Li Cha frolicked with all the beasts to his heart's content, and he returned after he had exhausted himself.

Yujia stayed on the shore of Lake Nicaragua for three days, and then set off to the north to inspect the newly established Central Plains Province of the empire, and experience the local customs and customs first-hand.

This road is naturally Haiyan Heqing, not to mention the numerous corpses on the road, not even a homeless man in shabby clothes, the common people in the villages and towns who rushed to the streets to welcome the holy driver are clean and tidy, waving the imperial double dragon in their hands The flag is full of enthusiasm, and you can also hear various accents from China.

Look this way

The town is full of ancient buildings and temples from the Mayan period and the Aztec period, as well as many Spanish-style manor buildings, churches, etc., showing an ancient style under the vicissitudes of time.

Most of these towns are small in scale, but they are scattered all over the Central Plains Province, forming relatively complete human settlements, and are now occupied by social groups dominated by Chinese immigrants.

The streets are full of black-haired, black-eyed, yellow-skinned Chinese.From Lingnan in the south to Zhili in the north, all kinds of accents are full of them, which makes people feel like they have picked up the wrong script.

There is a very small remaining Indian population in the local area. Most of the local women work as maids in Chinese families, or are taken as concubines and concubines. Most of the local men work in Chinese country estates, but they are rarely seen in towns.

According to Earl Dong Jie;
More than 85% of the urban population in the Central Plains Province is of Chinese descent, and most of the small local population are adherents, that is, the group that the imperial military provoked the Central American Civil War through local adherents, and obtained the official status of imperial residents by betraying their own race.

expected two years later

The population of Central Plains Province and Costa Rica Province has increased to one million, and the proportion of the local population will be further reduced to less than 3%. It will not take many years before they will be absorbed by the Han people with strong assimilation ability and disappear in the long river of history.

In the territory of the Tang Empire

All kinds of primary schools, middle schools and universities implement strict Chinese education. No matter what the skin color is, it is necessary to master the reading, writing and understanding of Chinese. This is the first official language and also the common language. The standard of Mandarin is Beiping Mandarin.

Only on the basis of mastering Chinese, some aristocratic schools and institutions of higher learning will teach English, German, Spanish and French, some offer one foreign language class, and some aristocratic schools offer two, three or even more.

Correspondingly, aristocratic schools with more teaching languages ​​have higher grades, more expensive fees, and naturally higher teaching standards.

Teaching and dissemination of Indian and many other ethnic languages ​​is strictly prohibited, and related books are listed as banned books. The Imperial Propaganda Department has taken a high-pressure crackdown on the religious beliefs and cultural inheritance of disadvantaged ethnic groups, and the enforcement is very strong.

in this social environment
The rich and colorful Indian cultural heritage in North America and Central America has little soil for survival and is gradually dying out.

It is estimated that in the next 20 to 30 years, when this generation of Indians passes away, their historical and cultural inheritance will also come to an abrupt end, and become a historical topic for future scholars to study.

Nov. 1866, 9

After more than 5 months, the royal exclusive train inspecting the empire’s territory slowly stopped on the platform of the imperial capital Chang’an, marking the end of the longest emperor’s tour of the northern and southern frontier provinces. Many hearts are always hanging Only then did the cabinet ministers feel relieved.

In today's world, there is indeed an eternal sage, but he is too noisy and has a temperament that can't sit still.

Almost every year, we have to make a round of inspections. The short time is a few months, and the time is 4 to 5 months. It is really a wild horse that is running wild!

In the first ten days of April, the spring was cold and cold, and when we returned in September, the autumn was full, and the branches in the fields were full of fruits, and half a year had passed like this.

Palace of Qinzheng
A mountain of memorials piled up beside the imperial case, almost submerged the large golden nanmu imperial case, and they were neatly piled up half a person's height, looking at Li Cha's head hurts.

How many major events at home and abroad have happened in the past six months?

"Okay, as long as the internal affairs are not urgent, put them aside first, and I will review them slowly. The international affairs memorials will be divided into regions, and the European ones will be brought first." Li Cha frowned and ordered.

"The minister obeys the order."

The secretaries of the secretariat immediately sorted it out. In an instant, 2/3 of the memorials on domestic affairs were missing from the imperial case, and the remaining 1/3 were sorted out. There were more than 100 summaries and various memorials originating from Europe. Ben, it makes one's scalp tingle.

Li Cha had just returned from Europe and knew the local situation very well, so he asked the secretaries to choose a brief report one by one, and then gave a simple sentence or two sentences to reply, and the speed was quite fast.

The attitude of expressing dissatisfaction with the British side is to "drag and add Taijiquan", and it is "perfunctory" to France's expectation that the Tang Empire will play an important role in reshaping the European order, and it is "perfunctory" to ask for help from the Austrian Empire .

In response to the request of the Prussian Empire to strengthen in-depth cooperation in military, economic, industrial, trade, scientific and personnel exchanges, instruct the Prime Minister of the Cabinet to personally act as the leader, and to quickly formulate practical and in-depth cooperation plans with various ministers, and send high-level representatives as soon as possible A delegation went to Europe to negotiate business, and strive to implement relevant cooperation results as soon as possible.

It was really swift and resolute, without delay at all.

Several secretaries took turns to report, and summarized the main content of the memorial in as concise a language as possible. After one report was finished, it was the turn of the next one.

