to the United States of America. While digesting the huge dividends of the North American war, the country's strength was thriving and rapidly developing, presenting a scene of prosperity.

It has been more than four years since the North American War ended in early 1862.

Richard expects to spend another 6 to 8 years to thoroughly digest the vast territory brought about by the North American War and recent expansion, and fully promote the process of industrialization.Further develop foreign trade mainly exporting to Europe and consolidate the economic foundation of the empire.

From 1862 to present

The empire's economy has maintained a steady growth rate of 7.5% to 8% per year. Compared with the 2.8% to 3% annual average economic growth of the Great British Empire, the growth rate has doubled and turned around. The gap between the two economies has narrowed visible to the naked eye.

According to the forecast of economic development reported by the Cabinet;

If the Tang Empire maintains the current stable growth trend of economic development, by 1870 (that is, four years later), the overall economic scale of the empire will reach 65% to 67% of that of the United Kingdom.

By 1880, it will reach 95% of the UK.

By 1885 at the latest, the overall national economy of the Tang Empire will surpass that of the United Kingdom and rank first in the world.

This is calculated at a constant economic growth rate. If the British economic growth stalls suddenly, the process of surpassing will be advanced.

UK economic growth stalling?
This is really an interesting economic proposition. The British economy has continued to grow steadily at a rate of 2.5% to 3%. It has been more than 15 years so far. This has laid a solid economic foundation in the Victorian period of the British Empire. The British army colonized the world and was the most dazzling of the British Empire. moment.

In this day and age, no one would have imagined the decline of the British Empire. Is this simply unbelievable?
But Li Cha's open life knows that there are only a few years left for the stable growth of the British Empire's economy.

In 1871 at the latest, Britain’s economic growth stalled abruptly, dropping from an average annual growth rate of 2.5% to 3% to an annual growth rate of 1.2% to 1.5%, and it continued to decline.

This is because the first industrial revolution represented by steam machinery has been more than 1 years old, and the British Empire has wiped out the dividends of the steam industrial revolution from beginning to end, and it can provide little further growth momentum.

What is the label of the British?
Europeans almost unanimously answered; arrogant, rigid and reserved.

It is precisely because of this character that British factory owners and entrepreneurs are extremely conservative in the development of industry and technology, do not think about making progress, stubbornly adhere to the old traditional production methods, and refuse to accept new things.

Factories in the UK can see the production process decades or even hundreds of years ago, and even the worker schedule will not change.

The bronze bell left by the grandfather of the British factory owner rings on time every day. Workers ring three times at work and repeat it five times in a row. The bell for going to work persists for 100 years or even longer. So conservative.

Unlike Britain, the Tang Empire is another development model.

The development of science and technology in today's world is surging. The second wave of industrial revolution represented by electrification and chemical industry originated in the Tang Empire, and it has shown its talents in various economic fields, which has strongly promoted the economic growth momentum of the empire, showing an increasingly prosperous good situation.

Limited by the immature world market, the economic development potential of the Tang Empire is far from being tapped, as if the sun at six or seven o'clock in the morning will surely shine more light and heat.

Li Cha is very confident about this. The most important chemical products and electromechanical equipment exported by Datang Empire's industrial products are vigorously developing the European market, and the prospects are extremely promising.

The emerging polyester and plastics in the chemical industry are being applied to more fields, especially in the packaging industry. They are popular because they are cheap, good quality, hygienic and convenient.

Not much to say about the wide application of food packaging in the pastry industry. Plastic packaging helps to extend the shelf life and is the first application field.

in North American and European markets
Bulk kerosene, diesel and lubricating oil sold in grocery stores are now widely stored in plastic bags. The grocer divides the diesel into pint bags and hangs them in rows on hooks on the wall.

When customers make a purchase, they can carry a bag of kerosene and leave after paying, which is very convenient.

In the electromechanical equipment industry, the tram system and agricultural machinery produced by Datang Empire are hot products in the European market, including London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, Vienna, Turin and other major cities, which have begun to widely promote trams run.

Relevant companies have received orders five years later, and are making a lot of money by expanding production plants, equipment, and personnel to meet the strong demand in the North American and European markets.


The huge Hong Zhong suddenly let out a low growl, interrupting Li Cha's train of thought.He turned his head and took a look. The huge colorful tiger "Hong Zhong" shrank its neck in fright, stretched out its furry paws to cover its head, and began to play dead.

The giant white tiger named "White Pi" came over with a wink, stretched out its huge head and gently rubbed it against Li Cha, with a flattering and flattering expression, which was almost vividly performed.

"Forget it, I'm not really angry. "White Pi" and "Fat Cai" are more obedient. "Red Zhong" if your skin is itchy, I will help you loosen it later."

Li Cha said something with a sense of warning, stretched out his hand and scratched the tight and slippery fur of "White Skin", this big guy stood up and lifted his head up to Li Cha's chest, standing on his hind legs would be 3 meters 5 tall , nearly 500 kg in weight.

"It's time for you to lose weight too, and you'll soon become a meatball." Li Cha grabbed the white tiger's back and pulled it off the ground. Feeling a little strenuous, he said with a smile said a word.


The giant white tiger roared softly, pretending to be pitiful, with extremely agile eyes.

"Okay, let's go out and play for a while."

On a whim, Li Cha simply put down what he was doing, and sat on the wide back of the giant white tiger with one leg tilted.

The ferocious beasts such as "Hongzhong", "Fatcai", "Dabai", "Xiaobai", "Yietiao" and "Ertiao" who were lazily lying on the ground woke up instantly, roared excitedly and rushed out, towards the vast expanse outside the manor. The grassland and forest ran wildly, with an astonishing momentum.

After all, they were a group of ferocious beasts. Even the well-trained cavalrymen of the Imperial Guard sat down on their war horses, and the frightened "Xi Lv Lv" neighed and backed away, unable to control it.

The commotion in the manor scared Lieutenant General George Rabiot, the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard, out of the office, and he hurriedly ordered after seeing His Majesty galloping away on a giant tiger;
"Pass my order; the 2nd Battalion and 5th Battalion of the guard light cavalry on duty will set off immediately and follow me to guard His Majesty. .”

"As ordered, sir."

George Rabiot rushed out of the manor with more than a thousand light cavalry in a hurry, outflanked the two wings, and opened a large security circle to prevent anyone from spying on the holy car.

This movement also alarmed the three European girls in the manor. They were the three sisters of the vineyard owner from Billum Town, who were brought back by Richard as souvenirs.

The elder sister Ilsa, the second sister Sandy, and the younger sister Emma each have their own flavors. Li Cha had a very pleasant time playing the game, and it happened that he had to go through a slow voyage on the way back to the country, so he simply brought it back to the palace to taste it carefully. .

Women are just playthings in this era.

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