After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 102 A plug-in that allows players to help mine [seeking a monthly ticket]

Chapter 102 A plug-in that allows players to help mine [seeking a monthly ticket]

Snow-covered forest.

A thick layer of white snow has accumulated on the earth, and there are still snowflakes as big as goose feathers falling on the sky, it seems that these wind and snow will never melt.

"Justice's Backstab" stepped on the white snow with one foot deep and one shallow, and his heart was somewhat relaxed and freehand.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but now if he doesn't look at the white snow for a day, he still isn't used to it.

Since when did he gradually begin to like the feeling of walking in the snow?
Maybe it started from the day when I accidentally got stuck into a bug and solved a vortex of the underworld!

That was the highlight moment of "Backstab of Justice" that has fallen in love with it so far!

And the boots on his feet, which increased the movement speed by 15 points, made him even more obsessed, and once made him doubt that he could really walk on the snow without a trace.

However, there are fewer and fewer monsters in the snow-covered forest, and it is difficult for even him to hunt large monsters.

here is?
"Backstab of Justice" was stunned, but he never expected that he subconsciously came to the vicinity of supply point 175 again.

Obviously there is no prey around here!

Perhaps in his subconscious mind, he has already regarded this place as his lucky place!

"Backstab of Justice" smiled.

Among the tens of millions of reservations, getting an invitation code is the best he has ever done.

Among the thousands of European emperors, he was the only one who got stuck with a bug, which made him proud, and he could even boast for a lifetime.

This place is indeed his luck!

At this moment, "Backstab of Justice" rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Why did he feel as if he saw a girl in a JK skirt?

How can it be?

It's a world of ice and snow here, and there is no JK skirt in the world of dawn.

"Backstab of Justice" rubbed his eyes, and looked into the distance again, but there was nothing there.

He smiled, feeling a little dazed.

At this moment, "Backstab of Justice" suddenly froze, and then smiled.

But there is a feeling of seeing the finale of a TV series, and the last obsession in my heart is also let go.


On top of the white snow, he saw a bunch of flame chrysanthemums!
Flaming chrysanthemum in the capital of dawn represents mourning, implying the sunny and pure land of bliss, and has the meaning of extradition of souls.

Obviously, this bouquet of flame chrysanthemums would not appear here for no reason, it should have been placed by Knight Olena Beatrice.

Thinking of his "illusion" just now, "Justice's backstab" laughed even more in surprise!
This female knight recently ordered a set of JK skirts, right? !
Really. Well done!

Inexplicably touched!
As for Olina's thoughts, he could completely guess, nothing more than wanting his father to see her real grown-up appearance. Just like the appearance in the photo that his father saw!
It's quite dishonest!
At this moment, "Backstab of Justice" suddenly saw that there seemed to be something shining under the bunch of flame chrysanthemums.

Is this a seal?
"Backstab of Justice" was very curious.

Except for seeing the sealing technique of the sealing class when opening the server, I have never seen the sealing technique after that.

Didn't expect to see it again now!
Is Olina Knight hoping that this bouquet of flame chrysanthemums will never wither?
"Backstab of Justice" looked at the surrounding white snow, and felt that the common sense of the earth limited his imagination.

In such a icy and snowy environment, to keep a bouquet of flowers blooming undefeated, how magical should the sealing technique be?
"come over!"

At this moment, "Backstab of Justice" heard a call.

He thought it was an illusion at first, but soon he heard the call again.

And the source of the call is this sealing technique!
"Justice's Backstab" was amazed.

Following the instructions of the call, he walked over step by step, and then stretched out his palm towards the bunch of sealed flame chrysanthemums.

Since it was a game world, "Backstab of Justice" didn't think too much about it.

Even if something happened, it might trigger a hidden mission, or get stuck in a bug.

For these, the "backstab of justice" is even more desirable.

Just as he stretched his hands towards the sealed flame chrysanthemum, a pop-up window popped up in the system.

