Daming heir

Chapter 463 Daming Only Doing Business and Not Killing People

Chapter 463 Daming Only Doing Business and Not Killing People

If Zhu Gaochi is at Longwan Wharf today.

He will definitely comment that Brother Xie's ability to throw pots and dig holes has reached the point of being superb and moistening things silently.

Mahamu's face was ugly.

It was just that last sentence, but it was more sinister than taking his saber away in public.

Under Mengge Timur, the leader of the Wara tribe, there are three major families: the Mahamu tribe, the Taiping tribe, and the Tuboluo tribe.

Now the emperor's grandson of Ming Dynasty said that Mahamu was the number one warrior of the Wara tribe.

Not to mention what brother Menger Timur would think, even Taiping and Bald Polo must hate Mahamu fiercely.

This is killing!

Mahamu lowered his head and clasped his fists: "His Royal Highness, the emperor's grandson, praises it. There are countless warriors in the Wara tribe, and Mahamu is nothing."

Zhu Yunxi smiled.

It was only after he finished speaking that he realized that the hole he had dug was a little smaller, and he should have said that Mahamu was the number one warrior on the grassland.

So, he stepped forward and stretched out his hand to grab Mahamu's arm.

Mahamu didn't realize it, and subconsciously pushed hard, but he didn't expect that this young grandson of the Ming emperor would pull himself up so easily.

Mahamu was surprised.

But Zhu Yunxi had already smiled and said, "Although Gu is far away in Yingtian and has never been to the grasslands, I often hear that you are the first-class horseman and archer of the Wara tribe. Not to mention the Wara tribe, even the Tatar tribe is rarely seen. I can find someone to compete with me.

Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up today, since you are going to Daming as envoys, you should go to the city earlier with Gu to the place where the court prepared for you. "

Zhu Yunxi's voice was very loud, spreading to the surrounding crowd.

Today's Yingtian City is very lively, even if next year it will fight against the Mongol Tatars on the east side of the Great Wall, there will still be private exchanges between merchants.

He believed that what he said today would spread to the grasslands in the near future.

Mahamu tried his best to keep calm and think.

Once, he had seen the most cunning enemy, and he had faced surrounded by a pack of wolves alone, and he had stepped up to be the only person under Wala Mengge Timur step by step.

However, facing the grandson of the Great Ming Emperor in front of him now, he felt that he was mired in the mud, his feet were difficult to pull out, and he sank deeper and deeper.

The distance between the two has been completely shortened.

Mahamu swore that even if he didn't have his saber, he would still have countless ways to assassinate this young grandson of the Ming emperor here.

But the rationality in his heart told him that he absolutely could not do such a thing.

It's not that killing a grandson of the Ming emperor would bring much crisis to the Wara tribe.

Rather, he felt that this grandson of the Great Ming Emperor seemed to hope that he could make a move?
With his undefended neck and back, he kept hinting to himself that he could strike at any time.

This young man, using his own fragile life as bait, was ensnaring himself.

This reminded Mahamu that he did the same thing when he went to trap those wolves on the grassland.

The fattest and tenderest lambs were thrown on the grass, and the wolves didn't even need to hunt them down. As long as they walked forward slowly, the lambs would be fed into their mouths by themselves.

But Mahamu knew that he was lying in ambush in the grass near the sheep, and when the defense and vigilance of the wolves fell to the lowest level, he would attack brazenly.

Now I have become those hungry wild wolves, and the emperor's grandson of Ming Dynasty has dressed himself up as the weakest lamb on the grassland, and when he opens his mouth, all the preset ambushes will be revealed.

Mahamu kept deducing various possibilities in his head.

He didn't realize at all that he had been pulled to the carriage by Zhu Yunxie.

Zhu Yunxi turned his head to look at Mahamu and Fan Chong who had been pulled up together when passing by, with a warm smile on his face, really innocent.

"Both of you, have traveled far and worked all the way in boats and carts. Now that you enter the city, let's ride with you alone."

While talking, Zhu Yunxi had already boarded the carriage and looked back at the two of them.

Fan Chong was naturally very excited. It was a great honor for him to be able to ride into the city with His Royal Highness the Emperor Taisun.

He couldn't help but think of the commotion and shock that he caused at the port when he arrived at his mother country with the Daming Navy on the mountain-like Daming Navy warship.

The news was sent to the capital immediately.

Before he arrived at the capital, the king had already sent a large group of people to meet him.

When the past knew that he actually had the official status of the eighth-rank inspector of the Ming Dynasty, the reward of a marquis came to him.

A huge castle, a vast land, and a vassal that can be divided.

For a while, he became the most popular figure in the capital.

However, Fan Chong at that time had no feeling at all.

