Daming heir

Chapter 462: Taming Wolves into Dogs

Chapter 462: Taming Wolves into Dogs
Without etiquette, like a beast.

This is how people from the Central Plains described people from other lands from a long, long time ago.

Under Wai Jinchuan's sect, Zhu Yunxi had no scruples, and taunted Mahamu, an envoy from the Wara tribe, straightforwardly and plainly.

Zou Xueyu's eyes flickered for a moment, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Junior Bai did not teach him wrongly.

However, Mahamu, who was ridiculed for not understanding etiquette and degraded into an uncivilized beast, knelt down on the ground but dared not show any dissatisfaction.

The Wala tribe, which is far less than the Mongolian Tatar tribe, is not completely led by the Wala king Mengge Timur.

Under Mengge Timur, there is also his Mahamu tribe, as well as the Taiping Ministry and the Tuboluo tribe mentioned just now by the grandson of the Ming emperor.

Mahamu is a man with dreams.

Similarly, Taiping and Batu Polo are also people with dreams.

However, it is no coincidence that the dreams of Taiping and Batu Polo are surprisingly consistent with Mahamu's dream.

Become the highest leader of the Oala tribe and completely command the entire Oirat tribe.

This is the dream of the three of them.

When he went to Daming Yingtian City as an envoy, the grandson of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty actually said in front of his face that he wanted to see Taiping and Batu Poluo.

Regardless of why the emperor's grandson of Ming Dynasty knew so many details about the internal situation of Wala, Mahamu was able to grasp his own pain points so accurately, which forced Mahamu to temporarily kneel before the emperor's grandson of Ming Dynasty. before.

The Hongyi people have been borrowing Daming's tiger skin just now to fight against themselves.

Although I came to Daming at the order of Mengtuo Timur, why didn't I also want to use Daming's tiger skin.

Mahamu knelt down piously on the ground and raised his arms high.

"Respected His Royal Highness Emperor Taisun, your wisdom has already spread throughout the grasslands of Changshengtian. Mahamu is rude. I hope to follow His Royal Highness Emperor Taisun and learn the etiquette of Daming."

Since the emperor's grandson of the Ming Dynasty said that he didn't understand etiquette, it would be a detour to ask to follow and learn.

Mahamu tensed his heartstrings, hoping that he would bring back a huge harvest when he went south as an envoy to Daming.

Zhu Yunxi hummed lightly twice, but did not comment.

Instead, he turned his head to look at Fan Chong who was kneeling in front of him.

He stepped out of the carriage, arrived in front of Fan Chong, raised his foot and lightly touched Fan Chong's arm.

"Emissary Ou has been away from Beijing for many years, and today he finally came back. He raised his head and let Gu see whether it is Yingtian who supports people, or Europa who is more supportive."

Fan Chong raised his miserable face slowly, and took advantage of the momentum to straighten his chest and shoulders, which were not cut open by the official robe.

"Returning to Your Highness, it is natural that Yingtian City is more supportive of people. Europa is full of filth, and it really stinks. This time I returned to Beijing, the boat just arrived outside the city, and I felt that the boat was full of fragrance."

This man is really shameless.

"Huh?" Zhu Yunxi just quietly looked at Fan Chong, who looked embarrassed, and asked knowingly: "Why does the Oujian envoy look like this? But he was harassed by pirates at sea?"

After speaking, he didn't give Fan Chong a chance to explain.

Zhu Yunxi snorted coldly: "There is someone in the Ministry of War!"

It is obviously impossible for someone from the Ministry of War to be here.

But Zou Xueyu bumped into Tongzhi Yingtianfu who was beside him, raised his head to where the grandson was.

Tongzhi Ying Tianfu's eyes showed helplessness, he knew exactly what the Zhifu wanted to do by himself.

Tongzhi got up helplessly, bowed his hands together and said, "Your Highness, I'm here."

Mahamu was always paying attention to what the grandson of the Ming Dynasty was going to do, pricked up his ears and listened carefully, and moved his head carefully, so that he could see clearly the Ming people in front of him.

Zhu Yunxi looked at the Tongzhi of Yingtianfu who had been withdrawn by the prefect of Yingtianfu, Zou Xueyu, and said coldly: "My officials in Ming Dynasty were attacked by pirates at sea. What are you doing in the military department! The new warships made by the imperial court can travel every day. Thousands of miles away, the newly-made artillery can shatter a strong city, so how can you use it to wipe out the disaster?"

Tongzhi Ying Tianfu lowered his head and said hastily: "His Royal Highness, the imperial navy has been busy with the post-war affairs to destroy the Japanese kingdom recently, and the Ministry of War has neglected the disaster at sea, so I apologize."

Daming was destroyed by the Wa Kingdom?

Although Mahamu went all the way from outside the Great Wall to the south, but along the way, no one would tell him what Daming had done recently.