I saw that it was written on the pop-up window——

[Thanks to the knight Olina Beatrice, [Thirteen rounds of flame chrysanthemum seal technique]. 】

[Explanation of the technique: The sealing method passed down from generation to generation by the Beatrice family has been improved after Olina's modification. 】

[Use a special technique to condense thirteen rounds of petal flame patterns, and imprison and seal a gluttonous insect egg unique to the underworld with flame patterns. 】

[After starting to practice this sealing method, you need to consume a lot of energy to feed the larvae every day. If the larvae are not full, they will continue to release hunger signals and induce the host to eat a lot.After the larvae hatch, they will continue to grow, and their requirements for food quality will increase step by step. 】

[As the larva grows, the gluttonous insects will absorb a large amount of energy from the underworld. Under the transformation of the flame patterns, these energies will gradually converge with the energy in the host body, and in turn transform the host's physique. 】

[When the gluttonous insect enters the mature stage, it will instinctively extract the energy of the underworld in a large area to prepare for reproduction, and the flame pattern cage can effectively curb the reproduction of the gluttonous insect, and convert the energy absorbed and stored by the gluttonous insect into its own energy. 】

[In the critical stage of the battle, a large amount of stored energy can be released in the form of withered petals, which greatly improves the combat effectiveness. 】

[However, in this process, it will also be eroded by the energy of the underworld in turn. When the thirteen petals of the flame pattern are completely withered, the host will be swallowed by the gluttonous insect in an instant. 】

[Skill evaluation: Accumulate a little to make a lot, gather sand to make a tower.Accumulate at ordinary times, call at critical moments, high-yield and high-risk spells. 】

【Do you choose to study? 】

"Backstab of Justice" was stupefied for a short while, then it was ecstasy.

Good people have good rewards, there are still many good people in this world!

"Backstab of Justice" didn't even think about it, and chose to accept it directly.

As for the price, isn't it just to eat more food!
How can you become stronger without krypton gold?

What's more, just eating can make you stronger!

At this moment, "Backstab of Justice" once had the feeling that he was the protagonist.

If it were written as a light novel, it would probably be——I was reincarnated in another world, the beautiful girl at the beginning gave me a gluttony bug, as long as I eat, I can become stronger!

After "Backstab of Justice" chose to accept it, the thirteen sealed flame chrysanthemums suddenly turned into a large number of mantras, and then directly climbed up his body.

In an instant, "Backstab of Righteousness" saw countless incantations running continuously under his skin, like fiery red cursed snakes, full of an extremely ominous aura.

Fortunately, these changes came and went quickly. After just over ten seconds, the fiery red snakes shrank rapidly, and finally gathered on the back of his hand.

In the end, it condensed into a very small flaming chrysanthemum bone.

Seeing this flower bone, "Justice's Backstab" feels comfortable no matter how you look at it.

It's time for him to fully rise from now on!

The next moment, "Backstab of Justice" felt a strong sense of hunger.

Is it so exaggerated?

The 100th floor of the Tower of the Sun.

The book of rules was suspended, and the sealing technique "Thirteen Rounds of Flaming Chrysanthemum Sealing Technique" suddenly appeared on the latest page.

"Backstab of Justice" has learned this method, which naturally means that he has fully mastered this method.

After a little deduction, Rhodes fully understood the principle potential and height of this method.

"It's an interesting technique, that little girl Olina is really a genius."

Rhodes has the book of rules, as long as energy is consumed, it is almost equivalent to omniscience and omnipotence.

Usually reading the books sealed on the taboo floor of the Tower of the Sun almost made up for his shortcomings.

Because of this, he didn't have a strong desire to learn spells and the like, and he didn't intend to spy on the spells of the knights in Dawn City.

And today "Backstab of Justice" learned this method through the game system he created, and Rhodes also passively learned this method.

It also provided Rhodes with some new ideas!

For things like energy, he is actually very short.

".Maybe we can use this method to leverage the energy of the earth faster!"

Rhodes by analogy, began to think about the possibility of installing a small plug-in for each player, and then using the players to help him "mine".

If you just become a little bit more edible without getting fat at all, the players must be happy.

For the material-rich modern people, overnutrition and obesity have always been a big worry.

A physique that won't get fat no matter how much you eat, is definitely the envy of everyone!

Rhodes thought for a while, and immediately began to deduce.

As a true god with a bottom line, he doesn't want this method to cause any hidden dangers to the players.

Massive divine power burned, and Rhodes immediately performed a high-dimensional calculation.

After about ten seconds or so, Rhodes opened his eyes again.

At the same time, a special divine script composed of his rules and powers appeared in front of him.

Seeing this divine inscription, Rhodes smiled immediately.