How can a marquis compare with his inspector in the eighth rank of Ming Dynasty?

When he returned to Daming with the navy this time, he immediately knew that Daming had re-implemented the military meritorious law of a dynasty thousands of years ago.As long as you make great achievements, you can get countless rewards.

When Fan Chong talked with those acquainted navy generals, he learned that the Ming court was negotiating the title of king for the two dukes of the court in accordance with the law of military merit.

Fan Chong thought about it carefully, and finally firmly believed that the prince of Daming might be more honorable and noble than the king he used to be.

As for himself, he is now an official of Ming Dynasty, so he will naturally have the opportunity to get a bigger reward for his meritorious service.

For a moment, he even wanted to directly persuade the generals of the navy not to return to Beijing, and directly filled the warship with weapons and artillery, returned to Europa, and laid down a large overseas territory for Ming.

"The European Commissioner will go first?"

Zhu Yunxi looked at Fan Chong who was silent but had a strange smile on his face with a smile on his face, and called softly.

Fan Chong raised his head immediately, with a smile all over his face: "Thank you, my minister, I will get in the car right away."

Fan Chong climbed and jumped into the carriage, but he still didn't forget to look back at Mahamu standing under the carriage, his eyes sparkling.

It seems to be saying that I, Fan Chong, can call myself a humble minister in front of His Royal Highness, but you, Mahamu, a soft-footed horse on the grassland, are just an outsider.

In front of the carriage, Mahamu frowned a few times as he watched Daming's grandson and that damned Hongyi man bow their heads and walk into the carriage.

The palm of his hand hidden under the loose robe couldn't help clenching his fist.

Is this another trap?

There was only a small space in the carriage, only the young emperor grandson of Daming and that vulnerable Hongyi man, and I only needed three punches and five palms to kill these two in the carriage.

The prosperity of the three generations of the Ming Dynasty is definitely not what the grasslands hope to see.

Mahamu looked at the lightly fluttering curtain, as if he was waiting for himself to go in. He finally took a deep breath and stepped into the carriage.

In the carriage, Zhu Yunxi sat on the innermost seat, the soft seat gently wrapped his body.

As Mahamu came in, Fan Chong, who was sitting on the seat under the car window, picked up the saber that had been on the side, and laid it across his lap.

It seemed to be showing off to Mahamu who came in that his decades-old saber was now in the hands of others.

This idiot!

Mahamu cursed secretly in his heart, it was easier for him to regain the saber from this angle.

"Since everyone is here, let's enter the city."

Zhu Yunxi opened his slightly narrowed eyes just now, and under Mahamu's gaze, he spoke to the hair outside the carriage.

Someone outside responded.

Outside the carriage.

Zou Xueyu, the prefect of Yingtian Prefecture, frowned, and walked to Tian Mai: "That Mahamu rides with His Highness in the same car, will there be any accidents?"

Tian Mai looked back at Yingtian Zhifu in confusion, he couldn't understand.

Do these people think His Royal Highness is also a powerless person?

But Tian Mai just thought about it, and then cupped his hands at Zou Xueyu: "I'll go."

After finishing speaking, Tian Mai quickened his pace and ran towards the carriage that had turned around and was heading down the city gate.


Tian Mai stepped lightly on the carriage, and got into the carriage sideways.

He didn't find a place to sit down, but just squatted halfway under the car door, with his right hand pressed across his knees, his left hand seemed to stabilize the saber on his waist, his palm was against the handle of the knife, and his gaze was downward.

Zhu Yunxi glanced at Tian Mai indifferently, without asking what he meant, but looked at Mahamu first.

Mahamu is a cunning person, and his relationship with Daming has been switching back and forth between confrontation and submission throughout his life.

Throughout his life, Mahamu laid a favorable foundation for the Oala tribe to unify the grasslands and attack Ming Dynasty in the south.

And his greatest contribution is to train the two descendants of Chuoros Tuhuan and Chuoros Yexian.

"Last year, Daming was hit by a snow disaster. I heard that there was almost a white disaster on the grassland. I don't know how the Wara tribe will be this year."

Zhu Yunxi sat on the soft seat and asked in a calm tone.

Mahamu immediately cupped his hands sideways: "His Royal Highness, Emperor Taisun, blessed by the God of Longevity. Although the Wala tribe also suffered from snowstorms last year, it was not in vain. Many cattle and sheep died on the grassland, but the deaths of the herdsmen not much."

"God bless." Zhu Yunxi continued devoutly with emotion, "I hope every day that there will be fewer disasters in the world, and that so many people will not die. Whether it is Ming people or Wala people."

Ha ha!

Are Japanese people not human beings?
Mahamu hummed twice in his heart, and sneered for a while at the sanctimonious words that the young grandson of the Ming emperor said.