The previous secretary continued to read the memorial nervously, waiting for His Majesty's next inquiry.

In about a day, more than 100 orders related to European affairs were dealt with, and the imperial assent issued an order.

If it should be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it should be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If it should be sent to the Ministry of Colonial Affairs, it should be sent to the Ministry of Colonial Affairs.

The ministries of the cabinet immediately jumped up and followed His Majesty's hadith, and dispatched elite soldiers to strengthen the implementation of the visits and the implementation of the visits.

The next day
When Emperor Li Cha strode into the Hall of Qinzheng, he saw Prime Minister Liu Xianjun, Foreign Minister Luo Fengxian, Colonial Minister Juan Carlos, Chief of Staff Dai Changfu, Secretariat Chief Zheng Yuan and other important officials were standing beside them, singing in unison Greeting Road;

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live, the ministers welcome you!"

"Free from courtesy, I will give you a seat." After Li Cha walked up to the throne and sat down, he looked around majesticly, and then said lightly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long En." All the ministers thanked in unison.

Today's court meeting focuses on two issues; one is the Fuso Civil War, and the other is the Paraguay War in South America.

The first thing the court officials discussed was the current civil war in Fusang. As a vassal state, the shogunate issued 11 petitions for help, and their eyebrows got angry.

His Majesty can still delay when he is not in the imperial capital, but now he must give an explanation.

After winning the Battle of Toba Fushimi, the shogunate army's confidence increased greatly, and they put forward the slogan of "killing traitors and reshaping the court". Show some color to the rebellious Southwest Qiangfan.

The attitude towards the instructors of the Tang Empire has also become more subtle, and it seems that they are unwilling to interfere too much with the instructors of the Tang Empire and France in Fusang's domestic affairs.

As for the Tang Empire, it is better to have more fun than to have less. It happened to arrange for the instructors to take turns to take vacations. Some officers went to Shenzhou to visit their relatives, and some officers returned to the mainland of the empire.

say something bad
Although the military instructors dispatched by the empire were well received in the Fusang country, they lived a happy life at that time. It was not easy to eat beef, and the more luxurious things such as toffee, coffee, cheese, and red wine were even more difficult to see. When it comes to shadows, there really isn't one.

A few slices of sashimi and seaweed rice balls are considered high-end cuisine, who can stand this?
If the officers didn't want to go to the Japanese country to suffer this crime, if they didn't want to enrich their service experience in the army and prepare for future promotion, why bother?

Is it a pain in the ass?
Since ancient times, arrogant soldiers must be defeated, and the shogunate army is no exception.

After the "Sacho Alliance" suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, the main force of its army retreated to the high-mountain and densely forested Changzhou Domain, and received reinforcements from the southwestern feudal domains such as the Hizen Domain, Sasuke Domain, and Tosa Domain. Stick to the mountains and forests tenaciously.

The most important thing is the support of British weapons and equipment, even including 11 Gatling machine guns, which has become a nightmare for the shogunate army.

The shogunate army was kicked on the iron plate, and the bannermen under its command suffered consecutive defeats in the subsequent attack for more than a month. They lost more than 3700 troops and a large amount of weapons and equipment, and they were unable to cross the mountains and forests.

"What do they want?" Emperor Li Cha asked sharply.

The Fusang Kingdom has neither an army nor a shortage of cannon fodder. There are wandering warriors who dare to fight, the urban poor, and as many townspeople as they want. As long as they have two rice balls a day, they can send their lives to the battlefield.

What is really lacking is money, food, and advanced weapons.

as expected
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luo Fengxian, stepped forward and introduced the emergency needs of the Fusang Kingdom. Emperor Li Cha and the court officials were dumbfounded after hearing this, and the Colonial Minister Juan Carlos stood up and questioned;
"Listening to what you said, the old minister has no choice but to have doubts, and if you don't understand, please ask Mr. Luo to answer directly.

The empire had previously given the Wa country 200 million Tang yuan in loans and a large amount of material assistance, including food, weapons and war horses, worth more than 200 million Tang yuan.

In less than a year, come to ask for it again?
Moreover, the Japanese state demanded tens of millions of Tang Yuan and more supplies, but did not say how to repay it. Is it deliberately pretending to be stupid or grabbing the empire's wool?
Our Datang Empire is rich in financial resources and materials, and the amount of grain has piled up into mountains. This year, we have exported 77 shipments of grain to Europe, totaling more than 42 tons.

As for the Tang Yuan loan, not to mention 1 million, it can be easily obtained even if it is doubled by 200 or 10 times, it is just a trivial matter.

But this is not the proof that the Japanese lion opened his mouth!
The country of Wa is a poor country, and the yearly income is only a few million, and the income is not enough to cover the expenses. What can I use to repay the huge amount of money invested by the Great Tang Empire?

Could it be just relying on a boastful mouth? "

After all, the veteran's combat effectiveness is extraordinary, and he is very sharp when he is on the horse. The emperor and all the officials in the court laughed when he said this, and the atmosphere became relatively more relaxed.

The Tang Empire is not the stupid Ming and Qing courts, and will not be burdened by fame and righteousness.

There are indeed many countries that want to take advantage of it, but none of them have succeeded. The Imperial Consortium Capital is not a philanthropist who is open to charity.

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