Now Mahamu suddenly heard that Daming had wiped out the Japanese country outside the East China Sea without making a sound, and he was shocked for a while.

There is no one on the grassland who does not know the country of Wa.

Going back a hundred years, Da Yuan, who was unprecedentedly powerful at the time, would have had the opportunity to set foot in the Wa Kingdom if it weren't for the unfavorable nature of the heavens.

What Da Yuan failed to do, was actually accomplished quietly by Da Ming.

In Mahamu's head, the words of the great-grandson of the Ming Dynasty were constantly echoing.

Ming now has newer warships and newer artillery.

Daming's artillery!

When he thought of Da Yuan's iron hooves turning into corpses under the roar of Ming's artillery, Mahamu felt helpless.

The army and horses of the Ming Dynasty were powerful in battle, and there were artillery that were not found on the grasslands. The two superimposed on each other, and the Tatars had been beaten unspeakably in recent years.

Such a big Yuan was beaten to pieces.

However, Daming did not stop at the present and be content with the status quo.

They are also building new artillery pieces.

Will Daming only build artillery for navy?

Mahamu asked himself silently in his heart, and he clearly knew the answer to this question.

Fan Chong didn't quite understand at first, he was... No!It was obvious to everyone present that he was fighting against the Oirats who had become soft-footed horses.

How come His Royal Highness said that he was harassed by pirates.

After a while, Fan Chong finally came to his senses.

He straightened up immediately, turned around and waved at Mahamu angrily: "Your Highness! It's him! It's this damned soft-footed horse. He is the one who is so daring that he wants to be an officer of Ming Dynasty! It's him! It's him! Your Highness, what do you want?" Make the decision for the minister!"

Mahamu stopped breathing for an instant.

He raised his head and looked at the grandson of the Ming Emperor whose face had cooled down and whose eyes were murderous.

This time Mahamu went to Daming as an envoy, and entered the customs and went south. This young grandson of the emperor of Ming Dynasty once personally joined the army and went south to lay down a land for Daming.

Emperor Hongwu of Ming Dynasty was already so terrifying that he drove Dayuan out of the Central Plains.

Over the years, I have often heard how wise the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty is.

Now, even the emperor's grandson of the Ming Dynasty is so heroic. Mahamu really can't imagine what kind of luck he must have, so that the survivors of the Yuan Dynasty can once again set foot on the Central Plains.

Hearing Fan Chong's responsibilities, Mahamu immediately said, "Emperor..."

At this time, Zhu Yunxi was already waving his robe heavily, with his right hand behind his back, looked at Mahamu coldly, and interrupted the other party's explanation: "Mahamu, don't you know Daming's official robe?"

Mahamu looked anxious, and quickly explained: "His Royal Highness, this is a misunderstanding."

Zhu Yunxi snorted coldly: "Misunderstanding?"

"His Royal Highness, today I waited to cross the river and docked. I didn't want to meet that person and also docked on the trestle bridge at the same time. But we obviously got off the boat first, and they fell behind us.

However, these people repeatedly insulted me as a soft-footed horse, and sent people to stop me, asking me to make way and let them enter the city first.In this way, some conflicts arose.Please also ask His Royal Highness the Emperor Taisun to investigate clearly! "

Fan Chong is so domineering?

Zhu Yunxi finally figured out the reason for today's conflict, and was a little dumbfounded for a while.

This Fan Chong is really a fox pretending to be a tiger to the extreme.

It's just that at this time, no matter what Fan Chong is right or wrong, Daming's will and majesty cannot be lost.

With the same expression on his face, Zhu Yunxi walked slowly towards Mahamu, and asked again: "Mahamu, I'm just asking you, don't you know Daming's official robe?"

He just wants to humiliate himself in public!

This damned young man wants to discredit himself in front of all the wise people!

He is humiliating the people of Changshengtian!

Mahamu was furious in his heart, he clearly knew what Daming's grandson wanted to do, but he was helpless.

In the 24th year of Hongwu, the Ming army broke through Hami and took many prisoners.In the same year, the Ming army conquered the land of Xipanhandong.It was also from this year that the Central Plains once again controlled the land west of Jiayuguan, Yumenguan, and Yangguan, and was ready to reproduce the grand occasion of Anxi in the former Tang Dynasty at any time.

The Eastern Chahatai Khanate also tried its best to keep the interior and the Bieshi area under the offensive of the Ming army, and retreated steadily.

And Daming, who regained Hami, has since then had a channel to directly attack Oala.

It was also because of Daming's offensive outside Yumen Pass that he made his mission to Daming this time.

Mahamu lowered his head again, full of resentment in his heart, but he could only reply in a calm tone: "I know..."

"Hey!" Zhu Yunxi gave a cold and strange laugh, and asked in a deep voice: "Since you recognize my Da Ming's official robe, Mahamu, you still dare to hurt people? Do you think that my Da Ming's million-dollar army is no longer? Or do you think Can I be deceived by my great Ming? In the eyes of you Wala people, do I still have my great Ming?"