In the future, a large number of players will help him mine together, and he will no longer have to grab the energy of the galaxy universe bit by bit like a child wielding a sledgehammer.

After the energy is rich, there are many things he can do!
for example.

Starch is made from carbon dioxide.

Just this alone, he can feed more people.

Completely start the public beta, that is also possible!

Of course, this consumption is still a bit large.

But he can also settle for the next best thing, for example, make the land more fertile and produce more food, and produce higher-yielding varieties in batches.

Thinking of this, Rhodes couldn't wait!

"My lovely little ones, it's time for a system upgrade!"

time flies.

Soon it was around six thirty in the afternoon.

All the players heard the official system announcement at the same time.

[Dear Braves: The completion of the second act of the world mission "The Ultimate Food" has reached 100%, and the second act is complete. 】

[All the top ten players on the ranking list will also receive the permanent title of "Gourmet Hunter", with an extra reward of 30 Saint Quartz, 500 extra points, and 3 free attribute points. 】

[All the top three players on the leaderboard will simultaneously receive the permanent title of "Demon Hunter", with an extra reward of 50 Saint Quartz, 1000 extra points, and 5 free attribute points. 】

[The player who tops the leaderboard will receive the exclusive title "Gold Medal Demon Hunter" permanent title, an additional reward of 100 Saint Quartz, 2000 extra points, 10 free attribute points, a five-star protection, and a silver weapon. 】

[Congratulations to all brave men, the third act of the world quest Valhari's Eternal Feast is about to begin. 】

[Specific tasks and details will be announced after the version is updated. I wish you all a happy game. 】

All the players who saw the game announcement were stunned at the same time.

Act two done?

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer monsters in the snow-covered forest, and two weeks have passed, they also have some psychological expectations for the completion of the second act of the world quest.

But the sudden announcement still made them a little confused.

As for the reward Gulu for the top ten on the leaderboard, they were so envious and stupid!
This really is a winner takes all!
The reward of the second act alone is enough to widen the huge gap in their strength!
Especially the number one on the leaderboard, that's a huge win!

Looking at the full-body photos of the top three players on the leaderboard, their eyes turned red with envy for a moment!
long sky.

Pumpkin man.

Internet tyrant.

"Backstab of Justice" stared blankly at the huge full-length photo of "Internet Tyrant", and couldn't believe it for a moment.

What did the "Internet Tyrant" guy do, why did he suddenly steal his home?
And "Long Sky", hasn't he and the club guild been hovering in the top seven recently?
Why did he suddenly go straight to the first place?
"Backstab of Justice" suddenly felt that the inheritance he had just obtained was not so fragrant anymore!

Soon, all the players understood the truth of the matter at the same time.

World Channel has one more video as last time.

That was the scene of Sky and the players of the club, allocating time to hunt and maintain the points ranking, while doing everything possible to attack the wild boss Ice Snow White Jade Scorpion!

After watching this whole scene, "Backstab of Justice" is a little silly.

Allocate a lot of time every day to attack wild bosses, and still maintain the top ten rankings. What kind of monster is this?

Is there such a big gap between him and the top players? !
Even if they had little Irene to help, it wouldn't be the case, would it?

As for ordinary players, it was even more shocking.

Compared with the "righteous backstab" that is stronger in life, their feeling is "fucking", so this is what the master looks like!

I don't know what's going on, it's terrifying!
So much so that they no longer have the intention to compare with Changkong. The gap is really too big!

As for the "Internet Tyrant", everyone witnessed the birth of a scheming rat.

This guy not only killed the gluttonous rabbits to the point of extermination, but also strangled a large number of small monsters.

Wherever the "Internet Tyrant" has passed, it is as if a dog would be slapped a few times, and an iron rooster would give a few feathers with tears in his eyes.

The most important thing is that "Internet Tyrant" is very, very controllable.

He mastered a small supply point, hoarding a large amount of prey every day without exchanging it, so that on the last day, he directly gave the "Backstab of Justice" to the thief.

The most ruthless thing is that the "Internet Tyrant" just pressed the corpse of a musk deer king without redeeming it, and watched one player after another pressing him and stepping on him in terms of points.

It's a wolf!

The players gasped again!
Without a snack machine and skills, he really doesn't even deserve to play a game!

(End of this chapter)

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