But he still agreed: "May the world be free from disasters and disasters."

Fan Chong smiled and nodded on the opposite side: "That's right, that's right, those who fight and kill can't make a stable living, harmony makes money."

While Fan Chong was talking, he glanced at Mahamu on the opposite side, and secretly glanced at Zhu Yunxi who was sitting upright.

This guy can talk.

Zhu Yunxi felt relieved, and said, "Yes, harmony makes money. Over the years, Da Ming has ruled the world, recuperated and recuperated, and the people have enough to eat and have some spare money in their pockets. Now Da Ming just wants to make more money so that the people can make a living. We live better."

Fan Chong immediately said: "The fur of cattle and sheep on the grassland is very good. This time when I returned to Europa, I also went to a lot of fur of cattle and sheep on the grassland. They like it very much. There are also Ming tea, silk, porcelain, Lacquerware, etc., can be said to be more expensive than gold."

"Oh?" Zhu Yunxi looked surprised, glanced at Fan Chong, then turned to look at Mahamu with a thoughtful face: "I never thought that the fur of cattle and sheep on the grassland can be found in Europa, Guangxi, thousands of miles away. sought after."

Mahamu nodded and bowed his head: "On the grassland, we can't produce the exquisite silk, porcelain, and lacquerware like the Ming Dynasty, and we can't grow tea. But there are the best herdsmen on the grassland, who can cut the most complete and smooth fur of cattle and sheep. This time the foreign ministers went to Daming, and among the gifts they sent to Daming, there were a lot of cow and sheep fur."

With a long knife in his hand, Tian Mai, who was half squatting under the car door, kept his head down and remained silent.

However, he was keenly aware of the murderous intent several times in Mahamu's body.

But in the end, they were all restrained by the envoy from Wala.

In Tian Mai's mind, all possibilities have been arranged.

If Mahamu wanted to commit a murder, he would definitely grab the knife and stab Taisun first, and he might also smash the scabbard at himself, so as to buy him the final time for the assassination.

And as long as he draws the knife and strikes horizontally, and then pulls the knife back to cut into Mahamu's abdominal cavity, the opponent will have no chance of surviving.

Zhu Yunxi looked at Tian Mai with his head bowed, and said, "Da Ming can do the right thing, get Wala to sell cattle and sheep fur, and Fan Chong will sell it to the land of Europa."

Mahamu nodded, but began to talk about another matter: "His Royal Highness, the foreign minister's mission to Daming this time is actually for another matter, and I hope to obtain the permission of Daming."

Zhu Yunxi leaned back, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Mahamu observed carefully for a few times before continuing: "The Mongol Tatar tribe is powerful and has repeatedly invaded Ming Dynasty over the years. It is even more domineering on the grassland and oppresses other tribes.

The Oala tribe is weak, and the herdsmen suffered heavy losses in a snowstorm.But the Oala tribe is willing to assist the Ming Dynasty and jointly conquer the Tatar tribe.

I hope that Ming can bestow some unused swords, guns and weapons to the Oala tribe, so that the warriors of the Oara tribe can take the weapons given by Daming and follow them to conquer the Tatar tribe. "

After Mahamu finished speaking, he carefully looked at Zhu Yunxi who was leaning on the seat, not knowing what kind of attitude this young grandson of the Ming Emperor had towards the request of the Wara Department this time.

Fan Chong looked left and right, and said with a loud voice: "Why don't you talk about the business of cattle and sheep fur? Are you soft-footed horses in the Wara Department going to do the fur business?"

The soft-footed horse is now Mahamu's pain point.

He immediately glared and turned back to Fan Chong.

Zhu Yunxi patted his thigh lightly here, and said: "Gu said, Daming is only doing business now, not killing people. Swords and guns are things for conquest, and if they come out, they will only increase casualties.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were able to deal with the invasion of the Mongolian Tatars.If the Wala tribe was worried that they would be harassed by the Tatar tribe, the Ming Dynasty could send troops from Hamiwei to the north to garrison troops in the Tangluling area and build guards and fortresses. "

Tangluling (Tangnu Mountain) is in the north of Hamiwei, at the border of Wala and Tatar.

Stationing troops here and building guards and fortresses naturally means that they are being harassed by the current Tatar tribe of the Wala tribe.

Mahamu opened his mouth: "His Royal Highness..."

Zhu Yunxi raised his voice and said: "If Wala is still not at ease, the Ming army can continue to go north, go out to Tieliangguyan and station the army, and protect the safety of the Wala tribe."

An eager look appeared on Mahamu's face, and he spoke eagerly.

"His Royal Highness, this is impossible!"


Monthly ticket recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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