"He dares!"

Among the busy crowd around, suddenly there was a shout, full of sarcasm.

"Your Highness, if you say a word, the grassroots will beat this guy to death here!"

"We don't need the soldiers of Ming Dynasty to fight, we people will be killed by them here!"

"It's been 30 years since I expelled the Yuan thieves in the Ming Dynasty, and I'm just a group of defeated generals."

The crowd became more and more restless.

Zou Xueyu looked at the restless crowd with some worry, and secretly signaled the servants of the government office to surround those damned Wala people, lest these people really be beaten to death by the people of Yingtian in front of His Highness.

But he still hesitated in his heart.

All the actions of the emperor's grandson today are to suppress Wala to death.

Your Highness is not afraid of angering Wala. Will there be wars on the east and west sides of the Great Wall?

Zhu Yunxi is not afraid.

When he knew that it was Mahamu who was going to Daming today, he knew that Wala did not have the courage to harass Daming yet.

He knew very well that Mahamu was a smart man.

Only smart people can kneel down and admit their mistakes here in public.

Presumably in Mahamu's heart, at this time, Wala already had the power to integrate the entire grassland first, so that they had the opportunity to go south and set foot on the Central Plains again.

So no matter how much he humiliated Mahamu today, it was impossible for him to resist or express dissatisfaction.

Zhu Yunxi turned to look at Fan Chong: "How did Ou Jianshi's official robe be torn?"

"Return to Your Highness, it was this soft-footed horse who broke it open with a knife!"

"Really? Mahamu." Zhu Yunxi asked softly.

Mahamu nodded heavily: "Yes."

"Gu Zhier and others are going south this time for the envoys to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor." Zhu Yunxie's expression softened suddenly, and he said softly: "No one was killed today. Daming is magnanimous. Since Maha Mu You broke Fan Chong's official robe with the knife, so let's use this knife as compensation."

Mahamu's eyes widened immediately.

He never thought that today's muddled matter would end in this way.

My saber is not a treasure, it is mediocre, and I have never had the habit of Oala people, inlaid with various gemstones on the saber.

However, this knife has been worn on his waist since he was able to ride a horse alone.

On the grassland, swords and horses are the second life of the people of Changshengtian.


What a shame!
Mahamu's breathing became more and more heavy.

On the back of the hand holding the scabbard, all the veins popped.

But after only a few breaths, Mahamuso raised his saber with both hands.

"Mahamu is willing to use this knife to compensate Ou Jianshi!"

Zhu Yunxi's eyes tightened involuntarily, this Mahamu really should not be underestimated!
He looked at the elated Fan Chong again: "If I take this knife and give it to you, today's matter will be cancelled."

Fan Chong nodded again and again, blushing: "The servant is all at His Highness's orders."

Zhu Yunxi nodded, turned his head to look at the saber held high by Mahamu's hands, and stepped forward.

The sound of footsteps entered Mahamu's ears.

For a moment, a thought flashed in Mahamu's mind.

As long as Daming, the young grandson of the emperor, walked in front of him, he would have enough time to draw out his saber and plunge it straight into the opponent's chest, thus ending the opponent's young life.

Following Zhu Yunxi out of the city, Tian Mai's muscles were tense and accumulating strength when he came to the Wai Jinchuan Gate.

He quietly slid forward a few steps, with his palm resting on the handle of the knife and turning it gently. As long as the Oirat dared to make any abnormal movements, he could guarantee that he would cut off the knife immediately when the abnormal movement happened. The opponent's head.

Zhu Yunxi's footsteps were steady, and he walked up to Mahamu step by step.


Zhu Yunxi stretched out his arm, and lightly rested his palm on the saber raised by Mahamu, and lightly grasped the scabbard with his palm.

The subordinates didn't feel dull, Zhu Yunxi just raised it lightly, and Mahamu's saber had left his hands.

Mahamu, who lowered his head, clenched his teeth and held his breath, but his whole face was congested and red.

The Wala people beside him who accompanied him to the south to go to Daming also lowered their heads and their faces were full of anger, wishing to get up on the spot and draw their knives to attack the grandson of the Daming emperor who was pressing on and oppressing the leader every step of the way.

When Mahamu's saber was caught in his hand.

Zhu Yunxi let out a chuckle.

He knew that this wolf king on the prairie could only be domesticated into a docile watchdog in front of Daming.

"Put it away, this is the saber of the number one warrior in Oirat!"

Zhu Yunxi chuckled and threw the saber in his hand to Fan Chong behind him.

Fan Chong stood up and took Mahamu's saber with his hands wrapped around his arms.

But Mahamu has completely lost his temper.

It's just that when he heard the words of the number one warrior in Wala from the mouth of the great-grandson of the Ming Dynasty, his heart tightened.

Are all Daming people so treacherous now?

Monthly ticket recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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